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The Federation and its oppressed nations

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-10-27 13:58:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Diana Kim
The Federation must be destroyed, citizens.

Yet, some peoples still ask, what should be done with the Federation:
iyammarrok wrote:
Ok Diana. 2 quick questions

2) What do you intend to do with the Federation?
The answer should be obvious already!

Diana Kim wrote:
2) The Federation must be destroyed. The nations, that are under gallentean oppression (Jin-Mei, Intaki, Mannar and many others) should establish their own governments according to their traditions, practical needs or efficiency, that would stimulate their own growth. Gallenteans must be banished back to their own worlds and quaranteened there to not infect other nations with their genome and disruptive ideas. Space access to gallenteans must be forbidden.

Liam Antolliere wrote:

To your second point, you are taking it upon yourself to speak on behalf of the Jin-Mei, the Intaki, the Mannar "and many others" by insisting they are under Gallentean oppression. You are in no place to do so. If these people feel they are under oppression, they can voice it for themselves. By insisting they are under oppression and need to be "liberated" (yes, that's what you're suggesting), you are inciting the same actions that you openly criticize the Gallente for.

Two hundred years ago, Mr. Antolliere, they did voice it for themselves, along with Caldari, when we decided to leave this criminal Federation once and forever. However, their voices were silenced by bursts of Gallentean guns and stomped down to the ground with boots of Gallentean soldiers. They were mercilessly subjugated back to Gallente control.

But this their sacrifice has allowed us, Caldari people, to fight gallenteans back successfully, as theirforces were pulled away and scattered to hold everyone else. We, as the most strong one of these nations, have succeeded and seceded. We are indebted to them for this. And as the war has started, we now can repay our debts, because Caldari always pay their debts.

But you have misunderstood me. We are fighting not for their freedom. In the first place, we are fighting for our own interests, for our land and our assets, and returning our debt is just a possibility that we should not lose.

This is the fight for the future, this is the fight for OUR future, bright and peaceful future without Federation, where these nations can share with us or not - we do not want to force them into "freedom" or into something else. We are fighting the enemy, whose name is the Federation, the gallentean hegemony, known for centuries to oppress and dominate other cultures it wasn't agreed with.

And we fight this Federation, and gallenteans, who formed it, not other nations. We don't fight Intaki, Jin-Mei and Mannar and others. After we will win this war, we have nothing to do with them. Should they start their own Federations - it is not our business anymore. Our business will be, if they will attack us. Or if they will start making attempts at contacting with Gallenteans again. This will be threat to the State, to Caldari people and the whole humanity, and then we will fight them as well.

Yet there are Intaki, Jin-Mei and others, who serve the Federation, following will of their gallente overlords. We are not coming to "liberate" them from this. We are coming to destroy them as well, as criminals, who serve the criminal regime.

What we must remember, fighting them, is that the Federation is not the Intaki Federation, it is not Jin-Mei Federation, not even Interstellar Federation, but the GALLENTE Federation. And we are even calling them in the most cases as "gallenteans" instead of "federals", reserving word "federals" for their government agents.

I repeat it again, that we are not coming to fight Intaki, Jin-Mei, Mannars and others as nations. They have done nothing against us, they even helped us to secede. They are not our enemies. Our enemies are gallenteans and the Gallente Federation.

Should we fail and the darkness will fall on our galaxy, gallenteans will continue to expand, subjugating more and more innocent nations under their oppression. While the Gallente Federation exists, there will be no peace.

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

JP Eulienne
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-10-27 14:12:42 UTC
I've watched your communications for the past couple of weeks with curiosity and have an observation to make. You seem to be very good at shouting loudly, often in inappropriate venues, to get yourself heard. Yet nothing of value ever gets said. It's a shame really. If you put half as much effort into doing something worthwhile, I daresay you'd be extremely good at it.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#3 - 2014-10-27 14:19:54 UTC
The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. JP Eulienne

You have said:
JP Eulienne wrote:
I've watched your communications for the past couple of weeks with curiosity and have an observation to make. You seem to be very good at shouting loudly, often in inappropriate venues, to get yourself heard. Yet nothing of value ever gets said. It's a shame really. If you put half as much effort into doing something worthwhile, I daresay you'd be extremely good at it.

And this is just a personal attack, unrelated to the message of the thread. You deliberately are trying to turn the discussion to discussion of the topic starter, i.e. me, just because you are not agreed with what I have said. This practically shows that you have nothing to object with.

Yes, I have just did to you what you did and attacked you back, as you deserve it. I hope that will make you understand, gallentean. Did you like your own gallentean medicine? Unfortunately, somehow I don't believe in this. All I have left to say, that your behaviour is typical to gallenteans from the Federation,

and this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Liam Antolliere
#4 - 2014-10-27 14:25:25 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:

Two hundred years ago, Mr. Antolliere, they did voice it for themselves, along with Caldari, when we decided to leave this criminal Federation once and forever. However, their voices were silenced by bursts of Gallentean guns and stomped down to the ground with boots of Gallentean soldiers. They were mercilessly subjugated back to Gallente control.

I've looked into this claim and it's objectively false. The Caldari people seceded through violent uprising. The Caldari and no one else. Voicing discontent and seeking change is part of the democratic process, a process that the other chartered members of the Federation have practiced time and again and are encouraged to continue doing so.

The rest of your post is filled with grandiose assumptions and contradictions to yourself.

I am sorry, Mademoiselle Kim, I had hoped we could communicate on a reasonable level. Apparently I was mistaken.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

JP Eulienne
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-10-27 14:26:00 UTC  |  Edited by: JP Eulienne
No, it was an observation. A personal attack would be: You look like a boy.

Edit: Also, it's just JP. No need for any honorific.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-10-27 15:34:49 UTC
Liam Antolliere wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:

Two hundred years ago, Mr. Antolliere, they did voice it for themselves, along with Caldari, when we decided to leave this criminal Federation once and forever. However, their voices were silenced by bursts of Gallentean guns and stomped down to the ground with boots of Gallentean soldiers. They were mercilessly subjugated back to Gallente control.

I've looked into this claim and it's objectively false. The Caldari people seceded through violent uprising. The Caldari and no one else. Voicing discontent and seeking change is part of the democratic process, a process that the other chartered members of the Federation have practiced time and again and are encouraged to continue doing so.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Antolliere,

Have you never heard the story about five thousand Intaki? Or that after the destruction of Heuromont local states inside Federation were building their own militias to counter federals? That protests were erupting daily in cities?...

Looks like the Federation tries to hide their crimes, that were well known in the history. We had these in textbooks. You can still find it in chronicles from that era... but that attempt of gallenteans to not teach their citizens about its own history, just because it is "inconvenient" and contradicts gallente propaganda, is really disturbing.

And this is another reason, why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#7 - 2014-10-27 15:41:20 UTC
JP Eulienne wrote:
No, it was an observation. A personal attack would be: You look like a boy.

Edit: Also, it's just JP. No need for any honorific.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. JP.

That exactly wouldn't be a personal attack, but rather a physical description. Will it be correct or not correct, I don't see anything wrong in looking like a boy. And that would be an observation.

On the other hand, you have previously made false claims about me, my abilities and intentions, instead of answering the subject. That was derailing and personal attack.

With this I would like to remind you once again, that the subject is not about me, but about

the Federation, that must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

JP Eulienne
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-10-27 16:09:13 UTC
As part of my earlier observation, I don't think there is any point in discussing the topic as you will simply drown out dissenting opinion with waves of 'The Federation must be destroyed'. What's the point? I will make no ground with you because you have decided (rightly or wrongly) that I am not worth listening to because I so happened to be born in the Federation.

What do I believe, what are my goals, who are the people I value? What do you care? I'm Gallente and the Federation must be destroyed. That's the sum of your arguments. It's small wonder so many have given up on you entirely including a great many Caldari, the people who should be closest to you. I've been lurking around here for a matter of weeks and I'm ready to throw in the towel already.

This thread is a poor attempt to flamebait Federal citizens into another war of words where the paragraphs will blot out the stars through, frankly, ridiculous grandstanding and rhetoric. That is why I won't take it seriously and why I recommend no-one else does either.

And it's JP. Just JP.
Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#9 - 2014-10-27 16:37:15 UTC
Liam Antolliere wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:

Two hundred years ago, Mr. Antolliere, they did voice it for themselves, along with Caldari, when we decided to leave this criminal Federation once and forever. However, their voices were silenced by bursts of Gallentean guns and stomped down to the ground with boots of Gallentean soldiers. They were mercilessly subjugated back to Gallente control.

I've looked into this claim and it's objectively false. The Caldari people seceded through violent uprising. The Caldari and no one else. Voicing discontent and seeking change is part of the democratic process, a process that the other chartered members of the Federation have practiced time and again and are encouraged to continue doing so.

The rest of your post is filled with grandiose assumptions and contradictions to yourself.

I am sorry, Mademoiselle Kim, I had hoped we could communicate on a reasonable level. Apparently I was mistaken.

Hmmm, lets see about this.
1.) In 22631 the Gallente landed on Caldari Prime to basically exert their influence upon the Caldari.
2.) 23121 the Gallente Federation was Founded, by circumstance the Caldari were basically forced to be part of it Co-founding the Federation into exsistence.
3.) between those dates the Caldari were already surveying and founding colonies into what is present day State territory.
4.) 23150 Shield Aerospace a Gallente company was nearly destroyed by simple economics between Corporations and useage of the stock exchange.
5.) Federation (Gallenteans) began to attempt a limit of economic power of anything Caldari. Investigations were launched into CFU as well as the Mega-Corps whom had colonies outside of Federation Space.
6.) 23154 the Caldari Colonies outside of Federation space and Control were discovered.
6a.) Federation demanded said colonies had to adhere to Federation Control and be brought under its Rule.
6b.) Mega-Corporations refused and decided to seceed.
6c.) In an effort to form compliance with its demands and the fact Caldri Prime shared the same system as the Federation Capital System a Gallente Naval blockcade was implemented in orbit of Caldari Prime.
6d.) Later troops were deployed under the guise of protecting Gallantean Citizens on Caldari Prime.
6e.) Caldari Navy, in its infancy blockcaded the stargates leading to what is present day Caldari Sovereign Space.
6f.) Under the oppression of Gallentean rule, guerilla warfare broke out though limited upon Caldari Prime.
6g.) Eventually a more extreme and violent group (Dragonaurs) destroyed a city full of Gallentean Citizens.
7.) 100 year war between Gallente-Caldari began 23155.
8.) The Jove provided Caldari with Capsule technology after cutting off contact with the Gallente....this gave the Smaller forces of the Cal Navy a fighting chance vs non capsuleer fitted military of the Federation.
9.) War ended in YC12 (23248) yet Caldari Prime still resides under Federation Control.
10.) YC 110 Tibus Heth led an invasion to liberate Caldari Prime. A thing the Gallente may fear and resent...but in his wisdom Jacen Roden keeps any further combat (war) away from high security space (CONCORD space). Hence the turn over of adminastration of several points of control to Ishukone.

I believe in summary it is you that are wrong. The Gallentean greed and misplaced fear of the Caldari sharing the same home system is what began this tragic history. In deep with Serpentis, and their wish to control all things under the guise of democracy and freedom. At least the Amarr do not pretend about slavery within their Regime. The Federation does need to be broken, and its constituents Liberated.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#10 - 2014-10-27 17:13:24 UTC
Since I brought it up in the wrong thread,

Deitra Vess wrote:
just another observation but wouldn't your rhetoric on how the federation must be destroyed be considered a personal attack to those who hold it near and dear to their heart? You certainly would be (and have been) up at arms if someone spoke the same about the caldari state.Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Steffanie Saissore
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#11 - 2014-10-27 17:17:22 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
Liam Antolliere wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:

Two hundred years ago, Mr. Antolliere, they did voice it for themselves, along with Caldari, when we decided to leave this criminal Federation once and forever. However, their voices were silenced by bursts of Gallentean guns and stomped down to the ground with boots of Gallentean soldiers. They were mercilessly subjugated back to Gallente control.

I've looked into this claim and it's objectively false. The Caldari people seceded through violent uprising. The Caldari and no one else. Voicing discontent and seeking change is part of the democratic process, a process that the other chartered members of the Federation have practiced time and again and are encouraged to continue doing so.

The rest of your post is filled with grandiose assumptions and contradictions to yourself.

I am sorry, Mademoiselle Kim, I had hoped we could communicate on a reasonable level. Apparently I was mistaken.

Hmmm, lets see about this.
1.) In 22631 the Gallente landed on Caldari Prime to basically exert their influence upon the Caldari.
2.) 23121 the Gallente Federation was Founded, by circumstance the Caldari were basically forced to be part of it Co-founding the Federation into exsistence.
3.) between those dates the Caldari were already surveying and founding colonies into what is present day State territory.
4.) 23150 Shield Aerospace a Gallente company was nearly destroyed by simple economics between Corporations and useage of the stock exchange.
5.) Federation (Gallenteans) began to attempt a limit of economic power of anything Caldari. Investigations were launched into CFU as well as the Mega-Corps whom had colonies outside of Federation Space.
6.) 23154 the Caldari Colonies outside of Federation space and Control were discovered.
6a.) Federation demanded said colonies had to adhere to Federation Control and be brought under its Rule.
6b.) Mega-Corporations refused and decided to seceed.
6c.) In an effort to form compliance with its demands and the fact Caldri Prime shared the same system as the Federation Capital System a Gallente Naval blockcade was implemented in orbit of Caldari Prime.
6d.) Later troops were deployed under the guise of protecting Gallantean Citizens on Caldari Prime.
6e.) Caldari Navy, in its infancy blockcaded the stargates leading to what is present day Caldari Sovereign Space.
6f.) Under the oppression of Gallentean rule, guerilla warfare broke out though limited upon Caldari Prime.
6g.) Eventually a more extreme and violent group (Dragonaurs) destroyed a city full of Gallentean Citizens.
7.) 100 year war between Gallente-Caldari began 23155.
8.) The Jove provided Caldari with Capsule technology after cutting off contact with the Gallente....this gave the Smaller forces of the Cal Navy a fighting chance vs non capsuleer fitted military of the Federation.
9.) War ended in YC12 (23248) yet Caldari Prime still resides under Federation Control.
10.) YC 110 Tibus Heth led an invasion to liberate Caldari Prime. A thing the Gallente may fear and resent...but in his wisdom Jacen Roden keeps any further combat (war) away from high security space (CONCORD space). Hence the turn over of adminastration of several points of control to Ishukone.

I believe in summary it is you that are wrong. The Gallentean greed and misplaced fear of the Caldari sharing the same home system is what began this tragic history. In deep with Serpentis, and their wish to control all things under the guise of democracy and freedom. At least the Amarr do not pretend about slavery within their Regime. The Federation does need to be broken, and its constituents Liberated.

You may want to reconsider your revisionist view of history my friend. The Federation was founded by the combined efforts of Gallente and Caldari.

The exploration and setting up of the colonies came after a time when the Caldari and Gallente views began to diverge as to what the Federation ought to be, given our distinct philosophical differences.

Now, I do not agree with how the Federation managed the situation once the Caldari voiced their desire to leave the Federation, but up to that point, I do not believe there is any evidence to support your claims that there was a forcing done.

Also, to claim that the Federation is in deep with the Serpentis is an interesting accusation given that the Serpentis have stolen and harmed the Federation; not to mention the vast number of combat missions I have myself been hired to take on behalf of the Federation to deal with the Serpents.

You are also a little behind the times. The year is now YC 116 and Caldari Prime, though still within Federation space, has been given back to the Caldari.

We travel in the dark of the new moon,

A starry highway traced on the map of the sky

Liam Antolliere
#12 - 2014-10-27 17:24:27 UTC
Alvarez Akachi wrote:

1.) In 22631 the Gallente landed on Caldari Prime to basically exert their influence upon the Caldari.
2.) 23121 the Gallente Federation was Founded, by circumstance the Caldari were basically forced to be part of it Co-founding the Federation into exsistence.
3.) between those dates the Caldari were already surveying and founding colonies into what is present day State territory.
4.) 23150 Shield Aerospace a Gallente company was nearly destroyed by simple economics between Corporations and useage of the stock exchange.
5.) Federation (Gallenteans) began to attempt a limit of economic power of anything Caldari. Investigations were launched into CFU as well as the Mega-Corps whom had colonies outside of Federation Space.
6.) 23154 the Caldari Colonies outside of Federation space and Control were discovered.
6a.) Federation demanded said colonies had to adhere to Federation Control and be brought under its Rule.
6b.) Mega-Corporations refused and decided to seceed.
6c.) In an effort to form compliance with its demands and the fact Caldri Prime shared the same system as the Federation Capital System a Gallente Naval blockcade was implemented in orbit of Caldari Prime.
6d.) Later troops were deployed under the guise of protecting Gallantean Citizens on Caldari Prime.
6e.) Caldari Navy, in its infancy blockcaded the stargates leading to what is present day Caldari Sovereign Space.
6f.) Under the oppression of Gallentean rule, guerilla warfare broke out though limited upon Caldari Prime.
6g.) Eventually a more extreme and violent group (Dragonaurs) destroyed a city full of Gallentean Citizens.
7.) 100 year war between Gallente-Caldari began 23155.
8.) The Jove provided Caldari with Capsule technology after cutting off contact with the Gallente....this gave the Smaller forces of the Cal Navy a fighting chance vs non capsuleer fitted military of the Federation.
9.) War ended in YC12 (23248) yet Caldari Prime still resides under Federation Control.
10.) YC 110 Tibus Heth led an invasion to liberate Caldari Prime. A thing the Gallente may fear and resent...but in his wisdom Jacen Roden keeps any further combat (war) away from high security space (CONCORD space). Hence the turn over of adminastration of several points of control to Ishukone.

I believe in summary it is you that are wrong. The Gallentean greed and misplaced fear of the Caldari sharing the same home system is what began this tragic history. In deep with Serpentis, and their wish to control all things under the guise of democracy and freedom. At least the Amarr do not pretend about slavery within their Regime. The Federation does need to be broken, and its constituents Liberated.

1). You interjected "to basically exert their influence over the Caldari" which is an assumption and opinion, not a fact. The fact is that both the Caldari and the Gallente benefited from cooperation, including the construction of the first star gates between them, strengthened economies and a more stable home system for both peoples.

2). The Federation was founded and the Caldari were "forced" by circumstance, meaning that they were not in a position to refuse membership because they had become dependent on the joint cooperation between both peoples. I should also note here that the Gallente were benefiting just as much from the Caldari because both of our peoples benefited by our cooperation - history itself attests to that. Had the Caldari chosen to opt out of the founding of the Federation, who knows what history would have recorded?

3). Indeed they were, without the knowledge of the Gallente. Which, by the way, was the first of many pieces moved on this board of galactic history that led to a downward spiral between our people.

4 and 5). Let us not gloss over these points so quickly because this is where the sticking points are. The reason for the investigation was simple economics and math. The use of the "stock exchange" and economics in the collapse of Shield Aerospace revealed that the companies involved in the takeover had an excess of capital they could not have obtained legally (because the extra capital was being obtained via colonies that were unknown to the government at the time). Naturally this excess of capital would cause some questions to be raised.

6). Read over these points carefully and impartially. The first action of deception was made by the Caldari with their secret colonies and a takeover of other businesses using illegally obtained capital, this was followed by an investigation. When the illegal colonies were found, naturally the Federation demanded they fall under the same Federal jurisdiction that everyone else was operating under. The Caldari Megacorps refused and seceded. The Federation, seeking non-violent resolution, attempts other methods of resolving the conflict. The situation escalates from there eventually resulting in the bombing of a Gallente city.

The rest of your points are basically historical reiteration except the final point but that's another debate for another time.

In summary, your assessment was filled with bias and interjection rather than simple fact and you glossed over the sticking points that would place any responsibility on the part of the Caldari. This discredits your assertion that it was Gallente greed and fear and further that we need to be destroyed.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-10-27 18:14:35 UTC
JP Eulienne wrote:
As part of my earlier observation, I don't think there is any point in discussing the topic as you will simply drown out dissenting opinion with waves of 'The Federation must be destroyed'. What's the point? I will make no ground with you because you have decided (rightly or wrongly) that I am not worth listening to because I so happened to be born in the Federation.

What do I believe, what are my goals, who are the people I value? What do you care? I'm Gallente and the Federation must be destroyed. That's the sum of your arguments. It's small wonder so many have given up on you entirely including a great many Caldari, the people who should be closest to you. I've been lurking around here for a matter of weeks and I'm ready to throw in the towel already.

This thread is a poor attempt to flamebait Federal citizens into another war of words where the paragraphs will blot out the stars through, frankly, ridiculous grandstanding and rhetoric. That is why I won't take it seriously and why I recommend no-one else does either.

And it's JP. Just JP.

The Federation must be destroyed, Mr. Just JP!

I have decided that you are wrong not because you are just a gallentean, but because you are trying to discuss me instead of my ideas. And yes, I believe it is a common trait among gallenteans (look at our Liar Knight Steffanie Saissore, and Mr. Antolliere). Lack of actual objection and switching to person shows that you are wrong.

I gave you exact problem - oppression of nations in the Federation. It is not me, who turn it into flamebait. It is Federal citizens, who can't object it, and try to turn discussion wrong way.

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Jade Blackwind
#14 - 2014-10-27 18:18:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Blackwind
This inferior unit has a theoretical question.

Priority: Battle Simulation

Situation: The Federation Is Destroyed.

Time Window: The Federation Is Destroyed within YC 117-122

Your plans for the next five years after the Federation is destroyed, soldier?
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-10-27 18:33:51 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
Since I brought it up in the wrong thread,

Deitra Vess wrote:
just another observation but wouldn't your rhetoric on how the federation must be destroyed be considered a personal attack to those who hold it near and dear to their heart? You certainly would be (and have been) up at arms if someone spoke the same about the caldari state.Please correct me if I'm wrong...

The Federation must be destroyed, Ms. Vess.

Thank you for asking me this question here. The State and Federation are not persons. Although I will protect the State with my own life, and I will note down for extermination those, who will want to attack the State. This will allow me easier target selection.

I have to admit, I will most likely answer extremely offensively and with lots of personal attacks to those, who will decide to write personal attacks on my superiors and on Caldari Heroes, like Tibus Heth and Yakia Tovil-Toba.

If you are interested about my disposition and manner of speaking with Mr. iyammarrok, it is because of his antics, he showed in our previous... "conversations".

I hope you will understand my position, and that

the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Liam Antolliere
#16 - 2014-10-27 18:36:12 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:

I gave you exact problem - oppression of nations in the Federation. It is not me, who turn it into flamebait. It is Federal citizens, who can't object it, and try to turn discussion wrong way.

Mademoiselle Kim,

I did refute your assertion but you attempted to turn it into a discussion about Gallente text book studies in our schools and color it as some sort of propaganda by the government. I know full well the examples you raised but they don't change the facts of what happened.

Yes, there were uprisings and yes there were militias gathered to oppose the Federation but what happened? Concessions were made, agreements were reached and those uprisings were settled. The proof is tangible: the Federation still exists. If the various peoples of the Federation had set themselves against the Federation as you're suggesting they did, the Federation would have crumbled. Why? Because the Federal Navy and the Federal Government are composed of their constituent peoples, thus if there was a mass uprising against the government, the Federation would collapse by virtue of its design. It is a society that can only continue to exist for as long as its members wish it to. Ergo, you're simply wrong.

However, every attempt to counter your arguments results in you twisting information to suit your own agenda and I'll not waste my time playing your game.

It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with how you respond when your arguments are countered. I have nothing further to say to you.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-10-27 18:41:59 UTC
Jade Blackwind wrote:
This inferior unit has a theoretical question.

Priority: Battle Simulation

Situation: The Federation Is Destroyed.

Time Window: The Federation Is Destroyed within YC 117-122

Your plans for the next five years after the Federation is destroyed, soldier?

The Federation must be destroyed, Ms. Blackwind.

But after it will be destroyed, there will be no need in further destruction. Gallentes can be held on their planets without access to the space with just police force. No combat will be required, and thus my role will become obsolete.

This means, I will be finally able to retire and meet the spirits of my ancestors and all my previous clones.

But until it happens, I must continue serving my duty and keep fighting enemies of the State,
because the Federation must be destroyed.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#18 - 2014-10-27 18:53:13 UTC
Ah, the IGS and it's strange ability to encourage the same people to repost the same drabble every month. Let's just copy and paste the threads from pages 2-5 and save some time.

Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#19 - 2014-10-27 18:56:44 UTC
Steffanie Saissore wrote:
Alvarez Akachi wrote:
Liam Antolliere wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:

Two hundred years ago, Mr. Antolliere, they did voice it for themselves, along with Caldari, when we decided to leave this criminal Federation once and forever. However, their voices were silenced by bursts of Gallentean guns and stomped down to the ground with boots of Gallentean soldiers. They were mercilessly subjugated back to Gallente control.

I've looked into this claim and it's objectively false. The Caldari people seceded through violent uprising. The Caldari and no one else. Voicing discontent and seeking change is part of the democratic process, a process that the other chartered members of the Federation have practiced time and again and are encouraged to continue doing so.

The rest of your post is filled with grandiose assumptions and contradictions to yourself.

I am sorry, Mademoiselle Kim, I had hoped we could communicate on a reasonable level. Apparently I was mistaken.

Hmmm, lets see about this.
1.) In 22631 the Gallente landed on Caldari Prime to basically exert their influence upon the Caldari.
2.) 23121 the Gallente Federation was Founded, by circumstance the Caldari were basically forced to be part of it Co-founding the Federation into exsistence.
3.) between those dates the Caldari were already surveying and founding colonies into what is present day State territory.
4.) 23150 Shield Aerospace a Gallente company was nearly destroyed by simple economics between Corporations and useage of the stock exchange.
5.) Federation (Gallenteans) began to attempt a limit of economic power of anything Caldari. Investigations were launched into CFU as well as the Mega-Corps whom had colonies outside of Federation Space.
6.) 23154 the Caldari Colonies outside of Federation space and Control were discovered.
6a.) Federation demanded said colonies had to adhere to Federation Control and be brought under its Rule.
6b.) Mega-Corporations refused and decided to seceed.
6c.) In an effort to form compliance with its demands and the fact Caldri Prime shared the same system as the Federation Capital System a Gallente Naval blockcade was implemented in orbit of Caldari Prime.
6d.) Later troops were deployed under the guise of protecting Gallantean Citizens on Caldari Prime.
6e.) Caldari Navy, in its infancy blockcaded the stargates leading to what is present day Caldari Sovereign Space.
6f.) Under the oppression of Gallentean rule, guerilla warfare broke out though limited upon Caldari Prime.
6g.) Eventually a more extreme and violent group (Dragonaurs) destroyed a city full of Gallentean Citizens.
7.) 100 year war between Gallente-Caldari began 23155.
8.) The Jove provided Caldari with Capsule technology after cutting off contact with the Gallente....this gave the Smaller forces of the Cal Navy a fighting chance vs non capsuleer fitted military of the Federation.
9.) War ended in YC12 (23248) yet Caldari Prime still resides under Federation Control.
10.) YC 110 Tibus Heth led an invasion to liberate Caldari Prime. A thing the Gallente may fear and resent...but in his wisdom Jacen Roden keeps any further combat (war) away from high security space (CONCORD space). Hence the turn over of adminastration of several points of control to Ishukone.

I believe in summary it is you that are wrong. The Gallentean greed and misplaced fear of the Caldari sharing the same home system is what began this tragic history. In deep with Serpentis, and their wish to control all things under the guise of democracy and freedom. At least the Amarr do not pretend about slavery within their Regime. The Federation does need to be broken, and its constituents Liberated.

You may want to reconsider your revisionist view of history my friend. The Federation was founded by the combined efforts of Gallente and Caldari.

The exploration and setting up of the colonies came after a time when the Caldari and Gallente views began to diverge as to what the Federation ought to be, given our distinct philosophical differences.

Now, I do not agree with how the Federation managed the situation once the Caldari voiced their desire to leave the Federation, but up to that point, I do not believe there is any evidence to support your claims that there was a forcing done.

Also, to claim that the Federation is in deep with the Serpentis is an interesting accusation given that the Serpentis have stolen and harmed the Federation; not to mention the vast number of combat missions I have myself been hired to take on behalf of the Federation to deal with the Serpents.

You are also a little behind the times. The year is now YC 116 and Caldari Prime, though still within Federation space, has been given back to the Caldari.

"Several Caldari regimes were overthrown by uprisings and replaced with democratic governments, with many claiming the Gallente covertly supplied them with resources. " a direct quote from your own a result of the CDS that would later be found to have been funded in secret by wealthy Gallente.
Caldari have always resented Gallentean ways.....even before the Federation was founded.
As to is a wel known fact Roden Shipyards exsists moslty if not completely because of Serpentis assistance....whom is your president?
And i did not say YC 116....but i did not think this years date had to be said for the knowledge of current events to which i spoke of last.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#20 - 2014-10-27 19:49:27 UTC
Can we just sit and think about a few points pursuant to Msr Antolliere's spirited defence of the Federation position?

1. There had long been bad feeling caused by the Federations tendency to 'redistribute' wealth created by Caldari thrift and economy to shore up the economies of worlds comprised of Gallentean citizens - who require a higher standard of living for less economic output than their Caldari counterparts.

2. The Colonies were an attempt to create an economic zone of endeavour wherein Caldari Corporations could pursue exclusively Caldari economic and social models. The big mistake was in letting the Megacorporations spend the resources they gained in the expansion zone within the Federation economic zone - where they could be tracked.

3. The Federation response upon discovering the Caldari free-economic zone was, as always, a demand to take the assets away from the Caldari. No doubt the dangerous and uncomfortable job of homesteading this undeveloped space would be allowed to remain Caldari, but the resources themselves? These would have to be 'shared' with the Federation - a process that usually involved exchanging useless Federal 'oversight' and 'management' for valuable resources that could then be spent on Gallentean populations who had done nothing to earn them.

4. When the Caldari Megacorporations refused to participate in this sham economic 'redistribution' there were consequences. These consequences included a blockade of Caldari Prime - a blockade that was designed to use the harsh conditions of the world to force the Caldari back to the negotiating table. In essence, the wonderful Federation attempted to resolve the situation by starving Caldari citizens.

5. The Federation blockade didn't manage to cause mass starvation but it did manage to cause a breakdown of civic relations along a cultural faultline that existed between Gallentean immigrants and the native Caldari. Caldari law enforcement was ill-prepared and trained to deal with mass civil unrest and was unable to protect the Gallentean settlers as, perhaps, they should have been. Additionally the very police who were supposed to protect the Gallenteans were the ones whose children were being threatened with starvation by the Gallentean blockade. I'm sure some of them didn't do their jobs with quite the efficiency we would expect.

6. When terrorists (whose ideology and actions were specifically disavowed by the Caldari government and people) committed an atrocity, the Federation responded with collective punishment and escalated the blockade with the bombardment of the civilian population. Let's pause here for a moment to let THAT sink in, shall we? The legally voted in government of the Federation ordered the Federal Navy to fire from orbit on cities full of helpless civilians that they had previously been attempting to starve and freeze to death.

7. When the Caldari Navy, using customs patrol ships and converted freighters as warships, managed to outwit the Federal Navy sufficient to throw them into disarray the Caldari were forced into exile from their own Homeworld. During this exodus, units of the Federal Navy continued to attempt to blockade, continued to bombard civilians and even fired on escaping freighters packed with refugees.

8. Only when the criminal actions of their own Navy and Government finally caused retaliation on the same scale, by Admiral Yakiya Tovil-Toba, did the Federal citizens themselves tire of what was being done in their names. What followed was a couple of centuries of reasonably conventional war (except for the destruction of Malkalen station and the assassination of Otro Gariushi under a flag of peace) and the fragile but hopefully improving state of detente we find ourselves in now.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

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