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[Phoebe] Long Distance Travel Changes - updates!

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Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1981 - 2014-11-04 20:05:33 UTC
99 pages of rant on the wall... 99 pages of rant! I see more frontline fighting, reliance on sov industrials and subcaps for mobile combat. Seems to me eve will be more dynamic combat instead of snipe staging systems. I mean when a max pilot could cyno aroung 1/4 of the hostile expanse in a jump, it really was making highsec the most expansive part of eve...

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Josef Djugashvilis
#1982 - 2014-11-04 20:20:17 UTC
Rowells wrote:
Sexy Cakes wrote:
So 4.33 light years of a jump bridge got me over 50 minutes of fatigue?

Why were jump bridges nerfed just as much as combat vessels?

Edit: Why not set up jump bridges to give less fatigue when you are jumping in your own alliance's region and more fatigue when you aren't?

ump bridges got the ax as well in order to prevent any easy workarounds

A lot of folk in this thread seem to have the 'ump Smile

This is not a signature.

Goonswarm Federation
#1983 - 2014-11-04 21:21:34 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
OldWolf69 wrote:
Christ god...
**** happened.
Wellcome to Endlesstravelling Online.
Ok, i jumped a cap trough a gate.
What else is new, positively?

I think a HIC can point your cap preventing it from jumping through also, so that's new as well.

But not unexpected.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1984 - 2014-11-04 23:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Lord TGR wrote:

The only one mewling about CCP promising cap kills to every subcap gate camper, is you. The rest of us have figured out that if you don't have proper subcap support yourself (or are roaming around in an archon ball etc, I suppose), then you just don't go through that gate if you know it's camped, and you look for alternatives. Either you wait it out (in which case the campers have won a victory by denying you movement), or you take a detour and/or come in through another gate which they haven't camped. Or you just skip the system entirely because the only strategic importance that system has, is as a chokepoint, but you have an alternative.

Your scout reveals that the next system is also clear so your capital enters warp. A hostile fleet enters the scout's system with 10 more seconds left before you land on the gate in the adjacent system. They dscan and sees no ships; your scout is cloaked and they suspect as much. Suspecting that your scout is a scout for a capital, his fleet splits up and jumps to the neighboring systems. One of them comes through to your system just in time to see the capital come out of warp. The rest rush to that stargate while the capital spends the next 8s dropping out of warp. The capital is pointed and bumped as it tries to align to a celestial. You know that jumping through will meet a similar fate on the other side because your scout can see the rest of the hostile fleet landing on the stargate in the other system. All but the dictor jumps through to your cap. You know that jumping through will just get you bubbled long enough for the hostile fleet to wait out their aggression timers. 10 more seconds left to finish targeting that first ship which tackled you. The entire fleet is on you and their friends and the rest of the region are inbound to you. Just as you lock the first ship, it warps off, but you still have 10 other ships with points on you and 30 more seconds to target them.

You know that even though there was no gate camp, the systems were clear, and you had a scout, jump caps through stargates is always a bad idea because caps are ill-suited to stargate jumping. You know that capital fleets can only be moved in blobs. The goal of the latest patch becomes obvious: more, not less, blobbing. more, not less, time leeching for the most mundane tasks. more, not less, alts required to scout multiple systems in every direction and to and jump multiple cynos for every 2-3 ly at a time for ideal cyno placement for caps. Is it a conspiracy, you ask? Only if the secret was hidden for the population. But this one seems blatantly obvious. With major buffs to range and jump fatigue, black ops are the new cap pilot transport system across Eve to his new network of pre-fitted and strategically placed capital ships.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1985 - 2014-11-04 23:45:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord TGR
Andy Landen wrote:
Your scout reveals that the next system is also clear so your capital enters warp. A hostile fleet enters the scout's system with 10 more seconds left before you land on the gate in the adjacent system.

Giving you a shittonne of time to log off.

Andy Landen wrote:
They dscan and sees no ships; your scout is cloaked and they suspect as much. Suspecting that your scout is a scout for a capital, his fleet splits up and jumps to the neighboring systems. One of them comes through to your system just in time to see the capital come out of warp.

So they've entered a neighbouring system 10 seconds before you land on the gate TO that system, scanned the entire system (impressive, since one dscan doesn't necessarily cover the entire system), spread the entire fleet across all gates and sending at least 1 through to other side, all in time to see you drop out of warp? So all that in 10 seconds?

Impressive. Impossible, but impressive.

Andy Landen wrote:
The rest rush to that stargate while the capital spends the next 8s dropping out of warp. The capital is pointed and bumped as it tries to align to a celestial. You know that jumping through will meet a similar fate on the other side because your scout can see the rest of the hostile fleet landing on the stargate in the other system. All but the dictor jumps through to your cap. You know that jumping through will just get you bubbled long enough for the hostile fleet to wait out their aggression timers. 10 more seconds left to finish targeting that first ship which tackled you. The entire fleet is on you and their friends and the rest of the region are inbound to you. Just as you lock the first ship, it warps off, but you still have 10 other ships with points on you and 30 more seconds to target them.

None of this'll happen, since the entire scenario is impossible. Even if they were to come from where you're not scouting, unless you have an aggression timer, you've got more than ample time to log off while in warp.

Andy Landen wrote:
You know that even though there was no gate camp, the systems were clear, and you had a scout, jump caps through stargates is always a bad idea because caps are ill-suited to stargate jumping. You know that capital fleets can only be moved in blobs.

Seems to work just fine, even if it's not moved in a blob. Odd, that.

Andy Landen wrote:
The goal of the latest patch becomes obvious: more, not less, blobbing. more, not less, time leeching for the most mundane tasks. more, not less, alts required to scout multiple systems in every direction and to and jump multiple cynos for every 2-3 ly at a time for ideal cyno placement for caps. Is it a conspiracy, you ask? Only if the secret was hidden for the population. But this one seems blatantly obvious. With major buffs to range and jump fatigue, black ops are the new cap pilot transport system across Eve to his new network of pre-fitted and strategically placed capital ships.

And here I thought you were convinced that the goal of the latest patch was to feed cap kills to subcaps, but you almost makes it sound like the goal of the patch was to make travelling over long distances with offensive ships a thing you didn't take on lightly, and actually put some semblance of thought into before you undertook it.

Caps are ships which required a lot of care and attention to move around. They need less care and attention to move them around now, since you can move them around completely solo if you so choose, only relying on luck or intel channels. It won't be a clever thing to do, but you can do it.

And blops being the new cap ship of force when they've still got massive nerfs to travel time compared to pre-phoebe, and they can't hold a candle to either carriers or dreads in damage or repping abilities? Okay, sure. You keep believing that.

Actually, next time you guys try to invade somewhere, do it in blops, let's see how long that offensive lasts. After all, they're massively buffed with regards to range and jump fatigue. Roll
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1986 - 2014-11-05 00:46:17 UTC
Well, there are a lot of capitals, a lot... Sooner or later players will move them. They will be bored waisting time... More and more bored or/and angry, upset, etc. More and more players. Not good for sales...

Expecting fix of fix in next patch ;)
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#1987 - 2014-11-05 02:06:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Celly S
Lord TGR wrote:
(to Andy)
And here I thought you were convinced that the goal of the latest patch was to feed cap kills to subcaps, but you almost makes it sound like the goal of the patch was to make travelling over long distances with offensive ships a thing you didn't take on lightly, and actually put some semblance of thought into before you undertook it.


Celly Smunt

"I see what you did there" :P

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1988 - 2014-11-05 02:35:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Lord TGR wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
Your scout reveals that the next system is also clear so your capital enters warp. A hostile fleet enters the scout's system with 10 more seconds left before you land on the gate in the adjacent system.

Giving you a shittonne of time to log off.

Would anyone like to enlighten TGR about log-off mechanics?

Lord TGR wrote:

Andy Landen wrote:
They dscan and sees no ships; your scout is cloaked and they suspect as much. Suspecting that your scout is a scout for a capital, his fleet splits up and jumps to the neighboring systems. One of them comes through to your system just in time to see the capital come out of warp.

So they've entered a neighbouring system 10 seconds before you land on the gate TO that system, scanned the entire system (impressive, since one dscan doesn't necessarily cover the entire system), spread the entire fleet across all gates and sending at least 1 through to other side, all in time to see you drop out of warp? So all that in 10 seconds?

Impressive. Impossible, but impressive.

Jump into a frigate, let alone an interceptor, and watch how the previous buffs to frigate warp speed really make a frigate fly through systems in seconds. Spreading to the gates with a hostile in system is standard procedure for trying to catch the hostile. And while the hostiles zip to the gates, the dscans commence. There is nothing new in these tactics. Please tell me that you have been in a roam or two that have spread to cover all the gates in a system in order to catch a hostile. Then count the number of seconds for your frigate to cross 10AU. not so impossible now is it?

PS: You might want to check your facts about log off mechanics. It doesn't work like it used to where a supercap could logoff and be safe regardless of what was on him because they couldn't drive through the hp fast enough. These days, the only way to secure safe log off in space is to leave fleet, power off all modules and select safe log off for 30s. It's funny how safe log off is your best reply to the previous scenario. Pretty sure log-off during warp doesn't keep your ship from landing. If it still does, I have to wonder how CCP missed that in their aggro logoff timer overhaul a while back; renders the safe logoff feature a bit obsolete and pointless. Take that scenario forward 10-15s seconds where the cap is landing on gate or has jumped through when the hostiles enter that adjacent system and the cap needs 30-42s after grid has loaded in order to align out of there. The frigate comes through the gate and immediately aggros the cap and bumps it regardless of log off.

Two more quick points:
I never said that the point was to feed cap kills. I said that a major selling point was to tailor a description of the mechanic with the idea that there would be lots of caps tired of waiting to jump and going through gates to get caught by anyone.

Also, the point about BLOPS was not that they would form the primary combat forces but only that they would serve quite well for moving cap pilots quickly across large distances to the cap ships staged in the next combat region. That was following the numbers of 80% reduction to jump fatigue and 12-15ly jump distances. Perhaps CCP has toned down these bonuses since I last saw them.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Bad Girl Posse
#1989 - 2014-11-05 04:23:35 UTC
MMak wrote:
Well, there are a lot of capitals, a lot... Sooner or later players will move them. They will be bored waisting time... More and more bored or/and angry, upset, etc. More and more players. Not good for sales...

Expecting fix of fix in next patch ;)

I'm not seeing the anger this round.
Disgust and apathy seem to be the phase.
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1990 - 2014-11-05 10:10:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord TGR
Andy Landen wrote:
Would anyone like to enlighten TGR about log-off mechanics?

You mean the mechanics I've used numerous times to keep my freighter safe while encountering roaming gangs in deklein? Yes, please, do tell me how it actually works, since I've ... uh, wait, I do know how it works, because I've yet to lose a single freighter while doing this exact maneuver. And it's a maneuver I've done tons of times specifically in response to a roaming gang. It's even been a roaming gang which has caught up to me from the direction my scout wasn't looking.

I must've hacked CCP's gibson to make this work.

Andy Landen wrote:
Jump into a frigate, let alone an interceptor, and watch how the previous buffs to frigate warp speed really make a frigate fly through systems in seconds. Spreading to the gates with a hostile in system is standard procedure for trying to catch the hostile. And while the hostiles zip to the gates, the dscans commence. There is nothing new in these tactics. Please tell me that you have been in a roam or two that have spread to cover all the gates in a system in order to catch a hostile. Then count the number of seconds for your frigate to cross 10AU. not so impossible now is it?

You're assuming that a roaming gang is assuming that every system has a cap in warp TO a gate leading to the system they've just entered. I've been in tons of roams, and I've yet to see a single fleet operate in this manner. The roaming gangs I've been in on have all had a specific route in mind, with a single scout (maybe two, but mostly one, staying 1-2 jumps ahead of the fleet, reporting on what he sees in the system), and unless the scout sees a large (comparatively) number in local, isn't seeing them on dscan on the ingate, and even then even only if he can actually figure out where they actually are and warp to the belt/anomaly and tackle them would the rest of the fleet jump in.

At no point would any sensible roam treat a system in the manner you do, unless they knew there was someone already in system they wanted to catch who weren't docked up, cloaked in a safe or in a POS. They certainly won't be acting in this fashion just in case ONE of the gates in this system with one guy in it they can't find on d-scan actually has a cap 10 seconds away from landing on the gate, because that doesn't scale. They can do it on a single system, but then they have to move on to the next system, which means waiting even longer to get everyone back into the initial system they were in, on the outgate, then continue travelling, etc etc etc. But please, tell me more about how this is standard practice.

The only time I've seen fleets operate anywhere near this method is during wartimes, and even then the scouts spread out in the surrounding systems to see where the enemy fleet might be coming from. Still not anywhere near your fantasy island scenario.

Andy Landen wrote:
PS: You might want to check your facts about log off mechanics. It doesn't work like it used to where a supercap could logoff and be safe regardless of what was on him because they couldn't drive through the hp fast enough. These days, the only way to secure safe log off in space is to leave fleet, power off all modules and select safe log off for 30s. It's funny how safe log off is your best reply to the previous scenario. Pretty sure log-off during warp doesn't keep your ship from landing. If it still does, I have to wonder how CCP missed that in their aggro logoff timer overhaul a while back; renders the safe logoff feature a bit obsolete and pointless. Take that scenario forward 10-15s seconds where the cap is landing on gate or has jumped through when the hostiles enter that adjacent system and the cap needs 30-42s after grid has loaded in order to align out of there. The frigate comes through the gate and immediately aggros the cap and bumps it regardless of log off.

I know precisely how logoff mechanics work. I've used them to keep my Deklein freighter safe from roaming gangs numerous times, and I've been one of the proponents of changing how logging off with aggression works. That's why I specifically said "unless you have an aggression timer, you've got more than ample time to log off while in warp.".

Now I don't know about the people you fly with, but if I have an aggression timer, I sure as **** won't be travelling with any ship that's expensive, let alone a capital, because I want to be able to do exactly what I've been doing numerous times to escape roaming gangs.

And yes, logging off while in warp does stop you from landing, if you're far enough away from the actual landing spot. You'll be at the gate when you log back in, but you won't necessarily land. I've done this numerous times before.

Andy Landen wrote:
Two more quick points:
I never said that the point was to feed cap kills. I said that a major selling point was to tailor a description of the mechanic with the idea that there would be lots of caps tired of waiting to jump and going through gates to get caught by anyone.

i.e. basically saying "the new system will feed cap kills to subcaps".

Andy Landen wrote:
Also, the point about BLOPS was not that they would form the primary combat forces but only that they would serve quite well for moving cap pilots quickly across large distances to the cap ships staged in the next combat region. That was following the numbers of 80% reduction to jump fatigue and 12-15ly jump distances. Perhaps CCP has toned down these bonuses since I last saw them.

I quote from the front page: "We're going to bump the max range of black ops ships up slightly to 8LY, and likewise give them a ~50% fatigue bonus."

But I'm fairly certain interceptors would still be quicker even if they had 12-15LY and 80% fatigue bonus. Certainly cheaper to lose when you do lose them.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#1991 - 2014-11-05 15:38:04 UTC
I don't see anything about logoffs for non-aggressed ships being changed. Having three toons on one account and all 3 of them currently being logged off in the same POS I think I would have noticed if my other toons were still in space with me. It did actually happen once, I saw my alt in space for about a second before she disappeared. That was in the time it took me to click Play on the launcher and pick a character, maybe 15 seconds at most.

I will give Andy 0.5 points for mentioning the spreading belts tactic, it would have been a full point but I took off half for him saying it was common. I've done it in on frigate only roams, and that's about it. Basically when everybody is in frigates and most have tackle it's more fun to blitz the belts. You assign each pilot a number and every time the fleet jumps they warp to that belt immediately. My old corp used to do it on the way back from a roam when people were getting tired and some scouts had to log for the night. If nothing else it helps keep everybody awake.

I'm going to go look at killboards again today, for cap kills, to see what's happening post-patch. Last night things didn't seem particularly explosive in that regard. It would be really cool to see some small local wars break out.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1992 - 2014-11-05 16:24:18 UTC
Spreading belts? He didn't say spreading belts, he said gates, and having one go through to the other side for each gate, just on the off chance that the guy they can see in local but can't see on scan is a cloaked up cap scout, and the cap is going to land on grid shortly thereafter.

And all of that was going to be done in less than 10 seconds after they'd gotten into the system the scout was in, which is interesting considering the last time I checked you're usually visible for a few seconds before you've actually loaded system enough to actually do anything like warping to the next gate.

And it would have to be done for each and every system they enter and they see a hostile, on the off chance there's a cap inbound. Roll
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#1993 - 2014-11-05 16:29:51 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Lord TGR wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
Your scout reveals that the next system is also clear so your capital enters warp. A hostile fleet enters the scout's system with 10 more seconds left before you land on the gate in the adjacent system.

Giving you a shittonne of time to log off.

Would anyone like to enlighten TGR about log-off mechanics?

Lord TGR wrote:

Andy Landen wrote:
They dscan and sees no ships; your scout is cloaked and they suspect as much. Suspecting that your scout is a scout for a capital, his fleet splits up and jumps to the neighboring systems. One of them comes through to your system just in time to see the capital come out of warp.

So they've entered a neighbouring system 10 seconds before you land on the gate TO that system, scanned the entire system (impressive, since one dscan doesn't necessarily cover the entire system), spread the entire fleet across all gates and sending at least 1 through to other side, all in time to see you drop out of warp? So all that in 10 seconds?

Impressive. Impossible, but impressive.

Jump into a frigate, let alone an interceptor, and watch how the previous buffs to frigate warp speed really make a frigate fly through systems in seconds. Spreading to the gates with a hostile in system is standard procedure for trying to catch the hostile. And while the hostiles zip to the gates, the dscans commence. There is nothing new in these tactics. Please tell me that you have been in a roam or two that have spread to cover all the gates in a system in order to catch a hostile. Then count the number of seconds for your frigate to cross 10AU. not so impossible now is it?

PS: You might want to check your facts about log off mechanics. It doesn't work like it used to where a supercap could logoff and be safe regardless of what was on him because they couldn't drive through the hp fast enough. These days, the only way to secure safe log off in space is to leave fleet, power off all modules and select safe log off for 30s. It's funny how safe log off is your best reply to the previous scenario. Pretty sure log-off during warp doesn't keep your ship from landing. If it still does, I have to wonder how CCP missed that in their aggro logoff timer overhaul a while back; renders the safe logoff feature a bit obsolete and pointless. Take that scenario forward 10-15s seconds where the cap is landing on gate or has jumped through when the hostiles enter that adjacent system and the cap needs 30-42s after grid has loaded in order to align out of there. The frigate comes through the gate and immediately aggros the cap and bumps it regardless of log off.

Two more quick points:
I never said that the point was to feed cap kills. I said that a major selling point was to tailor a description of the mechanic with the idea that there would be lots of caps tired of waiting to jump and going through gates to get caught by anyone.

Also, the point about BLOPS was not that they would form the primary combat forces but only that they would serve quite well for moving cap pilots quickly across large distances to the cap ships staged in the next combat region. That was following the numbers of 80% reduction to jump fatigue and 12-15ly jump distances. Perhaps CCP has toned down these bonuses since I last saw them.

other scout in cap ship fleet lights cyno on station carrier jumps presses dock is 100% safe
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1994 - 2014-11-05 16:35:07 UTC
Lady Rift wrote:
other scout in cap ship fleet lights cyno on station carrier jumps presses dock is 100% safe

Chances are he's travelling by gates because he's got jump fatigue, so that's not a sure-fire escape route. Otherwise it would be, but logging off in mid warp (without an aggression timer, Andy) is more reliable.
Lady Rift
His Majesty's Privateers
#1995 - 2014-11-05 16:51:13 UTC
Lord TGR wrote:
Lady Rift wrote:
other scout in cap ship fleet lights cyno on station carrier jumps presses dock is 100% safe

Chances are he's travelling by gates because he's got jump fatigue, so that's not a sure-fire escape route. Otherwise it would be, but logging off in mid warp (without an aggression timer, Andy) is more reliable.

just pointing out he could have another option if he doesn't have a jump cooldown , fatigue doesn't matter if it means keeping your cap alive.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#1996 - 2014-11-05 17:10:50 UTC
Lord TGR wrote:
Spreading belts? He didn't say spreading belts, he said gates, and having one go through to the other side for each gate, just on the off chance that the guy they can see in local but can't see on scan is a cloaked up cap scout, and the cap is going to land on grid shortly thereafter.

And all of that was going to be done in less than 10 seconds after they'd gotten into the system the scout was in, which is interesting considering the last time I checked you're usually visible for a few seconds before you've actually loaded system enough to actually do anything like warping to the next gate.

And it would have to be done for each and every system they enter and they see a hostile, on the off chance there's a cap inbound. Roll

So he did... 0.5 points revoked. Also, I can read, really, I can. Shut up!

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Alavaria Fera
#1997 - 2014-11-05 17:40:03 UTC
Niskin wrote:
Lord TGR wrote:
Spreading belts? He didn't say spreading belts, he said gates, and having one go through to the other side for each gate, just on the off chance that the guy they can see in local but can't see on scan is a cloaked up cap scout, and the cap is going to land on grid shortly thereafter.

And all of that was going to be done in less than 10 seconds after they'd gotten into the system the scout was in, which is interesting considering the last time I checked you're usually visible for a few seconds before you've actually loaded system enough to actually do anything like warping to the next gate.

And it would have to be done for each and every system they enter and they see a hostile, on the off chance there's a cap inbound. Roll

So he did... 0.5 points revoked. Also, I can read, really, I can. Shut up!

This is now a nerf local discussion?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1998 - 2014-11-05 17:44:54 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Niskin wrote:
Lord TGR wrote:
Spreading belts? He didn't say spreading belts, he said gates, and having one go through to the other side for each gate, just on the off chance that the guy they can see in local but can't see on scan is a cloaked up cap scout, and the cap is going to land on grid shortly thereafter.

And all of that was going to be done in less than 10 seconds after they'd gotten into the system the scout was in, which is interesting considering the last time I checked you're usually visible for a few seconds before you've actually loaded system enough to actually do anything like warping to the next gate.

And it would have to be done for each and every system they enter and they see a hostile, on the off chance there's a cap inbound. Roll

So he did... 0.5 points revoked. Also, I can read, really, I can. Shut up!

This is now a nerf local discussion?

***** imma cut u
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1999 - 2014-11-05 19:21:58 UTC
Wall of text begone. So. Gates. Strategic cynos. Use em to get out. Not get in. Caps move with subcap fleet therefore good fight. Strategic caps? Probable but only in your own sov unless lowsec/pirate sov in which case gonna be same with dictors. Not too hard to cherry pick off a cap and if big fleet, believe me. going to be a while til a proper cap fleet can get 20 caps per pilot just to stage in advance new fleets. A surprizing number of cap pilots are not super rich and at best, most only have a few per pilot.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#2000 - 2014-11-05 22:03:01 UTC
Well my wife certainly thanks you for this change.

1. Jump
2. AFK for an hour and work around the house
3. Jump
4. Repeat step 2

Thanks Greyscale!

Not today spaghetti.