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Just got gagged lol

First post
Bongo Debbie
In Praise Of Shadows
#61 - 2011-12-12 21:18:57 UTC
I didn't know Monday was part of the weekend. I must be dumber than I thought.
Tear Miner
#62 - 2011-12-12 21:20:25 UTC
You guys should really stop posting to this thread. Mara Rinn ended it on the first page.

Just sayin'.
Zions Child
Higashikata Industries
#63 - 2011-12-12 21:22:12 UTC
Tear Miner wrote:
You guys should really stop posting to this thread. Mara Rinn ended it on the first page.

Just sayin'.

But trolling Freezehunter was entertaining!
Thredd Necro
#64 - 2011-12-12 21:26:03 UTC
Lors Dornick wrote:
The setting of this game is one that requires a certain amount of cerebral activity.

Which tends to mean that while we all to try steal, murder and backstab eachother in the most tear inducing way we can invent. We tend to do so in a quite polite and civilised language.

Calling someone a ****** whiny ***** and a ****** offspring of a ***** from ***** and ******'s sausage is easy.

But having opponent resort to such trivialities is pure win ;)


He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which. - Douglas Adams

Demon Thatcher
Thatcher Inc.
#65 - 2011-12-12 21:38:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Demon Thatcher
When I mentioned racism, I was referring to the strife between Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar, and Gallente. You know, the races in the game.

This is not to say that I disagree with the real world racism being the mindset of degenerates, but I just wanted to clear that up.

Also, I'd give my left nut if I could just close this goddamned thread. Next time I'll keep it simple and just start one about Christian Republicans.
Tie Fighters Inc
#66 - 2011-12-12 22:13:16 UTC
You mean the amarrian christian republicans? Almost like you are getting close to the gag fire again.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#67 - 2011-12-12 23:31:05 UTC
I like cake.


5NAKE plisken
Rats Nest
#68 - 2011-12-13 00:31:45 UTC  |  Edited by: 5NAKE plisken
Lesbo checking in.. nomnomnom
Reading all this sausage fest makes my nipples hard
Please.. continue.
(sorry demon... had to be done.. too funny)

*Edit - niccceee. ccp star'd out the shortened version of the first part of our corp name. NOMNOMNOMNOM
Pesky LaRue
#69 - 2011-12-13 00:38:52 UTC
Freezehunter wrote:
Zions Child wrote:
Freezehunter wrote:
Zions Child wrote:

Mind you, I love profanity (and seriously, CCP's profanity filter is terrible) but I see no need to use it when I have won or lost a battle in EVE.

Also, to those who use "***" and "gay" as offensive terms, realize that you are implicitly homophobic. Funny thing about psychology, is that words do have power, and to make being "gay" offensive is to perpetuate a heteronormative society which does nothing but hate gay people. So if you feel the need to go around and call people fags, or niggers, or spics, or whatever, realize that you are a complete raging *******. There are plenty of catch all ways to insult people in this world, that don't involve singling out a group of people. Grow up.


Someone woke up tight and became less so today...

Take a chill pill bro.

I'm not entirely sure I understand your retort. It appears that you think I am worked up or something? Au contraire, I am merely pointing out that you sir, are of a mental maturity entirely unsuited to dealing with other people.

Let's just say I have a tendency to deal decently only with people of my high intellectual level, rest of you cattle are irrelevant to me, and I treat you like nothing more than cattle.

You don't exactly treat cattle very well, do you?

Am I the only one seeing the irony here that the Supreme Intellectual Being of Earth was being mocked and "owned" repeatedly in this thread by "cattle"?

Yup, you think you're better than everyone else.

And nope, your posting - and the intellect behind it - don't actually support that.

Funny stuff.
Crystal Liche
ACME Mineral and Gas
#70 - 2011-12-13 00:43:06 UTC
Demon Thatcher wrote:
I love it how in a game of griefing, murder, thievery, extortion, blackmail, racism, and ransoming, it's the language that gets you in trouble.

If you don't understand the difference between playing a game and communicating with people then a gag is just the start for you.
Bad Girl Posse
#71 - 2011-12-13 00:52:45 UTC
You were gagged for a reason OP. Now GET IN THE ******* VAN!!!
Krios Ahzek
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2011-12-13 01:41:43 UTC
Demon Thatcher wrote:
I love it how in a game of griefing, murder, thievery, extortion, blackmail, racism, and ransoming, it's the language that gets you in trouble.

It's like in real life. You can get away with stealing millions if you're polite and wear a suit, but if you speak like a ghetto fairy, your ass is going to jail for stealing 50$

 Though All Men Do Despise Us

Destru Kaneda
Arzad Police Department
#73 - 2011-12-13 01:46:49 UTC
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#74 - 2011-12-13 14:02:49 UTC
Discussion of moderation is not allowed on the forums.

Thread locked.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer