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Sell Orders

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Official HYDRA Whiptail Lottery

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The Tuskers
#21 - 2014-10-22 18:40:26 UTC
Stole ~4b in assets from us before leaving. Seems legit. Big smile
Big Lynx
#22 - 2014-10-22 18:58:28 UTC
Jaxley wrote:
Stole ~4b in assets from us before leaving. Seems legit. Big smile

Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#23 - 2014-10-22 19:01:31 UTC
Wouldn't sell to me straight up for 120 bil... said lotteries are more fun... their 3rd party has scammed before.. (lost a titan that was loaned to him.. never repaid) Feel free to never see your isk again... and wrong forum. m8

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Gorski Car
#24 - 2014-10-23 06:06:49 UTC
Gods you are so bad at scamming... I wont third party this (but feel free to send me isk). I have turned into a true hobest man now and I dont want **** like this ruining my honorable csm status.

Collect this post

ISD Atomic Dove
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#25 - 2014-10-25 08:42:27 UTC
Good Evening, I have locked this thread for the below reason.


18. Impersonation of another party is prohibited.

Forum users are strictly prohibited from impersonating any other party on the EVE Online forums. This includes but is not limited to ISD volunteers, CCP employees, CCP partners and other forum users. This also includes suggesting that an employee of CCP or an ISD volunteer will perform a task for you.

ISD Atomic Dove


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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