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Feedback request on Contract system

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Evora Pirkibo
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#461 - 2014-10-09 16:26:05 UTC
Saved searches.

Ability to save predefined search parameters into a watchlist, similar to market watchlist.

On a long enough timeline, the life expectancy of everyone drops to zero.

ADarwinAward Winner
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#462 - 2014-10-09 18:46:09 UTC

a loan contract. Similar to a double item exchange. IE I loan you an ishtar for some collateral and you have two weeks to return it to get your collateral back. Three fields items / collateral / fee all of which could be items or isk.

warning on couriers to islands of hi sec to those accepting
warning on couriers with collateral << isk value to those creating

contract assets from multiple stations in one item exchange contract

actual time left on auctions (not just "less than a day", that is useless)
Jessica Maroon
Svea Rike
Post Nord
#463 - 2014-10-10 18:15:23 UTC

A "Update Contract" -button to renew the contract once timeframe is up would really really really help.

CCP SoniClover
C C P Alliance
#464 - 2014-10-17 16:22:13 UTC
Hi all,

First of all, sorry for the belated response. I created this thread on behalf of another dev and it took my awhile to get back to it.

Anyway, I thank you all for your awesome responses. We have a long list of improvements for contracts now, which we have organized, prioritized and done some estimation on. It must be stated that right now, there is no team aiming to tackle this in the near future, but at least once a team gets around to contracts, we now have a solid list of improvements and suggestions to work from.

Again, thanks for all your great feedback, it was really helpful and much appreciated.
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#465 - 2014-10-17 16:37:56 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hi all,

First of all, sorry for the belated response. I created this thread on behalf of another dev and it took my awhile to get back to it.

Anyway, I thank you all for your awesome responses. We have a long list of improvements for contracts now, which we have organized, prioritized and done some estimation on. It must be stated that right now, there is no team aiming to tackle this in the near future, but at least once a team gets around to contracts, we now have a solid list of improvements and suggestions to work from.

Again, thanks for all your great feedback, it was really helpful and much appreciated.

just put back the feature where I get a flashing notification in game when a contract is assigned to me, not requiring me to open up contracts to know there is one.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#466 - 2014-10-17 17:49:27 UTC
TheMercenaryKing wrote:
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hi all,

First of all, sorry for the belated response. I created this thread on behalf of another dev and it took my awhile to get back to it.

Anyway, I thank you all for your awesome responses. We have a long list of improvements for contracts now, which we have organized, prioritized and done some estimation on. It must be stated that right now, there is no team aiming to tackle this in the near future, but at least once a team gets around to contracts, we now have a solid list of improvements and suggestions to work from.

Again, thanks for all your great feedback, it was really helpful and much appreciated.

just put back the feature where I get a flashing notification in game when a contract is assigned to me, not requiring me to open up contracts to know there is one.

This sounds like something that the new notification system would be good for.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#467 - 2014-10-17 18:08:47 UTC
TheMercenaryKing wrote:

just put back the feature where I get a flashing notification in game when a contract is assigned to me, not requiring me to open up contracts to know there is one.

The notification for that is there, also in the old notification system: I get the flashing contract icon, flashing journal icon as well as the notification box if I have assigned contracts.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

#468 - 2014-10-17 18:27:09 UTC
24 pages....I don't want to read them all to see if this is there...

If you could make it so in courier contracts you could filter out ones that go THROUGH low/null sec that would take some of the click tedium out.
Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#469 - 2014-10-21 02:36:09 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hello Capsuleers. We're looking into what small improvements we can make to the contract system to make it more useful and trustworthy.

Bring back freeform contracts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#470 - 2014-10-23 11:26:38 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hi all,

First of all, sorry for the belated response. I created this thread on behalf of another dev and it took my awhile to get back to it.

Anyway, I thank you all for your awesome responses. We have a long list of improvements for contracts now, which we have organized, prioritized and done some estimation on. It must be stated that right now, there is no team aiming to tackle this in the near future, but at least once a team gets around to contracts, we now have a solid list of improvements and suggestions to work from.

Again, thanks for all your great feedback, it was really helpful and much appreciated.

Finally. Good to hear.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#471 - 2014-10-23 12:52:44 UTC
courier packages cannot be broken inside of a cha which is bloody annoying after you have moved a freighter 20 jumps from jita to a highsec opening that is 5 wh's deep, only to discover that you have to take the freighter back out of the wh and then have the final wh in the chain collapse on your way out so that you could break the damned packages.
#472 - 2014-11-01 00:27:21 UTC
-The ability to make more contracts.
-The ability to make more contracts.
-The ability to make more contracts.
-The ability to make more contracts.

Seems silly to be limited to so few contracts.
Big Gradner Painhaus
Aunia's Heroes
#473 - 2014-11-01 00:59:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Big Gradner Painhaus
Not sure if mentioned previously, but being able to see a history of contracts that included certain items would be incredible. (i.e. right click a blueprint, find in contracts, use a filter that allows completed contracts to be included or something similar).

Certain rarer blueprints are very difficult to price reasonably at the moment. T2 rigs and some faction BPC's come to mind. If there's none on the contract market, there's no way to tell if it's a million isk blueprint or a 100 million isk blueprint. Even if previous contracts included other items, it would give a little bit more insight than the current lack thereof in its entirety.
Henry Plantgenet
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#474 - 2014-11-01 01:18:30 UTC
What i don't like about the current contract system is how hard it is to find back a contract you bid on.
Pain in the ass to look through 100s of pages without a proper search engine by either item, date, but if you try user you look through all their contracts as well.
Also no clear end date and the "1 hour left" not being accurate doesn't help that much.
and i forgot what else i was going to type....
#475 - 2014-11-16 17:30:58 UTC  |  Edited by: HeXxploiT
I had a vision last night of a contract system that looked very much like the market. A system where modifying 60 contracts took 20 minutes and not 3 hours. Even research could be clearly seen on blueprint contracts.

Is the current system supposed to be grueling and time consuming?

There is clearly a need for the system but it does not seem unreasonable that the contract interface could look and feel very much like the market and simply be governed by a different set of rules & options.
#476 - 2014-11-27 16:31:46 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
Hi all,

First of all, sorry for the belated response. I created this thread on behalf of another dev and it took my awhile to get back to it.

Anyway, I thank you all for your awesome responses. We have a long list of improvements for contracts now, which we have organized, prioritized and done some estimation on. It must be stated that right now, there is no team aiming to tackle this in the near future, but at least once a team gets around to contracts, we now have a solid list of improvements and suggestions to work from.

Again, thanks for all your great feedback, it was really helpful and much appreciated.

Hope this doesn't mean you're done looking at the thread. I think if I had to stress one thing it would be the speed at which one puts up contracts.

One thing that could help would be an option to quickly reup a contract once it has expired perhaps with a simple option for modifying the price.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#477 - 2014-11-30 00:50:13 UTC
Two dozen pages, and I'm not sure that this has been mentioned...
Blueprint copies should be available on the market as well. Perhaps such as the following--

>Blueprint Originals
>Blueprint Copies

I think the best thing to do would be to only allow BPCs that are max researched, max runs (Or max research 1 run) on the marketplace, so that it doesn't become a copy of the contracts system. This way, you have an easy searchable system, open to the region, only accessible to those in the same region, and you're able to put up buy and sell orders for specific items.... I notice the contracts system and the market system are based very similar.

It also has a history of buying/selling so that I can, for instance, price my rifter BPC reasonably rather than having to spend 50 minutes looking up old rifter blueprints, multiplying by runs, dividing by research.... It might just be easier to sell 'em for a million each and screw profit margins.

Perhaps if I put a 10-run max research Rifter BPC on the marketplace, it shows up as a sell order with 10 units. When someone buys, they either get 2 units of BPC, or else a BPC with 2 runs.
Give us the ability to repackage max researched blueprint copies so we can sell it and break it up ala ammunition, or else perhaps give a right-click option to break off a chunk of runs as a separate item.

This might mean a slight redesign of the industry system. Since there are effectively unlimited station slots now, you should be able to add in extra runs to the existing job without using up more of your industry slots. If I want to make 50 rifters, as it stands I need 5 x 10 run BPCs (or a BPO), and I slap down 5 industry jobs. Now I'm at 5/5, and if I want to make more, I need to train up more skills or else wait.
Under the new system, I can put in 10 runs using my 10-run Rifter BPC, (using 10 runs worth of minerals), then I can add in another 10 runs (using 10 more runs worth of minerals) to the existing job (paying perhaps more installation costs than normal), and it doesn't effect the amount of usages of industry for anyone else, because there are unlimited slots, all said and told. If I wanted all 50 under one job, I might need to pay some exhorbitant costs for forcing those poor workers to work overtime to meet my demands. It means that instead of working for 1 day 20 hours and then going home for the weekend, they now need to stay 9 days straight. (The empires are losing control!) (*Cue Admiral Angry-Face*)

On the other hand, this is all for a theoretical max-researched BPC. it might take some finesse for BPCs/BPOs with un-like research levels, or else simply add the amount of materials and time that that particular BPC needs (10ME versus 0 ME might make for some interesting mineral costs in the end)

The best part is, it doesn't negate the contracts system because those max-run BPCs and BPOs can still be sold on the contracts system and it allows people with lesser researched blueprints the ability to sell their wares for less than market, or else price how they want. Of course, who in their right mind would sell on contracts- 100k isk for 2 weeks, versus market- Tax/Sell order cost for 90 days, and it's so much more easily visible.

This also means that T2 BPCs and Faction/pirate BPCs will only be available on contracts for now, since they cannot be researched and (as far as I'm aware) cannot be made into perfect research, and thus cannot be sold on the market.

Mantish Maca
#478 - 2014-12-01 20:40:29 UTC
When you accepting courier contract and click on filter you dont wanna countracts from lo,null sec, why it aply only on start and final station?
I want it filtred even contract that makes route thru low and null,even if ther start anbd final destination is in high-sec.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#479 - 2014-12-02 18:36:38 UTC
Can we please have the useless [Multiple Items] replaced with the text from the "Description (optional)" text box in the contracts search results?
I do not care at all about the Multiple Items information, I want to know what I am buying without having to open dozens of contracts to find out. Alliances, for instance, offer alliance contracts with ships of the same type but different fittings, like T1 and T2 fittings. I put into the descriptions what kind of fitting it is and I would like to see that in the search results. If there's nothing in the Description field, the standard [Multiple Items] can be displayed.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Helion Production Labs
Independent Operators Consortium
#480 - 2014-12-02 20:39:48 UTC
I would like to be able to put boosters on contract. That is all :)

Every day I'm wafflin!