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Oolala I'm Akita T look at me! Look at me! Look at all my remaps

First post
Daedalus Arcova
The Scope
#101 - 2011-12-14 15:52:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Daedalus Arcova
stoicfaux wrote:
Daedalus Arcova wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Try going to a gypsy inhabited part of a Romanian city, and if you still have your cell phone, watch, and clothes on you 1 hour later, I will applaud you.

Live in a country filled with those horrible creatures and you'll change your tune, I was mugged by those bastards 5 times and got stabbed once, WHILE COMING BACK FROM WORK, which BY THE WAY, they don't go to, EVER.

One of the main reasons I said ***** you, Romania!* at the beginning of 2011, and moved to Norway.
Better to do it when you're 21 then not do it and regret the **** out it later.

Quoted because the world needs reminding that people like Freezehunter still exist.

I've noticed that it's usually racists that get attacked by the people they hate. Might have something to do with spitting at black people, shouting **** slogans at Jews, or in your case, treating gypsies like 'rats'.

I was wrong about the Daily Mail. It sounds like you've been reading Mein Kampf.

Yep, that line. I just crossed it.

Or maybe you crossed the wrong line?

What's the difference between labeling an extremely insular society that encourages stealing from non-members as rats and calling members of the Ku Klux Klan rats?

'Extremely insular' - consistently being on the receiving end of racism, dehumanisation and even outright persecution, tends to lead to insularity in a group. There's nothing special about Gypsies in this respect.

'encourages stealing from non-members' - is that a Gypsy trait, or is it just a trait of the minority of pickpockets and thieves you find in every race, in every community, everywhere in the world?

'calling members of the Ku Klux Klan rats' - I'm not aware anyone did. Calling someone out as an ignorant, bigoted, racist whose views seem disturbingly similar to a particular little man with a persecution complex who became a rather infamous leader in the early C20th, is not the same as dehumanising them.
#102 - 2011-12-14 15:52:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Beaches
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:

I find monkeys more intelligent. No offense meant...
Sure i find ladies / humans / more sexier, which just proved the first line.

This is how AIDS started. Right here.

e. Daedalus Arcova give it a ******* rest, no one cares that your mother was mulatto.
Froz3nEcho Sarain
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#103 - 2011-12-14 15:53:23 UTC
Lol no wonder that everyone is trolling on these forums... you guys are waaaay to easy.Bear

[i]~ When everything fades away, an echo is the only sound that will remain ~   ~ Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds ~[/i]

#104 - 2011-12-14 15:54:13 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Sure i find ladies / humans / more sexier, which just proved the first line.

No, *God* programmed your mind and behaviour (as a male of the species) to lose all rational thought at the sight of a perfect female of the species.
Hence that response.

Buggy programming may lead to liking Klingon women traits, however.
So ymmv.
Daedalus Arcova
The Scope
#105 - 2011-12-14 15:55:20 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Also, calling me a coward IRL is a sure fire way of getting a broken jaw, just letting you know.

With your magnetic personality and talent for diplomacy, it must really be a surprise that people want to stab you.
Le Skunk
Low Sec Liberators
#106 - 2011-12-14 15:57:05 UTC
Akita T wrote:
The proper term would be nationalist (or, like USofAians like to say, "patriots").
Romanians are not a race, but a nation. Racial-wise, we're plain ole' caucasians.

There are various classifications of race, including geographic, so Racist would indeed be an appropriate term.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#107 - 2011-12-14 15:58:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Daedalus Arcova wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Also, calling me a coward IRL is a sure fire way of getting a broken jaw, just letting you know.

With your magnetic personality and talent for diplomacy, it must really be a surprise that people want to stab you.

thats the question ..

Liberal pussies get stabbed because they are weak
They grow up and become what Freezehunter claims to be.

Its better to get stabbed while you take at least one down with you then getting stabbed while trying to be dimplomatic...

And that goes with the EVE life pretty well..
Daedalus Arcova
The Scope
#108 - 2011-12-14 16:01:17 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Daedalus Arcova wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Also, calling me a coward IRL is a sure fire way of getting a broken jaw, just letting you know.

With your magnetic personality and talent for diplomacy, it must really be a surprise that people want to stab you.

thats the question ..

Liberal pussies get stabbed because they are weak
They grow up and become what Freezehunter claims to be.

Its better to get stabbed while you take at least one down with you then getting stabbed while trying to be dimplomatic...

And that goes with the EVE life pretty well..

Yes, because a computer game is a perfect example of how people should behave in the real world.
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2011-12-14 16:03:25 UTC
Daedalus Arcova wrote:
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Daedalus Arcova wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Also, calling me a coward IRL is a sure fire way of getting a broken jaw, just letting you know.

With your magnetic personality and talent for diplomacy, it must really be a surprise that people want to stab you.

thats the question ..

Liberal pussies get stabbed because they are weak
They grow up and become what Freezehunter claims to be.

Its better to get stabbed while you take at least one down with you then getting stabbed while trying to be dimplomatic...

And that goes with the EVE life pretty well..

Yes, because a computer game is a perfect example of how people should behave in the real world.

If you live at dangerous neighborhood, then yes. It is indeed.

Speaking never solved anyhting, they just delayed inevitable, War and violence solved plenty of things.
#110 - 2011-12-14 16:08:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Freezehunter
Daedalus, you are an idiot, you have no clue about gypsy history, their *gypsy law*, their way of life, you don't have a clue about anything.

Least you could do is read a Wikipedia aticle on them, it might make you less ********.

Their entire way of life revolves around stealing, not going to school, and marrying 12 year olds and **** like that.

Gypsies are not like regular minorities, they are a whole different issue.

Their *gypsy law* tells them to:

Live in caravans at the outskirts of cities.
Marry 9-12 year olds.
Never go to school.
Never have a job.
Something similar to what people call an eye for an eye.
Steal (or more recently, leach the state for benefit money, those bastards make like 30 children per family, because the Romanian government is ******** enough to give them financial aid per child, so they build MANSIONS out of benefit money, that honest hard working people pay from their salaries for).

And other archaic, ******** *laws* like that.

It's a little bit like Sharia, ******* 1500s mentality.

They are not insular because they were persecuted or other bullshit like that, they are insular because their idiotic traditions and *laws* tell them to be absolute ******* nuisances to normal modern societies.

So unless you know what the **** you are talking about, shut the **** up on the subject of gypsies, or move to Romania for a year and live among them, and learn a little about them.
You WILL hate them too after a while, trust me.

No wonder the world is in total ****, when morons like you are allowed to vote.

You are the ignorant one here, because you talk about subjects you don't know jack **** about.

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2011-12-14 16:10:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Freezehunter wrote:
Daedalus, you are an idiot, you have no clue about gypsy history, their *gypsy law*, their way of life, you don't have a clue about anything.

Least you could do is read a Wikipedia aticle on them, it might make you less ********.

Their entire way of life revolves around stealing, not going to school, and marrying 12 year olds and **** like that.

Gypsies are not like regular minorities, they are a whole different issue.

Their *gypsy law* tells them to:

Live in caravans at the outskirts of cities.
Marry 9-12 year olds.
Never go to school.
Never have a job.
Something similar to what people call an eye for an eye.

And other archaic, ******** *laws* like that.

It's a little bit like Sharia, ******* 1500s mentality.

They are not insular because they were persecuted or other bullshit like that, they are insular because their idiotic traditions and *laws* tell them to be absolute ******* nuisances to normal modern societies.

So unless you know what the **** you are talking about, shut the **** up on the subject of gypsies, or move to Romania for a year and live among them, and learn a little about them.
You WILL hate them too after a while, trust me.

No wonder the world is in total ****, when morons like you are allowed to vote.

You are the ignorant one here, because you talk about subjects you don't know jack **** about.

And therefore i respect them, They have not become what rest of us.. They are not stupid slaves of the few wealthy/powerfull ones..

Western sociaties going down fast... They preserved... we evidently made an bad choice.
#112 - 2011-12-14 16:29:58 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Daedalus, you are an idiot, you have no clue about gypsy history, their *gypsy law*, their way of life, you don't have a clue about anything.

Least you could do is read a Wikipedia aticle on them, it might make you less ********.

Their entire way of life revolves around stealing, not going to school, and marrying 12 year olds and **** like that.

Gypsies are not like regular minorities, they are a whole different issue.

Their *gypsy law* tells them to:

Live in caravans at the outskirts of cities.
Marry 9-12 year olds.
Never go to school.
Never have a job.
Something similar to what people call an eye for an eye.

And other archaic, ******** *laws* like that.

It's a little bit like Sharia, ******* 1500s mentality.

They are not insular because they were persecuted or other bullshit like that, they are insular because their idiotic traditions and *laws* tell them to be absolute ******* nuisances to normal modern societies.

So unless you know what the **** you are talking about, shut the **** up on the subject of gypsies, or move to Romania for a year and live among them, and learn a little about them.
You WILL hate them too after a while, trust me.

No wonder the world is in total ****, when morons like you are allowed to vote.

You are the ignorant one here, because you talk about subjects you don't know jack **** about.

And therefore i respect them, They have not become what rest of us.. They are not stupid slaves of the few wealthy/powerfull ones..

Western sociaties going down fast... They preserved... we evidently made an bad choice.

I wonder how much you'll respect them when they will pickpocket you on the bus or steal you luggage on the train, or break into your house and steal your ****, or steal your car, or stab your wife in front of her appartment's door because she screamed when they tried to steal her purse, or when they come from Romania to your country specifically to steal and ruin your tourist attractions with their beggars, ETC.

Most of the things i just said are all from recent news bulletins.
In all those cases, the *Romanians* shown as the criminals were gypsies.
Another reason i hate gypsies, they give Romania a bad name because when someone hears *Rroma*, the racial name for gypsies, thy automatically assume that they are real Romanians, which they are not, they are just a bunch of parasites that like to chew on good societies and make them a hell to live in.

Sorry, but I can't respect people that do that, I can only hate them.
If I were a bastard with no morals, I'd probably respect them for that, yes...

But no...

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#113 - 2011-12-14 16:30:48 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Daedalus, you are an idiot, you have no clue about gypsy history, their *gypsy law*, their way of life, you don't have a clue about anything.

Least you could do is read a Wikipedia aticle on them, it might make you less ********.

Their entire way of life revolves around stealing, not going to school, and marrying 12 year olds and **** like that.

Gypsies are not like regular minorities, they are a whole different issue.

Their *gypsy law* tells them to:

Live in caravans at the outskirts of cities.
Marry 9-12 year olds.
Never go to school.
Never have a job.
Something similar to what people call an eye for an eye.

And other archaic, ******** *laws* like that.

It's a little bit like Sharia, ******* 1500s mentality.

They are not insular because they were persecuted or other bullshit like that, they are insular because their idiotic traditions and *laws* tell them to be absolute ******* nuisances to normal modern societies.

So unless you know what the **** you are talking about, shut the **** up on the subject of gypsies, or move to Romania for a year and live among them, and learn a little about them.
You WILL hate them too after a while, trust me.

No wonder the world is in total ****, when morons like you are allowed to vote.

You are the ignorant one here, because you talk about subjects you don't know jack **** about.

And therefore i respect them, They have not become what rest of us.. They are not stupid slaves of the few wealthy/powerfull ones..

Western sociaties going down fast... They preserved... we evidently made an bad choice.

I wonder how much you'll respect them when they will pickpocket you on the bus or steal you luggage on the train, or break into your house and steal your ****, or steal your car, or stab your wife in front of her appartment's door because she screamed when they tried to steal her purse, or when they come from Romania to your country specifically to steal and ruin your tourist attractions with their beggars, ETC.

Most of the things i just said are all from recent news bulletins.
In all those cases, the *Romanians* shown as the criminals were gypsies.
Another reason i hate gypsies, they give Romania a bad name because when someone hears *Rroma*, the racial name for gypsies, thy automatically assume that they are real Romanians, which they are not, they are just a bunch of parasites that like to chew on good societies and make them a hell to live in.

Sorry, but I can't respect people that do that, I can only hate them.
If I were a bastard with no morals, I'd probably respect them for that, yes...

But no...

But by their laws.. you can kill them... So go figure.. Big smile
#114 - 2011-12-14 16:32:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Freezehunter
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Daedalus, you are an idiot, you have no clue about gypsy history, their *gypsy law*, their way of life, you don't have a clue about anything.

Least you could do is read a Wikipedia aticle on them, it might make you less ********.

Their entire way of life revolves around stealing, not going to school, and marrying 12 year olds and **** like that.

Gypsies are not like regular minorities, they are a whole different issue.

Their *gypsy law* tells them to:

Live in caravans at the outskirts of cities.
Marry 9-12 year olds.
Never go to school.
Never have a job.
Something similar to what people call an eye for an eye.

And other archaic, ******** *laws* like that.

It's a little bit like Sharia, ******* 1500s mentality.

They are not insular because they were persecuted or other bullshit like that, they are insular because their idiotic traditions and *laws* tell them to be absolute ******* nuisances to normal modern societies.

So unless you know what the **** you are talking about, shut the **** up on the subject of gypsies, or move to Romania for a year and live among them, and learn a little about them.
You WILL hate them too after a while, trust me.

No wonder the world is in total ****, when morons like you are allowed to vote.

You are the ignorant one here, because you talk about subjects you don't know jack **** about.

And therefore i respect them, They have not become what rest of us.. They are not stupid slaves of the few wealthy/powerfull ones..

Western sociaties going down fast... They preserved... we evidently made an bad choice.

I wonder how much you'll respect them when they will pickpocket you on the bus or steal you luggage on the train, or break into your house and steal your ****, or steal your car, or stab your wife in front of her appartment's door because she screamed when they tried to steal her purse, or when they come from Romania to your country specifically to steal and ruin your tourist attractions with their beggars, ETC.

Most of the things i just said are all from recent news bulletins.
In all those cases, the *Romanians* shown as the criminals were gypsies.
Another reason i hate gypsies, they give Romania a bad name because when someone hears *Rroma*, the racial name for gypsies, thy automatically assume that they are real Romanians, which they are not, they are just a bunch of parasites that like to chew on good societies and make them a hell to live in.

Sorry, but I can't respect people that do that, I can only hate them.
If I were a bastard with no morals, I'd probably respect them for that, yes...

But no...

But by their laws.. you can kill them... So go figure.. Big smile

I don't live by their laws, as I am not a savage nomad like them...

Remember the Sand People in Star Wars?

They are kind of like those, only no sand.

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Sader Rykane
Midnight Sentinels
#115 - 2011-12-14 16:44:09 UTC
Wait... people would choose a gift other than a remap?
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#116 - 2011-12-14 16:49:45 UTC
Sader Rykane wrote:
Wait... people would choose a gift other than a remap?

yes. I dont need remap. I dont care about SP/hr ratio ...

I dont want to chose my gift.
I want an surprise

Anyway i took Trahsers..
#117 - 2011-12-14 16:52:53 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Sader Rykane wrote:
Wait... people would choose a gift other than a remap?

yes. I dont need remap. I dont care about SP/hr ratio ...

I dont want to chose my gift.
I want an surprise

Anyway i took Trahsers..

A few years down the road, when you see you could have had 90 mil SP instead of 50 mil SP, you will care, trust me.

Inappropriate signature, CCP Phantom.

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2011-12-14 16:54:31 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Sader Rykane wrote:
Wait... people would choose a gift other than a remap?

yes. I dont need remap. I dont care about SP/hr ratio ...

I dont want to chose my gift.
I want an surprise

Anyway i took Trahsers..

A few years down the road, when you see you could have had 90 mil SP instead of 50 mil SP, you will care, trust me.

I am at 50mil SP now.. only combat skills .. sub capital ..Big smile
Devil's Call
Social safety
#119 - 2011-12-14 16:59:55 UTC
Sader Rykane wrote:
Wait... people would choose a gift other than a remap?

I don't see why I would need 4 remaps-.-'?
Sader Rykane
Midnight Sentinels
#120 - 2011-12-14 17:36:41 UTC
Devil's Call wrote:
Sader Rykane wrote:
Wait... people would choose a gift other than a remap?

I don't see why I would need 4 remaps-.-'?

I had three at one point and it was fantastic. Being able to switch for a couple months to non-primary attributed and save weeks is great.