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[Rhea] Introducing the Bowhead

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Medalyn Isis
#101 - 2014-11-10 14:26:02 UTC
350k ehp, according to my suicide ganking spreadsheet at least, would take about 1 billion isk of Talos's, or 20 to 30 catalysts to take it down in a 0.5 system.

I guess it depends what you are looking at having it transport though, if it is 3 faction or T2 battleships then I would think ehp should be higher. Perhaps 500k ehp would be a nice number.
Lidia Caderu
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#102 - 2014-11-10 14:29:29 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Darirol wrote:
why do all those industrial ships have a speed bonus?

Because travel speed is one of the most important characteristics for haulers. Capacity, gank resilience and travel speed are basically it.

gaming is not a crime
#103 - 2014-11-10 14:30:19 UTC  |  Edited by: CopyCatz
At what skill level is the 3 battleship mark met? It would be nice if level 4 of the new skill would enable 1.5m hangar capacity. Training up freighters to lvl 5 has been a real pita in the past, and since most lvl5 reqs usually get toned down to 4 later on it would be nice in this case also. EHP could be a bit higher; mobile missioners will be carrying at least 2 marauders in the bowhead, raising loot value well over 2B. With about 1B in gank ships needed this is way too profitable.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#104 - 2014-11-10 14:30:21 UTC
The limiting factor of a siege is the number of people and the number of hulls.

Still being able to put into c1 through c4 space, what is essentially a freighter, is not a good idea in my opinion.

They have options already, though c5 and c6 would be interesting.


Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#105 - 2014-11-10 14:32:46 UTC
Who ganks for profit anymore, though? I've seen ganks on tank-fit Charons not carrying anything. P

Also, pre-empting the people who are going to complain about the fatigue bonus it gets, if you're concerned about people moving ships en masse with these to staging systems, they don't carry very many ships. You'd need tons of these for a single fleet.
Dave stark
#106 - 2014-11-10 14:32:51 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Darirol wrote:
why do all those industrial ships have a speed bonus?

Because travel speed is one of the most important characteristics for haulers. Capacity, gank resilience and travel speed are basically it.

not sure "travel speed" means what you think it means, rise.
Suicide Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2014-11-10 14:32:53 UTC
All in All I like it.

I would like to see an extra mid, putting it more in line with an Orca.. Seeing as how it doesn't have highs or drones.. So 0/4/3.
Love that the HP is getting a buff.
Love that the speed bonus might be changed for an agility bonus.. though Warpspeed would be <3

Would like to see a little more Cargo.. Really don't want to have to carry around Industrial(s) in the main bay just to haul around more ammo.. I'd rather see 6-8000.. Or add a Corp Hangar like an Orca has with a few thousand m3..

All in all though I like it :)
Dave stark
#108 - 2014-11-10 14:34:38 UTC
CopyCatz wrote:
At what skill level is the 3 battleship mark met? It would be nice if level 4 of the new skill would enable 1.5m hangar capacity. Training up freighters to lvl 5 has been a real pita in the past, and since most lvl5 reqs usually get toned down to 4 later on it would be nice in this case also. EHP could be a bit higher; mobile missioners will be carrying at least 2 marauders in the bowhead, raising loot value well over 2B. With about 1B in gank ships needed this is way too profitable.

level IV of the skill gets you 1.56m m3 if my maths is correct.
Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#109 - 2014-11-10 14:36:13 UTC
Viscis Breeze wrote:
What an ironic ship, so its main role is to move fitted catalysts to choke points so that it can be ganked by them!

You do realize that you can already move 1,1mil m3 of fitted catalyst using freighter and courier contract?
Arla Sarain
#110 - 2014-11-10 14:38:31 UTC
Lidia Caderu wrote:
5% bonus to max velocity per level

What is that for?

The time constant, and hence acceleration, depend on max velocity. Whilst for any velocity the time constant is the same, accelerating quickly and then having someone apply webs to drop your max speed and hence the warp speed threshold means you warp out faster.

Basically faster speed means you accelerate faster. At a certain point if your max speed is dropped you end up above the warp threshold. This brings you to that point quicker.

Still, too much effort and too ambiguous in the grand scheme of things.
Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#111 - 2014-11-10 14:40:43 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Alright, we're talking about it here and think there's probably no good reason not to raise the HP some. Where do you guys think it needs to be to make say, three t2 fit BS, inefficient to gank?

And you're right about afk travel vs active travel, switching to agility to support align time sounds good to me.

good change.

as for HP I think that 3 t2 bs'es with t2 rigs (faction fit travel in separate much safer transport i presume) should be a baseline, so assuming 1-2 of the three drops (if drop is fixed at all) thats 1-2b drop and 4b tears. sooo 2b worth of taloses of damage in ehp please?
Dave stark
#112 - 2014-11-10 14:42:00 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Alright, we're talking about it here and think there's probably no good reason not to raise the HP some. Where do you guys think it needs to be to make say, three t2 fit BS, inefficient to gank?

And you're right about afk travel vs active travel, switching to agility to support align time sounds good to me.

there's no need for this thing to exceed 400k ehp with a full tank fit. no need what so ever. If people want to stuff 3bn isk worth of marauder hulls in it... well they deserve what they get.

however changing the velocity bonus would be very welcome, i'm not even sure an align time bonus would be that much more helpful if you can fit an MWD to it anyway.
I'd rather a warp speed bonus, than an align time bonus.
brotherhood of desman
#113 - 2014-11-10 14:42:43 UTC

Says "we aren’t really worried about hitting anything outside of the high-sec application",
gives it 90% reduction in jump fatigue generation.

In other words, "We nerfed jump bridges but we feel bad so use this to move your ships with much less fatigue".
For reference 1.6 Mill m3 is 96 fitted harpies, and yes I used harpies for a specific reason.
Dave stark
#114 - 2014-11-10 14:44:29 UTC
Slevin-Kelevra wrote:

Says "we aren’t really worried about hitting anything outside of the high-sec application",
gives it 90% reduction in jump fatigue generation.

In other words, "We nerfed jump bridges but we feel bad so use this to move your ships with much less fatigue".
For reference 1.6 Mill m3 is 96 fitted harpies, and yes I used harpies for a specific reason.

so what you're saying is that if everyone buys one of these ships they can carry like 80+ harpies to every deployment and there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to join every harpyfleet ping and move them where they're needed very rapidly due to the role bonus?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#115 - 2014-11-10 14:44:58 UTC
the 400-500k range seems much more favourable to seeing this getting used, as opposed to just following the current methods, pilot the battleships, or freighter haul hulls.

However, I'm still confused about something; if you want to encourage the players to escort and defend their industrials, why do you then make this ship hull tanked? There are no effective remote hull repair ships for high sec (assuming you had capital remotes for your carrier, and even that isnt efficient) , but if this had its primary hp in shields, then at least a gang of logistics would be able to defend it against heavy dps, without slave implant sets blowing the hp out of proportion. Opens up options.
Max Kolonko
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#116 - 2014-11-10 14:46:44 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Lidia Caderu wrote:
5% bonus to max velocity per level

What is that for?

The time constant, and hence acceleration, depend on max velocity. Whilst for any velocity the time constant is the same, accelerating quickly and then having someone apply webs to drop your max speed and hence the warp speed threshold means you warp out faster.

Basically faster speed means you accelerate faster. At a certain point if your max speed is dropped you end up above the warp threshold. This brings you to that point quicker.

Still, too much effort and too ambiguous in the grand scheme of things.

No, I don't think You understand how it works.

Max speed have no correlation with align time. You can put all overdrives in the world into the ship and align time will stay the same. Same goes for webbing - it reduces not by fixed amount but by percentage, so it does not matter what is your max speed at all.

Align time is function of MASS and INERTIA. As long as mass stays the same and inertia stays the same the ship will accelerate at the same rate in relation to your max speed. Modules like nanofibers, inertia stabs, plates, microwarpdrives, afterburners all change mass and/or inertia of your ship - therefore affecting your align time.

brotherhood of desman
#117 - 2014-11-10 14:47:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Slevin-Kelevra
Dave Stark wrote:
Slevin-Kelevra wrote:

Says "we aren’t really worried about hitting anything outside of the high-sec application",
gives it 90% reduction in jump fatigue generation.

In other words, "We nerfed jump bridges but we feel bad so use this to move your ships with much less fatigue".
For reference 1.6 Mill m3 is 96 fitted harpies, and yes I used harpies for a specific reason.

so what you're saying is that if everyone buys one of these ships they can carry like 80+ harpies to every deployment and there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to join every harpyfleet ping and move them where they're needed very rapidly due to the role bonus?

Yes, You need a few guys with these and you can move your 200 man harpy blob to anywhere in New Eden with tiny amounts of fatigue. GG CCP nerf something and then create a solution straight away,
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#118 - 2014-11-10 14:49:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Arden Elenduil
Max Kolonko wrote:

Max speed have no correlation with align time. You can put all overdrives in the world into the ship and align time will stay the same. Same goes for webbing - it reduces not by fixed amount but by percentage, so it does not matter what is your max speed at all.

Actually, webbing into warp does work, quite well even. It's simply that you let a ship build up a certain amount of speed (doesn't need much), slap a double web on it and that reduces the max velocity in such a way, that the ship is already at the required 3 quarters of max speed threshold of slipping into warp by virtue of having that tiny little period of unwebbed acceleration(try it out if you don't believe me).
Anonymous Forumposter
State War Academy
Caldari State
#119 - 2014-11-10 14:52:20 UTC
Slevin-Kelevra wrote:
Yes, You need a few guys with these and you can move your 200 man harpy blob to anywhere in New Eden with tiny amounts of fatigue. GG CCP nerf something and then create a solution straight away,

You have to put all your eggs in one basket to do so.

CCP is hoping to encourage strikes at choke points as evidenced by the push to use stargates more. A good portion of the complaints made by people about these types of changes always seem to neglect geographical strategy.
#120 - 2014-11-10 14:53:49 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
I have in-game fitting window showing around 350k EHP with a DCU II, 2x reinforced bulkheads II, 3x Transverse bulkhead I

This is in the same range as tank-oriented freighters - I'm sure people using the hauler would want as much as possible but this range should be reasonable, yes?

No just no.
It has the same EHP as an Orca if you put a similar tank on it.
So how about you put a similar tank an Orca and put three hulks in it and make a run from the north to Jita through Amarr to a southern jump off point and see how far you get.

Once the needed changes to ship maintenance arrays come in no one will be using them outside of deep blue SOV space.
It is a good idea but useless in practice.

Ask yourself why orcas have fallen out of favor for ship transport