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Crime & Punishment

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Bad People are Mean

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Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#1 - 2011-09-12 11:05:02 UTC
What is the baddest, most despicable act you are most proud of having performed in New Eden?

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Colonel Kurtz
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#2 - 2011-09-12 12:03:12 UTC
Confirming we are teribad

Spanking the farmer @ 100% corp tax was fun
Resetting a hostile alliance standings (from blue to red) by makeing a corp was funny, shame ccp didnt think so (warning for meta gaming ftl) <-- this just proves, its not what you know, but who you know.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#3 - 2011-09-12 12:23:04 UTC
I took on a contract to kill somone's freighters and got paid for two kills before the guy realised I was just making up fake killmails.

I'm not actually a very bad person. I need to try harder.

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Captain Sage
Garoun Investment Bank
#4 - 2011-09-12 13:37:27 UTC
I once stole a PLEX from a corp mate...

It was a fail corp, very poor, very stupid players.

This guy asked if I was close by to the home system, I replied that I was. He asked could I come to the station to help him transfer a PLEX to an alt because one of his characters was a trial and they couldn't find a way to transfer....So he opened a trade window, I gladly accepted the PLEX and quit corp that same afternoon. I was only in there a week and they drove me insane so I thought I deserved something for my week in hell.

Fear my pets!!

Shadow Cartel
#5 - 2011-09-12 13:44:18 UTC
uhm... probably war deccing that newb corp. I felt so bad that they didn't know they were at war and kept missioning despite the flashy red... wow
  • Mulzvich "Zanziba'ar" Gorath
Meridith Akesia
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-09-12 13:47:02 UTC
I always feel bad when i kill new players ships in lowsec Sad
Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#7 - 2011-09-12 14:22:13 UTC
Not something I did alone, but a while ago, we had some griefer dec our industrial alliance.
We found out that a significant portion of their income was based from a group of items they were selling on the local market, probably imported along with their PvP needs from Jita.
The region we live in has a very small market, which moved pretty slowly, but with very high margins. 20-50% is quite normal markup around here. I've got products on sale and which SELL at over 100% markup.
So as industrialists, we got our heads together, did the spread-fu, set up production and supply lines, and undercut them on each and every item they were selling. When they invested more money into new products, we expanded and continued our Market attack.
A week later, they dropped the wardec.

TL;DR: PewPew people were better at pew pew than us, but we managed to fight them at OUR game.

Does railgun ammunition come in Hollow Point?

#8 - 2011-09-12 15:12:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Kesshisan
I was snooping around contracts looking to make some isk when I came across a Tengu blueprint copy advertised for about 20mil instead of the usual 45mil. I thought to myself "Boy this guy must be an idiot" and I snagged up the BPC. About 1nanosecond after I hit accept I realized "Wait, weren't all those 45 mil BPCs 3 run copies?" I didn't even need to click on show info for my shiny new BPC to realize that I had just purchased a 1 run BPC for 20. They weren't the idiot; I was the idiot.

But I said to myself "Kesshisan, you're an idiot, but I bet you're not the biggest idiot in EvE. There has to be someone dumber than you." And and I posted the 1 run BPC for 45 mil, exactly the same price as the rest of the 3run BPCs. Sure enough it sold!

I turned a 5mil mistake into a 25mil profit, and now I have proof that I'm not the biggest idiot in EvE! Happy days.
The Elenianlightenment
#9 - 2011-09-12 15:54:23 UTC
I accidentally popped a ship I was trying to ransom, in the middle of a very nice conversation with the pilot. He stopped his ship for some reason (I suppose he thought it was the hip thing to do) and I already had torps in flight... Kaboom. I felt like an ******* - doubt this qualifies as badness though.

-- Beep Beep Imma Jeep.

Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-09-12 15:55:47 UTC
i killed a pod in rens once.
Ice Fire Warriors
#11 - 2011-09-12 16:27:18 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
I had an alt that I was starting to get bored with. He was largely specced in running missions and doing industry related stuffs. Pretty boring really. One day my alt gets a mail from some random carebear to join his corp. Since there was little happening on Fluffers' end at the time, I accepted. I figured it would be a bit o' fun.

The "corporate honeymoon" didn't last even a week. I was given director's roles within a day (because I had an Orca with gang/command links and "knew stuffz"... lawl) and quite a few of the hardcore, know-it-all, spineless carebears in the corp (who were mostly missionrunners) were getting on my nerves just by talking on comms.

Sooooo... around day 4 or 5 I took some of the nubbins out to run a level 4 and teach them some things (cause I really am a nice guy deep down in my bowls or something)... and it came out that they were REALLY bored and didn't really like the "ruling" part of the corp. I immediately saw and seized the opportunity.

I handpick 3 of the more bloodthirsty/disaffected nubbins and gave them a crash course in PvP. Frigates, scrams, speed tanking, etc.
I then announced in corp chat that I had got a level 5 mission in high-sec, "possibly due to a glitch," and asked if anyone wanted to come. The "hardcore" missionbears squealed with delight and got their "nice" battleships out. The newbies were allowed to come too, but they were told that they would not be part of the RR chain because they'd "be a liability." Pricks.

So I wait for everyone to assemble... "no, we cannot warp in yet until EVERYONE is here. One, two, three... okay, 4 mission battleships, 2 mission cruisers, a logi-fit Exequor, two or three random frigates... everyone ready to go? Okay, lemme warp in first and I'll get aggro."

So I now warp off to a safe-spot in the middle of system. I arrive and 2 of my trusty nubbins are there waiting for me (I had given them the safespot eariler). For reference, I am in a Rattlesnake battleship with a MASSIVE passive tank geared towards kinetic and explosive damage (told them it was an "Angel" mission so their ammo and stuff is min/maxed for that). I also have fully bonused and skilled drones.

"Alright guys. Warp to me."

I deploy Garde IIs. My nubbins have but ONE job: scram and web as many of their fellow corpies as possible.

People start landing.

"Hey... where's the mission...?"

[Notification: you have been warp scrambled by........ ]

With the missionbears resistances geared to take kinetic and explosive damage they have HUGE resistance holes against my thermal damage-dealing sentry drones. I wipe out the cruisers and frigates first as they are relatively soft and present the greatest danger to my accomplices. By the time I get to work on the battleships (a full 2 or 3 minutes into all this) they have only STARTED to realize what is happening and are beginning to shoot me.

In the end... my shields never go lower that 85%, neither of my bloodthirsty comrades lose their T1 frigates, we have a bunch of failfit/"special snowflake" ship fits on our killboards, and only 2 of the missionbear battleships manage to escape the massacre.
We are all promptly booted from corp to prevent us from doing any further damage... oh wait... where's my 3rd nubbin?

Oh right. Right before the mission started I had given the 3rd guy in our group director roles to the corp. As the slaughter was taking place he was looting the corp hangers of EVERYTHING that wasn't bolted down.

We split everything evenly and ended up getting about 300 mil worth in stuff and liquid assets (not much, but still). After that, I parted ways with them saying that I needed a "bit of a break" (which was kinda true).

I haven't kept in touch with them... but I do check their KB from time to time. It seems they have taken a liking to low-sec piracy. Warms the heart to see that Cool
The Right Corp
#12 - 2011-09-12 16:48:36 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Wall of text...

And that was the day that said noob corp. learned that in EVE trust is spelled PARANOIA :)
Kumq uat
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2011-09-12 17:14:56 UTC
I have done a lot of despicable things in my day. I cannot say one is worse than the other but I do remember my first ever infiltration contract.

I had made an alt via Power of Two a long time ago and I was hired to infil an alliance down south many many many years ago. I worked my way through the ranks and became one of their chief logistics guys. Eventually the alliance that was going to invade the region that had hired me got the ball rolling and I flitted around to all of the key POS systems and shut them down, deactivated guns, pulled strontium, etc. That space changed hands real quick like heh.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-09-12 17:36:26 UTC
I logged in.

I made post.

daddys helper
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2011-09-12 17:52:11 UTC
its a tossup between all the fleet issue rifter contracts and the bogus quafe zero contracts Pirate

on the group level its when we scammed some poor recruit out of all his stuff.
it wasn't planned but when after saying some fairly boneheaded stuff and then trading everything he owned to our freighter pilot for transport without even a second thought we decided he just wasn't eve material yet alone corp material, so we cheerfully informed him he got robbed and booted him from corp and TS.
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#16 - 2011-09-12 18:28:36 UTC
I remember one time, when we decced a particularly active carebear corp, with the intent of destroying them for the lulz. These guys were in the process of moving everything they owned into a C3 wormhole with a static high-sec exit, and we spent several days chasing them as their wormhole entrance bounced around Empire space - predictably causing plenty of mayhem in the process. One evening, all of our carebear targets were offline, and we were telling racist jokes while camping the entrance to their C3 (we were bored and hoping someone would log in and hop through). One of my men came up with the brilliant idea to collapse the exit, which we immediately set about doing while laughing maniacally. A half hour or so later, and the wormhole exit was gone - in its place, we left an anchored Giant Secure Container named "Collapsed by Total Grief" - just so that they'd know we had been there. After that, we hit the sack, chuckling amongst ourselves at our mostly harmless prank.

The next day, our alt spy logged in to find a sea of tears in carebear corp chat. Turns out, that these guys didn't have a single scanning ship inside the wormhole after we collapsed the exit. They did however, have a large POS, and a Tengu pilot with +5 implants trapped inside. After a few days, their POS came under seige from someone else who found the wormhole, and the Tengu and +5 implants had been self destructed. We continued to destroy the carebears remaining in high-sec, and the CEO suicided his corp less than a week later.

Can I get a couple YARR's for this one? Twisted
Chiyeung Bonaparte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2011-09-12 18:33:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Chiyeung Bonaparte
I was on contract once and was in my taranis. I was able to pin down a WT mining barge.
I killed the ship and was able to point his pod. But before i pressed F1 to activate my weapons,
he sends me a message saying he'll pay me anything to not shoot him.

I just stared at the screen... and slowly moved my hand over to the F1 key... and pop. There went his pod... i felt pretty bad though
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#18 - 2011-09-12 21:02:41 UTC
I once convinced a player (who claimed to be a 14-year-old with Asperger's) to beg his grandmother into buying him PLEXes to sell so he would have isk for me to scam him out of.
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#19 - 2011-09-12 21:06:00 UTC
Brusanan wrote:
I once convinced a player (who claimed to be a 14-year-old with Asperger's) to beg his grandmother into buying him PLEXes to sell so he would have isk for me to scam him out of.

I like your style. EVE needs more bastards like you! Twisted
Darius III
Interstellar eXodus
The Initiative.
#20 - 2011-09-12 21:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Darius III
One time, I stole a seat on the CSM. True story.

Welcome back Lady Spank.

Another time I sniped page 2 in a bad people thread. Also my team and I killed over 1.2 Trillion Isk in Hisec ganks.

By the way Lady Spank: Thanks for the bump on Eve Tribune. They did the interview with me HERE


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