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Humble request to revisit warp speeds for BS / BC's

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#41 - 2014-10-22 14:31:08 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
Thank you Baltec, saviour of lolsec for another example of what not to do in a thread that is not about you.

The thread is still about battlecruisers and battleships being not worth undocking.

Your inability to use them does not make them bad.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#42 - 2014-10-22 14:39:29 UTC
I can think of several dozen ways to get battleships to effectively kill MWD kiting frigates. easiest is to have a lighter tank, much higher tracking setup and a depot and tactically refit from there.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-10-22 14:50:06 UTC
I still think giving BS the ability to downsize weapons and retain bonuses across the board would do brilliant things for them. Let them decide if they want to be big fat destroyers creating no fly zones for frigates (at the cost of chipping the paint only of bigger hulls) if they so wish or fitting traditional big guns.

Open them up to more flexibility please Smile
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#44 - 2014-10-22 16:04:28 UTC
afkalt wrote:
I still think giving BS the ability to downsize weapons and retain bonuses across the board would do brilliant things for them. Let them decide if they want to be big fat destroyers creating no fly zones for frigates (at the cost of chipping the paint only of bigger hulls) if they so wish or fitting traditional big guns.

Open them up to more flexibility please Smile

This would render so many ships pointless.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2014-10-22 17:25:49 UTC
I wouldnt think so, still slow relative to other hulls, largely unable to punch above their "weapon" size. There are decent drawbacks.

However, if balance was a concern a module could perhaps allow it.
The Executioners
#46 - 2014-10-22 20:43:22 UTC
Thanks for the opinions.

I still want to see mixed gangs of BS and BC roaming around - yes you need to bring fast tough tackle these days, the problem is the sheer amount of time in roaming with these ship these days without gimping the fit by using the warp speed mods / rigs.

Seriously when was the last time anyone here saw BS/BC gang in low sec? Fleets are usually made up of all of the same type or class these days, that sucks. The homogenisation of eve is a fricken crime.

BS are used a lot in 0.0 by Goons, (at least someone is using them), but typically off the back of a titan bridge.

This is seriously a problem. Where a the mega gangs or the groups of BC's with a pest or a domi attached?

Gone friends, consigned to eve history by a combination of nerfs, buffs to other classes and enforced choices around an impaired fit to just keep up.

Battleships should be the terror or battlecruisers not just a shiny kill.

PLease keep the thread rolling, I'm not asking for a major rebalance or a game changing shake up, just raising BS and BC back to 3.0 AU warp speed. If people want to fit and rig and clone them up to warp fast great! But it should be a choice, not a requirement just to stay with the fleet.

Back to the ishtar fleet.

Iain Cariaba
#47 - 2014-10-22 21:11:46 UTC
Maraner wrote: should be a choice, not a requirement just to stay with the fleet.

It is a choice. Fit rigs/lows for warp speed, or fit for somethjng else, there's your choice.

Also, your entire srgument is invalid for onr simple fact. All ships in a fleet warp will use the warp acceleration and warp speed of the slowest ship. The only difference is in align times. That pretty much eliminates "but it can't keep up" as justification, because everything else will slow down for it. Press align and pulse your prop mod, voila, quick align times.

Once again, just because you can't use it right doesn't mean it's bad.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#48 - 2014-10-22 21:31:33 UTC
First of all this topic feels like: They nerfed my ship bring it back how it was; without fully understanding the implements of the change. It is true that low sec gangs with battleships probably will lose momentum. However a change like this is not determined for one shipsection due to one situation.

Imagine that they DO bring the warpspeed back to 3.0 au (something can be said for that) That would also mean that the factor of the other ships, wich are smaller and able to travel faster in warp should increase. The problem that your describing would still exist. Roaming with battleships has never been a big occurance, though if you really want a battleship over for instance a attack battlecruiser, wich should fullfill the role of the BS in most ROAMS you still have options to go to that length.

In anycase the problem how you describe it, is not a problem of the ships but more a problem of the FC in how he handles the fleet. In Mixed fleets, especially in low sec, where you have no problems with warp bubbles or bombs, fleet warps are alot better you should talk to your fc's and ask them to do fleet warps instead of going to the forums for a change that only a verry small percentile of the players currently has a problem with.
King Fu Hostile
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#49 - 2014-10-22 22:40:24 UTC
The problem isn't so much about keeping up with your own fleet, but with the targets. It's not just an isolated issue about the low base warp speed, but how slow it is in relation to the current meta, which is predominantly cruisers.

Anyway, BCs and BSs disappeared from lowsec before the warp speed change, which was just beating the beaten. They simply lack the benefits to overcome their weaknesses in fighting smaller ships.

BS are in better shape in this regard, especially in the Gallente line-up.

If they were buffed, more people would be willing to sacrifice tank or gank for speed, obsoleting the need to revisit warp speeds. Which I think was great change in general, it just happened to hurt most the ships that were already in a bad place after an unsuccessful balance pass.

The things they need aren't massive, I'd suggest stuff like balancing BS scan resolution with higher sensor strength (compare Mega to Deimos, 3x worse scan res but also weaker sensors), giving them all an utility high (yes this means +1 slot) and as crazy as it sounds, fourth rig slot and 100 calibration. Fourth rig would allow for more versatility, or buffing base stats with the usual drawbacks.

Combat BCs suffer from insanely huge sigs and low fitting resources, as well as the same scan res/sensor str problem. Currently their only benefit over HACs is cost efficiency, unfortunately people don't PVP to save ISK, but to win fights.

There needs to be more tangible reasons to deal with their mobility drawbacks.

The Executioners
#50 - 2014-10-22 23:18:35 UTC
King Fu Hostile wrote:
The problem isn't so much about keeping up with your own fleet, but with the targets. It's not just an isolated issue about the low base warp speed, but how slow it is in relation to the current meta, which is predominantly cruisers.

Anyway, BCs and BSs disappeared from lowsec before the warp speed change, which was just beating the beaten. They simply lack the benefits to overcome their weaknesses in fighting smaller ships.

BS are in better shape in this regard, especially in the Gallente line-up.

If they were buffed, more people would be willing to sacrifice tank or gank for speed, obsoleting the need to revisit warp speeds. Which I think was great change in general, it just happened to hurt most the ships that were already in a bad place after an unsuccessful balance pass.

The things they need aren't massive, I'd suggest stuff like balancing BS scan resolution with higher sensor strength (compare Mega to Deimos, 3x worse scan res but also weaker sensors), giving them all an utility high (yes this means +1 slot) and as crazy as it sounds, fourth rig slot and 100 calibration. Fourth rig would allow for more versatility, or buffing base stats with the usual drawbacks.

Combat BCs suffer from insanely huge sigs and low fitting resources, as well as the same scan res/sensor str problem. Currently their only benefit over HACs is cost efficiency, unfortunately people don't PVP to save ISK, but to win fights.

There needs to be more tangible reasons to deal with their mobility drawbacks.

Very much agree with your comments however we used to fly mixed fleets of ship types, this allowed us to bring fast tackle and t3's for webs etc, the BS / BC's would then lumber up and kick the target to death. We just cannot do that with these ships without sacrificing a significant amount of their EHP with rigs or DPS loss with low slot warp mods. Although we have a few die hard mega pilots with high grade ascendancy clones - ofc they used to use salves but nm.

This allowed us to bring to bear their good sides - decent tank with good dps.

Your right ofc these ships are becoming rare.

Havent ganked a drake in weeks :(
The Executioners
#51 - 2014-10-22 23:23:51 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
I can think of several dozen ways to get battleships to effectively kill MWD kiting frigates. easiest is to have a lighter tank, much higher tracking setup and a depot and tactically refit from there.

This is kind of away from the topic but sorry, just no.

If your in a mega in a belt (which NO ONE is these days) and you get tackled by a assault frig your usually toast. Can no one see an issue with this btw?

Yes you could drop a depot to refit to what exactly? Smart bombs?

The mega lost it's utility high slot !! no neut anymore. It better have warriors and know how to use them or humiliating frig loss mail inbound.

Havent even see a local rep tank domi using drugs for months either.


Seen ishtars though.... ohhhh lots and lots of ishtars.
The Executioners
#52 - 2014-10-22 23:35:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
Kesthely wrote:
First of all this topic feels like: They nerfed my ship bring it back how it was; without fully understanding the implements of the change. It is true that low sec gangs with battleships probably will lose momentum. However a change like this is not determined for one shipsection due to one situation.

Imagine that they DO bring the warpspeed back to 3.0 au (something can be said for that) That would also mean that the factor of the other ships, wich are smaller and able to travel faster in warp should increase. The problem that your describing would still exist. Roaming with battleships has never been a big occurance, though if you really want a battleship over for instance a attack battlecruiser, wich should fullfill the role of the BS in most ROAMS you still have options to go to that length.

In anycase the problem how you describe it, is not a problem of the ships but more a problem of the FC in how he handles the fleet. In Mixed fleets, especially in low sec, where you have no problems with warp bubbles or bombs, fleet warps are alot better you should talk to your fc's and ask them to do fleet warps instead of going to the forums for a change that only a verry small percentile of the players currently has a problem with.

Thanks for your suggestions, you make some very reasonable points. I am one of the FC's for my alliance, we often still take BS out ono roams but it's at a compromise of their fit by using warp rigs or clones that we would otherwise not want to.

Your right about the fleet warps and we do utilise them at times, but we often go 60-80 systems per night in search of pew, this has greatly increased the time a roam used to take and quite frankly we just as often fly ships that were not fans of because of their increased warp speed.

The effect of this is that we are not seeing or engaging BS / BC fleets and neither is anyone else. I am out typically every night of the week looking for PVP. I cannot say that I have engaged a BC fleet in many many months. BS are rare as rocking horse ****.

This is a serious issue. Some of teh most Iconic ships in the game such as the mega have been forced into niche fits such as the rail mega.

CCP could very easily buff BC / BS with a 3.0 au warp speed. At least allow them to play a role rather than the somewhat sad novelty that they now are.

CCP wanted to nerf range projection with the phoebe jump changes, I think the hope is to see more roam fleets, well maybe but it will just be more fleets of ishtars which no one can every really draw into a decisive engagement in low sec because you can catch em. Does anyone else remember small gangs of Mega's and geddons? The occaisonal fleet os pests with canes?

Oh please btw if anyone flys fleets of BC's please tell me where you are, we will head over for a brawl. o/
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2014-10-22 23:55:43 UTC
The issue is not Battleships being slow. That woudl be ok if they WERE POWERFUL ENOUGH to justify it.

THey lost half of their mobility and gained NOTHING in return. Battleships should ALL get some extra 25% EHP and some extra 20% DPS to be WORTH bringing to a fight.

Battleships nowadays are almost only used when they do not need to travel... i.e trough titan bridges. If they had to travel "by foot" they would never see light of combat.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

The Executioners
#54 - 2014-10-23 00:12:35 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
The issue is not Battleships being slow. That woudl be ok if they WERE POWERFUL ENOUGH to justify it.

THey lost half of their mobility and gained NOTHING in return. Battleships should ALL get some extra 25% EHP and some extra 20% DPS to be WORTH bringing to a fight.

Battleships nowadays are almost only used when they do not need to travel... i.e trough titan bridges. If they had to travel "by foot" they would never see light of combat.

Agree but lets start with something to get them out of the hangars and into fleets that MOVE rather than just being bridged. If we think these ships are a bit rare now wait til phoebe lands
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#55 - 2014-10-23 03:42:26 UTC
Maraner wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
The issue is not Battleships being slow. That woudl be ok if they WERE POWERFUL ENOUGH to justify it.

THey lost half of their mobility and gained NOTHING in return. Battleships should ALL get some extra 25% EHP and some extra 20% DPS to be WORTH bringing to a fight.

Battleships nowadays are almost only used when they do not need to travel... i.e trough titan bridges. If they had to travel "by foot" they would never see light of combat.

Agree but lets start with something to get them out of the hangars and into fleets that MOVE rather than just being bridged. If we think these ships are a bit rare now wait til phoebe lands

When phoebe lands we will be using battleships with logistic nano carriers. Personally I will be getting a dreadnought that will warp as fast as cruisers.

Battleships are not the problem its the pilots who for whatever reason that refuse to adapt.
The Executioners
#56 - 2014-10-23 03:57:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
baltec1 wrote:
Maraner wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
The issue is not Battleships being slow. That woudl be ok if they WERE POWERFUL ENOUGH to justify it.

THey lost half of their mobility and gained NOTHING in return. Battleships should ALL get some extra 25% EHP and some extra 20% DPS to be WORTH bringing to a fight.

Battleships nowadays are almost only used when they do not need to travel... i.e trough titan bridges. If they had to travel "by foot" they would never see light of combat.

Agree but lets start with something to get them out of the hangars and into fleets that MOVE rather than just being bridged. If we think these ships are a bit rare now wait til phoebe lands

When phoebe lands we will be using battleships with logistic nano carriers. Personally I will be getting a dreadnought that will warp as fast as cruisers.

Battleships are not the problem its the pilots who for whatever reason that refuse to adapt.

Ummm no. I understand how the hyperspatial rigs work mkay, plus the ascendancy clones and the low slot mods. I just object to the nerf that this imposes upon the Battleship.

I have no prob if people want to AU nano up their BS's warp speed at the cost of tank / dps or the use of a slave clone, the problem is they shouldn't have to do that to keep up with everything else subcap.

Plus as pointed out by other people these ships have fallen off in their use significantly, perhaps this could be something that could be done up their use.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#57 - 2014-10-23 04:37:44 UTC
Maraner wrote:

Ummm no. I understand how the hyperspatial rigs work mkay, plus the ascendancy clones and the low slot mods. I just object to the nerf that this imposes upon the Battleship.

I have no prob if people want to AU nano up their BS's warp speed at the cost of tank / dps or the use of a slave clone, the problem is they shouldn't have to do that to keep up with everything else subcap.

Plus as pointed out by other people these ships have fallen off in their use significantly, perhaps this could be something that could be done up their use.

They have never been used much in small roaming gangs. Battleships are ships of the line, they are not built for chasing stuff down like cruisers and never have been. The only issue here is with the pilots not the ships. They are your typical EFT warriors who simply look at the numbers and say a ship is no good without spending any time flying them. Lets face it, there are few bigger fans of battleships than me, if there was an issue with battleships as a whole I would say something.

Battleship are fully able to terrorize the space lanes
The Executioners
#58 - 2014-10-23 06:08:11 UTC
Can't say I've seen anyone using a fit that has that sort of performance in low sec anywhere.

Yes I realize this must be my fault some how.

The fact is these ships are becoming rare, it's a combination of nerfs and buffs to other ships over a long time. I am simply asking that the AU speed be buffed to enable mixed fleets without the need to AU enhancing modules, rigs or implants.

If people want to fly around at 6 AU with that sort of fit that requires thats fine.

But at least have it at 3.0 so these ships can at least keep up without the significant loss of either tank or gank that it currently entails.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#59 - 2014-10-23 06:16:40 UTC
Maraner wrote:
Can't say I've seen anyone using a fit that has that sort of performance in low sec anywhere.

Yes I realize this must be my fault some how.

The fact is these ships are becoming rare, it's a combination of nerfs and buffs to other ships over a long time. I am simply asking that the AU speed be buffed to enable mixed fleets without the need to AU enhancing modules, rigs or implants.

If people want to fly around at 6 AU with that sort of fit that requires thats fine.

But at least have it at 3.0 so these ships can at least keep up without the significant loss of either tank or gank that it currently entails.


Using one rig slot is not a massive sacrifice. You are not going to get cruiser warp speeds out of a battleship with no sacrifices at all.
Amarr Empire
#60 - 2014-10-23 06:23:16 UTC
3.0 might be a bit much, but 2.5 Au warp would be sufficient. And it would get more mixed fleets out there.