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"How Highsec miners threaten EVE, and how we can stop them."

First post
Renegade Heart
#141 - 2014-10-02 15:47:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Renegade Heart
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
You are still a supporter of the New Order, and your contribution counts.

Haha this is true to be fair, maybe I will buy yet more shares, because the New Order is an awesome thing in this game Big smile

In truth the thanks thing was just a lame excuse covering for the fact that I don't have it in me to sell mining permits. And James 315 is clearly a busy man, as can be seen by the amount of share purchases he processes. He is doing a great job.

The reality of the situation though is that it hurts my head too much trying to spread adherence to the code, because, some carebears are really dumb. I've even got a stalker following me about too Oops
Black Pedro
#142 - 2014-10-02 21:00:59 UTC
Renegade Heart wrote:
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
You are still a supporter of the New Order, and your contribution counts.

Haha this is true to be fair, maybe I will buy yet more shares, because the New Order is an awesome thing in this game Big smile

In truth the thanks thing was just a lame excuse covering for the fact that I don't have it in me to sell mining permits. And James 315 is clearly a busy man, as can be seen by the amount of share purchases he processes. He is doing a great job.

The reality of the situation though is that it hurts my head too much trying to spread adherence to the code, because, some carebears are really dumb. I've even got a stalker following me about too Oops

If you don't like selling permits or being a missionary, there are plenty of other ways you can directly help the New Order and our mission. Ganking or scouting for the non-compliant immediately come to mind - and if you want you don't even have to talk to the carebears - but also we need ships, ISK, new recruits and other things. Stop by the minerbumping channel or the forum on the website if you want to find some other way to help, but as Sasha said, you are already a supporter of the New Order whatever you choose do in New Eden.
Paranoid Loyd
#143 - 2014-10-02 21:09:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Renegade Heart wrote:
I've even got a stalker following me about too Oops

Welcome to the club. I have three active stalkers right now, although only one is the least bit competent, he was neutralized with a war dec, the others are nothing more than gnats.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#144 - 2014-10-02 22:59:00 UTC
Renegade Heart wrote:
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
You are still a supporter of the New Order, and your contribution counts.

Haha this is true to be fair, maybe I will buy yet more shares, because the New Order is an awesome thing in this game Big smile

In truth the thanks thing was just a lame excuse covering for the fact that I don't have it in me to sell mining permits. And James 315 is clearly a busy man, as can be seen by the amount of share purchases he processes. He is doing a great job.

The reality of the situation though is that it hurts my head too much trying to spread adherence to the code, because, some carebears are really dumb. I've even got a stalker following me about too Oops

Many of us just gank them and send them to the CODE FAQ channel where some Agents will take care of them and fill them in on the law and stuff.

I personally enjoy talking to the locals of a system and sometimes I just put my scout into a bumping stabber and have some fun with the rebel fleets that are building up around him.

But just remember that every action taken against the bot-aspirants helps the cause and you are not required to preach the Code or sell permits to be a New Order Agent.

In the end this is a game and it has to be fun for YOU Blink
Travelin' Jack
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#145 - 2014-10-02 23:39:33 UTC
I actually dig mining.

It's hardly mindless, well it isn't if you want to survive.

And you've got to be prepared to lose ships, just like any other profession in EVE
Renegade Heart
#146 - 2014-10-03 12:53:10 UTC
Okay well, supporter of the New Order - check

Shareholder - check

Ganker - check

And I already said to some guy I was chatting to that if he needed a permit, I would refer him to a more appropriate agent.

Given the wonderful job that James 315 is doing for everyone in high sec, I feel almost ashamed that I got so butthurt over a little issue like a thank you. I don't think I'd be able to handle the workload of the Supreme Protector, and do such a great job.

I should probably blame the stalker for trying to cause me emotional distress, perhaps also making me feel extra special, but I am over that now P
Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#147 - 2014-10-05 02:52:39 UTC
worst role play ever.. seriously, worse then anything out of Providence.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


Sasha Nyemtsov
#148 - 2014-10-05 08:07:08 UTC
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
Manifesto II - How Highsec miners threaten EVE, and how we can stop them.

James 315's closely argued evisceration of the real threat to EVE. The links take you to the relevant SoundCloud file. New files are initially linked from the MinerBumping Forum by my MB Forum alt, Klaus.

If you'd like to discuss the content of the following audio files, I entreat you to do so in a mature and reasonable manner.

The Accusation
The Carebears Killed Nullsec PvP
The Carebears Almost Shut Down EVE Completely
The Endless History of Nerf Demands
The End Of All Danger In Highsec
The Culture Of The New Carebear
Lessons From An Orca Hunt

I've just uploaded to SoundCloud the 7th part of James 315's 'Manifesto II'.

Who says you can't solo-kill an Orca in Highsec? The carebears, that's who. But James 315, in battle-mode and scattering his enemies before him, gave them a master-class in problem-solving.

And what about the Orcas' Pods; aren't they always safe in Highsec, if piloted by someone who knows what he's doing? James 315 destroys that myth, too.

This section is long; as long as it needs to be. It was a delight to read and provided a great insight to James 315's personal background in EVE.

Lessons From An Orca Hunt
Kairie Caderu
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2014-10-10 01:02:49 UTC
Emicarn Lothlorn wrote:
Can't say I completely agree, it was an interesting listen however. I have no doubt the bot miners are lobbying for a reduction in PVP in highsec and more resource types put there.

Personally, as a primary industrial player, I don't agree that high sec mining is 'killing eve.' I imagine some day I'm going to get killed again, probably will tick me off, but that's the game. It keeps me in money to train skills I need to move into more violent pursuits...

I am primarily industrial as well. I don't think high sec mining is killing Eve. The game is designed to allow players to do almost anything as long as they are willing to accept the risks and consequences of their actions. This game has a very high learning curve; I know I've made my share of noob mistakes and taken my share of losses because of it. There is a lot of stuff that is "unfair" to newer players. The older players have better skills, more resources to draw on, and (biggest advantage of all) generally know the game better. One could rage about that unfairness all day and it won't sway the devs in the slightest. A better option is to join a corp with older players willing to put up with noob questions and learn; it's more fun than whining and more rewarding in the long run.

I find mining can be fun; it's somewhat relaxing (when you just want a somewhat mindless activity that lets you still make ISK to work towards your goals) and there is usually someone to chat with while you sit there if you're in a corp with players on at the same time as you. Far as I'm concerned, AFK miners know the risks. I wouldn't say they "deserve" to get blown up, but I would say that they know there is risk of it and they can't defend against it if they aren't at the keyboard. So far, it seems the safest way to mine is to be smart about it. Be alert, be a hard target, and tank up (if you can't run fast enough or get ambushed, that at least gives the best chance of surviving til Concord shows up). It's also wise to avoid carrying high value stuff; that just paints a big bullseye on you.

Part of the beauty of Eve is the sheer variety of stuff we can do. I can understand someone having an alt set up just for resource gathering, but if there are people in Eve who do nothing else...I'd assume they are either casual players here just to socialize or that they are missing out on most of the fun and will eventually get bored and leave.
Sasha Nyemtsov
#150 - 2014-10-12 08:36:13 UTC
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
Manifesto II - How Highsec miners threaten EVE, and how we can stop them.

James 315's closely argued evisceration of the real threat to EVE. The links take you to the relevant SoundCloud file. New files are initially linked from the MinerBumping Forum by my MB Forum alt, Klaus.

If you'd like to discuss the content of the following audio files, I entreat you to do so in a mature and reasonable manner.

The Accusation
The Carebears Killed Nullsec PvP
The Carebears Almost Shut Down EVE Completely
The Endless History of Nerf Demands
The End Of All Danger In Highsec
The Culture Of The New Carebear
Lessons From An Orca Hunt
The Conflict Of Visions

I've just uploaded to SoundCloud the 8th part of James 315's 'Manifesto II'. 

As we move towards the conclusion of his analysis of the various strands of the carebears' negative influence on the game, James 315 seeks to describe and to bring into sharp focus the dichotomy which presents itself when considering the various arguments. 

The respective Visions of the traditional EVE Player and the New Carebear appear to represent polar opposites. Can they actually co-exist? Is there any middle ground? 

After last week's rip-roaring adventure, this section comes in at a nimble and nifty 6.5 minutes!

The Conflict Of Visions
Charax Bouclier
Silvershield Universal
#151 - 2014-10-12 16:47:03 UTC
Thank you once again for another instalment of this very enlightening and entertaining manifesto.

When talking about competing visions, we are pitting one group of players against another, and if you dissatisfy one group significantly, you might start losing their membership. Should we care if the "carebear" population starts to leave the game if their ships are blown up on a more regular basis? On one hand, you might say that it makes EVE more pure to its intent - being a PvP game, but on the other hand, you want to make sure that the game is earning sufficient revenue so that the developers can maintain and expand the gameplay.

I don't know if the "balancing" war between gankers and carebears in terms of ease of gankability is the right way to fight this by either side. I think the flaw is on the economic benefit that miners can derive from high sec mining.

If you take WoW for an example, a player, even on a PvP server, can "blue flag" (i.e., not be attacked by others) for the initial leveling zones. Think of it as absolute security. It would be a travesty if these initial leveling zones were seeded with resources that were considered valuable to end-game players. Players can only mine relatively valueless copper ore or light leather skins. In terms of gold per hour, this type of activity would definitely not be pursued.

In EVE however, taking a look at ore prices, there isn't much differentiation between the different rocks, despite the fact that certain rocks can be mined in relative safety. I think that is the biggest flaw in the resource acquisition aspect of this game. Perhaps the better idea is to significantly nerf the mining yield in higher security systems (call it a CONCORD tax for their near instant intervention). It really should be a more thoughtful decision on where to mine.

Nerf the high sec mining profits, while maintaining the high security safety seems to be the right way of doing this. After all, if some people do not want to engage in any PvP, I'd rather have them continue to fund the game, but at a significant economic penalty. Let them collect their light leather skins and copper ore and have little impact on the rest of the players, except by giving the developers more money to entertain the rest of us.

Sasha Nyemtsov
#152 - 2014-10-19 08:55:57 UTC
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
Manifesto II - How Highsec miners threaten EVE, and how we can stop them.

James 315's closely argued evisceration of the real threat to EVE. The links take you to the relevant SoundCloud file. New files are initially linked from the MinerBumping Forum by my MB Forum alt, Klaus.

If you'd like to discuss the content of the following audio files, I entreat you to do so in a mature and reasonable manner.

The Accusation
The Carebears Killed Nullsec PvP
The Carebears Almost Shut Down EVE Completely
The Endless History of Nerf Demands
The End Of All Danger In Highsec
The Culture Of The New Carebear
Lessons From An Orca Hunt
The Conflict Of Visions
How We Can Stop The Carebears and A Call To Action

Hi All!

Sasha Nyemtsov has just uploaded to SoundCloud the final part of James 315's Manifesto II.

It's been a long journey; for me, a deeply satisfying and inspiring one. Grateful thanks to everyone who listened and spread the Word.

This is also a broadcast for the tl;dr folks, a blistering summary of the whole document.

These days, the attacks on us have broadened from cries for nerfs to Highsec violence into cries for CCP to ban PvPers on the basis of their putative psychological shortcomings. James 315 has been right all along.

But the Manifesto II ends on a positive, uplifting note, with an invitation to get out there and make a difference. Let's do it!

Manifesto II: Parts 9 and 10

Hail James 315, Saviour of Highsec, Supreme Protector, Father of the New Order!
Black Pedro
#153 - 2014-10-19 09:02:35 UTC
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
Sasha Nyemtsov wrote:
Manifesto II - How Highsec miners threaten EVE, and how we can stop them.

James 315's closely argued evisceration of the real threat to EVE. The links take you to the relevant SoundCloud file. New files are initially linked from the MinerBumping Forum by my MB Forum alt, Klaus.

If you'd like to discuss the content of the following audio files, I entreat you to do so in a mature and reasonable manner.

The Accusation
The Carebears Killed Nullsec PvP
The Carebears Almost Shut Down EVE Completely
The Endless History of Nerf Demands
The End Of All Danger In Highsec
The Culture Of The New Carebear
Lessons From An Orca Hunt
The Conflict Of Visions
How We Can Stop The Carebears and A Call To Action

Hi All!

Sasha Nyemtsov has just uploaded to SoundCloud the final part of James 315's Manifesto II.

It's been a long journey; for me, a deeply satisfying and inspiring one. Grateful thanks to everyone who listened and spread the Word.

This is also a broadcast for the tl;dr folks, a blistering summary of the whole document.

These days, the attacks on us have broadened from cries for nerfs to Highsec violence into cries for CCP to ban PvPers on the basis of their putative psychological shortcomings. James 315 has been right all along.

But the Manifesto II ends on a positive, uplifting note, with an invitation to get out there and make a difference. Let's do it!

Manifesto II: Parts 9 and 10

Hail James 315, Saviour of Highsec, Supreme Protector, Father of the New Order!

Excellent! I can now listen to the whole thing in one go and meditate on the Saviour's words.

We are all in your debt Sasha for putting a voice to this important piece of Eve's cultural history.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#154 - 2014-10-21 12:11:32 UTC
I don't like ganking, but respect it as a choice of "profession" in EVE. So do I with mining. And PvE'ing, Incurions running or whatever other industry stuff there is...

Being rather "active" running wars on carebears, releaving them of their precious pos'es, barges and other shiny things, I have to admit, James315's got a point. The constant crying for nerfs on PvP is well annoying. Up to a point where players leave the game due to its de-evolution into a farm-fest similar to wow.

I can only agree on what he says... it shows every day in any war in high sec. Miners insta-dropping corporations, creating new ones - hence avoiding the war. Or sitting in station, going through their masses of monocles and other crap, while wating for the war to drop.
In the rarest cases carebares actually want to "play" the game. I don't force anyone to fight me. But if you can't respect the way I play the game, can't accept the concept of a sandbox, then you better find a new occupation. I don't quit. The more you cry, try to run or petition, the more I move on you. And if you think asking allies for help - having actual players fight your wars - is a good idea, I'll make sure to prove you wrong by paying next weeks bill in advance and running the war indefinitly. Because I like opposition even more Twisted

Carebears: You only have one single way of making this stop. Accept the way the game is and the fact that there is other players, wanting to do other stuff than running "quests". Stop constantly complaining and start playing the game the way it was intended. And for crying out loud, learn to adapt!

As for CCP: I hope you hear these voices, the concerns expressed and realize that your fan base consists of more than miners.
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#155 - 2014-10-21 17:57:07 UTC
PO3T wrote:
I don't like ganking, but respect it as a choice of "profession" in EVE. So do I with mining. And PvE'ing, Incurions running or whatever other industry stuff there is...

Being rather "active" running wars on carebears, releaving them of their precious pos'es, barges and other shiny things, I have to admit, James315's got a point. The constant crying for nerfs on PvP is well annoying. Up to a point where players leave the game due to its de-evolution into a farm-fest similar to wow.

I can only agree on what he says... it shows every day in any war in high sec. Miners insta-dropping corporations, creating new ones - hence avoiding the war. Or sitting in station, going through their masses of monocles and other crap, while wating for the war to drop.
In the rarest cases carebares actually want to "play" the game. I don't force anyone to fight me. But if you can't respect the way I play the game, can't accept the concept of a sandbox, then you better find a new occupation. I don't quit. The more you cry, try to run or petition, the more I move on you. And if you think asking allies for help - having actual players fight your wars - is a good idea, I'll make sure to prove you wrong by paying next weeks bill in advance and running the war indefinitly. Because I like opposition even more Twisted

Carebears: You only have one single way of making this stop. Accept the way the game is and the fact that there is other players, wanting to do other stuff than running "quests". Stop constantly complaining and start playing the game the way it was intended. And for crying out loud, learn to adapt!

As for CCP: I hope you hear these voices, the concerns expressed and realize that your fan base consists of more than miners.

But interaction with other people is scary!

The Artist Formerly Known As AC. 

The terminal end of the digestive system. 

The Best CSM Candidate

Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#156 - 2014-10-22 14:53:31 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Completely agree with James 315.

I think he's a drooling irrational role player worthy of the scorn traditionally extended to other role players in the game; remember CVA. But he might as well change his name to Al Capone, his role model, for all the virtue in his "code".

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


admiral root
Red Galaxy
#157 - 2014-10-22 15:31:11 UTC
Barbara Nichole wrote:
I think he's a drooling irrational role player worthy of the scorn traditionally extended to other role players in the game

Why would you scorn people for role-playing in a role-playing game? Do you also scorn people who kick the ball in football?

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Black Pedro
#158 - 2014-10-22 16:26:00 UTC
Barbara Nichole wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Completely agree with James 315.

I think he's a drooling irrational role player worthy of the scorn traditionally extended to other role players in the game;

While I do agree that he does partake in a little role play, I do really not see where you get the "drooling" or "irrational" part as I normally find his writing quite cogent and rational. Perhaps you can share with us a few of examples of his work that has led to your conclusion?

But really you probably shouldn't waste your scorn on him for his role playing - scorn him for the trillions of ISK in losses to your carebear friends that he and the New Order are personally responsible for.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2014-10-23 01:11:44 UTC
Barbara Nichole wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Completely agree with James 315.

I think he's a drooling irrational role player worthy of the scorn traditionally extended to other role players in the game; remember CVA. But he might as well change his name to Al Capone, his role model, for all the virtue in his "code".

Project much?

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#160 - 2014-10-23 11:11:00 UTC
I read and listened to as much of James' drivel as I could take. All he is really demonstrating is that a lack of meaningful consequences for criminal conduct causes such conduct to increase in frequency and scope. I do feel bad for the helpless miners and haulers, but as long as CCP refuses to harshly deal with criminal conduct in highsec they will just keep on dying. Personally I don't do those activities, and am essentially unaffected by the whole CODE joke. Wake me up when they manage to materially affect incursion or mission runners.