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Stew890's Apology

#61 - 2011-12-13 14:12:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Stew89O
Prince Kobol wrote:
Either he is being honest and wanting to legit or he is planning a new scam.. either way I wish him the best of luck in what any endeavour he chooses to pursue..

Fly Safe Bro

Well surprisingly enough, my scams used to be so long and drawn out and make so little isk that i am already pretty much matching my old pirate earnings with a less than week old character!

I mean come on, was i serious? lol i thought i was doing great at 1bil isk at best, after 30-60 days hard grind, website creation, banner design, hell even video creation twice! arranging massive mining ops, fighting random wars from people that i'd annoyed in the past and so on... Thats not alot of ISK for alot of grief, hatred and hardwork!

I am proud atleast though that i never resorted to being the type of scammer that sits in jita spamming fail contracts and such, which i see are still around in vast quantaties even today! Had i of done that i would owe alot more apologies and isk to alot more people!

So the need for scamming and ruining my reputation alongside hurting peoples feelings and ruining the game for some has just completely vanished to me tbh... Theres just no need to do that from how i see it, so either eve's got easier since i left (alongside looking alot prettier too) or i just have my head screwed on properly this time :)

Either way it really isn't a scam, all i'm doing is humiliating myself with apologies infront of the whole C&P forum, which is rough enough on a regular day already! and ofcourse refunding isk even to those that i didn't originally steal from.

The apology is genuine and the isk is genuine as im sure you can see in your wallets to those that have been paid.

Thats all their is to it.

Previous Me ArrowArrowArrowPirate
New me ArrowArrowArrowBig smile

Sorry i love smileys lol, good example though!
#62 - 2011-12-13 15:26:43 UTC
Refund deal arranged for Shaila who had a contract of possessions stolen by the original stew89(zero) several months ago,

The deal of 300mil refund was below what i originally stole, valued by jita prices at approximately 550mil ISK total, however in shaila's words "getting something back is better than nothing at all" and i am yet to see any other pirates successfully scam someone to then return months later and repay what they can.

I hope that although on paper you are still 250mil down from your original status, that you appreciate that i have given you what i can and its a very fair sum to repay after months have passed, and that you can forgive my original actions.

On that note folks my wallet is starting to dwindle so please make sure you claim any outstanding ISK or greivences with me within the next few hours before this character is permanently deleted, so that i can move on.

Anyone that decides to hold a grudge after this, its your hangup not mine, i apologised, you denied it, its your problem in that case.

However i don't know of anyone that feels that way, so all seems well so far Smile
#63 - 2011-12-13 16:00:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Stew89O
100mil ISK paid to Zuzu Mahikani.

I don't know the guy, never met him before in my life but i was advertised in his bio as being a scammer, no proof of alleged 600mil ISK stolen and not willing to discuss. Sent 100mil as obviously he could be anybody claiming to have been scammed however as i initiated the conversation i will take it as a genuine claim.

Whatever i did, despite claiming to not want a refund, the russian stew890 dude is in your bio so you clearly had something against the oldf me, hopefully this clears the air.
#64 - 2011-12-14 08:45:19 UTC
Ok guys well i'll take the lack of posts, contacts etc as confirmation that i have successfully resolved the majority's issues with me. This character will be deleted after this post.

Anybody that didn't come forward or maybe hasn't seen this post yet, i apologise to you and hope that you agree to let it go. Afterall this is EvE, im quite proud to be one of the few ex-pirates to have apologised publicly and refunded the best i can. Smile

So once again, i wish you all the very best both in EvE and IRL, have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year to all!

Stew89O signing out, o7
Mr Kobb
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#65 - 2011-12-14 09:25:39 UTC
Reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman thinks he died, and goes around giving people baskets of stuffs.

8/10, would read again!
Yuki Amorra
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#66 - 2011-12-14 11:40:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Amorra
I remember you as a nice person. Until you showed your true self in game. First posing as the new pilots best freind and then just screwing them off and lying about it afterwards. But this is just a game and you didn't scam me to hard either. What I said to you after the knights of the old kingdom corporation disbandment still applies. That i won't hold any grudge against you and but I will never trust you again.

I hope that you are sincere and if you are congratz =). But I have a feeling that you will be nice for a month get bored and then go scamming again Klakk, something in my guts tell me so. Whatever you decide to do in EVE I wish you good luck! Good luck also to your swedish speaking abilities. They needed a little polishing if I remember correctly =P

Knob McDouchNozle
Unrequested Fission Surplus
#67 - 2011-12-14 14:10:07 UTC
Wouldnt folks think (especially the victims) that someone who was truly contrite would be handling this quest for absolution and redemption through more private channels? Doesnt the whole dramatic public declaration and the requirement that the victims come forward publically first and testify in detail to their prior anal violations in order to receive their reparations smack of gratuitous epeen inflation?

Bah, any further humiliation resulting from voluntary participation in this act of generosity is well deserved. The unhealthy lack of cynicism demonstrated by elements of this community is seriously tempting me to pursue more duplicitous pursuits, I tellz ya!
#68 - 2011-12-15 07:43:49 UTC  |  Edited by: stew89oh
Heya Yuki,

I understand mate :) I was'nt asking for trust in the first place.

At the very end of the day, it is only yourselves you have to be angry at really isn't it? You let yourselves get scammed by being gullable in your internetz space shipz! I've let myself get scammed aswell, 2 or 3 times actually, i only blame my own stupidity for that, no one else lol.

Had you just of googled stew89(zero) or used your heads instead of sending over all of your possessions without a collateral to a complete stranger, then you would of lost nothing.

Furthermore, the large majority of you lost absolutely nothing, you were simply in the corporations that i ran for my own personal profit and got kicked out after a 30 day period, you lost nothing so you were owed nothing, however i paid out anyway to clear my own guilt built up from taking advantage of your stupidity in the first place.

I've been told on many occasions that "if it were'nt for you, i would never of met the friends i have today" by various people. I'm not saying that i should be awarded a medal for doing that as it was something i did inadvertently. *Grammar nazi's assist pls* But tbh in those circumstances you guys lost nothing but a short amount of time really, you infact gained good close knitted friends, something good that came out of the hardship. The only people that were really owed anything by me were the random contracts i stole from people sending me all of their belongings in 1 easy contract with no collateral, not even setup as a courier contract (which is not something i asked them to do believe it or not).

Like i said, i have been scammed 2 or 3 times in the past, i even fell for the GoonSwarm scam once, some of you know about that one lol, but not once have i held a grudge (especially not for over 6 months) against those people, i have seen CEO's ripping off their gullable corp mates and such, it happens. The easy resolution is to keep your guard up at all times and use your head in internetz space!

However i have to say kudos on the continuous effort to thwart stew89(zero), had it not of been for my scamming method and the persistant random alts that warn all CEO's of my past exploits, i would not of looked for a much better income away from piracy and thus you guys would'nt of been paid back today. (A corp i was in ages ago did let slip the original name of one of the alts but i did not act on it as i was considoring writing this post even at that early stage, so i didnt want to cause chaos)

I was being completely honest when i said i seek redemption for my old ways, most of you accepted it which im very greatful of, it shows that they have a strong personality and can see that what i am doing is genuine. A couple of you however are persistantly unforgiving and not even willing to discuss or accept isk to resolve the problem, you i am afraid will be stuck in the past for many many years to come and i doubt there is anything i can do to change your mind.

So as i said in stew89O's last post, if you hold a grudge from here on, you just need to suck it up and move on.

"The apology is genuine, the isk in your wallets is genuine" A.K.A Forgive and Forget.

Afterall, where would the world be without forgiveness?

This was mostly in responce to Yuki Amorra's comment:

"But I have a feeling that you will be nice for a month get bored and then go scamming again Klakk, something in my guts tell me so"

It's not like my personality has done a 180, the guilt i felt was as real as how stupid you all were for being scammed in the first place, so i repaid some ISK to clear the space air.

Swedish is damn hard you know lol, one of the hardest languages in the world, especially when most swedes speak fluent english, but i don't live in sweden anymore anyway so it does'nt matter really lol :D

This was a massive wall of text, i think i repeated myself about 3 times too, lol sorry :D Just trying to get my point across.

In a nutshell... I'm truly sorry that you guys got caught up in stew89(zero) shinnanigans, but i'm not going to get on my hands and knee's and beg for forgiveness as it was your fault as much as it was mine.

Man up, deal with your grudges against stew89(zero) directly with me now, in private convo, evemail, this thread wherever, i don't specify where you do it as i honestly dont mind. Just get it out of your system.
Knob McDouchNozle
Unrequested Fission Surplus
#69 - 2011-12-15 12:42:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Knob McDouchNozle
OMFG! Holy Schnacky!

*lightbulb goes on*

I never really realised how easily manipulated the serial narcissist truly is... shooting fish in a barrel isnt this easy... and I've been wasting all this time playing the game when the real fun has been right here all along.

Hey lets see how many times we can get stew to create a new alt and come back and talk about himself some more.

He cant help himself! Its like the call of the glass deek to the crackhead... its absolutely irresistable, self-gratification via public spectacle is now a base genetically encoded drive, like the need to drink when thirsty.

Even if he knows he is being manipulated into returning he wont be able to stop coming back and posting here.
The thought of someone else taking a share of the attention at his party will be unbearable.
Just watch!

He has already deleted 1 toon and told everyone via textwall that he has done his best to atone, even though it was their fault to begin with, with the second coming SO this should now be a dead issue. Right? Lets see what happens next... this is fun

edit - gsp
Imigo Montoya
Triglavian Outlaws and Sobornost Troika
#70 - 2011-12-16 01:33:35 UTC
TL;DR: I'm done with "taking small amounts of isk from friends and corp mates" so I'm making amends and showing how much of a changed man I am so that I can regain your trust and steal large amounts from you instead.

Well played sir, well played.
University of Izziee
#71 - 2011-12-16 19:07:20 UTC
Bernie Nator wrote:
Hmmm. Well, it's cool to apologize and all, but at the end of the day, it's still just a game. Just remember that.

In before EVE IS REAL

You mean it isn't? I'm sure I had numerous emails telling me it was :O

What do I do now??
#72 - 2011-12-16 19:50:25 UTC
Ok trolls have taken over and no further genuine claims have been claimed.

I made this other stew89oh because i thought the thread was going to flare back up again and there would be people owed ISK which didn't claim it in time.

But as its just some wierdo's trying to have a dig at me, i'll leave for good.

Fly safe all o7
Yuki Amorra
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#73 - 2011-12-16 23:26:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuki Amorra
Hey man! you said you were gonna leave this thread for good but I hope that you at least see my answer. Maybe you didn't read what I wrote to you correctly but I actually wrote that I won't hold nay grudge against you. And in the old chat from when KOTOK disbanded I actually even said that I still regardred you like a freind. And in my own my I still do. However that it would be my fault you choosed to rip me off when my character was 25 days old. That was your choice alone so don't dump it on me =P. And I didn't mean any harm either when I said I think you weren't gonna change anyway in the end. I ahve just seen you try to change so many times but chosen the pirety side instead in the end.

Also I believe scamming is a part of the game. Remember that thread that shaila created after you scammed her? When you logged onto one of your alts and pretended to be somebody else giving positive comments about what you did. I actaully agree with what you wrote back then. That without ppl like Klakk Muku this would just be WoW in space, and that would honestly suck more then incarna was a disappointment. I wrote to you after being scammed twice by you that I still saw you as a freind and convod you several times over the following months. Not to scold you but to just talk. So why would I be mad at you now? Without the politics, the betrayals, the scams and so on this agme would be horrible, and if you dont' that part of the game these ppl should go and play Hello Kitty online instead. It mogth be more suited to them. So no Klakk, I don't hold any grudge agianst you, I am fully aware that you didn't scam me at all ISK-wise either, and I never meant any harm that would trigger that long post from you. Sorry mate if I made you upset, but I still doon't and I will never trust you, not that I will know who you are in the future of course.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do in EVE, and feel free to convo me if you wanna train your swedish =P
flank steak
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#74 - 2011-12-17 05:19:36 UTC
Mohr Cowbell
KarmaFleet University
#75 - 2011-12-17 06:08:31 UTC
the **** is this
Mohr Cowbell
KarmaFleet University
#76 - 2011-12-17 06:09:11 UTC
the ****** is this
#77 - 2011-12-17 13:34:39 UTC
Hey Yuki,

Yeh turns out i read it abit wrong then :) Glad you don't hold a grudge, was never my intention to make people hate me long term.

But yeh i did say i would leave this thread for good lol, sorry :D i was'nt sure if it was going to get busy with legitimate claims or not but nope :P i really didn't scam as many people as i think i did afterall!

Issues resolved,

Take care mate :)

Topic Closed.
Knob McDouchNozle
Unrequested Fission Surplus
#78 - 2011-12-17 15:15:56 UTC
i love being so awesome and cooo

stew89oh wrote:
But yeh i did say i would leave this thread for good lol, sorry :D

You've been back 5 times so far since you first "left for good", and you will be back again.
Like I said, you cant help yourself.


Hey Yuki, really? You need to check this : Stockholm Syndrome*
*with a special delicious irony considering the apparent cuntry of origin of the principles in this case.
Arriok Weylan
#79 - 2011-12-19 15:48:46 UTC

I noticed that Nina Ansol was also 'sold' around the time that Stew was making his grand apology. (Nina, remember, Stew's gf's character, that went hand-in-hand with Stew and Klakk (since deleted).

Apparently sold to some guy named Innerasvard for 4 bil isk. Had 17 mil sp worth of skills on it.

Did some checking on Innerasvard, and found that he owned a corp named European Brotherhood, that offered Eve Ball as one of the incentives to join up. Innerasvard seems awfully stew-like to me Roll.

See, I love a good conspiracy theory. Gets your guts all nice and warm inside.

If anyone here has been in one of stew's scam corps, eve ball was bounced around (sorry I could not remove myself from that pun), as a game to play to get everyone all nice and cosy-like and getting team spirit up and on the go. Stew used to brag that he was the unique inventor of the game.

Seems kind of funny that this Innerasvard had this game up and running long before he purchased Nina. Oh, and yes, the European Brotherhood was well known for killing its own corp members (makes a disclaimer for it on their corp page).

And if you really remember stew's scams, one must not forget the age-old website. The place were all of the newbs would go, get involved with the corp 'togetherness', all the while stew sets up his corpmates for the scam.

Here is the European Brotherhood (site went down after Innersvard left)

Which is similar to:

And so on.....(he used to love to use the webhosting service)

I also remember that STEW890 supposedly sold his character last spring:

(from stew89O: i even hope that everyone has forgotten about stew890

Yep, I bet you do stew.

So for those poor sods like isak faied, enik3 and those other rubes here who gave stew a nice apology accepted, just remember, he scammed in the past, and he is scamming now. Its people like you he wants to shut up. You are the ones (the ones he has scammed in the past) who are thwarting him now, because Stew890 name is essentially mud. He can't get his scams off the floor, or stay for long in any decent corp, because those he scammed are constantly mailing stews corp members about his previous works of art.
Levija Saplina
Ken Interplanetary Communication
#80 - 2011-12-19 15:58:46 UTC

I am an unknown person having done unknown bad things and I wish for the whole world to accept my apologies because obviously I feel important.

