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[Phoebe] Long Distance Travel Changes - updates!

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Bad Girl Posse
#1901 - 2014-10-28 23:30:46 UTC
The reason this is going to make no difference is it isn't new. It's a return to a system that was replaced because it didn't work then and it won't work now.

Prior to large scale bridge movement EVE went stagnant because most of the map was controlled by choke points and it still is. Most of the players in Null know where those choke points, they were there controlling them 10 years ago and they are still here, still controlling them. I don't need to control Esoteria to make it a renters playground. I just need to control the choke points in to it. The same can be said for any region of EVE.

There won't be local battle in Esoteria now any more than there were 8 years ago for the very same reasons. The choke points will dictate who can assemble there for large battles.

We are recycling old EVE. It's still all about bottlenecks and choke points.
Exploration Frontier inc
#1902 - 2014-10-29 11:54:30 UTC
I've ran some number and now I believe you should reconsider the 50% covert portal bonus to something greater like 80-90%.

Due to the power projection nerfs, some deep null systems will become even safer and even less disturbed than what they are now. Covert operations could be the key to counter that, if anything, they should be buffed or left untouched.

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Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1903 - 2014-10-29 12:05:56 UTC
Altrue wrote:
I've ran some number and now I believe you should reconsider the 50% covert portal bonus to something greater like 80-90%.

Due to the power projection nerfs, some deep null systems will become even safer and even less disturbed than what they are now. Covert operations could be the key to counter that, if anything, they should be buffed or left untouched.

Deep null systems will have sucky logistics, less traffic should be a balancing factor for that.

There's nothing stopping blops from moving in and being a pain in the ass, and going from 50% to 90% reduction in fatigue won't matter one whit in this regard.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#1904 - 2014-10-29 14:22:51 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:

This isn't about risk, which I am well aware. This is about killing an entire ship size without considering better ways. Also, leaving the ship for a potential return later is an option for capitals but not supers. but the point is not about if you can adapt, but if you should be forced to give up your capital (even to being stuck in a station) simply because no one thought of a better way. About being required to have 9 times as many cyno alts in order to cover the same number of jump options and still have to wait weeks between jumps. Weeks! Talk about boredom?! Jump fatigue has week and month long waits so wth!

As has already been pointed out, if you have weeks of jump fatigue you are doing something wrong. Just because you can accumulate that much (and they may end up capping it lower than that in the future anyway) doesn't mean you have to. There may be an occasional time where it's worth accumulating that much fatigue to accomplish something right now, and that's where the choice comes in, it should be an option, but not the rule.

You seem to be under the impression that capital pilots fly caps and caps only and if they have to leave the ship something has gone wrong. This is completely backwards, everything in EVE is an option, and if you only ever choose one option then CCP sees that as a problem. It may be more convenient to have a dedicated Cap pilot, but it's a choice you made, not something CCP forced you into. The same goes for cyno alts, you don't need 9x more. Sure you could get 9x more and project farther than others who don't go that route, but again, it's a choice, not the rule. The farther you try to go quickly the more fatigue you will incur. I think this is why you don't see the benefit of the changes... you are trying to figure out how to operate like you do today in a tomorrow that is trying to discourage those mechanics.

Andy Landen wrote:
CCP can bias against caps strongly and bias toward Black Ops and Jump Freighters strongly, but the real question is "Do I want to operate in a world of strong bias or do I prefer an open-sandbox where CCP is not trying to force me out of certain entire ship class sizes (caps) and into other ship classes (BLOPS) simply because of some preference/agenda of the day?" When biases become sufficiently strong, the game suffers as players leave. Why should I spend years training for something which will get the stick and ultimately, potentially become a virtual null? And why should I be required to have many accounts loaded only with cyno alts for access to a great many short and inefficient waypoints just to accommodate the whim of shortening jump distance for all but a few favorite ships? Is it now to be a requirement to have at least two dedicated cyno accounts (x3 each) in order to support basic capital short distance movements without any combat aspect at all?

There is exactly one reason that you should be training any given skill in this game, because you need it to do something. If you trained skills under the impression that some would make you powerful and others would not then you were misguided. There is no bias for BO and JF or against caps, you're just taking this whole thing personally. Like they made this adjustment specifically to hurt you, which is silly and of course had nothing to do with it.

And let me be very clear, there is not now, nor has there ever been, a requirement that you need even one alt to fly a cap. Not for cyno's, not for scouting, not for any other reason. This isn't a solo game, even though there are options that let a single human play it without the assistance of other humans. This playstyle is a choice. Even if it's a popular one, it's not required.

Andy Landen wrote:
Do regular sub-caps have deep safe spots? Absolutely. The ability to exit a jump between points would be no different than a system safe spot if there were scan probes that could comb the universe for signatures in jump. Bombers perma-camp systems for days with zero risk of getting scanned down, so there should be no issue of a ship out of the action being in a safe spot regardless of where that safe spot is located. It's just a set of coordinates.

So if I jump into a system I can just tell the EVE client to warp me to a deep safe spot? I don't have to actually make that safe spot myself or get a bookmark from somebody else? Do you not see the complete overpoweredness of letting caps drop out of a jump to a safe spot? I don't have a problem with a cloaked cap in a safe spot being safe, I have an issue with them dropping out of a jump and ending up in a safe spot without having to make it or acquire the bookmark from somebody.

Andy Landen wrote:
Regarding the jump delay time, I am no authority on how long it should be to keep local fights local but allow people to travel in a reasonable amount of time, so maybe 5ly should take 5 minutes. I don't think that the specifics of the travel rate is that important if both considerations are weighed: player patience vs locality of battles, but always remember that I support gate travel and that alone is probably the solution to the boredom question.

5ly in 5 minutes isn't unreasonable but without jump range restrictions it doesn't really fix anything. You said above that CCP is making people give up their caps because they can't think of a better idea for a fix. That's not even remotely true, but neither is your perception that you've come up with a better idea. Seriously man, nobody is supporting your idea, nobody. At least CCP's idea does have player support, and from more than one player even. If you want to convince them you have a better idea (and it's way too late for that now) then come up with something at least one other player likes and work from there.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1905 - 2014-10-29 15:54:27 UTC
Niskin wrote:
As has already been pointed out, if you have weeks of jump fatigue you are doing something wrong.

When numbers involve max jump distances of 5ly for carriers and jump delays of over 30 minutes after 10ly even if you are only jumping 0.001ly then something is very wrong. There is nothing more complicated about "making the mental calculations" after 0ly than after 100ly of jumps. The jump delay should be CONSTANT.

Niskin wrote:
You seem to be under the impression that capital pilots fly caps and caps only and if they have to leave the ship something has gone wrong. This is completely backwards, everything in EVE is an option, and if you only ever choose one option then CCP sees that as a problem.

If a player really likes interdictors and only wants to fly interdictors, there should be absolutely no problem with that. If there were an issue, it wouldn't be much of a sandbox, now would it? Play how you want to play.

Niskin wrote:
you are trying to figure out how to operate like you do today in a tomorrow that is trying to discourage those mechanics.

It is called a basis for comparison that reveals how big of a nerf this is to cap jump movement.

Niskin wrote:
There is exactly one reason that you should be training any given skill in this game, because you need it to do something. If you trained skills under the impression that some would make you powerful and others would not then you were misguided. There is no bias for BO and JF or against caps, you're just taking this whole thing personally. Like they made this adjustment specifically to hurt you, which is silly and of course had nothing to do with it.

The only reason to train a skill is because you believe that that skill will benefit your character in specific ways that match where you want to take your Eve career. When those benefits are ripped out from under you, then there is no possibility for forming reasonable expectation for how any skill will benefit any character beyond perhaps a couple months time; which is great for those players who either do not plan to play Eve for long or do not desire skills to improve their character's abilities more than a couple of months.
Niskin wrote:
5ly in 5 minutes isn't unreasonable but without jump range restrictions it doesn't really fix anything.

Enemies 30ly away will not enter the battle for 30 minutes. The local FC knows this and knows that he can win or lose the battle within 30 minutes, so he plans his tactics without considering those enemies as a worst case possibility. This addresses CCPs main concern driving these recent jump nerf proposals.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Komi Toran
Caldari State
#1906 - 2014-10-29 16:02:55 UTC
Niskin wrote:
So if I jump into a system I can just tell the EVE client to warp me to a deep safe spot?

I think he's saying that you don't even make it to the system. Instead, you wind up at a point between systems, and it takes a prober with combat probes that have scan ranges measured in lightyears to find you.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#1907 - 2014-10-29 16:13:24 UTC
Altrue wrote:
I've ran some number and now I believe you should reconsider the 50% covert portal bonus to something greater like 80-90%.

Due to the power projection nerfs, some deep null systems will become even safer and even less disturbed than what they are now. Covert operations could be the key to counter that, if anything, they should be buffed or left untouched.

Being that deep null (and pretty much all of null) aren't being disturbed at all - I'm not seeing any logic in your statement of need.

Prohint - no one is fighting over null, so there is no meaningful pvp, so folks are leaving or afking the game. The whole point of these travel changes are to mix that up. Wether you like or agree with said changes there point is CCPs answer to the current totally safe and totally not disturbed null that is the current reality.
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1908 - 2014-10-29 17:06:05 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
When numbers involve max jump distances of 5ly for carriers and jump delays of over 30 minutes after 10ly even if you are only jumping 0.001ly then something is very wrong. There is nothing more complicated about "making the mental calculations" after 0ly than after 100ly of jumps. The jump delay should be CONSTANT.

No. The point of the delays not being constant is to facilitate local movement and punishing long distance movement.

Andy Landen wrote:
If a player really likes interdictors and only wants to fly interdictors, there should be absolutely no problem with that. If there were an issue, it wouldn't be much of a sandbox, now would it? Play how you want to play.

If you want to fly capitals and only capitals, then you should realize that you're not supposed to be the kitchen knife, and also realize that when you'll be used, you'll be even more effective than you are today, relatively speaking.

This is discounting the archonballs. They were just broken.

Andy Landen wrote:
The only reason to train a skill is because you believe that that skill will benefit your character in specific ways that match where you want to take your Eve career. When those benefits are ripped out from under you, then there is no possibility for forming reasonable expectation for how any skill will benefit any character beyond perhaps a couple months time; which is great for those players who either do not plan to play Eve for long or do not desire skills to improve their character's abilities more than a couple of months.

And guess what? Those skills are still benefiting that character, you're still able to fly that capital; it just won't be possible to go from catch to deklein in 5 minutes anymore.

Andy Landen wrote:
Enemies 30ly away will not enter the battle for 30 minutes. The local FC knows this and knows that he can win or lose the battle within 30 minutes, so he plans his tactics without considering those enemies as a worst case possibility. This addresses CCPs main concern driving these recent jump nerf proposals.

In your revised proposal I can go from curse to deklein in 57 minutes, and I don't need to interact with ANYONE else on the way since we have "hyperdrives". It'll probably take twice that to take gates with interceptors (I can't be arsed to figure out how long it'll take to take the 60 jumps), let alone taking caps via gates, and let alone there being any opposition at all along the route.

Doesn't sound much like a long distance travel nerf at all, if you ask me, and quite frankly sounds more like you want it to be buffed hard so things are even more mobile than they are now.
Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#1909 - 2014-10-29 17:17:22 UTC
This idea seems half baked and poorly implemented but I can't come up with anything to offer so I'm posting to simply say meh.

Not today spaghetti.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1910 - 2014-10-29 17:46:31 UTC
I think it would be useful when considering support of this jump fatigue/BO buff initiative for each player's vote to be accompanied by the number of skill points in non-logistics cap, logistics caps, BO, and subcaps, and how much they like BO or caps. I think the correlations on bias would be strong. It is easy to turn a blind eye to non-logistics caps when you have no investment in it, esp. when you have large investment in BLOPS. Subcap players easily outnumber capital ship players.

PS: There is no bias between long distance and local jumps because jumps across 20ly are just the same as multiple local jumps shuttling between a couple systems adding up to 20ly.

The problem is combat across regions, not travel across regions. So how about this proposal: Jump fatigue is turned into Combat fatigue where players are not allowed to take combat actions until the timer expires. Correlating the time to the total distance jumped in a given time period seems quite reasonable. And jump distance remain unchanged for ALL ships. Let's stay focused on the problem of mitigating the worst case scenario of who could take part in a given battle by distance for FC combat planning.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1911 - 2014-10-29 18:50:58 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
I think it would be useful when considering support of this jump fatigue/BO buff initiative for each player's vote to be accompanied by the number of skill points in non-logistics cap, logistics caps, BO, and subcaps, and how much they like BO or caps.

I can fly an archon, a thanatos, a moros and a naglfar, and a few JFs, and I can fly them well. I like caps, for their intended purpose, but I also like subcaps, for their intended purpose.

I have absolutely no interest in blops, but I can fly one with 1.5h of training if I wanted to.

Andy Landen wrote:
I think the correlations on bias would be strong. It is easy to turn a blind eye to non-logistics caps when you have no investment in it, esp. when you have large investment in BLOPS.

And some of us aren't hooked on archonballs and can actually step back and see how a change like this is actually a benefit to the game as a whole.

Andy Landen wrote:
PS: There is no bias between long distance and local jumps because jumps across 20ly are just the same as multiple local jumps shuttling between a couple systems adding up to 20ly.

In which system? Yours? Well duh, that's one of the reasons it's bad, but the main reason is it's boring as ****, and adds nothing to the strategy.

Andy Landen wrote:
The problem is combat across regions, not travel across regions. So how about this proposal: Jump fatigue is turned into Combat fatigue where players are not allowed to take combat actions until the timer expires. Correlating the time to the total distance jumped in a given time period seems quite reasonable. And jump distance remain unchanged for ALL ships. Let's stay focused on the problem of mitigating the worst case scenario of who could take part in a given battle by distance for FC combat planning.

The problem is combat across regions after they've travelled across regions. And we've covered changing jump fatigue into combat fatigue before, but we can do so again.

Actually, let's look at all 3 suggestions so far.
1) CCP:
You can jump offensive caps 5LY at a time, and every jump incurs a fatigue and a cooldown, which increase much quicker than it decreases. This means you can travel more or less like you do now, only some systems are out of your reach which weren't before. Both of these facts mean you have to think more about how and where you keep and move your caps, and it adds to the game.

2) Your hyperdrive idea:
Does away with the use of cynos, lets caps move around solo, the only drawback is that they'll take anything from 1 minute pr LY to 10 minute pr LY, so travelling from curse to deklein takes anywhere from 57 to 570 minutes, one way. While this is going on, you're unassailable, and nothing's happening apart from a view down gastroscopy ave, and you're actually encouraging the pilots to switch off the monitor while they wait out their timer. And the defending force has the same amount of reaction time as they had prior to your changes, so there's no change there. I'm sure the cap pilots would love this change instead of CCP's change, because they'd be getting not just a timer but a timer where absolutely fuckall happens. Whee! \o/

3) Your combat fatigue idea:
Changes caps' roles from an offensive/logistical platform which can be projected all over the universe in a short amount of time, to a platform which is unable to be used in anything other than total safety, or with a long, long time to prepare, meaning the defender can get their caps in first, get rid of "combat fatigue", and sit there with their archonball while you sit xLY away and go "well we're too late, if we go in there now we'll have combat fatigue and can't do **** to shoot them OR rep eachother. stand down.". I'm sure all cap pilots will think that's a monstrous improvement, especially since they'll never be used for anything offensive again, ever.

Seriously, your ideas are worse than CCP's. The quicker you see that, the better off you'll be, because you'll go out of whatever denial phase you're in, and into acceptance, and from there you'll see just how much more interesting the game became, especially for cap pilots who don't necessarily just want to be in a 250 strong archonball all day long.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#1912 - 2014-10-29 18:51:49 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
When numbers involve max jump distances of 5ly for carriers and jump delays of over 30 minutes after 10ly even if you are only jumping 0.001ly then something is very wrong. There is nothing more complicated about "making the mental calculations" after 0ly than after 100ly of jumps. The jump delay should be CONSTANT.

Lets say you make a 5ly jump, your delay and fatigue are set to 6. So you must wait 6 minutes to jump no matter what. After that 6 minutes is up you are at 5.4 fatigue. First off, at that point, you would not jump again unless it was an emergency. Ideally you wouldn't jump again for another 45 minutes as it would take that long to get fatigue to 0.9. Once it's below 1 you get the easy low fatigue equal to 1 + ly jumped. If fatigue is above 1 it's the current fatigue time multiplied by 1 + ly. So it's really not hard. Don't jump when your fatigue is above 1 unless you have to, always. Even if you have to make an emergency jump right after the first timer is up you are looking at a max of 32.4 fatigue for a 5ly jump. You will then have a 5.4 minute cooldown and 5.4 hours of fatigue.

The point isn't to make you do lots of math all the time, it's to get you to think about the consequences if you need to jump earlier. You're only doing lots of math if you don't respect your fatigue when you have it.

Andy Landen wrote:
If a player really likes interdictors and only wants to fly interdictors, there should be absolutely no problem with that. If there were an issue, it wouldn't be much of a sandbox, now would it? Play how you want to play.

There isn't actually a problem with that, unless they expect to be able to only fly Interdictors and still be relevant in any given fight. You make the choice of what to fly and accept the benefits and limitations of doing so. Choosing to fly caps doesn't negate the need for other ships, it only limits what fights you'll be useful and/or present for. You keep presenting it as though your choice to fly caps is somehow special or should be protected from having upsides and downsides.

Andy Landen wrote:
It is called a basis for comparison that reveals how big of a nerf this is to cap jump movement.

Yes, it IS a big nerf to cap jump movement. This is convenient since the changes were intended to be a big nerf to cap jump movement. I think that's a QED moment or something.

Andy Landen wrote:
The only reason to train a skill is because you believe that that skill will benefit your character in specific ways that match where you want to take your Eve career. When those benefits are ripped out from under you, then there is no possibility for forming reasonable expectation for how any skill will benefit any character beyond perhaps a couple months time; which is great for those players who either do not plan to play Eve for long or do not desire skills to improve their character's abilities more than a couple of months.

The game is going to change, I can't help you wrap your head around that, you have to come to terms with that yourself. But it is reality. I've been here since 2006, lots of stuff is different now. Skills have changed, ships have changed, Sov has changed, very little is sacred, but the changes were always in pursuit of improving the game.

I trained EAS to 4 or 5 right away because I loved EWAR, then the ships turned out to be mostly crap in practice. I think they've been changed since then, not sure how it balances out now. The point is that there is no guarantee things will stay the same, only a guarantee that something will change eventually, especially with these shorter dev cycles.

Andy Landen wrote:
Enemies 30ly away will not enter the battle for 30 minutes. The local FC knows this and knows that he can win or lose the battle within 30 minutes, so he plans his tactics without considering those enemies as a worst case possibility. This addresses CCPs main concern driving these recent jump nerf proposals.

FC's aren't stupid, well most of them anyway, they won't jump 30 minutes or more into a fight not knowing what the state of the system will be when they get there. They will try to jump to staging systems, coordinate groups moving together to form up at a nearby point. Then they will all take the short jump together to the fight. I can't say if that reality would be more troublesome to manage than jump fatigue, but it doesn't seem any easier anyway.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1913 - 2014-10-29 19:19:11 UTC
Lord TGR wrote:

The problem is combat across regions after they've travelled across regions. And we've covered changing jump fatigue into combat fatigue before, but we can do so again.

Actually, let's look at all 3 suggestions so far.
1) CCP:
You can jump offensive caps 5LY at a time, and every jump incurs a fatigue and a cooldown, which increase much quicker than it decreases. This means you can travel more or less like you do now, only some systems are out of your reach which weren't before. Both of these facts mean you have to think more about how and where you keep and move your caps, and it adds to the game.

This does mitigate the multi-region null dogpile somewhat, but at great cost to non-logistics caps.

Lord TGR wrote:

2) Your hyperdrive idea:
Does away with the use of cynos, lets caps move around solo, the only drawback is that they'll take anything from 1 minute pr LY to 10 minute pr LY, so travelling from curse to deklein takes anywhere from 57 to 570 minutes, one way. While this is going on, you're unassailable, and nothing's happening apart from a view down gastroscopy ave, and you're actually encouraging the pilots to switch off the monitor while they wait out their timer. And the defending force has the same amount of reaction time as they had prior to your changes, so there's no change there. I'm sure the cap pilots would love this change instead of CCP's change, because they'd be getting not just a timer but a timer where absolutely fuckall happens. Whee! \o/

The delay also addresses multi-region dogpiles with the only drawback being the travel time. subcaps are "unassailable" in warp, so there is no issue as the intersystem travel correlates with intrasystem travel. Since caps could be scanned between systems with intersystem combat probes, successive scans would show large clumps of capital systems moving toward the defender's systems of interest and the defenders could prepare with plenty of time. The jump view could be adjusted so that it was more pleasant to watch and less blurry or whatever, so you can stop complaining about what the view does or does not remind you of. But yeah, until you drop out of jump, your character is not available for other activities, much like subcaps cannot do anything during warp for shorter periods of time and distances traveled.

Lord TGR wrote:

3) Your combat fatigue idea:
Changes caps' roles from an offensive/logistical platform which can be projected all over the universe in a short amount of time, to a platform which is unable to be used in anything other than total safety, or with a long, long time to prepare, meaning the defender can get their caps in first, get rid of "combat fatigue", and sit there with their archonball while you sit xLY away and go "well we're too late, if we go in there now we'll have combat fatigue and can't do **** to shoot them OR rep eachother. stand down.". I'm sure all cap pilots will think that's a monstrous improvement, especially since they'll never be used for anything offensive again, ever.

Technically, the only ones who would be too late are the ones who were either too far away or unwilling to take the gates en convoy. All else being equal, caps who chose to jump instead of burn through the gates, would most likely arrive in a safe pos in a nearby system and wait out the combat timer as the fleet is organized before burning the last few gates. Locals would wait much less time and well planned ops would have the right people in place well before the op so that there was no wait time at all. There would be plenty of offensive capability for locals and for others who thought things through in advance.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#1914 - 2014-10-29 19:23:24 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
I think it would be useful when considering support of this jump fatigue/BO buff initiative for each player's vote to be accompanied by the number of skill points in non-logistics cap, logistics caps, BO, and subcaps, and how much they like BO or caps. I think the correlations on bias would be strong. It is easy to turn a blind eye to non-logistics caps when you have no investment in it, esp. when you have large investment in BLOPS. Subcap players easily outnumber capital ship players.

PS: There is no bias between long distance and local jumps because jumps across 20ly are just the same as multiple local jumps shuttling between a couple systems adding up to 20ly.

Full disclosure: I have trained to within an inch of being able to fly caps, carriers anyway, dreads are a little farther off. The ISK investment for the Capital Ships and Carrier skillbooks is quite large and comparable to buying a carrier so I held off and have never made that plunge. I have flown with many cap pilots, as sub-cap support or lighting cynos. I have been titan bridged into fights and been bridged in a bomber by a BO . I cannot fly BO ships.

That doesn't invalidate any of the points I've made so far. I have no bias in this.

Andy Landen wrote:
The problem is combat across regions, not travel across regions. So how about this proposal: Jump fatigue is turned into Combat fatigue where players are not allowed to take combat actions until the timer expires. Correlating the time to the total distance jumped in a given time period seems quite reasonable. And jump distance remain unchanged for ALL ships. Let's stay focused on the problem of mitigating the worst case scenario of who could take part in a given battle by distance for FC combat planning.

That is A problem, it's not the ONLY problem. Long distance travel affects markets, corp/alliance moves, staging for fights and more. It's becoming more and more obvious why your solution isn't the right solution and why you don't seem to understand that. This is about way more than just long distance hot drops, even if that's the problem we all feel pretty good about it solving. The times they are a changing, get on board or prepare to get run over.

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1915 - 2014-10-29 19:31:25 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
This does mitigate the multi-region null dogpile somewhat, but at great cost to non-logistics caps.

Except they've been given a 90% reduction in fatigue, which means they're barely affected.

Andy Landen wrote:
The delay also addresses multi-region dogpiles with the only drawback being the travel time. subcaps are "unassailable" in warp, so there is no issue as the intersystem travel correlates with intrasystem travel. Since caps could be scanned between systems with intersystem combat probes, successive scans would show large clumps of capital systems moving toward the defender's systems of interest and the defenders could prepare with plenty of time. The jump view could be adjusted so that it was more pleasant to watch and less blurry or whatever, so you can stop complaining about what the view does or does not remind you of. But yeah, until you drop out of jump, your character is not available for other activities, much like subcaps cannot do anything during warp for shorter periods of time and distances traveled.

This delay would address absolutely nothing. Add tidi, and getting your caps from curse to deklein would not be a hardship at all.

As for probing down caps in between systems ... yes, you can probe them, and then you have to travel for x minutes, by which time they'll have waited out their aggression timers and logged out, or started movement to a system you really do not know where is, making it absolute **** to defend against.

And gastroscopy ave. Hours upon hours of gastroscopy ave. Whee.

Andy Landen wrote:
Technically, the only ones who would be too late are the ones who were either too far away or unwilling to take the gates en convoy. All else being equal, caps who chose to jump instead of burn through the gates, would most likely arrive in a safe pos in a nearby system and wait out the combat timer as the fleet is organized before burning the last few gates. Locals would wait much less time and well planned ops would have the right people in place well before the op so that there was no wait time at all. There would be plenty of offensive capability for locals and for others who thought things through in advance.

So they can jump to the system next by, wait for x minutes while telling the defensive FC in the system "please don't move yet, we have to get rid of our combat fatigue!". Or, more likely, the defensive FC'll just go "oh, they just moved their caps nearby. How many are they? Welp, we can take that on, let's take the gate over to them and **** them sideways" or "welp we can't take that on, let's blueball them" and go back to base.

It's a gigantic nerf to caps' offensive use, which means they'll never get used as anything other than deterrent. Well done.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1916 - 2014-10-29 21:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Niskin wrote:

Lets say you make a 5ly jump, your delay and fatigue are set to 6. So you must wait 6 minutes to jump no matter what. After that 6 minutes is up you are at 5.4 fatigue. First off, at that point, you would not jump again unless it was an emergency. Ideally you wouldn't jump again for another 45 minutes as it would take that long to get fatigue to 0.9. Once it's below 1 you get the easy low fatigue equal to 1 + ly jumped. If fatigue is above 1 it's the current fatigue time multiplied by 1 + ly. So it's really not hard. Don't jump when your fatigue is above 1 unless you have to, always. Even if you have to make an emergency jump right after the first timer is up you are looking at a max of 32.4 fatigue for a 5ly jump. You will then have a 5.4 minute cooldown and 5.4 hours of fatigue...

Alright then, let's expose CCP's jump fatigue for what it really is before a potentially very big mistake in the direction of Eve is committed.

A carrier player's corp is kicked from his alliance without warning. Little Bobby leaves 0DD carrying what he can for himself and his corp mates in his carrier. He plots the fastest route to an NPC null station in Curse, UW9. Little Bobby reads 27.67 ly and 20.7k isotopes over two jumps according to dotlan and he only needs one cyno in enemy space (now that he is neutral to the coalition). But then remembers that the new system of jump fatigue changes his situation substantially. He is set on moving what he can for self and corp because remaining months to sell a 2 BILLION ISK carrier for potential 500 MILLION ISK LOSS also costs him substantial play time and his corp needs his help.

In order to move the carrier and friend's stuff, his journey requires 7 cynos (6 in hostile territory without dockable stations!), 45 minutes of waiting in space (for the jump fatigue to expire) in EACH hostile system, 30.18 ly of travel consuming 22.6k isotopes according to dotlan.

He works with his corp to fit off another corp mate's carrier for a cloak at a safe spot in the starting system, and to get 7 small pos in place in enemy territory for security during the 45 minute waits (do the math: 7*45 min). The corp struggles with time (at least 5.25 hours in fatigue wait time alone!!), buying poses and pos fuel on hostile markets (docking rights) and moving and onlining pos's in hostile territory.

They all promise each other to never go through that again and they set the maximum distance from NPC null for any future home at 5-10 ly (DR-) for a maximum of one midpoint and a large hit to jump fatigue.


"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1917 - 2014-10-29 21:54:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord TGR
Andy Landen wrote:
Alright then, let's expose CCP's jump fatigue for what it really is before a potentially very big mistake in the direction of Eve is committed.

It isn't a big mistake.

Andy Landen wrote:
A carrier player's corp is kicked from his alliance without warning. Little Bobby leaves 0DD carrying what he can for himself and his corp mates in his carrier. He plots the fastest route to an NPC null station in Curse, UW9. Little Bobby reads 27.67 ly and 20.7k isotopes over two jumps according to dotlan and he only needs one cyno in enemy space (now that he is neutral to the coalition). But then remembers that the new system of jump fatigue changes his situation substantially. He is set on moving what he can for self and corp because remaining months to sell a 2 BILLION ISK carrier for potential 500 MILLION ISK LOSS also costs him substantial play time and his corp needs his help.

In order to move the carrier and friend's stuff, his journey requires 7 cynos (6 in hostile territory without dockable stations!), 45 minutes of waiting in space (for the jump fatigue to expire) in EACH hostile system, 30.18 ly of travel consuming 22.6k isotopes according to dotlan.

He works with his corp to fit off another corp mate's carrier for a cloak at a safe spot in the starting system, and to get 7 small pos in place in enemy territory for security during the 45 minute waits (do the math: 7*45 min). The corp struggles with time (at least 5.25 hours in fatigue wait time alone!!), buying poses and pos fuel on hostile markets (docking rights) and moving and onlining pos's in hostile territory. They all promise each other to never go through that again and set the maximum range for any future home at 5-10 ly from NPC null (DR-) for a maximum of one midpoint and a large hit to jump fatigue.

Then I guess he should firesell his carrier just like everyone else would firesell their subcaps (who, I might add, have even MORE of a problem getting themselves out of this kind of situation than the carrier pilot; at least the carrier pilot has the possibility to circumvent gatecamps). He got himself into a bad situation, and getting out of that situation is going to hurt, no matter how you slice it.

This is a corner case which should not, and will not, be used to let you cross the entire map with capitals in an hour.

Andy Landen wrote:

It isn't, and it won't.
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1918 - 2014-10-29 21:56:39 UTC  |  Edited by: SFM Hobb3s
Gah quotes gone, this was in response to Andy

Definitely worth considering. Don't blame the messenger, blame the coalition. You know, the one that you joined.

I wonder if non-aligned corps and alliances don't take this into a little deeper consideration before you join something bloated. On the other hand, you've probably just caused many hundreds or thousands of Goon scammers to drool with anticipation at the prospect of hapless corps getting their stuff stuck deep in goon space.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#1919 - 2014-10-29 22:10:48 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Stuff about still trying to do things the old way

Lord TGR wrote:

Then I guess he should firesell his carrier just like everyone else would firesell their subcaps (who, I might add, have even MORE of a problem getting themselves out of this kind of situation than the carrier pilot; at least the carrier pilot has the possibility to circumvent gatecamps). He got himself into a bad situation, and getting out of that situation is going to hurt, no matter how you slice it.

This is a corner case which should not, and will not, be used to let you cross the entire map with capitals in an hour.

It won't let me like your post twice so I just quoted it. This has been my life in EVE. My corpmates with carriers would jump stuff for me, but I didn't want to be a douche and hand them like 5-10 BS's and all my other crap. So I bought and sold in null. Selling my Absolution in Stain hurt a little, emotionally, but I broke even on it at worst. I still have Gas Miner II's out there, and Fountain has stuff littered around it that I haven't been back to list on the market since I trained up my remote selling skills. I've sold more of my stuff in Syndicate than anywhere else in the game due to living there so often. It seems whenever I go inactive the corp moved. That's the fun of it though. Null is so profitable that even selling it out there you will still come out ahead of never having lived there at all.

F*** I love this stupid game!

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1920 - 2014-10-29 23:25:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Lord TGR wrote:

Then I guess he should firesell his carrier just like everyone else would firesell their subcaps (who, I might add, have even MORE of a problem getting themselves out of this kind of situation than the carrier pilot; at least the carrier pilot has the possibility to circumvent gatecamps). He got himself into a bad situation, and getting out of that situation is going to hurt, no matter how you slice it.

This is a corner case which should not, and will not, be used to let you cross the entire map with capitals in an hour.

Andy Landen wrote:

It isn't, and it won't.

Not just like subcaps. Market for subcaps is much better. Subcaps fit packaged inside jump freighters. Subcaps have much faster align speeds. Frigates and cruisers even fit inside fast aligning deep space transports. Subcaps cost much less. So no, not at all "just like everyone else." And technically, he did not get himself in that situation. Others created the situation. Seeing the mess that others might bring by creating such situations, he realized the possibility and kept his caps close to NPC null sec so that it become uncommon to see caps out in deep null sec where caps *should* be.

Yes, no matter how you slice it, this change will hurt cap pilots that are out beyond 5-10ly from null sec. And that is the real story of this jump fatigue proposal. Think harder, else Eve may get stuck with even bigger problems: deep null sec ruled by subcaps, caps becoming less popular, and importing fees going through the roof with the loss of carriers for moving more than 5 ly every 45 min (for those few interested in playing the waiting game).

PS: Niskin, not trying to be hard on you, but you could have been even less of a douche and paid the carrier pilots by the light year. I had no issue making multiple jumps for others when they at least covered their share of the fuel costs. But if you had actually paid for both fuel and time, you would have still had your ships and not lost any ISK, you would not have felt bad at all, and you actually wouldn't have been a douche. Ah, the price of not carrying/paying your own weight. So no, you did not have to firesale at break even or deeply discounted prices if you had just been willing to carry your own weight.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein