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Can we have an option to hide the Compass?

First post
Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#41 - 2014-11-09 02:34:52 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Adrie Atticus wrote:
CCP Explorer wrote:
Jur Tissant wrote:
CCP introduces feature A, includes toggle A.

CCP introduces feature B, includes toggle B.


CCP introduces feature X, includes toggle X.

and so forth. The UI and config menus are already tricky enough to work out, thorough customization controls would just make it more of a clustered nuisance. I bet if you turn off all the markers you won't even notice the compass given a week or two.
This is indeed the crux of the matter. We want to offer the ability to customize features and sometimes when appropriate hide them but that is not always the best approach. Always including the option to wholesale turn off features makes it difficult for us to maintain a consistent experience.
What if the experience is something which is not embraced by users due to the design being flawed (see Windows 8)?
If we were to see a reaction similar to the reaction triggered by the removal of the start button in Windows 8 I'm sure we would re-evaluate.

Just to aid your point of view. At first the compass annoyed me, but now I think it's really well designed (even with indicators for whether I should move my view up or down to see a marker in space? That's amazing.)

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2014-11-09 03:25:27 UTC  |  Edited by: 13kr1d1
baltec1 wrote:
Tavin Aikisen wrote:

Could not agree more. But of course if you say anything to contrary to the current popular option, you're apparently just a "self-entitled" player.

A 2D compass in a 3D area is USELESS. In some systems there are so many blips on the compass that the entire thing looks like a rainbow. It provides no information.

Thats because you are either not using it right or you want it to be useless. If the compass points down its behind you, it aint hard to figure it out.

Please listen. There's no poles, so it doesn't matter. A green dot is a green dot, and the more of them, the less valuable the "compass" is. If you open the system map it doesn't conform to a top-down view of the way you're facing in space, either, so facing a certain direction with a compass before opening system map is useless, and being able to look at something far away in space is useless if you're trying to get there by using the compass. Furthermore, if it's something that shows up in your bookmarks or probe scanner, you can easily warp to it from there. The "compass" provides no useful information that improve anything in any way.

I'd like one person to post saying how the compass has improved their ability to locate anything.

baltec1 wrote:
13kr1d1 wrote:

Just my opinion but being brazenly callous to customer's wishes is bad for business and maybe that's why Eve subs have dropped from 50k to 25k players on at a time. The internet has done some good, in that the dirty laundry of businesses (such as Burn Jita) clings forever now.

First you should look up just how badly you got it wrong on sub numbers just now.

On a whim, I relogged just to check the numbers of people currently playing. Yep, 25k, Exactly what I said. Not "join 50k other pilots", "join 25k other pilots". Thanks for your concern, though.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#43 - 2014-11-09 03:34:35 UTC
13kr1d1 wrote:

Please listen. There's no poles, so it doesn't matter. A green dot is a green dot, and the more of them, the less valuable the "compass" is. If you open the system map it doesn't conform to a top-down view of the way you're facing in space, either, so facing a certain direction with a compass before opening system map is useless, and being able to look at something far away in space is useless if you're trying to get there by using the compass. Furthermore, if it's something that shows up in your bookmarks or probe scanner, you can easily warp to it from there. The "compass" provides no useful information that improve anything in any way.

I'd like one person to post saying how the compass has improved their ability to locate anything.

Locating anoms to warp to slightly faster to catch targets.

All thats coming across from posts such as yours is whining for the sake of whining.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#44 - 2014-11-09 03:35:52 UTC
13kr1d1 wrote:

On a whim, I relogged just to check the numbers of people currently playing. Yep, 25k, Exactly what I said. Not "join 50k other pilots", "join 25k other pilots". Thanks for your concern, though.

Thats not subs.

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2014-11-09 03:48:28 UTC  |  Edited by: 13kr1d1
baltec1 wrote:
13kr1d1 wrote:

On a whim, I relogged just to check the numbers of people currently playing. Yep, 25k, Exactly what I said. Not "join 50k other pilots", "join 25k other pilots". Thanks for your concern, though.

Thats not subs.

maybe that's why Eve subs have dropped from 50k to 25k playerson at a time.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#46 - 2014-11-09 03:58:10 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
13kr1d1 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
13kr1d1 wrote:

On a whim, I relogged just to check the numbers of people currently playing. Yep, 25k, Exactly what I said. Not "join 50k other pilots", "join 25k other pilots". Thanks for your concern, though.

Thats not subs.

maybe that's why Eve subs have dropped from 50k to 25k playerson at a time.

42,421 users were online at one point in the last 24 hours.

Also sending me personal insults via mails will not stop me from calling you out on your bullshit.
ScorpyX Neoris
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2014-11-09 06:04:10 UTC  |  Edited by: ScorpyX Neoris
  • all new in-space signature is good (bookmarks win-win of course)
  • compass actually useful tool BUT - i just want option to hide it then i want
  • ( because compass is not needed for any activity - only some)
    Mr Epeen
    It's All About Me
    #48 - 2014-11-09 06:38:30 UTC
    baltec1 wrote:

    Also sending me personal insults via mails will not stop me from calling you out on your bullshit.

    I don't get those mails much these days. But then, I'm not as aggravatingly dense as you are.

    Mr Epeen Cool
    Erin Crawford
    #49 - 2014-11-09 07:07:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
    baltec1 wrote:
    42,421 users were online at one point in the last 24 hours.

    That number isn't too bad actually.
    Just remembered that last weekend the numbers hit the top end of 40k. Big smile

    p.s. I really like the compass! Big smile

    "Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #50 - 2014-11-09 07:50:19 UTC
    CCP Explorer wrote:
    Adrie Atticus wrote:
    CCP Explorer wrote:
    Jur Tissant wrote:
    CCP introduces feature A, includes toggle A.

    CCP introduces feature B, includes toggle B.


    CCP introduces feature X, includes toggle X.

    and so forth. The UI and config menus are already tricky enough to work out, thorough customization controls would just make it more of a clustered nuisance. I bet if you turn off all the markers you won't even notice the compass given a week or two.
    This is indeed the crux of the matter. We want to offer the ability to customize features and sometimes when appropriate hide them but that is not always the best approach. Always including the option to wholesale turn off features makes it difficult for us to maintain a consistent experience.
    What if the experience is something which is not embraced by users due to the design being flawed (see Windows 8)?
    If we were to see a reaction similar to the reaction triggered by the removal of the start button in Windows 8 I'm sure we would re-evaluate.

    Microsoft's thought process going into Windows 8 has been seriously concerning. I have windows 7 on both my computers, and there's a lot of functionality missing from windows xp, that tempts me to reinstall back to xp.
    Primary This Rifter
    Mutual Fund of the Something
    #51 - 2014-11-09 08:12:07 UTC
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    baltec1 wrote:

    Also sending me personal insults via mails will not stop me from calling you out on your bullshit.

    I don't get those mails much these days. But then, I'm not as aggravatingly dense as you are.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    Says the densest person on the forums.
    Hedion University
    Amarr Empire
    #52 - 2014-11-09 09:34:01 UTC
    Primary This Rifter wrote:
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    baltec1 wrote:

    Also sending me personal insults via mails will not stop me from calling you out on your bullshit.

    I don't get those mails much these days. But then, I'm not as aggravatingly dense as you are.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    Says the densest person on the forums.

    Everyone's giving the goon troll what he wants, derailment of thread.

    Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

    Adrie Atticus
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #53 - 2014-11-09 10:27:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Adrie Atticus
    CCP Explorer wrote:
    Adrie Atticus wrote:
    CCP Explorer wrote:
    Jur Tissant wrote:
    CCP introduces feature A, includes toggle A.

    CCP introduces feature B, includes toggle B.


    CCP introduces feature X, includes toggle X.

    and so forth. The UI and config menus are already tricky enough to work out, thorough customization controls would just make it more of a clustered nuisance. I bet if you turn off all the markers you won't even notice the compass given a week or two.
    This is indeed the crux of the matter. We want to offer the ability to customize features and sometimes when appropriate hide them but that is not always the best approach. Always including the option to wholesale turn off features makes it difficult for us to maintain a consistent experience.
    What if the experience is something which is not embraced by users due to the design being flawed (see Windows 8)?
    If we were to see a reaction similar to the reaction triggered by the removal of the start button in Windows 8 I'm sure we would re-evaluate.

    Backlash isn't the reason Windows 8 is an issue, it's the lack of adaptation. People are not willing to go over and in a subscription system it means people might stop playing if you change (or remove features) it too much.

    The new UI isn't about reducing functionality and that's exactly what we want from a new UI. Currently it's about removing customization options and in the current reincarnation it's close to unusable with lots of wasted space which we could use to display information because "pretty", "military" and "futuristic". Being not able to see information because you want transpoarency in the windows means we are losing functionality. It doesn't mean people don't want the new graphical settings, it just means we don't want ot lose usability due to "pretty".

    Just as a general question, when is the last time you've used software designed for military and espeically combat for an extended period of time and gone "THIS LOOKS SO DAMN PRETTY!"? The software is 95% of time built for a certain purpose with all the relevant information displayed in the least cluttered way with the least possible space wasted. Graphical flares are not needed to make pretty paddings, they're not used if they distract the user from the actual information. If you want to use "militaristic look" argument, the current TQ UI outside of the Neocom icons is way closer than what is currently online on SiSi.

    Secondary plea: poke your web team to fix the forums closing connection, this is getting ridiculous with hacing to clear cache and cookies every single day just to get the forums working.
    Ferni Ka'Nviiou
    #54 - 2014-11-09 10:34:13 UTC
    CCP Explorer wrote:
    We want to offer the ability to customize features and sometimes when appropriate hide them but that is not always the best approach. Always including the option to wholesale turn off features makes it difficult for us to maintain a consistent experience.

    I would like to think that a consistent experience can be maintained, and still satisfy those who don't particularly like the compass in its current state.

    Ideally, the visibility for the compass markers should be separate from the sensor overlay.

    I would like full transparency for the compass, but that's simply unreasonable for the moment.
    Bat Country
    Pandemic Horde
    #55 - 2014-11-09 11:26:36 UTC
    13kr1d1 wrote:
    Primary This Rifter wrote:
    Mr Epeen wrote:
    baltec1 wrote:

    Also sending me personal insults via mails will not stop me from calling you out on your bullshit.

    I don't get those mails much these days. But then, I'm not as aggravatingly dense as you are.

    Mr Epeen Cool

    Says the densest person on the forums.

    Everyone's giving the goon troll what he wants, derailment of thread.

    This thread became worthless the moment people started trying to say it was causing people to want to vomit and tried to connect it to some made up numbers on concurrent players being down.
    Ferni Ka'Nviiou
    #56 - 2014-11-09 11:47:17 UTC
    baltec1 wrote:
    This thread became worthless the moment people started trying to say it was causing people to want to vomit and tried to connect it to some made up numbers on concurrent players being down.

    Amongst all the bullshit, there are still some good posts with valid points.
    I'd like to see the new UI improvements be discussed more, so I would recommend finding another thread if you can't be bothered contributing to the point.
    Tavin Aikisen
    Phoenix Naval Operations
    Phoenix Naval Systems
    #57 - 2014-11-09 12:09:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tavin Aikisen
    baltec1 wrote:
    [quote=Tavin Aikisen]
    behind you, it aint hard to figure it out.

    Behind me.... and still anywhere within 180 degrees "vertical" and mixed in with the saturation of radar blips that makes it impossible to distinguish anything useful.

    "Behind you" means nothing in this sort of environment. The compass only directs you on one plane. There is still another that isn't represented.

    "Remember this. Trust your eyes, you will kill each other. Trust your veins, you can all go home."

    -Cold Wind

    Bohemian Veterans
    Pandemic Horde
    #58 - 2014-11-09 12:34:28 UTC
    I find the compass good, thanks ccp
    Steve Wingyip
    #59 - 2014-11-09 14:57:43 UTC
    Doc Fury wrote:
    CCP Explorer wrote:
    Doc Fury wrote:
    CCP has already stated that having options like this is a "cop-out".

    After much reflection on this, I have determined that "cop-out" in Icelandic must mean: "too hard"
    I can confirm that this is wrong. Smile

    Good. That means you should have no problem giving us the option to turn off your nausea-inducing camera-swinging jump animation right?

    Because "cop-out" isn't a valid or meaningful response or even a decent excuse when you've got a near-100 page thread going where people are just asking for options. That leaves difficulty or ego as the reason you won't do it, and you just basically stated it's not because it's too hard. Big smile

    You could always blame a lack of options due to everything being tied to the POS code.

    Remember that the current jump animations have different load times. (Depending on distance) Where as previously they were all the same. Allowing a toggle means increasing the load times for those with the animation turned off.

    The stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they're watching over me.

    Bagrat Skalski
    Koinuun Kotei
    #60 - 2014-11-09 15:17:53 UTC
    I dont see the point of this compass I use only the 3 D map of solar system when doing exploration, sometimes I dont even close it during the fight, I have to scan another place meantime, when managing the drones.