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The Federation and its oppressed nations

Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#41 - 2014-10-28 07:57:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvarez Akachi
Diana Kim wrote:
Alvarez Akachi wrote:

I do not agree with Ms Kim that outright genocide (seems what she preaches) is the way to go. Yet I do agree their Goverment must be eradicated.....even if that means Ethnic Gallente be forced from space.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Akachi,

And they are trying to make you believe that we, Caldari, want to genocide them.
I would like to remind you, that it was Gallenteans, who were screaming to "Exterminate all Caldari" back on the Caldari Prime, and this was a main reason to start this war.
But now gallenteans are trying to make it look like it is Caldari who want to "exterminate" them. Despite I THOUSAND times said I never wanted to exterminate them by racial attributes, these fools keep claiming I want to "genocide" them.

Mr. Akachi, if these fools ever again say you that crap about me, simply ask them to provide actual proofs, where I was "preaching" for genocide, that will put these damn gallenteans and their bootlickers into their place.

Their continous lies about us Caldari and me in particular wanting to "genocide" them is another reason why the Federation must be destroyed.

I believe the Federation needs a good wallop and be brought to its knees, by destroyed I shall requires a forced massive change of its underlying corrupt leadership of Noble families from way back past to be permanently kept from power. Jacen Roden is a good start...a Capsuleer himself making President.
I do not need to be reminded of the Caldari Prime history so many decades this point in time it is irrelevant to current times as Caldari Prime is firmly in the control of the State once again, supervised by Ishukone one of the Mega-Corps.
Now as to the personal attacks against you Ms Kim, i have watched for some time now and it seems many times over you do excerberate a certain flavor of hatefullness.
Such as you last remark there....
You are a soldier through and should remain a soldier for soldiers are a necessary tool to project the power of any Regime.
Though I can respect your Candor and attempts at public speech, and politicking....I must come to the conclusion that you are no good at it. Best to remain a ships Captain because that it is where you seem to have strength.
Liam Antolliere
#42 - 2014-10-28 11:38:45 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
The Federation is is a thief. It attempted to force Caldari into subjugation and steal their culture away into oblivion as if it had never been.
The Caldari, took steps centuries before the Federation was ever born to ensure this would not occur, the Leadership then, the Isuuaya's saw the Gallente for what they truly are and would become.

The Fact that the Caldari are self sufficient and better in most cases than the Gallente whom rely on others for their wealth and luxuries is the root cause of irrational Gallentean fear.

I do not agree with Ms Kim that outright genocide (seems what she preaches) is the way to go. Yet I do agree their Goverment must be eradicated.....even if that means Ethnic Gallente be forced from space.

I am Achuran, I am a member of the Caldari State, I say veerily unto you Mr. Antolliere that you and your ilk can not have what we have, not even in taxes. Further attempts will always be met at the end of a muzzle.
Since the Gallente will not relent, then it is up to the State and those loyal to her to be proactive and ensure the security of our freedom and way of Life is made possible by the destruction of the Federation, the Federation not its people.

Monsieur Akachi,

Let me state first that I appreciate the spirit you have shown for your people and for your country, I admire and respect that.

Next I will address some of your points because I am afraid you have an extremely distorted view of the Federation. The Federation was founded with the help of the Caldari, not against their will. The Caldari were a minority and the Federation needed to make concessions for minority groups, something it failed to do, which led to policies and practices more favoring to majorities (Ethnic Gallente) than minorities; something any honest Gallentean would have to admit.

It is interesting me to that you claim the Caldari saw the Gallente "for what they truly are" centuries before anything happened and began taking steps to circumvent it. Whatever your belief regarding the actions of your ancestors, the facts of history show that the Caldari took the first aggressive actions and that the Gallente were blindsided by them (perhaps in part due to our own hubris in not realizing just how dissatisfied the Caldari were with the situation). What the Caldari were doing was hiding military assets away from the eyes of the Federation and working in their own self-interests toward an inevitable eventuality: the secession of the Caldari from the Federation.

Your assertion that the Gallente rely on others for their wealth is simply objectively false. The Gallente have a history of hard work and self-sufficiency, if we didn't, we would hardly have been able to become space faring before even your ancestors were, we wouldn't have created a strong economy and a strong society that could convince others to help found the Federation in the first place. This is also echoed in the fact that we still, to this date, hold laborers like minors, low-level production workers, factory workers and similar fields in high esteem.

Lastly, the Federation is not interested in what the Achuran have. The Federation is not attempting to snatch away your assets like some space-faring boogey man, though it disappoints me that you seem to suspect we are. Lastly, I suggest you review history: it is not the Federation that has been the aggressor for much of our collective history, quite the reverse. The Caldari view of "preserving our way of life" seems to invariably include the eradication of the Federation as some major threat to your way of life - which suggests it is not the Gallente who are filled with fear and paranoia, as you suggest, but rather yourselves.

And the Federation is its people, monsieur. The two cannot be separated.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Liam Antolliere
#43 - 2014-10-28 11:47:23 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:

I do not need to be reminded of the Caldari Prime history so many decades this point in time it is irrelevant to current times as Caldari Prime is firmly in the control of the State once again, supervised by Ishukone one of the Mega-Corps.

I don't often do this, but I feel I should interject something here to show you that the Gallente are not the oppressive overlords you have suggested we are. Caldari Prime is under Ishukone management because of an agreement between the Federation and the State. The Federation destroyed the Shiigeru and was in a position to take full authority over Caldari Prime but chose instead to cooperate with the State and return the planet to its people.

Are we entirely innocent of that events that led up to this situation? Of course not. But where we could have "taken what was yours" by military might, we chose instead to take a different path.

I do not think you are an unreasonable man, but I do believe you have a somewhat cloudy view of the Federation and its people and one that is not entirely warranted. Perhaps a discussion in person would do us both well?

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Liam Antolliere
#44 - 2014-10-28 11:59:49 UTC
Mademoiselle Ikiryo,

You have continued to gain my respect. I want to explain that it is not because you have spoke in defense of the Federation, it is because you have presented objective arguments both for and against both sides of history and this is something I have myself tried to do. Obviously I end up defending the Federation more than the State, largely because the State has plenty of people speaking in its defense and the Federation does not (much to my dismay) but also because of a personal investment in the Federation.

Whatever the case, you have spoken with reason, equanimity and wisdom and I pray that one day the same can be said of me.

Thank you.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Gwen Ikiryo
Alexylva Paradox
#45 - 2014-10-28 13:23:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Gwen Ikiryo
Liam Antolliere wrote:
Mademoiselle Ikiryo,

You have continued to gain my respect. I want to explain that it is not because you have spoke in defense of the Federation, it is because you have presented objective arguments both for and against both sides of history and this is something I have myself tried to do. Obviously I end up defending the Federation more than the State, largely because the State has plenty of people speaking in its defense and the Federation does not (much to my dismay) but also because of a personal investment in the Federation.

Whatever the case, you have spoken with reason, equanimity and wisdom and I pray that one day the same can be said of me.

Thank you.

Mister Antolliere,

You flatter me, and are very kind to do so. I fear you perhaps give me a little too much credit, though, however - Very few people will wade into a debate without some sort of agenda to ultimately push on the topic, and I am no exception, including in this instance. If you think I'm speaking with total neutrality, it's likely simply because the conversations here and in the other thread have been sort of bleakly black and white in terms of the positions involved, which leaves little room for nuance in opinion. Well, that, and the fact that this might not have been going long enough for us to find something specific to butt heads over just yet.

Noticing bias in someone whose point of view neither drastically conforms to or goes against your own is rather like walking into a room with a small gas leak; Everything appears in utter harmony for a fair while, but if you linger long enough, you probably will eventually start to notice the smell. And if you should strike a match in the wrong place before that point, you might find yourself caught awkwardly off guard.

Thank you, regardless, though. And don't put yourself down - I think you've spoken more then reasonably.
Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#46 - 2014-10-28 15:03:28 UTC
Look, you don't care about Intaki or Jin Mei or anyone's cultural or territorial integrity. Corporations are ruled by one desire. The profit motive. All these words are attempts to divide opponents and achieve realization of more profit in the future. You aren't fooling anyone.

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#47 - 2014-10-28 16:20:45 UTC
Deacon Abox wrote:
Look, you don't care about Intaki or Jin Mei or anyone's cultural or territorial integrity. Corporations are ruled by one desire. The profit motive. All these words are attempts to divide opponents and achieve realization of more profit in the future. You aren't fooling anyone.

You talk like profit is just the selfish business of making numbers climb on a graph and forget the true meaning of the word. The idea is that somebody PROFITS. Corporations are, like any other human creation, made up of people. In the State it isn't just financiers who own stock in Corporations, it is the everyday worker. Stock profits drive savings. They drive pensions that fund retirement income.

So, yeah, we seek profits. Profits mean that what you're doing is working. When I make profits, my employees can relax in the knowledge that their families are being taken care of. Their children are going to school. I lost two people this weekend - profits mean the difference between caring for those left behind and making them disenfranchised.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#48 - 2014-10-28 19:13:16 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:

I believe the Federation needs a good wallop and be brought to its knees, by destroyed I shall requires a forced massive change of its underlying corrupt leadership of Noble families from way back past to be permanently kept from power. Jacen Roden is a good start...a Capsuleer himself making President.
I do not need to be reminded of the Caldari Prime history so many decades this point in time it is irrelevant to current times as Caldari Prime is firmly in the control of the State once again, supervised by Ishukone one of the Mega-Corps.
Now as to the personal attacks against you Ms Kim, i have watched for some time now and it seems many times over you do excerberate a certain flavor of hatefullness.
Such as you last remark there....
You are a soldier through and should remain a soldier for soldiers are a necessary tool to project the power of any Regime.
Though I can respect your Candor and attempts at public speech, and politicking....I must come to the conclusion that you are no good at it. Best to remain a ships Captain because that it is where you seem to have strength.

The Federaton must be destroyed, Mr. Akachi,

not just walloped and brought to its knees. A knelt warrior can hide a knife behind his back. A dead warrior can't hide anything anymore. While they with their criminal goals are able to hold weapons, we must not put ours down. We must keep fighting to prevent them from hurting Caldari peoples ever again, once and forever. We must beat gallentean teeth out, so they will never be able to bite us again. We must secure the future for Caldari children, so they will never again will be threaten by gallenteans, screaming to "Exterminate all Caldari"

While the Federation exists, it always be the threat to peace, well-being and future of Caldari people,
and this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-10-28 19:37:40 UTC
The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Antolliere.
You have written, that:
Liam Antolliere wrote:

Next I will address some of your points because I am afraid you have an extremely distorted view of the Federation. The Federation was founded with the help of the Caldari, not against their will. The Caldari were a minority and the Federation needed to make concessions for minority groups, something it failed to do, which led to policies and practices more favoring to majorities (Ethnic Gallente) than minorities; something any honest Gallentean would have to admit.

But this is not true.
The Caldari were economically forced into the Federation. Our ancestors did a huge mistake, signing this vicious alliance instead of standing tall and saying gallenteans sounding: "NO." Yes, it would cut profits greatly, but it could have saved millions of lives. When our ancestors understood it, and said their "NO", it was already too late. Gallentean hegemony has ensnared our world like a huge greedy octopus and it didn't want to let its prey to go. And we are still paying for that mistake, that Caldari "willingly" were forced to sign that Federation charter.

Creating the Federation was the only way to maintain growing Gallentean hegemony. It was signed not with just Caldari, but it was signed with all other nations, practically encircling the Caldari to force us to sign it as well. Only forming of the Federation, GALLENTEAN Federation has legally allowed gallenteans to maintain economical and political superiority of other states, that entered this federation. It was formed that way, that the most benefits would end in hands of gallenteans, instead of all other nations,

and this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#50 - 2014-10-28 19:49:33 UTC
The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Antolliere,

you are saying:
Liam Antolliere wrote:

I don't often do this, but I feel I should interject something here to show you that the Gallente are not the oppressive overlords you have suggested we are. Caldari Prime is under Ishukone management because of an agreement between the Federation and the State. The Federation destroyed the Shiigeru and was in a position to take full authority over Caldari Prime but chose instead to cooperate with the State and return the planet to its people.

And this is not true.
The Federation indeed destroyed the Guardian of the planet, but the territories, that were given to Ishukone, weren't in the Federal property to let them choose their fate. These territories were cleansed from Federal occupants by noble Caldari soldiers, who won greater part of the planet during groundside combat with their blood and sweat. What the Ishukone asked the Federals, is to let them access the planet without fighting their way through, that was a coward move.
Using this right, Ishukone simply appropriated parts of Caldari Prime, that Caldari soldiers have secured for Caldari peoples, but not for Ishukone. Unfortunately, hastily written agreements have frozen this iniquity.

Besides that, the planet still wasn't returned to Caldari people. During this criminal operation "Highlander" less than a half of planet was occupied by gallentean oppressors once again, and up to current moment, these territories are still under gallentean occupation.

This Federation very eagerly commands and makes claims about the lands, that don't belong to it,
and this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Gallente Federation
#51 - 2014-10-28 20:46:23 UTC  |  Edited by: 3ll3
I have taken some time to contemplate your words most carefully Ms Kim, to scour and extract the facts form your reply to mylast transmission as such I have come to the following conclusions which I will try to explain.

In the subject about killing the Federation President please be aware that when the State does the Vice President takes over and should the State kill the Vice President then the next in line takes over and so on down the chain of command which stretches over several Factions with the Federation
Before you state that it is only the Gallente faction of the federation that you wish the State to attack please be aware also that it is the way of the federation that if you attack one you attack the whole.
As for destroying the Senate they to for every individual in it would have their own chain of command that you would have to hunt down as well and I don’t even want to list how many that would be.
Now you also said about destroying the main headquarters and liens of communication while this would work it would only be a temporary thing as there would no doubt be back up lines of communications and new bases of command can be established in other places as long as there are officers to relay orders.

But let’s just say the State somehow manages to assassinate the entire chain of command and the whole infrastructure of the Federation doesn’t fall apart you will still need to force the people to comply, if you use force then you will have groups who will rebel and set up their own resistance groups and while most might be crushed under boot by the Sate there will all ways be those who will be more organised and start using Gorilla Tactics.
There is also the variable that these small groups will come together to for a stronger force which brings us to your next point about the destruction of Stations and world that refuse to comply with the state’s mind set.
While a Station with a considerable effort can be eventually destroyed to destroy a planet would be hard to if not improbable to achieve even, and no bringing in a fleet of titan’s would not work there are multiple numbers of reasons for this but the largest reason would be Concord who would with the use of the new vessels supplied by The Jove make short work of them.

The more feasible action would be the State would try to consolidate its control and presence in the Defeated Federation territory, now as for handing everything over to Concord what pray tell happens if Concord turns around and says no you conquered it you have to deal with it….then what?
Another variable what if Concord intervenes and demands both sides stand down and demands both sides mediates between them?
Now as for the fleets let’s see you remove all forms of communications from them and fleet command they will simply go dark and operate under clandestine protocols using hit and run tactics and mostly likely become the rallying point for resistance by the Federations citizens which in turn give rise to resistance groups planet side.

BUT even if against all the odds you manage to do all this and destroy all that the Federation stands for you would still need to win over the minds of the people, a material object or icon is easier to destroy than an ideal.
If it were so simple to do so I’m sure Amarr would have defeated the Minmatar but they haven’t which shows proof positive that an Ideal is neigh on implausible to destroy.
As such the State would never truly be able to utterly destroy the federation as it embers would remain and from those the possibility no matter how slim and minute would remain for it to someday rise again.
But then this is just my own perspective of this and doubt it's of much relevance.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#52 - 2014-10-28 22:27:35 UTC
It's a pointless discussion Msr 3ll3, as a mass invasion of the sort discussed has never been the job that the Caldari Navy was designed to perform. It's a primarily defensive force designed to bleed a numerically superior force white in precisely the sort of operations you describe (operations it is far better designed and equipped to perform than the Federal fleet, in my opinion) .

Moreover, the mass assassination of political figures is not something we're equipped for, either. In fact, whilst we could easily drum up enough operatives for a few operations of this sort, we actually have no analogous force to your own Black Eagles to coordinate a massive campaign.

We also don't have the troops for extended occupations of enemy worlds. It took most of our Navy and Marines to occupy a single world. A world which, you'll remember, over half the population was friendly to us. Attempting to occupy even a single populous system would be out of our reach.

Heth used a scalpel as a hammer when he invaded Home. Frankly, it took almost everything we have to pull it off and nothing short of losing the planet again could convince us to risk so much blood and treasure again. Your Federation is quite safe. Your Senate can sleep soundly.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#53 - 2014-10-30 11:36:36 UTC
The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Elle,

The destruction of political entities should not just finish with top ones, the President and Senate, but start with them and follow down, to vice presidents, offices, headquarters, and, most importantly, to the structures that hold the democracy together, that allow voting and count these votes. Breaking down communications between Federal planets will help in this greatly.

Generally, when their govenment will be demolished, war criminals (President, Senators and those from HQ, who planned operation Highlander) detained and executed, government structures incapacitated, so there won't be anyone to take position of Senators and President, as well as not having means electing new ones, the Federation will simply cease to exist without even capitulation. It will be simply destroyed, as bloody hand of Caldari vengeance will mercilessly sweep through rotten to the core democratic institutions, squishing and tearing apart everything that could even remotely look as a stem of new growing gallentean monstrosity.

3ll3 wrote:

But let’s just say the State somehow manages to assassinate the entire chain of command and the whole infrastructure of the Federation doesn’t fall apart you will still need to force the people to comply, if you use force then you will have groups who will rebel and set up their own resistance groups and while most might be crushed under boot by the Sate there will all ways be those who will be more organised and start using Gorilla Tactics.

But they will represent no threat to us, if we won't occupy their worlds. (And I don't see enough resources of the State to occupy such large territories, the only way for Caldari to occupy them is their desire to join and incorporation into our structures, so they can manage themselves with just guidance from the State, if they allow themselves to be guided by us) They can do whatever they want. And there will be no Caldai to attack. We will just cleanse them from gallentean influence and withdraw completely.

3ll3 wrote:

The more feasible action would be the State would try to consolidate its control and presence in the Defeated Federation territory, now as for handing everything over to Concord what pray tell happens if Concord turns around and says no you conquered it you have to deal with it….then what?

Then simply withdraw anyway and let the Winds decide their fate. If these people will be strong, they will survive. If they aren't, then let the Maker take the dues.

3ll3 wrote:

BUT even if against all the odds you manage to do all this and destroy all that the Federation stands for you would still need to win over the minds of the people, a material object or icon is easier to destroy than an ideal.
If it were so simple to do so I’m sure Amarr would have defeated the Minmatar but they haven’t which shows proof positive that an Ideal is neigh on implausible to destroy.
As such the State would never truly be able to utterly destroy the federation as it embers would remain and from those the possibility no matter how slim and minute would remain for it to someday rise again.
But then this is just my own perspective of this and doubt it's of much relevance.

We will purify the nations of the Federation from humiliating gallentean influence. We will leave them to be as they want - but without gallenteans. Without these rotten ideals, forced on these poor peoples. It will be up to them, to open their eyes and look at the world with clean sight, without federals pushing into their heads lots of democracy propaganda. Or to cling to remaining gallentean rot and fall down into bottomless pit of indecency, degradation and self-destruction. This will be a great test for the peoples, it will be cruel and brutal, but it will determine if they deserve to live, if they deserve a place in the space, and return to the stars.

3ll3 wrote:

Before you state that it is only the Gallente faction of the federation that you wish the State to attack please be aware also that it is the way of the federation that if you attack one you attack the whole.

Thank you, Mr. Elle, and I am well aware of it. We don't hold any ill intentions against nations in the Federation. But while the Federation exists, they will be forced to fight for gallenteans and against us...

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Gallente Federation
#54 - 2014-10-31 17:07:36 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
The destruction of political entities should not just finish with top ones, the President and Senate, but start with them and follow down, to vice presidents, offices, headquarters, and, most importantly, to the structures that hold the democracy together, that allow voting and count these votes. Breaking down communications between Federal planets will help in this greatly.

Generally, when their govenment will be demolished, war criminals (President, Senators and those from HQ, who planned operation Highlander) detained and executed, government structures incapacitated, so there won't be anyone to take position of Senators and President, as well as not having means electing new ones, the Federation will simply cease to exist without even capitulation. It will be simply destroyed, as bloody hand of Caldari vengeance will mercilessly sweep through rotten to the core democratic institutions, squishing and tearing apart everything that could even remotely look as a stem of new growing gallentean monstrosity.

Ms Kim the Federation like most civilizations from what I have learned is built upon an ideal and whether or not that ideal has been corrupted or perverted over the generations is up to speculation, you will need to change this outlook on life and in doing so alter that ideal to one more suitable for the State to influence.
But then that’s just the conclusion I have come to when contemplating your responce.

Diana Kim wrote:
But they will represent no threat to us, if we won't occupy their worlds. (And I don't see enough resources of the State to occupy such large territories, the only way for Caldari to occupy them is their desire to join and incorporation into our structures, so they can manage themselves with just guidance from the State, if they allow themselves to be guided by us) They can do whatever they want. And there will be no Caldai to attack. We will just cleanse them from gallentean influence and withdraw completely.

If you do not occupy their worlds then how can you educate them in the ways of the State?
In adititon if they are permitted to do as they wish what happens should and mostly likely will just after a many generations of strife and civil wars re-forge the Gallente Federation and reject Caldari influence?

Diana Kim wrote:
Then simply withdraw anyway and let the Winds decide their fate. If these people will be strong, they will survive. If they aren't, then let the Maker take the dues.

So the State would withdraw, should this happen and the State not decide to expand their borders into the freshly conquered areas, I ask that same question again what happens when the Federation reforms?
Will the State have to return and do the same thing again or will they have to come back and try to wipe out every last man women and child in order to keep the Federation from ever rising up ever again?

Diana Kim wrote:
We will purify the nations of the Federation from humiliating gallentean influence. We will leave them to be as they want - but without gallenteans. Without these rotten ideals, forced on these poor peoples. It will be up to them, to open their eyes and look at the world with clean sight, without federals pushing into their heads lots of democracy propaganda. Or to cling to remaining gallentean rot and fall down into bottomless pit of indecency, degradation and self-destruction. This will be a great test for the peoples, it will be cruel and brutal, but it will determine if they deserve to live, if they deserve a place in the space, and return to the stars.

I see so basically genocide or do you mean re-education of the Gallentean young?
In addition what happens should they not open their eyes to how the State’s perspective and way of thinking as well as seeing things?
I think you may find the ideals of Democracy may be quite firmly installed in the minds of many of the other factions as such how would the State cleanse this ideal from the other factions of the Federation?
Also what would the contingency plan be should they survive and create the Federation again?

Diana Kim wrote:
Thank you, Mr. Elle, and I am well aware of it. We don't hold any ill intentions against nations in the Federation. But while the Federation exists, they will be forced to fight for gallenteans and against us...

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

To which the Federation will in turn most probably deem this to be why they should resist and survive, once more giving way to differing points of view.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#55 - 2014-10-31 20:26:57 UTC
Are we seriously discussing something as irrelevant and impossible as the destruction of an empire? It would take a force beyond anything capsuleer are capable of at the moment, and the other empires don't seem to keen on killing each other off for us. Not to mention CONCORD intervention (who were founded by the empire's to prevent just that situation). We are stuck with each other, you can deal with it or commit yourself to be biomassed. Threads like this don't do anyone any good, they just make everyone look like an asshat

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#56 - 2014-10-31 21:16:38 UTC
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Are we seriously discussing something as irrelevant and impossible as the destruction of an empire? It would take a force beyond anything capsuleer are capable of at the moment, and the other empires don't seem to keen on killing each other off for us. Not to mention CONCORD intervention (who were founded by the empire's to prevent just that situation). We are stuck with each other, you can deal with it or commit yourself to be biomassed. Threads like this don't do anyone any good, they just make everyone look like an asshat

Maker. THIS.

I used to wargame the destruction of the Federation, I think pretty much all cadets have gone through that phase. It's simply not achievable and I quickly learned that the truly useful strategic minds in the State were looking at how to ensure the State cannot be destroyed, not looking into how we're supposed to do such a thing to another Empire.

Here's a hint. Before I came up with a strategy that worked, I had to increase the size of our fleet by at least double, commit all our Corporate Security troops to garrisoning captured worlds and find a way of achieving total strategic surprise. Good game.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#57 - 2014-10-31 21:34:59 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Tyrel Toov wrote:
Are we seriously discussing something as irrelevant and impossible as the destruction of an empire? It would take a force beyond anything capsuleer are capable of at the moment, and the other empires don't seem to keen on killing each other off for us. Not to mention CONCORD intervention (who were founded by the empire's to prevent just that situation). We are stuck with each other, you can deal with it or commit yourself to be biomassed. Threads like this don't do anyone any good, they just make everyone look like an asshat

Maker. THIS.

I used to wargame the destruction of the Federation, I think pretty much all cadets have gone through that phase. It's simply not achievable and I quickly learned that the truly useful strategic minds in the State were looking at how to ensure the State cannot be destroyed, not looking into how we're supposed to do such a thing to another Empire.

Here's a hint. Before I came up with a strategy that worked, I had to increase the size of our fleet by at least double, commit all our Corporate Security troops to garrisoning captured worlds and find a way of achieving total strategic surprise. Good game.

and even then, I'm willing to bet the projected loss of life (on both sides) was appaling.

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.

Caroline Grace
Retrostellar Boulevard
#58 - 2014-10-31 21:38:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Caroline Grace
Diana Kim-Potato, The Federation is the most powerful empire of them all, and cannot be destroyed, nor harmed.

Our Federation Navy is state-of-the-art military of the whole New Eden cluster.

Our vigilance is unmatched.

Our naughtiness uncomparable.

Our Freedom undeniable.

Our X-Rated Holoreels inconquerable.

Our drinks irresistible.

Our women insurmountable.

Our men invincible.

Our Titans un-crash-to-planetable.

...and our will to protect and deliver the freedom, you lack so very much, unsurpassable.

You better watch out at nights, the Grace can come to you with a supersonic shower to deliver some wet catharsis.

I'm Caroline Grace, and this is my favorite musical on the Citadel.

Liam Antolliere
#59 - 2014-10-31 21:43:17 UTC
Woe be unto any who forsake the timeless truth that pride oft comes before the fall.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Tyrel Toov
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#60 - 2014-10-31 22:00:17 UTC

I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.