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Missiles need to be addressed

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Gawain Edmond
Khanid Bureau of Industry
#61 - 2014-11-06 19:49:41 UTC
Agatir Solenth wrote:
I would equate this request up there with asking that all range limitations be taken away from all lasers.

this is a rather good idea since lasers can only do em and thermal damage and are just beams of light there is no reason that they should have range limitations i fully support this idea and think it should be implimented immediatly i think this is so there for i am right and if you don't agree then watch out Beadle's About
Totally Abstract
#62 - 2014-11-06 20:31:50 UTC
Gawain Edmond wrote:
Agatir Solenth wrote:
I would equate this request up there with asking that all range limitations be taken away from all lasers.

this is a rather good idea since lasers can only do em and thermal damage and are just beams of light there is no reason that they should have range limitations i fully support this idea and think it should be implimented immediatly i think this is so there for i am right and if you don't agree then watch out Beadle's About

And since missiles use rocket engines, there is no reason they should have a max velocity, so they should continuously accelerate. Big smile
Even if they did though, light speed artillery would still be the better sniper choice.
Zansha Expansion
#63 - 2014-11-06 22:50:30 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
..If you have to keep building in cases like these into your argument, then you need to take a closer look at your argument. Also, almost all of your arguments are cases where missiles aren't good, and you're ignoring all of their positive sides.

The only upside of missiles is that they do not need capacitor. Most of the launchers can shoot one damage type at once.

Rapid launchers need an hour to load, reload or preload and as they are right now they are small electron blaster tracking medium neutron blasters with up to 100km range.

Wanna know something funny?

Stealth bombers are only popular because bombs need no tracking, haz 500% application and need no piloting, just a multi-client software that plays the game for humans.

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Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#64 - 2014-11-07 03:35:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
elitatwo wrote:
The only upside of missiles is that they do not need capacitor. Most of the launchers can shoot one damage type at once.
Every missile-based ship I fly gets a bonus to either damage or rate-of-fire. It takes ten seconds to switch damage types. That's a huge bonus. You also usually have better range, for engagements with the same class of ship; ~20km HAMs as opposed to the ~3km of neutron blasters (or ~10km with null).

Also, your missiles don't have reduced "tracking" based on your own movement, either. If an enemy ship is tracking you better, you can cut your afterburner on, for example, and you're still hitting him the same. As opposed to a blaster ship, where increasing your transversal velocity can penalize you, too.

My only complaint is that the current missile ships can't have very much utility. You can't fit much EWar on a shield-tanked ship. Need more armor-tanked missile boats, to compensate.
Zansha Expansion
#65 - 2014-11-07 03:48:45 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Every missile-based ship I fly gets a bonus to either damage or rate-of-fire. It takes ten seconds to switch damage types. That's a huge bonus. You also usually have better range, for engagements with the same class of ship; ~20km HAMs as opposed to the ~3km of neutron blasters (or ~10km with null).

My Brutix only takes five seconds to switch between void, null and antimatter, which is a huge bonus. And the same Brutix will kill a Drake regardless of missile application anytime.

Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Also, your missiles don't have reduced "tracking" based on your own movement, either. If an enemy ship is tracking you better, you can cut your afterburner on, for example, and you're still hitting him the same. As opposed to a blaster ship, where increasing your transversal velocity can penalize you, too.

Since we all know our ship always just suddenly appear somewhere and always have the upper hand, no matter what.

There are no cases where your eating habbits, pant size, shoe color and all your exes will be reported a very long time before you get into harms way.
This doesn't happen in EVE.
So anytime you wonder of to low or nullsec and take a look how the systems look like there, it is totally random that you run into a "small gang" that surprisingly happens to be there to encourage you to go back to where you just came from.

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This is the law of ship progression!

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Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#66 - 2014-11-07 04:06:35 UTC
The problem with missiles lies in the reload rate. Maybe its the same for other weapon systems, too.

See, missiles have a supposed buff in the ability to switch damage types, but this takes up to 10 seconds regardless of the size of the ship. 10 seconds for a battleship to switch to ammo to take advantage of a discovered resistance weakness is much easier than 10 seconds of a frigate switching ammo to do the same in a real no holds barred pvp environment.

Couple that with the damage being done after a delay from when the missile turret fires, the fact that missile damage will not apply if you warp off before they hit, and so on, and you have a system that's lackluster.

Reloads could be 3-5-10 seconds long for frig to cruiser to battleship sizes respectively, and they might actually become good weapon platforms in intense PvP because you can switch for best damage before you die.

Other than that, I think missiles are actually quite good. You will note that as long as they cant outrun your missile and you're within "optimal" the missile ALWAYS hits and ALWAYS does the exact damage it's supposed to do. No glancing blows, no wreckings, smooth and reliable like a good cig.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Zansha Expansion
#67 - 2014-11-07 04:38:45 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
13kr1d1 wrote:
See, missiles have a supposed buff in the ability to switch damage types, but this takes up to 10 seconds regardless of the size of the ship. 10 seconds for a battleship to switch to ammo to take advantage of a discovered resistance weakness is much easier than 10 seconds of a frigate switching ammo to do the same in a real no holds barred pvp environment.

Autocannos and some missile launcher have a reload time of cycle time + 10 seconds.

Rapid launchers "only" need an hour to do things.

Laser turrets have a reload time of the time it takes you to right-click them and swap them crystal up to cycle time + time to right-click and swap.

All hybrid turrets have a reload time of cycle time + 5 seconds.

Switchting ammo in a fight can cost you your ship in smaller ships but that it not restricted to them alone.

Now if you take a Brutix or a Ferox with ion or neutron blasters and have a frigate scram-webbed, you will be shooting with antimatter.
That unlucky frigate will propably not want to be there but will also have a hard time evading you.

Now that same frigate will also not want to be in that place in case of a ham Drake / Sacrilege but she "knows" this and stays out of range.

Kiting is much cooler, so that frigate be a Crow, Malediction or Garmur or turret based frigate with railguns or artilleries. And you are in a kiting heavy missile Drake or Sacrilege.

Now tell me again, how good you missile are..

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Miromme Echerie
#68 - 2014-11-07 12:30:25 UTC
Suicide stealth bombers.. I think I just came.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2014-11-07 12:56:55 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Every missile-based ship I fly gets a bonus to either damage or rate-of-fire. It takes ten seconds to switch damage types. That's a huge bonus..

It's a huge bonus unless you're locked (or part locked) to a damage type.
Totally Abstract
#70 - 2014-11-07 14:24:07 UTC
13kr1d1 wrote:

Other than that, I think missiles are actually quite good. You will note that as long as they cant outrun your missile and you're within "optimal" the missile ALWAYS hits and ALWAYS does the exact damage it's supposed to do. No glancing blows, no wreckings, smooth and reliable like a good cig.

Your assessment isn't completely wrong, but it isn't completely wrong either. I was on Teamspeak with my buds and one of them was wondering why heavies are so bad, so we worked through the missile formula using the example of 2 drakes, unfitted save for launchers, and at my skill level for EV, ER, SigRad, and speed. We discovered that T1 heavies, from a Drake, shot at a similar Drake flying at it's top speed, without prop mod, will lose approximately 25-30% of it's damage to speed tank. Yes, a Drake can speed tank another Drake. This was before factoring in invulns or extenders so, before someone ignores the rest of my post and jumps on that, those numbers can change but the point remains that a Drake can speed tank a Drake.
We crunched the numbers for the same case and with an AB the numbers were abysmal. We also learned that, to apply a worthwhile amount of damage to a Drake, you need to shoot Navy Heavies from your Drake. Does that sound right to anyone? That the slowest BC (I could be wrong on that, but not by much) can negate significant same-size missile damage just by turning on its engines? What does that imply for Heavies against a Myrmidon, or something else that moves faster than a one-legged sloth?
Zansha Expansion
#71 - 2014-11-07 14:40:11 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
afkalt wrote:
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Every missile-based ship I fly gets a bonus to either damage or rate-of-fire. It takes ten seconds to switch damage types. That's a huge bonus..

It's a huge bonus unless you're locked (or part locked) to a damage type.

Yes it can be I am aware of that so let me make another example without any of my Caldari hulls.

Let's take a heavy missile Sacrilege and she is chasing or being chased by a Deimos. Both of them are at mwd speed. Both of them have active armor tanks and a reactive armor hardener on them.

So the Sacrilege is not bound by any damage and chooses explosive missile damage and the Deimos is shooting null M.

The Sacrilege is starting to poke (not damage) that Deimos with five nova heavy missiles until the shield of the Deimos drop and start to tickle her armor a little.

My new best friend for armor tanking ships is starting to rapidly shift all resistance to explosive up to the maximum of 60%. You can now see the our blue damage notifications start to decrease for each volley of nova missiles Sad

Now our upside of shooting one damage type at a time is not so good anymore. And taking a Sacrilege and a Deimos are not too far of of what is flying around in space, be it New Eden or SiSi.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Zansha Expansion
#72 - 2014-11-07 14:48:36 UTC
Miromme Echerie wrote:
Suicide stealth bombers.. I think I just came.

Big smile I am always very happy to please..

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#73 - 2014-11-07 15:13:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
elitatwo wrote:
Let's take a heavy missile Sacrilege and she is chasing or being chased by a Deimos. Both of them are at mwd speed. Both of them have active armor tanks and a reactive armor hardener on them.
You keep using these very, very specific examples, and you keep taking stats from different examples and comparing them. "He's kiting with null, so he'll outrun my missiles. But antimatter does more damage than missiles, so that's why kiting with null makes missiles bad. Well, that example only really worked with that one ship, so I'll mention another ship, but now I'll bring in reactive hardeners to show why missiles are bad."

Also, every Sacrilege vs Deimos fight I've ever flown, I've won with the Sacrilege. If the Deimos tries to kite away, he literally can't kill you anyway, but it's a much more complicated fight than "I use these missiles, he uses this ammo". Regarding reactive hardeners, this is why I pick a flight of drones that uses a different damage type than my main weapons, and I haven't had much trouble killing ships with reactive hardeners (they use so much cap on cruisers that it's more of a penalty).

elitatwo wrote:
Now our upside of shooting one damage type at a time is not so good anymore.
That hardener literally has the same effect against hybrid weapons, as well. Shifts to 30% against thermal and 30% of kinetic, you're resisting 60% of the damage.

Also, these examples you keep bringing up don't showcase the massive problems with taking the tracking stats off of missiles. Try these examples again, but have a Torpedo Raven without missile tracking shooting at the Brutix, Deimos or whatever other cruiser you throw out to show why missiles are bad.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2014-11-07 15:26:59 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
You keep using these very, very specific examples, and you keep taking stats from different examples and comparing them. "He's kiting with null, so he'll outrun my missiles.

This is true - but the problem is also genuinely manifest.

For the sakes of showing the point, but it is a fight I've had.

Typhoon shooting RHML at a fleeing cynabal.

Paper range: 62km made up from a 9.75s flight time and 6450 m/s velocity.

Cynabal was doing say....3000 m/s (not exactly a stretch).

Actual range: 9.75* (6450-3000) == ~33km

Of course, the opposite happens if it is boring down on you - but as I posted earlier - be a lot nicer to have it more consistent.

If we double speed and half time, the same scenario plays out as shown:

62km range made up from 4.875s flight time and 12900 m/s velocity

Shooting fleeing cynabal: 4.875*(12900-3000) == ~48km

Not perfect, but better and more consistent.

Frankly they could apply this globally and STILL keep the bonus on the mordus (I'm aware this would basically make them guns but..../pirate).
Zansha Expansion
#75 - 2014-11-07 16:06:27 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
...You keep using these very, very specific examples, and you keep taking stats from different examples and comparing them. "He's kiting with null, so he'll outrun my missiles. But antimatter does more damage than missiles, so that's why kiting with null makes missiles bad. Well, that example only really worked with that one ship, so I'll mention another ship, but now I'll bring in reactive hardeners to show why missiles are bad."

You are always invited to use a 200mm railgun Deimos or sentry Ishtars in that example. It is something I pulled of below my chair while reading something else.

And if that is all that you take from this, I cannot help you.

As I said it is okay that you disagree with me.

For everyone else that might consider a genuine problem I am listing the ships involved that aren't already having 100% application missiles or commenly known as light missiles.

Oh btw, rockets are a just disgrace at this point.


Caracal, Cerberus, Drake, Nighthawk, Raven, Navy Scorpion, Navy Raven, Golem, Widow, Pheonix, Leviathan


Sacilege, Prophecy, Damnation, Armageddon


bellicose and that other cruiser, cyclone, that link command ship, typhoon, typhoon navy

special snowflakes:
stealth bombers

Now let's look at the ships involved themselves and now consider other problems those ships have compared to any gun boat right now?

Are you still convinced that this will crush the blue donut, takes all sov space, conquer all wh space and breake all markets?

Let me tell you what will not happen.

Baltec will not ditch his Megathron and let a goons fly Ravens instead, why?

awww missile take long, must mekk killmailz, enemy fly of, no kill, booh missle bad, tekk turret, sentry Archon instead.
yeay haz killmail, missile booh, mekk stronkh.

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This is the law of ship progression!

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Rolled Out
#76 - 2014-11-07 16:25:15 UTC
Zansha Expansion
#77 - 2014-11-07 16:31:16 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo

Cool story!
Now send me your P.O. box address and I will send you a nice bottle of tri-nitride acid ester of glycerin that you have to shake a little before opening.


Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#78 - 2014-11-07 16:50:40 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
sentry Ishtars
And here we go again. "Missiles aren't as good as guns because sentry drones."

elitatwo wrote:
Now let's look at the ships involved themselves and now consider other problems those ships have compared to any gun boat right now?
You didn't list actually any problems those ships have compared to the gun boats. Also, the Prophecy or Armageddon can't really be considered missile boats (They can fit them, but they don't get any bonuses at all), and I wasn't aware anybody fit weapons on the Damnation at all.

elitatwo wrote:
Oh btw, rockets are a just disgrace at this point.
Really? 'Cause damage application is what you're complaining about, and they get close to perfect application at longer range than pulse lasers.

Are you still convinced that this will crush the blue donut, takes all sov space, conquer all wh space and breake all markets?
I did not mention null-sec, wormhole space or markets. Your hyperbole has no purpose but to be insulting for no reason.

Anyway, removing missile tracking, a torpedo Raven with have a 5,500 damage volley (navy ammo, not even rage ammo) within 30km (more, if you include rigs), and it will be applying all of that damage. No cruiser could even get close enough to point you, because you WILL kill it in a few volleys. Frigates and destroyers will be immediately blapped. A close-range brawling fit battleship can probably take you on, but it will really hurt in the time it takes to get close enough to brawl you. That's just a standard Raven. A Barghest will have a 7,800 damage volley with perfect application to anything close enough to put a long-point on you. A Phoenix will have a 110,000 damage volley.

The only counter-play to something like this would be defender missiles (which are unreliable at best). Assuming defender missiles would work at all as a counter, a decent chunk of a small-gang fleet would need to be geared towards shutting down the missiles of a larger ship. Now a main issues with defender missiles; they only block missiles heading towards you and each defender missile only takes out a single incoming missile (about 900 damage per volley from said Raven). Name a cruiser that has 6 launcher slots, 'cause nothing else will prevent enough damage to make it worth trying to tackle a torpedo Raven (let alone Barghest). Throw some X-large ancillary shield boosters on it, and I guarantee you will outlast whatever small gang goes after you. Firewalling is another possible counter, but it is horribly impractical in any fight except large fleets with firing-line setups.

"It's okay, they can turn around and run away from your torpedoes." Yeah, sure. But nothing will ever get close enough to put a scram or disrupt on you. Then imagine you have friends in smaller ships with scrams and webs. They don't even need to do any DPS, they just tackle and wait for the missile battleship to arrive. I'm pretty sure this is the exact situation you're thinking of every time you post "missile tracking needs to be removed" in a thread that has nothing to do with missiles. Heck, if for some reason this actually gets through, this will be exactly what my corp will be doing. I'm sure a lot of people will do the same, and this is the reason CCP won't remove missile tracking.
Zansha Expansion
#79 - 2014-11-07 17:08:47 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
Anyway, removing missile tracking, a torpedo Raven with have a 5,500 damage volley (navy ammo, not even rage ammo) within 30km (more, if you include rigs), and it will be applying all of that damage. No cruiser could even get close enough to point you, because you WILL kill it in a few volleys. Frigates and destroyers will be immediately blapped. A close-range brawling fit battleship can probably take you on, but it will really hurt in the time it takes to get close enough to brawl you. That's just a standard Raven. A Barghest will have a 7,800 damage volley with perfect application to anything close enough to put a long-point on you. A Phoenix will have a 110,000 damage volley...

Oh mah gawd..

Zee most fastest ship in EVE ever created by gods could naow fit torpedos that has 12-17k range. Call 911, zee FBI, CIA, NSA and put out a defcon 1 terror alert.

No other ship in EVE with a 70km point could possibly yolo at 8800m/s around that boat and live happily ever after.

And all zee horror that comes with it. No turret boat even comes close to 30km range and no sensor dampeners could ever make this monstrocity heve zero damage.

Please go on SiSi and ask someone with a Vindicator how your approach to her goes with a HAC of your choosing.

There might be a reason why I left pirate faction ships out of here.

Again and for the last time:
No missile can even do 100% damage, application or not. Why?

I strongly advise to look that up yourself.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#80 - 2014-11-07 17:30:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghaustyl Kathix
elitatwo wrote:
Oh mah gawd..

Zee most fastest ship in EVE ever created by gods could naow fit torpedos that has 12-17k range. Call 911, zee FBI, CIA, NSA and put out a defcon 1 terror alert.

No other ship in EVE with a 70km point could possibly yolo at 8800m/s around that boat and live happily ever after.
More hyperbole rather than actually addressing the concerns I bring up.

And all zee horror that comes with it. No turret boat even comes close to 30km range, and no sensor dampeners could ever make this monstrocity heve zero damage.
Which is outside of point range, by the way. Also, Javelin gives you even further range. You could outrun them, but that's further out of point range.

Sensor damp does nothing for the ships tackling you, like in my example.

Please go on SiSi and ask someone with a Vindicator how your approach to her goes with a HAC of your choosing.
Easy, tank it on a T2 Caldari resist profile. (Yeah, we have a Vindi on-field in that screenshot, but he didn't show up 'til after the other guy burnt out his guns. Otherwise he would've died before burning out his guns).

There might be a reason why I left pirate faction ships out of here.
Really? Because the aforementioned 70km point range and 8800 m/s can only be a Garmur (with a Republic Fleet point and fleet boosts, no less). Which is also hilariously vulnerable to interceptors when you're coming through a gate, so isn't amazingly realistic most of the time. As opposed to my example of a dual-ancil Torp Raven as the hammer in a tackle fleet, which is pretty damn realistic.

I strongly advise to look that up yourself.
Resist profile. Are you saying that resist profile somehow applies more to missiles than it does for any other weapon (when more than half of the missile-based ships can easily switch damage types)?