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Today's patch killed my Eve.

Crazy Buddy
#1 - 2011-12-14 17:09:32 UTC
Ok so when I tried to log in this morning, it was a bit after the downtime, I got some terrible error launching Eve, saying that I had invalid protocol, that the game needed to remove some previous patch in order to work.
I accepted the tooltip saying that the repair.exe will have to be run, and then finally when I launched Eve again, I had the patch notification pop up.
I downloaded the patch, and -as each time for the 3 last patches issued- the download process went wrong and it had to launch the repair.exe once more.

Finally the game seemed to be up to date. I launched Eve, and every time I did that, I got the Crucible window opening, but then, nothing happened. i tried running safe mode, running as admin (Win 7), but nothing worked. A process Eve.exe did appear in my task manager but the game didn't launch.

I didn't want to post here, so I uninstalled the game first, and downloaded it fully once more.
The install went wrong -as always- during extracting files, and the repair tool seemed to correct the errors.

Now I have Eve which seems to be correctly installed (no error from the repair.exe), but when I try to launch it, I have the Crucible window, but then ... black screen as Eve window... I see the Eve cursor but the screen stays black for ever.

I have win 7, and yesterday the game worked perfectly fine.

Any clue of what i should be doing to make it work ?
Rote Kapelle
#2 - 2011-12-14 18:20:18 UTC
Yeah same problem for me but I can't run the repair.exe because the latest version of Norton Internet Security blocks the file for "suspicious behavior - HIGH risk"
Crazy Buddy
#3 - 2011-12-14 18:34:19 UTC
Funny thing is, the black screen I have when launching the game makes possible to press escape and have the Eve options open up... But nothing I can change on this makes the game working...
Rote Kapelle
#4 - 2011-12-14 19:01:51 UTC
Well I'm re-downloading. Not amused CCP not amused....
#5 - 2011-12-14 19:08:47 UTC
First things to try, manually clear everything that will allow you to delete it from [user profile dir]\LocalSettings\temp. Make sure you have view hidden and view system files enabled, some things are hiding :P

Then there is also a cache folder. It should be something like [user profile dir]\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\[drive]_[folder]_eve_tranquility\cache or something similar, empty the contents of that folder, or delete it all together. That will effectively clear your cache. Sometimes it fixes a broken patcher. Becareful what you delete though, you could delete your settings and have to redo all those again if you accidentally delete more than the cache folder. If you don't care, then just delete the whole folder above the cache folder and that should reset everything for you.

Empty out the [user profile dir]\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\downloads folder before attempting to patch again as well.

I had a very similar issue with my laptop, after getting rid of the CCP folder in appdata, my laptop started to patch normally again.

Crazy Buddy
#6 - 2011-12-14 21:37:05 UTC
Thanks a lot for your help.

I tried to manually clear all the cache, it did'nt work, then I deleted all settings, download content, actually all files related to EVE, and launched the repair.exe, which gave me an authorisation error: I ran it again in admin mode and the repair wennt al the way without crashing.
Now my game seems to launch, even though I have to wait like 5 big seconds before the login screen appears (first I have this stressing black screen :p ).

Thanks again for your advices Barakkus :)