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[Phoebe] Long Distance Travel Changes - updates!

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FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#1861 - 2014-10-27 17:42:06 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TrouserDeagle wrote:
funny hearing people talk about mwding/webbing big ships into warp instantly like it's an actual legit game mechanic

Webbing your supercap into warp was mentioned by CCP as a method you could use

I would love to see the quote on this. Does this mean they are losing e-war immunity?Twisted

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#1862 - 2014-10-27 17:49:53 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TrouserDeagle wrote:
funny hearing people talk about mwding/webbing big ships into warp instantly like it's an actual legit game mechanic

Webbing your supercap into warp was mentioned by CCP as a method you could use

I would love to see the quote on this. Does this mean they are losing e-war immunity?Twisted

I think it's a reference to a couple of years ago when CCP Zulupark (who is no longer with the company I believe) channeled Marie Antoinette and told people, who complained about supers being unreasonably difficult to kill, that they should just target paint them.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#1863 - 2014-10-27 17:52:45 UTC
I think we as players could adapt to no low fuel notifications. I think it would add a new profession to the game (hunting down loot pinatas in space). Think of all the wonderful content that would generate. I'm not sure what's not to like about removing fuel notifications.

So I'll agree to disagree on the fuel notifications. Attacks for sure you should get a message. The rest of it... make it go dark.

They took a lot of info out of the WH api. There were some initial bitches, but nothing that wasn't half hearted. It was the correct thing to do, so any disention quickly vanished. I think getting rid of intel from data pulls would go a long way to getting folks back to actually playing the game. Thire party software should be limited to programs that aid in game play, not in afk play.

I think we're mostly on the same side, but would prefer to keep arguing Big smile
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1864 - 2014-10-27 18:04:23 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
Serendipity Lost wrote:
So, short version, eve won't end if that is what you are implying.

Again with the overdramatization.

Serendipity Lost wrote:
People will adapt (that's what I'm implying). It would be a boon for you. The quantity would go way down and the price would go way up. It would lessen the sting of the JF nerfing.

I've no idea why you keep bringing the JF nerf into the picture, as that has absolutely nothing to do with it.rm.

Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think you underestimate eve players by a lot.

You seem to be overdramatizing what I'm thinking.

Please do not bypass the profanity filter. Thank you. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1865 - 2014-10-27 18:05:39 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think we as players could adapt to no low fuel notifications. I think it would add a new profession to the game (hunting down loot pinatas in space). Think of all the wonderful content that would generate. I'm not sure what's not to like about removing fuel notifications.

So I'll agree to disagree on the fuel notifications. Attacks for sure you should get a message. The rest of it... make it go dark.

They took a lot of info out of the WH api. There were some initial bitches, but nothing that wasn't half hearted. It was the correct thing to do, so any disention quickly vanished. I think getting rid of intel from data pulls would go a long way to getting folks back to actually playing the game. Thire party software should be limited to programs that aid in game play, not in afk play.

I think we're mostly on the same side, but would prefer to keep arguing Big smile

You really need to stop typing.

What CCP needs to do concerning POS's is actually create an in game POS command centre viewable by those in corp with the proper roles. How is it that I can see what's going on with PI from across the galaxy, but can't see the fuel level of a POS or silos without being there?

I don't know what is with people who think that POS's need to be more difficult.

Another idea. IF an in game POS command window existed (really Region Commander without the task management side), what you could do is enable the ability to "disrupt" communication between the POS command and the actual POS. Then feed the API info out of the POS command information. So now you have an actual reason for siphons to cause the API to lie, or other deployables. The information between the POS and the command centre is being disrupted and API is pulling from the disrupted information, not the POS directly. It would also give the little guy a leg up in managing POS's.

Management tools in terms of centralizing information are something I really think CCP needs to work on. Leave the actually player management or task coordination to the players. But providing information at an alliance/corp level could be better. AND on the flip side making information gathering tools disrupt able obviously provides a potential new form of gameplay.

Yes I went on a tangent.
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1866 - 2014-10-27 18:08:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord TGR
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think we as players could adapt to no low fuel notifications.

There are a lot of things "we as players" could adapt to, but there's a gigantic divide between what we can adapt to, and what'll make the game better.

We could adapt to going back to the "good old days" of absolutely no sov, and stations being pingpongable. Would it be better? No.

Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think it would add a new profession to the game (hunting down loot pinatas in space). Think of all the wonderful content that would generate. I'm not sure what's not to like about removing fuel notifications.

Oh hey let's remove reinforcement timers too, I mean if you're not ready to defend all your **** at a moment's notice then why have it there at all? Right?

I fail to see what the point would be behind the thinking "no, your own system shall not have a way to tell you it's being attacked, meddled with or is running low on fuel, what do you think this is, hello kitty?"

Serendipity Lost wrote:
They took a lot of info out of the WH api. There were some initial bitches, but nothing that wasn't half hearted. It was the correct thing to do, so any disention quickly vanished. I think getting rid of intel from data pulls would go a long way to getting folks back to actually playing the game. Thire party software should be limited to programs that aid in game play, not in afk play.

I think we're mostly on the same side, but would prefer to keep arguing Big smile

As FT Diomedes is saying, there's a vast difference between "you shouldn't get intel on someone doing something in your own space, like setting up a POS", to "no, your own hardware shouldn't have any mechanism to tell you, the owner, that it's being fiddled with, attacked or is running low on fuel".

The former doesn't matter if you do not get notifications on, and is a strategic thing which can be spread over a lot of people just taking a quick look in their own system. The latter is just making the game grindier for no real gain.
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#1867 - 2014-10-27 19:10:52 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Providence in general is excluded from this comment. They never gave up the old ways of posting a fleet and defending their space. What they may or may not have in expertise they more than make up for with spunk, enthusiasm and moxy.

I couldn't agree more

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#1868 - 2014-10-27 20:27:23 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think we as players could adapt to no low fuel notifications. I think it would add a new profession to the game (hunting down loot pinatas in space). Think of all the wonderful content that would generate. I'm not sure what's not to like about removing fuel notifications.

So I'll agree to disagree on the fuel notifications. Attacks for sure you should get a message.

So... Now I use a third party app or spreadsheet to manage my POS? Further swinging the balance away from stuff that happens in game and further rewarding the groups with the best external support systems (i.e. Goons).

Eve should encourage you to play it, at the keyboard, using in game mechanisms. Every time I use EFT, or a PI calculator, or POS manager tool, or Evemon, a developer should be punching himself in the face. Making it harder to manage your own character, possessions or infrastructure is a very poor solution to a non-existent problem.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#1869 - 2014-10-27 20:29:46 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think we as players could adapt to no low fuel notifications. I think it would add a new profession to the game (hunting down loot pinatas in space). Think of all the wonderful content that would generate. I'm not sure what's not to like about removing fuel notifications.

So I'll agree to disagree on the fuel notifications. Attacks for sure you should get a message. The rest of it... make it go dark.

They took a lot of info out of the WH api. There were some initial bitches, but nothing that wasn't half hearted. It was the correct thing to do, so any disention quickly vanished. I think getting rid of intel from data pulls would go a long way to getting folks back to actually playing the game. Thire party software should be limited to programs that aid in game play, not in afk play.

I think we're mostly on the same side, but would prefer to keep arguing Big smile

You really need to stop typing.

What CCP needs to do concerning POS's is actually create an in game POS command centre viewable by those in corp with the proper roles. How is it that I can see what's going on with PI from across the galaxy, but can't see the fuel level of a POS or silos without being there?

I don't know what is with people who think that POS's need to be more difficult.

Another idea. IF an in game POS command window existed (really Region Commander without the task management side), what you could do is enable the ability to "disrupt" communication between the POS command and the actual POS. Then feed the API info out of the POS command information. So now you have an actual reason for siphons to cause the API to lie, or other deployables. The information between the POS and the command centre is being disrupted and API is pulling from the disrupted information, not the POS directly. It would also give the little guy a leg up in managing POS's.

Management tools in terms of centralizing information are something I really think CCP needs to work on. Leave the actually player management or task coordination to the players. But providing information at an alliance/corp level could be better. AND on the flip side making information gathering tools disrupt able obviously provides a potential new form of gameplay.

Yes I went on a tangent.

Refreshing to read comments from someone who gets it.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#1870 - 2014-10-27 23:43:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Celly S
Lord Timelord wrote:
After putting some thought about the changes. I would suggest ADDING the following changes to the Rorqual:

1. INCREASE Maximum Jump Range to 20 Light Years!

Allow small corporations the ability to jump DEEP into nullsec to a hardly used system to setup a pos so they can hopefully mine in peace. There are plenty of systems far out on the rim that are hardly used, and being able to jump a Rorq to a far away system for a multi-day mining op would be a lot more fun.

Being able to execute ONE massive jump past heavily camped low sec system stations will be even more critical since you're going to open Pandora's Box and allow TITANS to fire their Doomsday's in Low Sec (which I think should NOT be allowed!). To make #1 more attractive, look at #2 below.

2. Give the Rorqual a specialized Bonus of a 10% Per Level Reduction in the Jump Clone Cooldown Timer based on the level of the Cloning Facility Operation skill.

This would greatly help in people volunteering for some null sec mining knowing that their Clone Jump Timer could be cut down to half with a max skilled Pilot that has Cloning Facility Operation Level 5. So they could jump out into the frontier for a day (or more) of mining, which would likely get more players to "X" up.

3. INCREASE the Ship Maintenance Bay size 100%.

You already nerfed the Rorqual so it can't carry combat ships a long time ago (unlike it's smaller cousin the Orca, which can carry combat ships... grrr....). So double the ship bay size so you can carry barges, exhumers, and Industrials for different types of mining without having to refit the whole ship.

At the very least it would allow a max skilled Rorqual Pilot with a Clone Bay to have enough room for all clone jumpers that arrive at the ship to have more than one ship apiece. Example would be a well tanked Skiff for protection and a Hulk for max yield. That way they could quickly swap from one ship to another as the environment changes.

4. REMOVE the Drone Damage Bonus and replace it with a bonus to all Repair Drones Repair Amount (hull, armor and shield logistic drones). This could require the Logistics skill if CCP deems that it needs to be a harder to attain this bonus.

There is a greater need for 'repairs in the field' when you're running mining operations on the frontier. Give the Rorqual a MUCH LARGER Drone Bay (1.000 - 1,500m3), Give it a Bonus to Logistic Drones Repair Amount, and also give it a possible bonus to usage of Electronic Warfare Drones if you're feeling generous. The larger bay (with no increase in bandwidth) will allow multiple spares of both combat, logistic, and EW drones of all sizes to help mining ships if needed. With the combat drones doing standard damage, it keeps it's power projection in check, while putting a useful drone repair bonus into use to help fix damaged ships.

*Additional Thought*

CCP, when you finalize the capital ship jump ranges, please make sure that there are at least a few npc stations between regions that will fall within the new overlapping routes. That way one will at least have a couple of ports for safer harbor if they have to move round with a low number of scouts.

I can actually see that being useful to the rorqual when it is being used in the manner you suggest, however, I can also see the clone bay aspect having the hell abused out of it as well, since clone jumping that way would bypass some of the effects intended by the upcoming changes.

+1 though.

Celly Smunt

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1871 - 2014-10-27 23:52:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
CCP Greyscale wrote:

We'd like to see how people actually react to these changes before addressing things like the relative accessibility of deep null. Personally, I'm reasonably confident that small, upstart, hungry player organizations will find ways to make deep-null logistics work as-is if it gets their toe in the door - and that if the outer edges of the cluster are sufficiently far from empire that big, old alliance are too fat and lazy to run logistics all the way out there, it'll make more room for frontierspeople to carve out their own territory, which is probably a good thing for the game.

(apologies in advance for the wall of text but CCP really needs to hear the perspective of capital ship veterans who understand the instant, total-Eve mega-battle dilemma represented by the B-R concern. There is a way to save the capital accounts and ships of Eve without this senseless suicide on capital movement. The key is travel time, not jump delay time. Read on to see the impact of this massive capital ship nerf but do keep in mind that overpowered black ops will bring with it a great many other problems.)

After the reaction is done, the damage will not be as repairable as you think. When people walk away, they don't look back as often.

There may be some upsets on logistics, but this really isn't nearly as much of a case of general logistics, which will shift to your preferred jump freighters, as much as it is an issue of capital ship logistics. Capital ships and their pilots may be too plentiful in Eve, and if you are trying to reduce the number of cap ships and their accounts, this will do it, but not in any pvp kind of way.

No one likes to have billions in cap assets stuck out in the middle of no where with no jump options when things go south and all support is lost. And while a finite amount of risk can be acceptable, anyone can confirm that the prospect of a capital player being stuck with his cap ships out in the furthest reaches of null sec when their corp is kicked from alliance for no reason and without warning or his 5ly range of space is overrun is far from acceptable gameplay. The result is either limiting his capital movement to within 5-10 ly of a dockable station or leaving.

Unlike sub-cap ships, capital ships cannot be packaged and transported in a jump freighter, etc. They cannot hide in safe spots with constant warps to avoid getting scanned down. They cannot warp cloaked. They cannot evade gate bubbles during gate travel or get off a gate fast. They cannot go faster than subcaps or microjump or resist constant bumpage. In short, they currently require LARGE fleets for ALL operations, including any movement, in order to win all the engagements that they cannot evade. They only exception to this is the use of stations and pos, but with 1/3 the range, their options are now 1/9 of what they were before and the number of alts required are 3-9 times more in order to maintain similar options for mobility. Without mobility, caps are paralyzed. No sense logging in to a paralyzed account.

Several major concessions must be made to address the nerfs to cap mobility else life in null sec will look a lot like logging into a wormhole always waiting for enough people to support you in doing the most basic tasks (most of which, unlike the wormhole, provide no benefit to those holding your hand "to go to the bathroom" etc). People just slowly stop logging in anymore, unless they can find another option which opens up the content again. Subcaps will not care about this change, but as the capital players fall off, the work falls more to subcaps which grind sov slower; the subcaps will whine to you about reducing the sov structure hitpoints but the lost capital accounts will be gone for good along with the capital ships which were left in place on those accounts. Just as no one will ask why there are fewer caps despite no increase in capital kill rates, no one will look even further back to ask how the invention of supercapitals set this entire cap-nerf ball rolling in the first place. If supercapitals had never been, null sec would have no issue with regular capitals and these nerfs would have never been considered. While I agree with the basis of the concern for FCs having to consider a worst case of all enemies in Eve merits changes to how the jump drive allows instant engagement across vast distances (the keyword being INSTANT), I cannot support in any way this move to slash my skills and the distance traveled by my caps without any consideration and compensation for the massive effects on risk brought by these slashes on my favorite ships.

Wake-up CCP. Jump range nerfing and jump fatigue (except for your favorite Black Ops ships) is a dangerous move against your veterans and strongest supporters. Increasing travel times will give you what you want without all this collateral damage against capital accounts.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#1872 - 2014-10-27 23:53:26 UTC
Saisin wrote:
Philip Ogtaulmolfi wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Personally, I'm reasonably confident that small, upstart, hungry player organizations will find ways to make deep-null logistics work as-is if it gets their toe in the door - and that if the outer edges of the cluster are sufficiently far from empire that big, old alliance are too fat and lazy to run logistics all the way out there, it'll make more room for frontierspeople to carve out their own territory, which is probably a good thing for the game.

This is going to be really difficult until you get rid of that free intelligence source that is the map. When everybody in the universe can know almost instantly when a deep-space system has a new occupant, you will have roaming fleets going to break their fun ASAP.

Please, make sovereignity ownership publicity optional.

+1 to that
.... even extended to activity data, with an opt on options for those who want to showcase their own activity.

Removing the wh activity data was a great leap forward.

The API needs to stop giving play information that should be gathered in game. It only helps the biggest groups with the technical means to exploit the data., and make the metacode too influential in what is going on in the game...

I can agree with this, if you want to know what the military/industry/ect level is in BFE-01 then fly to it and check in system, not browse through data and say "here's where I'm going to camp/rat/hunt/mine today"

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1873 - 2014-10-28 04:45:45 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TrouserDeagle wrote:
funny hearing people talk about mwding/webbing big ships into warp instantly like it's an actual legit game mechanic

Webbing your supercap into warp was mentioned by CCP as a method you could use


I too would like to see this, something I very much doubt considering the shitstorm we would have. I think many of us remember the fallout from when CCP was balancing fighter bombers and one of the devs told players to just target paint dreadnaughts and supercarriers.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1874 - 2014-10-28 04:56:50 UTC
Dustpuppy wrote:
Adrie Atticus wrote:

You're creating a highly pocketed nullsec, don't turn it into space which can be handled with a single JF running continuously. You're creating challenges with the current changes, keep it that way.

Yep, I support this. Make it harder to keep large areas under control, add mechanisms which scale up the required time to spend (not only ISK) to guard and protect the space you have claimed.
Just like my idea with the drop of the notification about a POS in your SOV: force the corps to control their area in an more active way and limit this self sustaining game play where they only need a fleet and enough renters to pay for the SOV claim units.
They have enough isk but not enough people to fly around manually and control their systems all the time.
Such an approach will sooner or later break the neck of the big ones and give the smaller ones a chance to move to null.

I too, farther like the idea of shifting upgrades out of npc seeding, onto blueprint creation. Considering their functionality being tied to nullsec, perhaps they could be made to consume morphite as a notable portion of their cost? This would further tie nullsec industry in to upgrading combat and exploration aspects, since mercoxit does not come from high or low.
Exploration Frontier inc
#1875 - 2014-10-28 10:27:26 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TrouserDeagle wrote:
funny hearing people talk about mwding/webbing big ships into warp instantly like it's an actual legit game mechanic

Webbing your supercap into warp was mentioned by CCP as a method you could use


Can you actually web a super thats immune to e-war?

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1876 - 2014-10-28 10:36:38 UTC
Altrue wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TrouserDeagle wrote:
funny hearing people talk about mwding/webbing big ships into warp instantly like it's an actual legit game mechanic

Webbing your supercap into warp was mentioned by CCP as a method you could use


Can you actually web a super thats immune to e-war?

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1877 - 2014-10-28 13:43:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Lord TGR wrote:
Altrue wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
TrouserDeagle wrote:
funny hearing people talk about mwding/webbing big ships into warp instantly like it's an actual legit game mechanic

Webbing your supercap into warp was mentioned by CCP as a method you could use


Can you actually web a super thats immune to e-war?


Supercapitals started this whole snowball mess. ewar immunity is a bad joke in overpowered mechanics which combined with other bad jokes has led to so much nerf mess. 25 drones led to massive drone nerfs to supers. DD led to massive DD nerfs to supers. Massive super hp led to massive cap RR nerfs and to nerfs on the log-off safe trick; the log-off trick would not have existed without so much hp, though I must admit that I do agree with the approach on the fix there (no logoff with aggression and aggression by any party resets aggression timers for both parties indefinitely through to downtime). Even *if we manage to balance supers,* there are still plenty of other capital issues, many of which (like this jump fatigue) came about as a fix to a deeper problem in supers which CCP would not address.

Face it, CCP, the power of capital projection would be much, much less if supers did not exist because regular capitals have inherently much less power than supers. The BR- incident which catalyzed this initiative would have been much less significant if there were no overpowered supers. Though I do agree that the underlying problem of instant blobs from all of Eve should be addressed even without supers (much like the log-off trick needed to be addressed), the driving force would be much less and would allow a much more balanced and reasonable solution without overpowered supers forcing extreme solutions along with favoritism with black ops "pork" projects.

The idea of travel delay counters the instant Eve universe dog piles by forcing distant parties to enter the battle after the locals have finished their battle. Arriving late to the fight means that the battle brought by distant parties is new and separate from their battle, even if they both occur in the same space. It allows the local groups to dog pile and find a winner, and not have to worry about their worst case scenario includes parties beyond their local areas because after they win the field, they are free to leave or get more local and/or distant reinforcements before the next distant enemy arrives.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

atrum dux
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1878 - 2014-10-28 14:01:09 UTC
Greyscale, and you were actually cool for like... never.
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1879 - 2014-10-28 14:15:06 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

We'd like to see how people actually react to these changes before addressing things like the relative accessibility of deep null. Personally, I'm reasonably confident that small, upstart, hungry player organizations will find ways to make deep-null logistics work as-is if it gets their toe in the door - and that if the outer edges of the cluster are sufficiently far from empire that big, old alliance are too fat and lazy to run logistics all the way out there, it'll make more room for frontierspeople to carve out their own territory, which is probably a good thing for the game.

(apologies in advance for the wall of text but CCP really needs to hear the perspective of capital ship veterans who understand the instant, total-Eve mega-battle dilemma represented by the B-R concern. There is a way to save the capital accounts and ships of Eve without this senseless suicide on capital movement. The key is travel time, not jump delay time. Read on to see the impact of this massive capital ship nerf but do keep in mind that overpowered black ops will bring with it a great many other problems.)

After the reaction is done, the damage will not be as repairable as you think. When people walk away, they don't look back as often.

There may be some upsets on logistics, but this really isn't nearly as much of a case of general logistics, which will shift to your preferred jump freighters, as much as it is an issue of capital ship logistics. Capital ships and their pilots may be too plentiful in Eve, and if you are trying to reduce the number of cap ships and their accounts, this will do it, but not in any pvp kind of way.

No one likes to have billions in cap assets stuck out in the middle of no where with no jump options when things go south and all support is lost. And while a finite amount of risk can be acceptable, anyone can confirm that the prospect of a capital player being stuck with his cap ships out in the furthest reaches of null sec when their corp is kicked from alliance for no reason and without warning or his 5ly range of space is overrun is far from acceptable gameplay. The result is either limiting his capital movement to within 5-10 ly of a dockable station or leaving.

Unlike sub-cap ships, capital ships cannot be packaged and transported in a jump freighter, etc. They cannot hide in safe spots with constant warps to avoid getting scanned down. They cannot warp cloaked. They cannot evade gate bubbles during gate travel or get off a gate fast. They cannot go faster than subcaps or microjump or resist constant bumpage. In short, they currently require LARGE fleets for ALL operations, including any movement, in order to win all the engagements that they cannot evade. They only exception to this is the use of stations and pos, but with 1/3 the range, their options are now 1/9 of what they were before and the number of alts required are 3-9 times more in order to maintain similar options for mobility. Without mobility, caps are paralyzed. No sense logging in to a paralyzed account.

Several major concessions must be made to address the nerfs to cap mobility else life in null sec will look a lot like logging into a wormhole always waiting for enough people to support you in doing the most basic tasks (most of which, unlike the wormhole, provide no benefit to those holding your hand "to go to the bathroom" etc). People just slowly stop logging in anymore, unless they can find another option which opens up the content again. Subcaps will not care about this change, but as the capital players fall off, the work falls more to subcaps which grind sov slower; the subcaps will whine to you about reducing the sov structure hitpoints but the lost capital accounts will be gone for good along with the capital ships which were left in place on those accounts. Just as no one will ask why there are fewer caps despite no increase in capital kill rates, no one will look even further back to ask how the invention of supercapitals set this entire cap-nerf ball rolling in the first place. If supercapitals had never been, null sec would have no issue with regular capitals and these nerfs would have never been considered. While I agree with the basis of the concern for FCs having to consider a worst case of all enemies in Eve merits changes to how the jump drive allows instant engagement across vast distances (the keyword being INSTANT), I cannot support in any way this move to slash my skills and the distance traveled by my caps without any consideration and compensation for the massive effects on risk brought by these slashes on my favorite ships.

Wake-up CCP. Jump range nerfing and jump fatigue (except for your favorite Black Ops ships) is a dangerous move against your veterans and strongest supporters. Increasing travel times will give you what you want without all this collateral damage against capital accounts.

Keep in mind that what CCP are doing is dialling the caps etc back somewhat towards what they should've been to begin with. This is categorized as a catastrophic nerf only by self-entitled people like you have gotten used to them, and don't want to give it up. If CCP had done the right thing and added them in the state they're being converted to, you wouldn't be bitching and moaning up a storm and coming up with a ridiculous alternative which is unquestioningly drastically worse from a gameplay perspective than anything else I've seen in this and other threads so far.

"Hey guys you will now sit and look at intestines for 50 minutes while we warp 5LY. Or, you could switch off the monitor if you're tired of looking at intestines and bang your wife instead."
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1880 - 2014-10-28 14:22:34 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
The BR- incident which catalyzed this initiative would have been much less significant if there were no overpowered supers.

B-R is merely the latest and biggest example of why caps are problematic as they're being used today.

Andy Landen wrote:
Though I do agree that the underlying problem of instant blobs from all of Eve should be addressed even without supers (much like the log-off trick needed to be addressed), the driving force would be much less and would allow a much more balanced and reasonable solution without overpowered supers forcing extreme solutions along with favoritism with black ops "pork" projects.

Like the gastroscopy avenue suggestion of yours? "Hey we're going to reinforce a POS in someone's deep space, we'll be travelling in hyperspace for 3 hours, shoot something for 5 minutes and then travel back for another 3 hours. In the meantime you can't do squat, so switch off your monitor and bang your wife and refurbish the bathroom while we do nothing but wait for a timer to count down. This is exciting gameplay!"

Andy Landen wrote:
The idea of travel delay counters the instant Eve universe dog piles by forcing distant parties to enter the battle after the locals have finished their battle. Arriving late to the fight means that the battle brought by distant parties is new and separate from their battle, even if they both occur in the same space. It allows the local groups to dog pile and find a winner, and not have to worry about their worst case scenario includes parties beyond their local areas because after they win the field, they are free to leave or get more local and/or distant reinforcements before the next distant enemy arrives.

"Hey guys, you know that thing we've been watching this gastroscopy view for 3 hours for? Yeah, that fight ended 2.5 hours ago, we're late. We're just going to jump back when we land. We'd best hope there are no dictors on-grid."