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Intergalactic Summit

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It has been some >>time.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#101 - 2014-11-07 19:50:40 UTC
Rena Senn wrote:
Anslo wrote:
No. Some of us just like pissing people like you off.

If by pissing off you mean die in a fire so that people like me can come pick up the pieces and sell them back to you, then sure, aim for the wind.

There are two types of combat pilot, Ma'am. One of those flies a ridiculously overspecced gilded loot blimp of the sort that causes PTSD and rage when lost. The other sort truly could not care less for the scraps of the warships we fly.

If you can make any sort of living scraping up the pieces left behind when my 3 million isk Kestrel pops, then be my guest. There are so many of you willing to service my need to fit out a replacement (which I do in batches of five to ten, usually) that I doubt you have the power to economically gouge me.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Mizhara Del'thul
#102 - 2014-11-07 19:53:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Mizhara Del'thul
@Makoto Priano

However much I'd love to go back and turn his freighter into so much space debris, it'd be dishonest to say Tukoss was directly responsible for the destruction of Ishukone vessels. Ishukone vessels intercepted and attempted to blockade a vastly superior force, after repeated and clear warnings that aggression would be responded to in kind. They were given (repeatedly) the option of leaving peacefully.

In an act of what can only be described as either suicide or incredible stupidity, they fired upon the freighter while countless weapons were locked on and ready to end them within seconds. What followed should not require any in-detail explanation.

The Ishukone vessels that went down that day were commanded by what I can only assume is either Diana Kim levels of suicidal zealots or monumentally stupid people with no grasp on tactical situations. The destruction could have been avoided entirely and Hilen Tukoss, to his credit, never even mentioned destroying those vessels in his communication with the escort fleet.

As I was the one responding to his calls for escort assistance in the Electus Matari comms channel and subsequently arranged for aid from Altaen, the finest fleet commander in EM (at the time, obviously) and various other pilots, I'll take responsibility for the unfortunately successful escort of Tukoss and the destruction of the hostiles along the way.

The approval of certain Republic entities at the time made this seem like a worthy cause to pursue, but it quickly became apparent that I had made the second greatest mistake of my capsuleer career. Nonetheless, I did what I considered to be right knowing what I did at the time and the responsibility remains, regrets or not.

I'll kill him on sight and Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive won't find me standing in the way should they decide to do something similar, but it should be for the crimes he did commit, not for those simply laid at his feet.
Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#103 - 2014-11-07 20:15:46 UTC
Mizhara Del'thul wrote:

The approval of certain Republic entities at the time made this seem like a worthy cause to pursue, but it quickly became apparent that I had made the second greatest mistake of my capsuleer career.

Second ? What was the first ?

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Mizhara Del'thul
#104 - 2014-11-07 20:37:18 UTC
A far more personal matter, even if it is quite literally written in stone.
Jandice Ymladris
Aurora Arcology
#105 - 2014-11-08 08:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Jandice Ymladris
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Anslo wrote:
Wait, so does that mean we light the fireworks and celebrate now?

I would hold off untill we know if what comes out of that lab is going to be a boon, or our bane.....

In other words, fill hangar with warships. Alot of warships.

"If you want Peace, prepare for War"

Not a bad advice under current circumstances. Hilen Tikoss is involved in wormhole research, and his current welcome message does mention he never stopped researching into this field despite his absence. After 3 years, one wonders what could come out of such lengthy study.

Onward to the opening message itself. I'm most troubled by the decoded parts. While the opening & closing parts of the code can be attributed to faulty/non-standard comm equipment, the code-strings where he searches for synonyms are an indication to me that there's something amiss, as if Dr Hilen Tukoss isn't fully human anymore. Perhaps a repeated attempt at human-machine mind transfer? Or maybe a joint venture between the two on a next level compared to the capsuleer integration?

He did mention a possible breakthrough rivalling the joint venture of cloning & capsule, allowing the rise of the Capsuleer as we know it.

I did a deeper analysis of both messages published by Hilen Tukoss in my most recent article, with thanks to the people who decoded & identified all the parts of his message:

The return of Dr Hilen Tukoss, Arek'Jaalan project leader

All in all, with the handover of the Jovian body parts, I believe interesting times lie ahead of us....

Providing a new home for refugees in the Aurora Arcology

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#106 - 2014-11-13 16:22:32 UTC
I've recently been digging through the SDE looking at celestial data. So when I saw the second part of the celestial ID sequence, I knew what to look for.

Briefly, numbers beginning in 1 are region IDs, 2s are constellation IDs, 3s are system IDs, and 4s are individual celestial IDs, such as stars, moons, planets, etc.

40216465 is the celestial ID code for the Eram system's star, a class K6 main sequence star.

Why he would want people to drop the stuff off at the star itself is a mystery to me. But at this point, it seems moot. Parts have been delivered.

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#107 - 2014-11-13 17:05:39 UTC
From 116/10/24:
Morwen Lagann wrote:
Ayni Naskingar wrote:
You can find the 40216465 in there as the star ID of Eram (the sun).

That would explain the auto-correction, then; Site One lies just over nine million kilometers from Eram's star, making it the closest "celestial" (according to capsule overview settings definitions) to the star.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Rena Senn
Halal Gunnery
#108 - 2014-11-15 23:42:33 UTC
So who here is still keen on cooperating?
Gehen Sealbreaker
Sealbreaker Labs
#109 - 2014-11-16 08:51:03 UTC
Rena Senn wrote:
So who here is still keen on cooperating?

E&Co personnel, and Site One personnel in general, I fear. We should watch out for third party capsuleers who do not see the greater picture and will want to "cooperate" with this, believing it's a sanctioned Arek'Jalaan project.
Taraki Orani
BERSA Shipping Trading and Mining Co.
#110 - 2014-11-25 12:22:48 UTC
Good to have you back. I hope this time, you can finish what you are started.

The spark you started is now a big fire.

Nevertheless, good to see you again.
Byrbeglin Alcantar
Doom Generation
Best Intentions.
#111 - 2014-12-01 16:31:34 UTC
When the time comes, I will call for deposits of the following, to be made to site one, in order for me to continue work.

• Blood Drop
• Bone Splinter
• Cerebral Slice
• Epidermis Sliver
• Liver Bile

Rogue drones building things, the only way they know how
Frenjo Borkstar
#112 - 2014-12-01 18:06:08 UTC
This is indeed deeply worrying... And would explain why the DED don't want us to assist, as the Jove most likely see this as an interference in their work, assuming this is trying to do what I believe it's trying to do. However horrible, it may be the way forward.

As for cooperating... Most people know what I'm going to say.


Borkstar Laboratories,

The Borkstar Initiative.

Deceiver's Echo
Nomad Church Mission Matar
#113 - 2014-12-01 18:44:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Deceiver's Echo
Byrbeglin Alcantar wrote:
Rogue drones building things, the only way they know how

I do not believe this is the case. Below I will outline my reasoning for this belief.

I would further suggest looking into the event which caused these fragments to be spread across the cluster. There is a reason why this would be useful to the Arek'Jaalan project or others involved in wormhole research, and it is an interesting piece of New Eden history to learn about.

Historical database entry follows:

Misu Baniya was the liaison for Extra-Racial Affairs with Jovian Directorate's Ministry of Information. In May YC106 the Jovian Directorate announced in a rare initiative that the ambassador, would be a diplomatic liaison with the four major empires and other factions, the Jove amazed New Eden by declaring that their representative would visit all the faction leaders in the space of one hour. With the method for achieving this miracle discovered to be a matter transmission device, amazement turned to horror when the device malfunctioned, scattering the Jovian ambassador across the cluster in tens of thousands of pieces.

In the aftermath, Tunai Moran, Jovian Ambassador to the CONCORD Assembly, revealed that Misu Baniya's brainscan had not been completed before his disintegration, resulting in a faulty clone activation. The four empires swiftly offered to assist the Jovian Directorate when it was made clear that the Jove possessed the means to reconstruct Misu Baniya if sufficient fragments of his body could be recovered. It was soon discovered that tiny pieces of Baniya had appeared on stations across the New Eden cluster and the empires began to buy the Jovian body parts on the market.

In June the Jovian Directorate was able to announce the successful molecular reconstruction of Misu Baniya and a conventional diplomatic tour by the restored Jovian ambassador.

The only likely reasons for these body parts to be acquired:

-Reconstructing the neural scan of Misu Baniya.
-Study of the matter transmission device and any residual signatures present within Misu Baniya's remains.
-Reconstructing the neural scan of Misu Baniya in order to gain any insight into the matter transmission device as well as studying any residual signatures present in the remains.

Likely benefits of this type of research: Accessing SOCT training packages present within Misu Baniya's neural scan regarding the matter transmission device, and determining how matter transmission processes could be further applied in other fields of research.

I would point to my own theory regarding the "Bright Star" as possible evidence of this research having significant importance to the Cluster as a whole.
Frenjo Borkstar
#114 - 2014-12-01 20:01:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Frenjo Borkstar
Deceiver's Echo wrote:
Byrbeglin Alcantar wrote:
Rogue drones building things, the only way they know how

I would point to my own theory regarding the "Bright Star" as possible evidence of this research having significant importance to the Cluster as a whole.

I agree with this, there's some kind of correlation between Caroline's Anomaly, and the strange messages, as listed in the thread.

But what that correlation is, has yet to be uncovered, although everything's being monitored closely by my team and I.


Borkstar Laboratories,

The Borkstar Initiative.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#115 - 2014-12-03 08:52:44 UTC
The same SoE agent who, every time I talk to her, acts like my mere presence is making her day, won't tell me where Hilen Tukoss might be.

Yeah I know why not get a date but... nuns...

Either Hilen Tukoss is indeed way out beyond even the reach of SoE (and that's considerable) or there's a cover-up afoot.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!