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Dev blog: Sensor Overlay 2.0: Bigger, Better, Bookmarks in Spacier!

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War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#161 - 2014-10-09 15:15:44 UTC
Holy wow, this is an awesome improvement! The blog kept getting better and better as I read through it.

Combine this with the multi-sell option and you've nailed your best expansion of the year, hands down.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#162 - 2014-10-09 15:40:16 UTC
Hmm, I just tried this again today because I kept reading about the filtering and thought "what filtering? I couldn't see it, I thought it wasn't in yet", and after minutes of fiddling worked out that what I called the "key" earlier is the filter menu, this points to a problem with the UI.

The filter menu looks precisely like a key, not a menu. There are no visual cues that anything but the enable/disable checkbox is interactable and even when I tried clicking on the icons nothing happened because only the text (what the hell?) is the hitbox. I would suggest a bevel to hint to the user that these are buttons, preferably switching between raised and lowered when toggled. Furthermore, the interactable area should be extended to include the icon.
Callic Veratar
#163 - 2014-10-09 16:21:52 UTC
I think the biggest request that can be made is to allow us to customize the colours of each type of ping. No matter what devs decide, it will never make all the players happy, so let us set the colours in the same way we can set the overview. Brackets and pings appear in the desired colours.

It may be difficult, but it's immensely important on day 1.
Nicen Jehr
Subsidy H.R.S.
Xagenic Freymvork
#164 - 2014-10-09 17:01:52 UTC
Thanks for the great changes guys. We've been asking for bookmarks in space for at least two little things threads :)

I would like a prograde vector marker like in KSP so I know where my ship is going.
That would help me notice if I accidentally double click in space and start going the wrong way.
Aquila Sagitta
#165 - 2014-10-09 17:27:56 UTC
Hey guys this is sweet. Looks like theres a problem with the scanner window though. I can only interact with sigs/anoms on the overlay. The right click menu doesn't show up in the probe scanner window.

I made a bug report [Title: Probe Scanner Right Click Menu]

On related note the highlight is missing when you mouseover control surface for probes.
Funless Saisima
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#166 - 2014-10-09 17:33:18 UTC
CCP Lebowski wrote:
Time for a quotefest!

Funless Saisima wrote:
That stuff around the compass can be disabled right?
Yep. If you filter out all the Sensor Overlay options you just get the blank compass.

I must admit that I originally thought the compass lines were useless. After playing with it on SIS they are actually quite helpful. Thanks.
Treyan Argund
Goonswarm Federation
#167 - 2014-10-09 17:34:32 UTC
Reverse Transcription
#168 - 2014-10-09 19:10:06 UTC
Fantastic changes, I like them very much, especially the separation of dscan from the probe scanner.

However, the colours of sigs and anoms are too similar, they blend one into another, which is not helping. Could you please make them more distinct? The current red and green work flawlessly.

Also, the overlay delay (as it is on sisi at the moment) is pretty annoying.

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#169 - 2014-10-09 20:01:06 UTC
CCP Lebowski wrote:
Personal items in the overview are generally something we want to avoid. The design choice was to keep the overview consistent for every player, meaning if you see something there, you know everyone can.

Why? The overview is so customisable that you can be pretty confident that what shows on your personal overview at any time is not what is showing on someone else's.

Just colour the bookmarks red or italics or something. You could even add a tooltip saying that it is personal.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Enn DeeKay
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2014-10-09 20:11:02 UTC
Love the developments the Devs are bringing into the game since 2013 and this one is no exception. Kudos to all at CCP for making things easier, more efficient and informative in the GUI.

What are the plans to upgrade the in-game browser and when can we expect the EVEMail client to be upgraded?

Keen to see what you guys will bring to these features after all this other great stuff you've been presenting to make the game more enjoyable.
Marsha Mallow
#171 - 2014-10-09 20:35:21 UTC
Awesome stuff, thank you.

As per Trigalisk's comment I think I'd prefer to set the colours myself (as you can with fleet notifications). I'll likely only have half of them on, and I'd rather make them distinct than have two that are close in shade. Plus there are colour blind players who may prefer to exclude certain shades altogether.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Blaad Booyashaka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#172 - 2014-10-09 21:02:10 UTC
Awesome, waited for it.
Rolled Out
#173 - 2014-10-09 21:47:01 UTC
Brystina wrote:
DetKhord Saisio wrote:
Overall, great changes. I do have one suggestion for bookmark creation. Slow-crawling thru space to create bookmarks can be tedious, therefore I think the ability to create a bookmark of any location on-grid with you might help. Intention of this is good, but I am sure someone will figure out how to use this for doing very bad things. ;) lol

On Grid Bookmark:
- point your ship in any direction in space
- create bookmark, Ctrl-B
- in new bookmark window, set distance from ship for new bookmark location
- type numbers 1 thru 850; vector is current direction your ship is pointed/moving
- click ok to save new bookmark 850km away from your current location *(or whatever max on-grid distance is)

*afaik, max on-grid distance is ~850 km. So if that is not max grid distance, set to whatever max on-grid distance is for creating new bookmark.

Don't necessarily agree w/ this one, this gives anyone the ability to instawarp to opponents location. I.e. someone ongrid, but over 100k out... point to them, quickly create bookmark, warp, pew-pew ensues.

Which, tbqh, our advanced ships and capsuleer minds ought to be capable of already. However it would create some bad gameplay issues (e.g. no one would ever fly anything other than a short range brawler = boring).

I'm right behind you

Julian Aldurald
Posh Wankers
#174 - 2014-10-09 22:04:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Julian Aldurald

I like the fact that savespots are now visible in space as brackets -> good stuff. Smile
I also kinda like the compass thingy.

But the sensor overlay circle around the hud is way to bright please make that either darker and maybe also black and white or let it be disableable by the users because it takes away the focus from the way more important things 1. cap 2. shield/armor/hull 3.speed. Oops
If I spin my ship and look at the screen all that is most likely to aim my focus are these bright colors around my hud.
Would you please either make adjustions to this or remove it again.
Serenity Rising LLC
Controlled Chaos
#175 - 2014-10-10 01:21:48 UTC
Can we get alliance bookmarks?

And since I'm asking for things can I repair and repackage modules inside a can instead of having to drag it out.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#176 - 2014-10-10 02:42:46 UTC
Ok got onto Sisi and I have the following observations:

  • Incomplete: There is no way that I could find to control what shows up on the compass. I tried playing with overview, brackets, ESC menu, ricght/left-click, found nothing. Awaiting control interface?
  • Modification: There is no way to turn off bookmark display in space, should I foolishly decide I don't want them shown. Not even hide all brackets will work. See below.
  • Bug: The compact bracket lists show only bookmarks if any bookmarks are present. Celestials and any other brackets are masked and completely excluded from the list. If no bookmakrs, it works normally.
  • WTF: The ability to turn on/off the sensor overlay has been removed. Restore it plz.

Request: I'm guessing that the in-space bookmarks are tied in to the sensor overlay, which is why they cannot be turned off at present. It would be nice to be able to see our bookmarks in space without having to turn on the entire sensor overlay. This is especially important in anom/sig-heavy systems.

All that said, the compass is awesome. Being able to see my bookmakrs in space is beyond awesome. This makes pinging around a gate or other celestial to tactical bookmarks so easy as to be a huge advantage to pilots that went through the effort of preparing the battlefield. Effort gives reward. Lss effort = more risk. Such a huge improvement. Honestly, I cannot praise devs enough for this one change.

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#177 - 2014-10-10 04:50:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Saisin
CCP Lebowski wrote:
Saisin wrote:
can we also haz the ability to have the camera align to bookmarks when clicked in space?
Sure thing, we've added it just for you! Not really, it was already in, but you're welcome anyway! Blink

Thanks for your response, even if I am not sure what to make of it... Did I miss something that is already in the game?
I do not know how to see bookmarks in space, even with the brackets set to all...

Furthermore, I have used the wrong terminology ... I meant the signatures in sensor overlay, even if they are not scanned 100% .. I do not think the camera align to those if we click on them in space, with the sensor overlay on...

So I am a bit confused now Shocked

Edit: Ah, got it! the bookmark brackets in space will be added amd are on testing now! I had missed this part, but it is great too!!! Now what about aligning the camera to the signatures in the sensor overlay that are not scanned 100% yet? Big smile

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

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Red Bluesteel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#178 - 2014-10-10 05:03:13 UTC
Nice, really nice, when i compare them to the other coming Bull*hit Big smile

With such changes you may come more often.

BUT i still miss Alliance Fittings as well Alliance Bookmarks in combination with these changes, they would be clearly a nice to have change.

Keep going on with such nice changes, drop the unwanted Rest Twisted
Sir Mattsimus
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#179 - 2014-10-10 09:19:39 UTC
I am overjoyed at the news of these additional features. I have tested them on Singularity and I’m quite pleased, especially so with the bookmark shortcut. Toggling the sensor overlay settings, watching this information appear and disappear from space at my whim just puts a wide grin on my face, as does swinging the camera around to watch the compass adjust.

But there is more I would like to see in this department.

Like many others have said, I would like to see my bookmarks in the overview OR I would like to be able to Left click on bookmarks so that they appear in the selected item window so that upon selecting them I can be ready to align or warp to zero on them with one click instead of having to go through a right click menu. When I’m in a risky situation I like to have my finger poised on the “get the hell out” button and would rather not have to fidget with right click menus to do this.

Further, I have many folders for my bookmarks and jump between them frequently when creating new bookmarks. When I’m making a new bookmark and find that I need to put it in a different folder than the folder selected in the “new location” window, I find scrolling through the list of folders in “folder” combo box to be quite fiddly and unpleasant.
I would like to be able to, upon clicking on and expanding the “folder” combo box, begin typing in the name of the folder I wish to select and have the highlighter jump to the folder I’m beginning to type. This would make the creation of new bookmarks that need be placed in different folders much faster and easier.

I would also like a shortcut for toggling the sensor overlay on and off. When I find myself in combat I would like space to be clear of such information as it may prove to be distracting and muddling.


Vrynia wrote:
Really nice features, it would be nice to have more shortcuts to reduce the useless clicking in some places, while you are on this topic some that comes in mind are:

- start a probe scan
- start a D-scan
- recover probes

Having to go click the probe scan button after repositioning the probes is really annoying and pointless.

Absolutely this.

But again, I’m super happy about these changes and look forward to the update.
CCP Frellicus
C C P Alliance
#180 - 2014-10-10 11:31:14 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Frellicus
Masao Kurata wrote:
Hmm, I just tried this again today because I kept reading about the filtering and thought "what filtering? I couldn't see it, I thought it wasn't in yet", and after minutes of fiddling worked out that what I called the "key" earlier is the filter menu, this points to a problem with the UI.

The filter menu looks precisely like a key, not a menu. There are no visual cues that anything but the enable/disable checkbox is interactable and even when I tried clicking on the icons nothing happened because only the text (what the hell?) is the hitbox. I would suggest a bevel to hint to the user that these are buttons, preferably switching between raised and lowered when toggled. Furthermore, the interactable area should be extended to include the icon.

We will be taking another pass over the filter. We intend to make it more clear that the options are interactable and will probably fix the location in place where it appears to prevent it from accidentally obscuring other HUD elements. The no interactable icon bit is a defect, I will fix that.