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Ideas From a Fed Up Person

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Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#21 - 2014-10-24 07:46:47 UTC
Your tears are glorious.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2014-10-24 07:48:11 UTC

You do sound a bit ragequitty, but it's early so I've not burned all my goodwill yet so I will offer a serious reply.

It sounds a lot like you need a better corp to be honest, a decent group of like minded people really does make all the difference in the world.

The fun is there, the game is there - you still sounds like there is a lot you've still to learn (I've been here for years and I'm still learning EVERY time I log on.

I spent the better part of 90 minutes last night in a free flowing skirmish of ~11 men per side. Nobody hotdropped anybody, good fights and fun times were had. I'm not a member of a large bloc, it was in null sec. Does this happen every night? Nope, it does not. Indeed much of the time it is a cat and mouse game to find the kind of fight you're after, scouting, gathering intel, popping the odd passerby - nothing is worthless in the game because not everything is about isk.

Don't believe the hype about isk or skillpoints mattering, in a good group they matter not a jot once you pass a sensible minimum ( know....a few million). One of our younger corp members was new so we trained him into interceptors and he was designated fast lock/hero tackle. He died a LOT at first, but the main thing is we have decent srp so the finance hit is small and he knew what he did made a difference, he sought not personal glory but drew satisfaction from facilitating and aiding his friends blow things up. In the absence of SRP, a T1 frigate does just about as well. But that is just an example, it really depends what you want to do - if you're looking to hero tank a half dozen people and solo a gate camp's just not going to happen, it isnt that kind of game.

To address a couple of points specifically:

-Soloing is not impossible, it is very difficult and you will die regularly, but it is very possible. You do have to be very good indeed though.

-Dropping is a fact of life, I've seen and been on the receiving end of multiple carriers dropped on a half dozen T1 cruisers/30-40 T3s dropping on frigate gangs of 12. We die, we laugh and warp out. They spent more in fuel than our entire fleet costs but whatever floats your boat. Although very soon I expect that will radically change, I foresee far fewer drops "just because" than before.

If you only take one thing from this post - look for a better corp in the time you have left. If your corp let you take out a marauder solo in low/null sec then you've got big problems.
Nano Sito
#23 - 2014-10-24 07:51:58 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:
why would i play an asian grinder? everything i want is right here.

rather than change this game, why dont you go play another?

this games been 'dying' for ten years mate lol.

There isn't much out there right now.

so its so far ahead of its competition even players like yourself who arent very good at it and dislike its core principals are willing to keep paying to play it.

yeah, this game is dying

subscription numbers beg to differ with your irony.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#24 - 2014-10-24 07:52:36 UTC
Nano Sito wrote:

subscription numbers beg to differ with your irony.


EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

The Hamilton
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2014-10-24 07:55:55 UTC  |  Edited by: The Hamilton
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
I gave this game a year and a half. My subscription ends on November 1st, before the trolls come no you cant have my stuff nor am I "rage quitting". I just want to give my feedback and ideas to CCP about how they could retain more people because this game has some very serious problems. A lot of them revolve around the concept of you should never be dependent on others for your happiness. Unfortunately, this game tries to force for to be dependent on others to give you YOUR happiness.

It is a massively MULTIPLAYER online game. So yes you do encounter other players.

This particular MMO is designed to pit players against each other in EVERY aspect of the game.

  • Can this be played solo? Yes. Some people find it fun, but not everybody. Just like I find nothing fun about WoW / Generic Korean MMO / CoD, but millions of plebs tend to disagree with me.

  • Will you get equal profits from playing solo vs pulling your resources with others for the same activity? No, not at all, never. Same as real life!

  • Is Null Sec designed to be safe for anyone? No. It is LAWLESS. But work as a team and you might be a bit safer. Even Goons get dropped sometimes.

  • Can you still win fights solo vs 2,3, more? Yes. Only if you are actually GOOD at this game though..

If you pick your fights wisely and play to your favors then you can actually out fly a fleet and get some kills. Heck even 1 stealth bomber can do some massive damage at the right time and requires much less skill. If you run sleeper sites solo and keep an eye on d-scan you can do much better than a whole fleet does in Hi-Sec (Much more risk! But a ton more reward when/if you get back safely. It is safer with scouts though). Also a word of advice if you keep playing. Don't fly what you can't afford to lose!
Zan Shiro
#26 - 2014-10-24 08:06:58 UTC
OP....when your sub runs out eve sends an e-mail askiing why are you leaving.

Besides attention ho'ing look at me aspect to this, your gripes are best put in your exit survey you can fill out.

Especially as you hit all the common boat topics used to bait and start flames.

You want to solo for example, good for you. Others play this game socially to include running in gangs. As this is an MMO....this should not be unexpected behavior.

Also if leaving anyway...why not cowboy up and biomass right now? This imo is truly the only way to know you are done eve.
Not even going to say contract stuff to me before you do it. let it all burn away as you biomass. Then when done I kindly ask a member of your corp/alliance to post the intra corp biomass mail here.

One of these days you people will shock me and when done eve biomass. Most I have seen actually biomass to really be done with eve....don't post here before doing so. its a good bye, I am done...but I am this name in another game look me up if you swing by speech in corp channels. Permanent death of char follows soon after.
Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#27 - 2014-10-24 08:07:08 UTC
The Hamilton wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
I gave this game a year and a half. My subscription ends on November 1st, before the trolls come no you cant have my stuff nor am I "rage quitting". I just want to give my feedback and ideas to CCP about how they could retain more people because this game has some very serious problems. A lot of them revolve around the concept of you should never be dependent on others for your happiness. Unfortunately, this game tries to force for to be dependent on others to give you YOUR happiness.

It is a massively MULTIPLAYER online game. So yes you do encounter other players.

This particular MMO is designed to pit players against each other in EVERY aspect of the game.

  • Can this be played solo? Yes. Some people find it fun, but not everybody. Just like I find nothing fun about WoW / Generic Korean MMO / CoD, but millions of plebs tend to disagree with me.

  • Will you get equal profits from playing solo vs pulling your resources with others for the same activity? No, not at all, never. Same as real life!

  • Is Null Sec designed to be safe for anyone? No. It is LAWLESS. But work as a team and you might be a bit safer. Even Goons get dropped sometimes.

  • Can you still win fights solo vs 2,3, more? Yes. Only if you are actually GOOD at this game though..

If you pick your fights wisely and play to your favors then you can actually out fly a fleet and get some kills. Heck even 1 stealth bomber can do some massive damage at the right time and requires much less skill. If you run sleeper sites solo and keep an eye on d-scan you can do much better than a whole fleet does in Hi-Sec (Much more risk! But a ton more reward when/if you get back safely. It is safer with scouts though). Also a word of advice if you keep playing. Don't fly what you can't afford to lose!

I just wish that 1.2b ISK ship gave a big payout.
Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#28 - 2014-10-24 08:21:52 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:
OP....when your sub runs out eve sends an e-mail askiing why are you leaving.

Besides attention ho'ing look at me aspect to this, your gripes are best put in your exit survey you can fill out.

Especially as you hit all the common boat topics used to bait and start flames.

You want to solo for example, good for you. Others play this game socially to include running in gangs. As this is an MMO....this should not be unexpected behavior.

Also if leaving anyway...why not cowboy up and biomass right now? This imo is truly the only way to know you are done eve.
Not even going to say contract stuff to me before you do it. let it all burn away as you biomass. Then when done I kindly ask a member of your corp/alliance to post the intra corp biomass mail here.

One of these days you people will shock me and when done eve biomass. Most I have seen actually biomass to really be done with eve....don't post here before doing so. its a good bye, I am done...but I am this name in another game look me up if you swing by speech in corp channels. Permanent death of char follows soon after.

Honestly dude I don't think anybody reads the feedback on there. I am not attention ho'ing either. I guess this game lacks a happy medium. Go look up Lineage 2 from a PvP standpoint you can hardcore participate if you want or completely avoid it.
The Hamilton
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2014-10-24 08:28:05 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

I just wish that 1.2b ISK ship gave a big payout.

It rarely does when it's shiny. I assume you didn't get the loot it dropped for your killers when you died.
The Hamilton
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2014-10-24 08:33:54 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
I guess this game lacks a happy medium. Go look up Lineage 2 from a PvP standpoint you can hardcore participate if you want or completely avoid it.

Yes it doesn't have that (but hi-sec already seems waaaaaaaay to safe in my opinion). EvE was never meant to have that. So what would you do to make this game more fun if you cannot have that special little feature you love so much.
Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#31 - 2014-10-24 08:42:05 UTC
The Hamilton wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

I just wish that 1.2b ISK ship gave a big payout.

It rarely does when it's shiny. I assume you didn't get the loot it dropped for your killers when you died.

I didn't. But it wasn't shiny. It was just a tech 2 ship with a tech 2 fitting no faction mumbo jumbo. "bling" gets tossed around lightly. What happened to the more risk = more reward thing? Does it only apply when the "vets" want it to so they can pick fun at people?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2014-10-24 08:43:23 UTC
You should just re-title this "I'm crying about my kronos" so people don't waste their time trying to give you actual advice.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#33 - 2014-10-24 08:55:19 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
What happened to the more risk = more reward thing? Does it only apply when the "vets" want it to so they can pick fun at people?

what are you even saying here?

the risk/reward 'thing' is a concept that guides the payouts of particular activities. its not absolute and perfect and it has nothing to do with doing dumb **** with your kronos.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

The Hamilton
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2014-10-24 09:05:10 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
The Hamilton wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:

I just wish that 1.2b ISK ship gave a big payout.

It rarely does when it's shiny. I assume you didn't get the loot it dropped for your killers when you died.

I didn't. But it wasn't shiny. It was just a tech 2 ship with a tech 2 fitting no faction mumbo jumbo. "bling" gets tossed around lightly. What happened to the more risk = more reward thing? Does it only apply when the "vets" want it to so they can pick fun at people?

Well I get way more reward than you do. But that's because where I live has NO stations to go to for guaranteed safety, NO local to warn you, No "gates" to keep an eye on, fairly hard PvE and NO guaranteed exit to bring loot home through. Oh and someone can drop you without more than a seconds notice on your D-Scan (do you even use D-Scan?). That's your risk vs reward in action. Your rats are just that, boring mindless easy rats. Null sec ones can occasionally drop something rare but ain't much different to hi-sec ones.

Now can you tell me what YOU would change (without making any part of space completely safe) and everything interact with other players to make our game more fun for your idea of solo play?
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#35 - 2014-10-24 09:14:25 UTC
3. Ranting is prohibited.

A rant is a post that is often filled with angry and counterproductive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and is helpful in development of the game and community. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise and clear manner while avoiding going off on rambling tangents.

Thread closed.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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