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Offworld Date Auction Fund Raiser

#101 - 2014-10-09 09:50:50 UTC
Mr Lord Draconis is innocent in the matter of the anonymous bid. I am the ‘anonymous bidder’ and I made such donation through Ms Adala who is indeed a friend of mine um who I met some time ago and I made it plain that my action was a donation and that I did not wish a date because I thought that was a silly thing and my reasons for the donation are private but in keeping with Mr Lord Draconis’ philanthropic gesture for helping people in preparing them for life in the cluster so they can be happy.

If I’m wrong about where the funds are going then I guess it means I’ve lost some ISK and um it doesn’t matter there are greater acts of fraud in the cluster than petty theft of assets that deserve rebuke. It was entirely my own decision with um no solicitation from Mr Lord Draconis himself or anyone and that is all I will say on this.
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#102 - 2014-10-09 15:06:08 UTC
Havohej wrote:
I didn't see that bid.

40 Million, Diana Kim.

I will see you, and raise you, Havohej. 45 million isk for Diana Kim.

Le secret de la liberté est d'éclairer les hommes, comme celui de la tyrannie et de les retenir dans l'ignorance

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#103 - 2014-10-09 15:25:30 UTC
What?! Gallente?!!!

50 million isk for Diana Kim.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Wendrika Hydreiga
#104 - 2014-10-09 15:37:10 UTC
Miss Kim! You can't bid on yourself! That's cheating!
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#105 - 2014-10-09 15:43:10 UTC
Wendrika Hydreiga wrote:
Miss Kim! You can't bid on yourself! That's cheating!

Lord Draconis,

I quite agree with Ms. Hydreiga.

I would insist, Lord Draconis, that the preposterous bid by Diana Kim on herself be declared void ab initio as if it were never made. My bid of 45 million isk should be reinstated as the leading bid as of this hour. Failure to do so would be construed as a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing included in the auction arrangement propounded by Offworld Enterprises. I would then declare all my bids forfeit and withdrawn, including my 100 million bid on the fair Shalee Lianne, and naturally seek all damages to which I may be entitled, including exemplary damages.

Please advise without delay.

Very truly yours,

Johanesse d'Montbelliard, Esquire

Le secret de la liberté est d'éclairer les hommes, comme celui de la tyrannie et de les retenir dans l'ignorance

Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#106 - 2014-10-09 15:46:15 UTC
Johanesse wrote:
Wendrika Hydreiga wrote:
Miss Kim! You can't bid on yourself! That's cheating!

Lord Draconis,

I quite agree with Ms. Hydreiga.

I would insist, Lord Draconis, that the preposterous bid by Diana Kim on herself be declared void ab initio as if it were never made. My bid of 45 million isk should be reinstated as the leading bid as of this hour. Failure to do so would be construed as a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing included in the auction arrangement propounded by Offworld Enterprises. I would then declare all my bids forfeit and withdrawn, including my 100 million bid on the fair Shalee Lianne, and naturally seek all damages to which I may be entitled, including exemplary damages.

Please advise without delay.

Very truly yours,

Johanesse d'Montbelliard, Esquire

I shall get to that in a moment. I am writing a statement to the earlier development currently regarding the donation. And yes, bidding on herself is not allowed. It was not specified in the clauses, but I did not see a reason to. Your bid is valid at 45million and trumps Miss Kim's. I shall update the original post in a moment.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#107 - 2014-10-09 16:09:13 UTC
Please excuse me, nobody told me it wasn't allowed . . .

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#108 - 2014-10-09 16:10:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Vulxanis Viceroy
Diana Kim wrote:
Please excuse me, nobody told me it wasn't allowed . . .

I understand, and you are not in trouble. As I said it was not mentioned in the clauses. But no, it is not allowed.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#109 - 2014-10-09 16:18:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Vulxanis Viceroy
It seems that everyone is attempting to decide things or put words in my mouth, and is borrowing trouble where none exists.

First I would like to officially thank Ms. Zenariae for her most generous donation.

Second, for those of you who are so intent on seeing this auction fail, I am actually not very concerned, as everyone else seems to be, as there is nothing to hide. I have been simply ignoring those of you who continue to be spiteful after I attempted to explain the situation intentionally. I recognized that your words have no merit, and are simply yelling into the solar wind with the hope you will cause a star to explode. There is no scandal, and you are simply making yourselves look as fools. Not worth the energy of combating.

As Ms. Raske most graciously pointed out, I strive to be a man of my word, and I have been honor bound with this entire operation. I would not be opposed to her overseeing the construction herself. As I have said before, I have nothing to hide.

Bidding on my own auction to raise the price is not something I would be willing to do. Even though the board is 75% Caldari, and the Caldari culture puts a significant emphasis on the obtaining of currency, they too would be entirely against bidding to raise the price. There would be yelling at the meetings, from myself and them, if such a thing happened, and the one who did so would be disciplined, even if it was a board member. That was not even considered.

The fact that some of you are under the impression that I would do something of that nature, proves you are far more ignorant than you would like to admit. It would be rather convenient for those who are not interested in seeing this succeed, and the fact that a few have already attempted to sully my name in light of this new development truly shows how desperate they are. At least I can derive some comfort, as those who know me and my reputation would assume otherwise, and this statement should affirm those assumptions. Staying above board is always better to do.

Regarding Miss Zenariae, I am still not rather concerned, after speaking with Miss Adala about it. I was not privy to her identity when she made the donation, and this was not any kind of scheme or scandal.

For myself, I find the uproar surrounding this rather silly. I am not angry with Miss Zenariae, nor Adala. Adala does admit this little bit of unintended drama is more her fault, as she is the one who came up with the idea for it being a bid, and she has apologized. Everything has been corrected.

For those of you who have messaged your concern, I appreciate it, but Miss Zenariae's gift has come with no strings attached, as it has already been given. For those who believe she was a Sani Sabik attempting to lure with gifts, that should refute their concerns. My opinion of Sani Sabik is rather well known, and my reacting to this has not been in haste.

Miss Andiun has just as much cause to hate anyone who is Sani Sabik as I do and I have found public denouncements by Miss Zenariae of her trying to distance herself from the Sani Sabik. I trust miss Adala's judgement regarding character, and would like to extend a formal apology to Miss Zenariae if this situation has caused her any undue stress. I am not upset with her, and I shall inform my holdings of her name, as well as the name of the bidders, at my next Holder's court.

Hopefully this dispels any concerns anyone had regarding the situation. I apologize for not responding sooner, as I woke up this morning to find all this going on. I would appreciate it if everyone would stop making assumptions and jumping to conclusions before asking me about it.

The bids stand at:

(Female Date Volunteers)
Diana Kim - 45m - Johanesse
Lasairiona Raske - 25m - Jace Sarice
Shalee Lianne - 100m - Johanesse
Utsukushi Shi

(Male Date volunteers)
Vulxanis Viceroy - 25m - Karynn Denton
Eran Mintor - 25m - Havohej.
Marcus Gord

(Non-date Volunteers)
Aldrith Shutaq - 250 million Ibrahim Tash-Murkon

EDIT: Donation from Zenariae for 300 million has already been received.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Wendrika Hydreiga
#110 - 2014-10-09 16:18:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Wendrika Hydreiga
Diana Kim wrote:
Please excuse me, nobody told me it wasn't allowed . . .

That's okay Miss Kim. I know votes and general democracy aren't your strong suit. I'd toss a bid myself to save you from those dastardly Gallente but I'm sure Lord Draconis wouldn't find that amuzing.

Plus, girls dating girls is eww...
Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#111 - 2014-10-09 16:23:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Vulxanis Viceroy

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#112 - 2014-10-09 16:51:37 UTC
Wendrika Hydreiga wrote:

Plus, girls dating girls is eww...

This is not eww, Miss Wendrika. It means it can't be romantic like boys dating girls, and, since romantic relations are prohibited by the rules, girl with girl and boy with boy dates will be completely safe. But boy with girl dates would require way more caution to not break the rules.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Cretus Incendium
Electus Matari
#113 - 2014-10-09 17:01:15 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
What?! Gallente?!!!

50 million isk for Diana Kim.

I agree.

50 Million for Diana Kim.

Strike us like matches, 'cause everyone deserves the flames.

OOC Forums @ Backstage

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#114 - 2014-10-09 17:31:16 UTC
Havohej wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
What?! Gallente?!!!

50 million isk for Diana Kim.

I agree.

50 Million for Diana Kim.

Seeing as how Ms. Kim is not interested in a night of romance, refinement and inter-cultural dialogue, I will certainly refrain from any futher bidding on her.

Le secret de la liberté est d'éclairer les hommes, comme celui de la tyrannie et de les retenir dans l'ignorance

Solecist Project
#115 - 2014-10-09 17:48:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Apparently people here are way too poor to offer amounts
that actually reflect any proper values.

I feel surrounded by poor scrubs.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#116 - 2014-10-09 17:50:43 UTC
Johanesse wrote:

Seeing as how Ms. Kim is not interested in a night of romance, refinement and inter-cultural dialogue, I will certainly refrain from any futher bidding on her.

I totally wouldn't mind a night of "inter-cultural dialogue", if Lord Draconis allowed to use fists.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#117 - 2014-10-09 18:55:26 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Johanesse wrote:

Seeing as how Ms. Kim is not interested in a night of romance, refinement and inter-cultural dialogue, I will certainly refrain from any futher bidding on her.

I totally wouldn't mind a night of "inter-cultural dialogue", if Lord Draconis allowed to use fists.

Ms. Kim,

Implied threats to bidders in good faith certainly strikes me as most Dishonorable. I am certain Lord Draconis and his entity does not countenance such unbalanced behaviour from its participants and that such will be swiftly corrected.

Ms. Project,

Why bid greater than necessary to obtain the successful bid? I was always taught to be frugal and not profligate. This something I am sure that a sophisticated businesswoman such as yourself can appreciate.

Le secret de la liberté est d'éclairer les hommes, comme celui de la tyrannie et de les retenir dans l'ignorance

Erin Savonarola
#118 - 2014-10-09 19:12:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Savonarola
Well, it was a Sabik that placed a bid for the Beggar Lord. So, Ms. Denton wins the pot for that. For the record, Ms. Zenariae once was a member of a Sani Sabik corp named Neo-Sani. I am not privy to whether she is sluttish in nature or not.
Vulxanis Viceroy
Offworld Trading Company
Khimi Harar
#119 - 2014-10-09 19:47:53 UTC
Johanesse wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Johanesse wrote:

Seeing as how Ms. Kim is not interested in a night of romance, refinement and inter-cultural dialogue, I will certainly refrain from any futher bidding on her.

I totally wouldn't mind a night of "inter-cultural dialogue", if Lord Draconis allowed to use fists.

Ms. Kim,

Implied threats to bidders in good faith certainly strikes me as most Dishonorable. I am certain Lord Draconis and his entity does not countenance such unbalanced behaviour from its participants and that such will be swiftly corrected.

I would not recommend it, no. That would require both parties in agreement and is beyond what is condoned by this arrangement.

The endorsed method of the evenings spent would be conversation, and perhaps a meal. Most likely both. Anything beyond that is between the two parties, and not endorsed nor required as part of this arrangement.

I am sure Miss Kim is not intending to be dishonorable. Witness Shahni will be accompanying her to make sure things run smoothly, for Miss Kim's comfort, and undoubtedly, the winner of the bid's.

In Character: Only responds to "Lord Draconis"

Pronounced "Vulzanis"


Public channel: VXV EVE


Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#120 - 2014-10-09 20:53:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Johanesse
Vulxanis Viceroy wrote:

I am sure Miss Kim is not intending to be dishonorable. Witness Shahni will be accompanying her to make sure things run smoothly, for Miss Kim's comfort, and undoubtedly, the winner of the bid's.

Lord Draconis,

If such was not the intention, then I respectfully trust, then, that a written apology in this thread will be forthcoming very shortly by Captain Kim, your independent contractor and/or "volunteer."

Very truly yours,

Johanesse d'Montbelliard, Esquire

Le secret de la liberté est d'éclairer les hommes, comme celui de la tyrannie et de les retenir dans l'ignorance