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Advice on avoiding the Suicide gank

First post
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#301 - 2014-11-05 18:43:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Veers Belvar wrote:
Casual PvE highsec players are a significant portion of the playerbase, as opposed to highsec gankers/wardeccers/awoxxers. The disparity in numbers is massive.
So why aren't they using it to their advantage ingame instead of whining to CCP?

Personally I am fine with the concept of suicide ganking in highsec, I just think that it should be used as a scalpel and not an ax. People who make bad decisions, like hauling too much cargo, or over-blinging, should face appropriate consequences.
It is being used as a scalpel, there's just so many people making bad decisions that it appears to be being used as an axe.

What I oppose is completely senseless violence like shooting autopiloting shuttles and pods every 15 minutes for lolz, or the exact same gankers hitting freighters in the exact same system every 15 minutes
Those bad decisions you're talking about, they include using autopilot and flying through chokepoints such as Uedama and Niarja without thought.

I think the game would be better with a more effective police force.
As you, and many others, have been told many times, if people want consequences over and above those already provided it is up to them to provide them. If the disparity in numbers is so massive those casual players you mention have a huge numerical advantage over the criminal element and should have no problems curtailing the activities of criminals.

The problem doesn't lie with the criminal elements, it lies in a lack of situational awareness/education, and the laziness of those that would oppose them.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#302 - 2014-11-05 18:48:13 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:

Not sure what you are talking about. Casual PvE highsec players are a significant portion of the playerbase, as opposed to highsec gankers/wardeccers/awoxxers. The disparity in numbers is massive.

Many people in real life are stupid, does that make stupid ok because lots of people are doing it?

Not saying anything is wrong with casual or being in high sec, i'm saying that it's irrelevant how many people are doing whatever.


Personally I am fine with the concept of suicide ganking in highsec, I just think that it should be used as a scalpel and not an ax. People who make bad decisions, like hauling too much cargo, or over-blinging, should face appropriate consequences. What I oppose is completely senseless violence like shooting autopiloting shuttles and pods every 15 minutes for lolz, or the exact same gankers hitting freighters in the exact same system every 15 minutes. I think the game would be better with a more effective police force.

The bolded part is important. YOU don't get to decide what anyone else does or how they do it. I wish this forum didn't filter out the word I'd like to use, so rather than use it I'll say that this way of thinking is nature.

Also, the concept of 'senseless' violence is stupid. THIS IS A VIDEO GAME. Everything you do or can do in it is 'senseless' ie 'makes no sense in the real world'. So a guy blowing up a shuttle for no reason is just as valid as a guy building imaginary space ships to sell for imaginary space money.

Personally my play is nearly unaffected by these folks, but they do restrict a lot of people to NPC corps, causing them to play solo, get bored, and quit the game. That is bad for Eve. There is no reason casual players should be afraid to join a player corporation. Maybe your PvE stinks, but I find incursions pretty fun - especially the group content and the PvP contests.

Gankers don't restrict anyone to anything. Gankers exist and so does my corporation, which is not an npc corp. It's not gankers faults that many people are to chicken **** to leave an npc corp, gankers are just taking advantage of that fact for their own enjoyment, which is fine since that's allowed by the makers of the game.

Many people who quit (such as a few of my friends who I've introduced to the game) would have quit anyways, because EVE requires patience among other things and many who play games want a quick fix they can put down quickly.

Some like to live under the fantasy of "if you just make EVE nicer, people will stay", yet CCP has done this over and over again and it doesn't work. EVE will never appeal to most people , not just because of it's setting (the future and spaceship, most gamers prefer fantasy and unicorns), but because of it's "more hobby than game" nature.

And that's ok.

People are not at fault because others do everything they can to ruin their gaming experience. That doesn't make them a "victim." It just means they will go find some other game to play.

People are at fault for LETTING someone ruin their game experience. If this is even a remote possibility, that person should reexamine their desire to play games on the internet.

And I admire the people smart enough to say "EVE is not for me" and go do something else (i've met many such players in Star Trek Online, most admit EVE is a good game just not their cup of tea). The people who are smart and leave are better than people who don't like the game, don;t like the community, don't like CCP and yet stay to fight some senseless 'crusade' for a 'better game'.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#303 - 2014-11-05 18:52:33 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
As you, and many others, have been told many times, if people want consequences over and above those already provided it is up to them to provide them. If the disparity in numbers is so massive those casual players you mention have a huge numerical advantage over the criminal element and should have no problems curtailing the activities of criminals.

The problem doesn't lie with the criminal elements, it lies in a lack of situational awareness/education, and the laziness of those that would oppose them.

You're basically saying these things to folks that don't value personal responsibility like you and I do. I think we both understand that the player him/herself is the only one responsible for their enjoyment, but for others, this concept is foreign.

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#304 - 2014-11-05 18:58:45 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
The whole "go somewhere else in game if you want to play a certain way" has been the cry of selfish EVE players

I really see a lot of codies write that again and again!

I write that too!
I love to write it to codies, when they start crying about stuff.

I like this "survival game play".

But what i despise is when a group of gamers plays only to p?ss of other players.
There are a lot of codies who like to do that.

Just follow there posts everywhere and you will see that they proof them self as lyers, when they start boasting.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Black Pedro
#305 - 2014-11-05 19:01:13 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Yes, PvE stinks and needs to be looked at for that exact reason. Gankers aren't providing content. I've never done PvE and thought "I'm so glad an alt in a disposable ship flew past and blew up that random noob! The entertainment is divine!". honestly, miners smack talking with each other about the ore they are mining is FAR FAR FAR more entertaining.

I am pretty sure that gankers and other highsec PvPers provide content. Just look at the number of significant number of forum posts that tell the stories that result from these activities. There are also plenty of blogs - on ganking, anti-ganking, ninja salvaging, etc. - filled with these stories (AKA content) of player conflict in Eve. Isn't that the point of the sandbox? To allow players to create and develop their own stories, and to drive engagement by giving them something to do (often to fight over) in New Eden?

That content may not be your cup of tea, but it is still content.
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#306 - 2014-11-05 19:05:45 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
There is no reason casual players should be afraid to join a player corporation.

The only thing they need to be afraid of is choosing a bad corp. Apart from that, there's no reason to be afraid of joining a player corp.

Remove standings and insurance.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#307 - 2014-11-05 19:10:13 UTC
La Rynx wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The whole "go somewhere else in game if you want to play a certain way" has been the cry of selfish EVE players

I really see a lot of codies write that again and again!

I write that too!
I love to write it to codies, when they start crying about stuff.

I like this "survival game play".

But what i despise is when a group of gamers plays only to p?ss of other players.
There are a lot of codies who like to do that.

Just follow there posts everywhere and you will see that they proof them self as lyers, when they start boasting.

Thing is, why do you care why someone else is doing something?
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#308 - 2014-11-05 19:13:20 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#309 - 2014-11-05 19:14:08 UTC  |  Edited by: La Rynx
Black Pedro wrote:
...but it is still content.

if the content includes continuing humiliation of other players and try to force them to aggressive behaviour. (griefing) is not content that any gaming platform requires. The game might be a sandbox, but that is not an invitation to some players to poo into the sandbox, because this small group thinks this is funny and to make poo in a sandbox is only natural.

So other players might feel disgusted, even when they never fell into this poo and want a stop to this kind of behaviour.

So: NO not content at any price.

Jenn aSide wrote:
Thing is, why do you care why someone else is doing something?

Why do you care what i care for?

Check the text above.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#310 - 2014-11-05 19:34:27 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
"Education" in a video game is the responsibility of the gamer (and maybe the gamer's friends). The 1st thing i did when my buddies invited me to play EVE with them was google EVE. It's no one else's fault but the gamer if they don't know what to expect.
It's a game, not a pet, it doesn't come with a responsibility to do anything. And a game delivers entertainment. If you have to search third party websites to find that entertainment within the game, then it's badly designed, hence CCPs aim of vastly improving the NPE.

Jenn aSide wrote:
The above is one of the disconnects between my side and the "think of the chidlren" types like you. My side understands that a sense ofpersonal responsibility is not just a valuable trait in an EVE player, it's a required trait.
I don't know how many times you are going to misrepresent my "side" in threads like these, but if you think I'm a "think of the children" type, you need to read a bit more closely. Thinking gankers have a stupidly easy playstyle with minimal risks is not "think of the children".

Jenn aSide wrote:
This quote is a display of prejudice. Gankers gank for lots of reasons, and all of the reason that are within the EULA are perfectly valid no matter what someone else thinks of them. That's freedom for you, no one has to check with you before they enjoy a video game the way they want to. That's why i don't worry about gankers, why they gank is none of my business, that they gank is the only thing that is relevant (to me, as someone who needs to avoid them).

What you say also smacks of that useless e-honor "only fight people who will fight back" nonsense. gankers are role playing pirates, and that's ok. As for the risk averson, there is nothing wrong with risk aversion, I'm risk averse every time I take precautions when exploring (no one wants to lose a ship).
Most gank for tears, whether you want to admit it or not.

And it's got nothing to do with e-honour. You go on and on and dare I say ON about how risk averse the "carebears" are, while by far the easiest and lowest risk paths to take in EVE are scamming followed by ganking. They need to be balanced with the rest of the game. The fact that when someone suggest balance you go flying off the handle screaming about themepark MMOs and lobbing around personal attacks like they are going out of fashion doesn't change that.

Jenn aSide wrote:
Nothing wrong with risk aversion, everything is wrong with being risk averse AND so narrow-mindedly selfish that you want game developers to limit other people's game play freedom because you are risk averse.
I see. So you agree then that gankers are a problem and need to be balanced out, since they are risk averse and want game developers to limit other peoples game play freedom?

Jenn aSide wrote:
I have survived EVE to this point on my wits, I don't need CCP to play the game for me (and though you deny it, this is what you are asking CCP to do for people by 'making ganking cost more").

Yes they are. I am a pve player and I'm telling you that the people we have to avoid, fit to survive against and outsmart are indeed provide content.
You've "survived" EVE because it's a bloody computer game. It's not even a difficult computer game. That STILL doesn't change the fact that a balance pass is needed for ganking. You're flailing around because you think that particular playstyle is somehow more important than any other playstyle. It's not, and it should have far more cost and risk associated with it, like any playstyle should. Don't get me wrong, missioning needs a good pass too, and trading needs a serious stab in the neck. If they damage your playstyle while doing it, HTFU and adapt. You don't see me rolling around crying now they've nuked the ability to move about the area I live.

At the end of the day change is needed to keep the game fresh and entertaining. CCP know this and are doing well to start thinking about rehashing old mechanics. And if the game gets a bit of safety because of it to drag in more new players and diversify the community, so be it. I'd rather they did that than torpedo the game into the ground because people like you flail about trying to hold up progress.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#311 - 2014-11-05 19:39:22 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
As you, and many others, have been told many times, if people want consequences over and above those already provided it is up to them to provide them. If the disparity in numbers is so massive those casual players you mention have a huge numerical advantage over the criminal element and should have no problems curtailing the activities of criminals.
This is actually something that gets raised a lot, yet when you think about it, there's actually no consequences you can inflict. What are you going to do? Kill the ganker in his empty clone and disposable ship? Bounties are meaningless, killrights are meaningless and sec status can now be bought back for pocket change. A player doesn't have to choose to be a ganker, they have a ganker on the side, which is part of the problem. They don't have to commit to the role of a ganker, so there's absolutely nothing you can do to punish them.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Black Pedro
#312 - 2014-11-05 19:40:47 UTC
La Rynx wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
...but it is still content.

if the content includes continuing humiliation of other players and try to force them to aggressive behaviour. (griefing) is not content that any gaming platform requires. The game might be a sandbox, but that is not an invitation to some players to poo into the sandbox, because this small group thinks this is funny and to make poo in a sandbox is only natural.

So other players might feel disgusted, even when they never fell into this poo and want a stop to this kind of behaviour.

So: NO not content at any price.

Ok, you don't like the followers of James 315. We get it. But them aside, isn't the ganking of haulers and miners, the baiting of mission runners, the awoxing or wardeccing of a rival corporation content? If this "non-consensual" PvP as some describe it, is done in a respectful or playful manner, isn't it still content?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#313 - 2014-11-05 19:42:14 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
I am pretty sure that gankers and other highsec PvPers provide content. Just look at the number of significant number of forum posts that tell the stories that result from these activities. There are also plenty of blogs - on ganking, anti-ganking, ninja salvaging, etc. - filled with these stories (AKA content) of player conflict in Eve. Isn't that the point of the sandbox? To allow players to create and develop their own stories, and to drive engagement by giving them something to do (often to fight over) in New Eden?
Sure it is, but ganking is too prevalent these days as it's so easy to drop in and out of. There's room for other forms of content too you know.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#314 - 2014-11-05 19:45:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
As you, and many others, have been told many times, if people want consequences over and above those already provided it is up to them to provide them. If the disparity in numbers is so massive those casual players you mention have a huge numerical advantage over the criminal element and should have no problems curtailing the activities of criminals.
This is actually something that gets raised a lot, yet when you think about it, there's actually no consequences you can inflict. What are you going to do? Kill the ganker in his empty clone and disposable ship? Bounties are meaningless, killrights are meaningless and sec status can now be bought back for pocket change. A player doesn't have to choose to be a ganker, they have a ganker on the side, which is part of the problem. They don't have to commit to the role of a ganker, so there's absolutely nothing you can do to punish them.
I disagree, I provided Veers with a few ideas about possible ways to indirectly hit gankers, specifically the New Order, which he chose to ignore. I encouraged him to educate too, which he also ignored.

As for the comment about sec status repairs, from what I've read it's fairly cheap to go from -10 to -5, then it starts to get expensive.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#315 - 2014-11-05 19:56:07 UTC
La Rynx wrote:

if the content includes continuing humiliation of other players and try to force them to aggressive behaviour. (griefing) is not content that any gaming platform requires. The game might be a sandbox, but that is not an invitation to some players to poo into the sandbox, because this small group thinks this is funny and to make poo in a sandbox is only natural.

So other players might feel disgusted, even when they never fell into this poo and want a stop to this kind of behaviour.

So: NO not content at any price.

The above is why some of us think the anti-ganking crusaders are suffering from some out of game issues....

EVE is a game that allows ganking, has from the start. I don't understand the people who would rather change something (that most people are fine with, as evidenced by their continuing to play and pay for EVE Online) than leave it alone for the people who like it and find another activity for themselves (like some of my friends in STO have done).

That you'd rather change something to suit you rather than change your behavior (and find something you actually like) speaks to a deep and pathological selfishness.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#316 - 2014-11-05 19:59:43 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
I disagree, I provided Veers with a few ideas about possible ways to indirectly hit gankers, specifically the New Order, which he chose to ignore. I encouraged him to educate too, which he also ignored.
It's one thing chasing after obscure characters who have donated isk to CODE, and another thing entirely to actually serve up punishment to a ganker. You honestly can't be serious if you're suggesting that as a way to retaliate. All you''d get is trolled on their blog.

Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
As for the comment about sec status repairs, from what I've read it's fairly cheap to go from -10 to -5, then it starts to get expensive.
It's the other way round, and it's like 300m for -10 to 0. There's a calculator somewhere for it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Cancel Align NOW
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#317 - 2014-11-05 20:00:21 UTC
La Rynx wrote:

if the content includes continuing humiliation of other players and try to force them to aggressive behaviour. (griefing) is not content that any gaming platform requires. The game might be a sandbox, but that is not an invitation to some players to poo into the sandbox, because this small group thinks this is funny and to make poo in a sandbox is only natural.

So other players might feel disgusted, even when they never fell into this poo and want a stop to this kind of behaviour.

Your analogy proves why Eve is a game that has a long history and stickability. Any player can poop where ever they want, they just have to wear the consequences.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#318 - 2014-11-05 20:05:05 UTC
Cancel Align NOW wrote:
La Rynx wrote:

if the content includes continuing humiliation of other players and try to force them to aggressive behaviour. (griefing) is not content that any gaming platform requires. The game might be a sandbox, but that is not an invitation to some players to poo into the sandbox, because this small group thinks this is funny and to make poo in a sandbox is only natural.

So other players might feel disgusted, even when they never fell into this poo and want a stop to this kind of behaviour.
Your analogy proves why Eve is a game that has a long history and stickability. Any player can poop where ever they want, they just have to wear the consequences.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, bull. Consequences is something EVE seriously lacks in a lot of aspects. Ganking is definitely one of those aspects.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#319 - 2014-11-05 20:06:35 UTC
Not going to worry about the rest, but i want to quote something that illustrates the exact problem:

Lucas Kell wrote:
It's a game, not a pet, it doesn't come with a responsibility to do anything. And a game delivers entertainment. If you have to search third party websites to find that entertainment within the game, then it's badly designed, hence CCPs aim of vastly improving the NPE.

This demonstrates the carebear outlook, which is based on entitlement. "The Game" is supposed to do it for you. "The Game" is supposed to 'deliver' the proper entertaining outcome to you.

The reason why EVE works (for those of us who like it and who are mentally suited for it) is that it DOESN'T give you any thing, it doesn't promise you anything. It treats you like what you should be, AN ADULT who can think for him/herself. It doesn't direct you around to the 'content' like a themepark game does. All CCP gives you for your 15 bucks is access to New Eden, 5000 isk and a perpetually spawning noob ship, the rest is up to you.

And except for the (mostly useless and fluffy) capsuleer lore, it doesn't lie to you and tell you you are some kind of super hero that is special and flys around in a special ship that has a special name like 'Enterprise' or 'Liberator'.

No, EVE says "you are a scrub in an expendable arrangement of pixels, if you'd like to prove otherwise, SHOW everyone what YOU can do with your wits alone".

We get that you don't like this Kell. That's regrettable but it was your (poor) decision to choose a sandbox game to play in.

Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#320 - 2014-11-05 20:06:58 UTC
No really bothered about this ganking craze but I will say that to pigeon people by saying they are lazy and should be ganked is a bit tiresome when gankers sit in choke/popular systems and get a pay day for no effort what so ever.