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In simplest terms, what is wrong with EVE

First post
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#401 - 2014-10-27 21:12:16 UTC
This all seems to continually converge upon not getting emotionally invested in video games.

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Nevil Oscillator
#402 - 2014-10-27 21:48:24 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
nevil...have you ever actually gone suspect?

Obviously not if he views it as a form of "punishment". "Downgrading" to suspect from criminal isn't going to change how people operate in the slightest.

You want to go suspect for 60 minutes after your criminal flag has expired ?
Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#403 - 2014-10-27 22:09:02 UTC
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
You want to go suspect for 60 minutes after your criminal flag has expired ?

Please explain to me why the suspect flag would matter to me if I'm -5 sec status already and going for another gank after my criminal flag ran out. Or hell, if I'm -2 sec status, even.

CCP has no sense of humour.

Nevil Oscillator
#404 - 2014-10-27 22:47:07 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
You want to go suspect for 60 minutes after your criminal flag has expired ?

Please explain to me why the suspect flag would matter to me if I'm -5 sec status already and going for another gank after my criminal flag ran out. Or hell, if I'm -2 sec status, even.

Dunno, for a minute then you got me thinking they are invincible
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#405 - 2014-10-27 23:49:42 UTC
I love the part where Tears Belvar adamantly states that no one should be forced to PvP, but that PvP oriented players should in fact be forced into PvE activities.

Because you cannot be a carebear without being a hypocrite, folks. They are inseparable.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#406 - 2014-10-27 23:56:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Some Rando
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
Dunno, for a minute then you got me thinking they are invincible

All a suspect flag does is let other people freely shoot you. Having a -5 sec status also allows other people to freely shoot you as well as other drawbacks. Therefore, having a suspect flag means nothing to the -5 person since they're already worse off anyway. For the newbie gankers with a -2 sec status, this also doesn't matter because it just acts like -5 while they're losing sec status blowing people up; they'll soon be -5 anyway. Downgrading flags with added timers won't change anything.

CCP has no sense of humour.

Bad Girl Posse
#407 - 2014-10-28 01:06:04 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
This all seems to continually converge upon not getting emotionally invested in video games.

Of course if you enjoy EVE you are emotionally invested. While that's a cure to the situation the situation is that the root of PvP is PvP for the sake of PvP and no logic drives it.

Crab Bucket EVE
Nevil Oscillator
#408 - 2014-10-28 01:12:02 UTC
Some Rando wrote:
Nevil Oscillator wrote:
Dunno, for a minute then you got me thinking they are invincible

All a suspect flag does is let other people freely shoot you. Having a -5 sec status also allows other people to freely shoot you as well as other drawbacks. Therefore, having a suspect flag means nothing to the -5 person since they're already worse off anyway. For the newbie gankers with a -2 sec status, this also doesn't matter because it just acts like -5 while they're losing sec status blowing people up; they'll soon be -5 anyway. Downgrading flags with added timers won't change anything.

I'm really not seeing -5 sec status that often in high sec.
Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#409 - 2014-10-28 03:32:33 UTC
Whenever I see an article about bitter, detached people using online anonymity to bully others that are less knowledgeable or experienced about a game (oh my) I pretty much know where to find a bunch of those people.

EvE should change its slogan from "Trust no One" to "Ignore most".

But then again if CCP did their part to constantly innovate and change the paradigm people would have less opportunity to hone their bitterness into well crafted weapons.

No one is innocent, you choose to play or not. Unfortunately many would choose to see this game die than live if it meant they had to spend a single moment thinking.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#410 - 2014-10-28 07:39:59 UTC

in a nutshell.

"nice lamborghini you got. can I drive it ? but only around the block" - from a random stranger.

same thing.

You just have been stupid i.e. naive.

Pator Tech School
#411 - 2014-10-28 09:51:41 UTC
Nexus Day wrote:
Whenever I see an article about bitter, detached people using online anonymity to bully others that are less knowledgeable or experienced about a game (oh my) I pretty much know where to find a bunch of those people.

It's funny; whenever I see an article about bitter, detached people using online anonymity to bully others, it makes me think that playing EVE ought to be mandatory.
Nevil Oscillator
#412 - 2014-10-28 11:08:31 UTC
beakerax wrote:
Nexus Day wrote:
Whenever I see an article about bitter, detached people using online anonymity to bully others that are less knowledgeable or experienced about a game (oh my) I pretty much know where to find a bunch of those people.

It's funny; whenever I see an article about bitter, detached people using online anonymity to bully others, it makes me think that playing EVE ought to be mandatory.

It makes me think, why do they think I care that much ?
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#413 - 2014-10-28 11:36:19 UTC

if your going to troll nevil, at least make it funny.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#414 - 2014-10-28 12:36:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
I love the part where Tears Belvar adamantly states that no one should be forced to PvP, but that PvP oriented players should in fact be forced into PvE activities.

Because you cannot be a carebear without being a hypocrite, folks. They are inseparable.

That's even more true than you know, double standards are at the heart of 'carebearism'.

Care bears want "to be left alone" to do what they want, but what they want to do involves actions that have a measurable impact on others. Every unit of ore they mine decrease the value of everyone Else's ore. Every NPC bounty they receive lowers the value of the isk in everyone Else's wallet. Every LP store item they acquire does the same thing. They KNOW this.

Yet they claim that they "aren't hurting anyone and stay in high second so should be left alone". If they wanted to be "alone" and didn't care about the money {*} they'd be playing on SiSi, or would be playing another space based mmo (like Star Trek Online that by designed doesn't allowed unwanted pvp) or would be playing X-Rebrith where other players can't even get to them at all in any way because it's a single player game.

No, what they really want is to have their cake (ie gameplay in a multiplayer environment where actions matter) and eat it too (total safety against OTHER people's actions mattering). At the heart of carebearism is a deep and unrepentant selfishness that this game world would be so much better without.

As a PVE player (but not a carebear) I understand and accept that the price I pay for doing what I want (exploring, mission running etc) is having to spend time and effort on protecting myself and my interests from players who (legitimately within the EULA) have competing interests, whether it's that guy in Jita undercutting my price on Virtue implants or that guy in Osmon who just went suspect in Osmon as he steals my mission objective (hah hah fool, I'm +9 to Sisters of EVE, i just fail the mission and get another, good luck selling that thing you tried to extort me for on contracts Cool ).

I despise true carebears so much that I'm going to Washington DC about it. I'm going to form a PAC (political action committee) to lobby congress for anti carebear laws. My PAC will actually be named, well, PAC... "PVErs Against Carebearism". Don't forget to vote in November!

{*} just to add, i remember before the 1st incursion nerf how many in the community railed against the changes because "imaginary space money doesn't matter, I run incursions for the community aspect" CCP nerfed incursions and the same community that didn't care about the isk F'd off back to missions or faction warfare to make better money, leaving the incursion communities they claimed to love behind to die until CCP slightly un-nerfed them.

I guess it really was about the imaginary space money after all Twisted
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#415 - 2014-10-28 14:25:39 UTC
Nexus Day wrote:
Whenever I see an article about bitter, detached people using online anonymity to bully others that are less knowledgeable or experienced about a game (oh my) I pretty much know where to find a bunch of those people.

EvE should change its slogan from "Trust no One" to "Ignore most".

But then again if CCP did their part to constantly innovate and change the paradigm people would have less opportunity to hone their bitterness into well crafted weapons.

No one is innocent, you choose to play or not. Unfortunately many would choose to see this game die than live if it meant they had to spend a single moment thinking.

Yes, it's pretty pathetic how the only enjoyment for so many PvP folks comes from trying to make other players, especially PvE ones, miserable. It's one thing to go after people because you have some legitimate strategic objective to achieve, but to go after people just because you can and just because you enjoying spreading misery is nothing short of disgraceful and dysfunctional.
Bastion Arzi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#416 - 2014-10-28 14:35:06 UTC
i agree with u but this wouldnt happen if the bears had teeth.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#417 - 2014-10-28 14:38:53 UTC
Bastion Arzi wrote:
i agree with u but this wouldnt happen if the bears had teeth.

You shouldn't need "teeth" to operate in high security space. The police force should punish with enough force to deter the conduct. This means progressively more painful punishments for repeat criminals, and especially for those whose sole in game play is to commit crimes in highsec. Players in Eve are not law enforcement, they have no power to punish beyond destroying ship and pod, and since gankers can accomplish their goals with laughably cheap versions of those, it follows that player punishments have no tangible impact.
Bastion Arzi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#418 - 2014-10-28 14:43:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Bastion Arzi
Veers Belvar wrote:
You shouldn't need "teeth" to operate in high security space. The police force should punish with enough force to deter the conduct. This means progressively more painful punishments for repeat criminals, and especially for those whose sole in game play is to commit crimes in highsec. Players in Eve are not law enforcement, they have no power to punish beyond destroying ship and pod, and since gankers can accomplish their goals with laughably cheap versions of those, it follows that player punishments have no tangible impact.

do the police do that in real life? or do people get off scott free all the time for things like gbh and assault.

a friend of mine was attacked by another dude choked and slammed up against a wall all in front of cctv. police didnt want to know.

If you walk around the city flashing your cash and ur expensive **** do u think that people will not target you. also dont you think they would be less likely to target you if u were also extremely muscular and known to not take bullshit from people?

You said something to the effect that there is a large amount of players who just want to be left alone. this indicates to me that there are a lot of you. more so than the gankers. what if they banded together got lots of cheap frigs and literally swarmed the gankers. located them using locator agents found them and plagued them some more.

Your saying you shouldnt have to do this.

get real.

If youve been ganked u have killrights. use them or make them available.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#419 - 2014-10-28 14:50:57 UTC
Bastion Arzi wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
You shouldn't need "teeth" to operate in high security space. The police force should punish with enough force to deter the conduct. This means progressively more painful punishments for repeat criminals, and especially for those whose sole in game play is to commit crimes in highsec. Players in Eve are not law enforcement, they have no power to punish beyond destroying ship and pod, and since gankers can accomplish their goals with laughably cheap versions of those, it follows that player punishments have no tangible impact.

do the police do that in real life? or do people get off scott free all the time for things like gbh and assault.

a friend of mine was attacked by another dude choked and slammed up against a wall all in front of cctv. police didnt want to know.

If you walk around the city flashing your cash and ur expensive **** do u think that people will not target you. also dont you think they would be less likely to target you if u were also extremely muscular and known to not take bullshit from people?

Not sure where you are from but where I live in upper-middle class suburbia the police take these things very seriously. Sure if one low class/gang affiliated/criminal record person assaults another low class/gang affiliated/criminal record person the police may not express much interest. But if someone commits assault against middle to upper class law abiding citizens with no criminal record the severe punishments tend to follow quickly, not to mention the civil lawsuits.

Which is what highsec should be like. Shooting people with dodgy reputations? Slap on the wrist. Shooting the core law abiding PvE population? Severe punishment.

Again, I don't know where you are from, but where I live there are expensive cars/houses/jewelry all over, and no people don't come and "target" us because of the significant deterrent imposed by the legal system as well as the robust and visible police force. Somehow, despite being neither muscular nor known for my brawling skills, I have managed to avoid being targeted for RL crimes.
Bastion Arzi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#420 - 2014-10-28 14:53:47 UTC
well life isnt cushty all over.

there are places...

on earth...

where people eat other people...