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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Isha Subula
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3641 - 2014-10-02 17:12:06 UTC
Javajunky wrote:
Isha Subula wrote:
Sally Hermoine wrote:
CCp i implore you to remove the restriction on Jump freighter range , this is not a whine post but listen to the clever arguments against it there is no justification for removing nullsec logistics. If you have ever lived in nullsec and took part in freighting ops you would know what it means to do this. We NEED high sec access to survive , I can handle trying to defend our own turf and will give it up gladly too but being cut off from eves market will make it impossible to exist out here. Don't listen to the high sec ppl egging you on they have no idea what it means to keep a market in nullsec well stocked with all the modules/guns/ammo neccessary just to survive.

And then we are expected to earn isk? Not possible anymore no where to sell goods noway to move it , minerals are dying in price and will only get worse, for high sec also as noone will buy caps off the market now. They will be just be made locally (which i dont mind too) but the market is gonna go way down, also losing lots of subscribers will just make matters worse. So yeah im not happy :(

and having industrialists in null is a bad thing? Being able to move large quantities of ships, mods whatever from high to null is a part of the problem. Now null pvp'ers will have to stop treating miners like crap and actually accept that they need them to survive.

In terms of revitalizing the null sec landscape, while yes this theoretically increasing the value of the miner. But it makes it harder for those smaller groups to establish and defend the beach head they create for themselves. Not really a goon headache since we can roll 30-40 JF's (12-15m3 per run), this becomes more about a who's got more logistics capabilities. The Rorqual / JF nerf favors the big blocks in terms of defending space.

Keeping JF/Rorquals in the equation, it's certainly a way to establish more industry but you have to find enough people that want to do industry in null sec and that's not a big number. Leaving JF's and Rorquals out of the equation would still achieve the PVP balancing act people want without gimping the smaller guys ability to support any beach head initiatives.

Just took my taser to the testicles like a man. I'll go sit back down now.
New Eden Capsuleer College
Higher Education
#3642 - 2014-10-02 17:12:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Demonfist
Lord TGR wrote:
Demonfist wrote:
Lord TGR wrote:
I'm fairly certain what you're looking at is probably a mixture of CCP loving the press the big fights get them, CCP not keeping up with what's happening, and when they started to look at it they hit a wall of "oh holy **** our code is terrible we can't fix this easily".

And with that, unintended consequences have lead us to the current situation.

Yeah, except no. The Blue Butthole of Stagnation led to this. Look in a mirror for blame.

Nope. The mechanics lead us to the "blue butthole of stagnation". It was always in the cards, and there's been plenty of people who've been saying for YEARS that we're heading into what we're seeing now (me included, I've been railing for a sov system fix for more than 3 years, probably closer to 4 now).

You can blame the players all you want, but you'll be dead wrong. They're just utilizing the ruleset as far as they can to win. It's CCP's responsibility to make sure the ruleset ensure a lively and vibrant game, not the players'.

Well now you're getting what you asked for, only not exactly in the form you asked for it. Shocker: Game Devs reserve the right to design their game the way they see fit. If you want their job, CCP is probably hiring. Don't cry, be happy. Soon you'll be having GF GF content again instead of ship spinning in a POS all day.

eBil Tycoon > we're more like megacapitalistic psychotic space cowboys with raging epeens and 3% real girls.

Dradis Aulmais
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3643 - 2014-10-02 17:12:19 UTC
So this ( to make a real world anolgy) is basically applying the same real world restrictions that an aircraft carrier has.

Since aircraft carriers are basically a super capital in force projection you have to think hard on your deployment. Focus on support and trave times to insure you have force where you need it when you need it.

In others words if eve was America your aircraft carrier group (super fleet) can no longer go to China (other side of eve) in an hour. Your carrier group will take real world time (jump fatigue) and real world support (pilots, ice, what have you) to move where you need to be.

If I'm understanding this right then, +1 CCP.

Dradis Aulmais, Federal Attorney Number 54896

Free The Scope Three

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3644 - 2014-10-02 17:13:27 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Volmyr wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Why pilot specific (multiple pilots can move one dread across the universe pony express style), instead of hull specific (removes ability to move dread across universe)?

Because hulls can be repackaged.

unless say there was a mechanic that wont let you re-package unless your jump drive is cooled off...

Which will be a lot more work than just having it on the pilot.

since i in part pay CCP's checks, as do many others here, that is no excuse. They can work for the money being shoveled on them.
Charlotte Ginger
Death Troopers
#3645 - 2014-10-02 17:14:16 UTC
Another insight...

Recently my corp was building 4 titans for a customer (easy to work out who).

Thats like, 300 Dreads/Carriers....

Big alliances can have mass Capitals deposited at every corner of their space sitting in hangers...

So, nothing changes, Big blob still wins.
Little Blob stays in low-sec
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#3646 - 2014-10-02 17:14:22 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Why pilot specific (multiple pilots can move one dread across the universe pony express style), instead of hull specific (removes ability to move dread across universe)?

Because hulls can be repackaged.

Forbid repackaging hulls with fatigue.
Dinak Khnid
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3647 - 2014-10-02 17:14:27 UTC
Rodasta Dius wrote:
Not allowing to reset your Medical Clone in Stations you are not currently in is a very poor feature:

1. New players can't get easily to their friends var away in null sec, they have to take gates and probably need to be a convoy to clear gatecamps. (FIX: allow for setting the Medical Clone to a Corp HQ)

Day 3 after my birth I moved to nul. I did not clone jump anywhere, didn't have the skills. ONE corp member came for me and taught me how to get in. It is not impossible and should not be easy - It's a Space War Game ffs
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3648 - 2014-10-02 17:15:12 UTC
Volmyr wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Volmyr wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Why pilot specific (multiple pilots can move one dread across the universe pony express style), instead of hull specific (removes ability to move dread across universe)?

Because hulls can be repackaged.

unless say there was a mechanic that wont let you re-package unless your jump drive is cooled off...

Which will be a lot more work than just having it on the pilot.

since i in part pay CCP's checks, as do many others here, that is no excuse. They can work for the money being shoveled on them.

at the cost of time spent on things everyone else wants fixed or improved?
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#3649 - 2014-10-02 17:15:29 UTC
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3650 - 2014-10-02 17:15:52 UTC
Volmyr wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Volmyr wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Why pilot specific (multiple pilots can move one dread across the universe pony express style), instead of hull specific (removes ability to move dread across universe)?

Because hulls can be repackaged.

unless say there was a mechanic that wont let you re-package unless your jump drive is cooled off...

Which will be a lot more work than just having it on the pilot.

since i in part pay CCP's checks, as do many others here, that is no excuse. They can work for the money being shoveled on them.

Not doing stuff the way you want does not mean they are not working. What if they had other stuff in the oven like a sov iteration to work on?
Amyclas Amatin
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3651 - 2014-10-02 17:16:15 UTC
Charlotte Ginger wrote:
Another insight...

Recently my corp was building 4 titans for a customer (easy to work out who).

Thats like, 300 Dreads/Carriers....

Big alliances can have mass Capitals deposited at every corner of their space sitting in hangers...

So, nothing changes, Big blob still wins.
Little Blob stays in low-sec

and logged out alts sitting in those supercaps... u think we dock supers in those xlsma things?

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3652 - 2014-10-02 17:16:18 UTC
Charlotte Ginger wrote:
So, nothing changes, Big blob still wins.
Little Blob stays in low-sec

this just in, numbers give an advantage! more at 11
Lugh Crow-Slave
#3653 - 2014-10-02 17:16:56 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Why pilot specific (multiple pilots can move one dread across the universe pony express style), instead of hull specific (removes ability to move dread across universe)?

Because Leapfrogging hulls is cheaper and easier
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3654 - 2014-10-02 17:18:07 UTC
Demonfist wrote:
Lord TGR wrote:
Demonfist wrote:
Lord TGR wrote:
I'm fairly certain what you're looking at is probably a mixture of CCP loving the press the big fights get them, CCP not keeping up with what's happening, and when they started to look at it they hit a wall of "oh holy **** our code is terrible we can't fix this easily".

And with that, unintended consequences have lead us to the current situation.

Yeah, except no. The Blue Butthole of Stagnation led to this. Look in a mirror for blame.

Nope. The mechanics lead us to the "blue butthole of stagnation". It was always in the cards, and there's been plenty of people who've been saying for YEARS that we're heading into what we're seeing now (me included, I've been railing for a sov system fix for more than 3 years, probably closer to 4 now).

You can blame the players all you want, but you'll be dead wrong. They're just utilizing the ruleset as far as they can to win. It's CCP's responsibility to make sure the ruleset ensure a lively and vibrant game, not the players'.

Well now you're getting what you asked for, only not exactly in the form you asked for it. Shocker: Game Devs reserve the right to design their game the way they see fit. If you want their job, CCP is probably hiring. Don't cry, be happy. Soon you'll be having GF GF content again instead of ship spinning in a POS all day.

Who's crying?
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#3655 - 2014-10-02 17:18:31 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement.

But... but!...
They must be escorted!
Keegan Teutorix
#3656 - 2014-10-02 17:18:32 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

as with fatigue and cooldowns, why have such a ridiculously high limit? what are you preventing people from doing by dropping this to, say, once a month? and if people really want to they'll just make a new corp, so the once per year limit is totally arbitrary.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3657 - 2014-10-02 17:18:36 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

I think once a year is maybe too harsh -- maybe 4 times a year? Otherwise, this is good -- having an emergency podjump is a good way to assist folks in frogging out when they are truly alone.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#3658 - 2014-10-02 17:18:55 UTC
Charlotte Ginger wrote:
Another insight...

Recently my corp was building 4 titans for a customer (easy to work out who).

Thats like, 300 Dreads/Carriers....

Big alliances can have mass Capitals deposited at every corner of their space sitting in hangers...

So, nothing changes, Big blob still wins.
Little Blob stays in low-sec

Except now little blob is gonna get rekt even worse than now when PL starts nano/warp speed rigged hel/niddy roams since those ships can now jump gates, warp at the speed of cruisers and apply 2000+ dps each
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3659 - 2014-10-02 17:19:10 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

TerminalSamurai Sunji wrote:
I'm just curious, if the plan is to reduce power projection, and the ship is what's being limited in jump range, why is the timer being attached to the pilot and not the ship? IE if a titan gets jumped, put the 'fatigue' timer on the actual ship. I'm not suggesting this as a fix, just that attaching a 'jump fatigue' to a character doesn't make much sense to me, where as I could understand a ships drives having to 'cool down' before re using them.

Can the current game mechanics allow a timer to be attached to a ship?

Reasoning here is that in most cases, pilots are a bigger bottleneck than ships - building a carrier chain to move your cap pilots around is simpler and more cost-effective than building an alt chain to move your carrier around. We could put a timer on both, but we'd rather keep it simple (plus it's really hard to persist things on ships that get repackaged).

Make it so that the ship can not be repackaged if it has a timer. That solves that.

Putting the timer on the ship makes it so you can limit what you want to limit and not what you don't. More specifically you could limit combat ships and not logistics ships. And / or limit super caps more than sub caps etc.

If you think that Alliances the size of PL and Goons are not going to buy up and / or skill up a bunch of jump capable alts to get around this then you've not played this game before.

It's easy enough to look at what jump alts are going for and see that any alliance capable of fielding 100+ supers in a fight can also afford 100+ alts to pilot them.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#3660 - 2014-10-02 17:19:45 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Is there really a need for that to be an entire year for non-newbies? I mean, whatever, we'll deal but that seems like an absurdly long time.