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Oceanus Feedback Thread

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Moor Deybe
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#81 - 2014-09-30 22:04:43 UTC
The cloaking effect looks decidedly 2D?

This effect is most obvious when the ship rotates due to changing course.
When viewed against a light background such as a nebula (as opposed to a black area of space) it looks very unfinished.Ugh

e.g. undock, zoom in on your ship and fly away from a bright nebula.
Rotate your camera so that you're now looking at your ship flying towards you with the bright nebula as the background.
Click in space on the bright nebula background and watch your ship rotate while its cloaked.

The hexagons don't actually move with the ship model, its like the ship outline is a 2D cookie cutter window through which a hexagonal cloaked pattern can be seen, making it appear that the hexagons are stationary in space, despite the ship rotating!!!

Worst still, while flying along cloaked, the hexagons will sometimes revert to the initial large hexagons that have no attempt at 3D ness at all and are merely plonked on the 2D ship outline, before they shimmer and revert to the smaller hexagons.

I have viewed this in DX9 and DX11 and there's no difference that I can see, so presumably this effect was intentional.

Anyway all these 2D effects on a 3D model is making me nostalgic for Blake's 7...........I must go and watch an episode. Smile

On the plus side, the new wormhole colours look very nice, and some of the nebulas in the C3s and C4s look stunning. Cool
Fix Lag
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2014-09-30 22:33:42 UTC
The new wormhole nebulae would be cool except that pretty much every system looks like a pale pinkish purple pastel experiment.

I don't like it.

CCP mostly sucks at their job, but Veritas is a pretty cool dude.

Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2014-09-30 22:40:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Naween
audio slider for the cloaking please.. so LOUD!!!

also since the cloak now has a cooldown timer showing around the module can we have the same for the micro jump drive modules pleaaaase!!

edit: oh appearently it has. i should have checked with my golem beforehand.. oops
Rena Monachica
Capital Hot Rods
#84 - 2014-09-30 23:05:07 UTC
I´m a bit unhappy that the Ishtar now looks like a german panzer.

Could you please change it back? The blue & black was much better
Nut Cullet
Diversity 101
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#85 - 2014-09-30 23:21:07 UTC
New meta module naming system is immature and childish. It looses all of it's SciFi depth.

Yes I'm sure all module will be renamed in this crappy way

ample 425mm rail gun - next ?

Ample heavy missile launcher - next ?

I have never played a game in all my gaming history with such crap module names -

I do not think it is ample enough that you rename all the modules- with such words - i will be unsubcribing all my 8 accounts if this goes on.

To play a proper game with module names

I'm English and i do not like how you have closed down all the other language channels ether - this social game - let ppl speak in the native languages and let them have there own rooms

Hal Morsh
#86 - 2014-09-30 23:24:45 UTC
Torgeir Hekard wrote:

Many people put fingers in a wall socket to see what happens.

I can confirm this... I didn't believe the bulb was burnt out and had to make sure.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#87 - 2014-09-30 23:49:40 UTC
There should be some concord boost as well to allow miners to be somewhat safer for mining against being attacked by CODE. they are exploiting the rules of engagement as well as several other rules they are breaking. I guess all I am saying make a mining barge with capital shields, armor, and hull to give miners a boost against gankers while concord demolishes them and we can just laugh, but there is no patch on pvp at all.

CSR Strategic Reserves
Citizen's Star Republic
#88 - 2014-10-01 00:05:45 UTC
Broly711 wrote:
There should be some concord boost as well to allow miners to be somewhat safer for mining against being attacked by CODE. they are exploiting the rules of engagement as well as several other rules they are breaking. I guess all I am saying make a mining barge with capital shields, armor, and hull to give miners a boost against gankers while concord demolishes them and we can just laugh, but there is no patch on pvp at all.


I'm an indy, and the last Skiff and Procurer buffs now make these ships Assault-class mining vessels. The Skiff in particular has a 65% kill ratio in ALL secs in Eve, and is steadily climbing. It has succeeded in killing proper fit cruisers 1v1.

Drop the tin barges and move into a REAL miner already. Don't complain: adapt and evolve.

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#89 - 2014-10-01 00:12:26 UTC
Broly711 wrote:
There should be some concord boost as well to allow miners to be somewhat safer for mining against being attacked by CODE. they are exploiting the rules of engagement as well as several other rules they are breaking. I guess all I am saying make a mining barge with capital shields, armor, and hull to give miners a boost against gankers while concord demolishes them and we can just laugh, but there is no patch on pvp at all.

Are you serious? Concord is not there to protect it is there to police up and revenge on out of control capsuleers that are treating things as mere tools for mayhem and murder.

Other than that you want a higher buff.....get A FREAKING ORCA, or a commad ship and provide the boosts nessecary for better defense for your fleet.

Or better yet get your fluff stuffed head out of your fluff stuffed carbear hole....back up your corp mates, get a combat ship or two....or make (force) your carebears to mission, practice fleet ops, and as in RL.....if your not willing to defend what you own or yourself....then you pretty much do not deserve it and have to follow the wishes and lead of others.

Besides....the drones bonuses with procs or better yet skiffs....have been turning these ships into PVP craft.

Adapt, or die.
Michael Ruckert
Hohere Kavallerie-Kommando
#90 - 2014-10-01 00:31:35 UTC
The Skiff in particular has a 65% kill ratio in ALL secs in Eve, and is steadily climbing. It has succeeded in killing improperly fitted cruisers 1v1.

Fixed that for you.

"No matter how well you perform there's always somebody of intelligent opinion who thinks it's lousy." - Laurence Olivier

CSR Strategic Reserves
Citizen's Star Republic
#91 - 2014-10-01 00:49:52 UTC
Michael Ruckert wrote:
The Skiff in particular has a 65% kill ratio in ALL secs in Eve, and is steadily climbing. It has succeeded in killing improperly fitted cruisers 1v1.

Fixed that for you.

I won't debate nit-picking here, my point is the same.
The Skiff is an assault-class mining ship.

Look at this guy's KB:

Think he's worried about gankers?

Kern Hotha
#92 - 2014-10-01 02:01:31 UTC
The UI changes are positive; particularly the module countdown timer.
The cloaking effect looks unfinished and unappealing to me.
The new module names are puzzlingly bad.

We distinguish the excellent man from the common man by saying that the former is the one who makes great demands upon himself, and the latter who makes no demands on himself.

Jose Ortega y Gasset (1883 - 1955)

Lucrii Dei
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#93 - 2014-10-01 02:28:34 UTC
Sound slider for the new cloaking sound effect please, I can barely hear anything else!

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Jaysen Larrisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#94 - 2014-10-01 03:07:01 UTC
Some nice visual features in the patch and I like the intent behind many of the updates but take serious issue with some of the execution.

1) Visuals with WH's are pretty it.

2) Station buttons are pretty neat...small but good addition.

3) I like the idea behind module tiericide but it seems a small bit hokey with the naming convention. Heck - just use the "named" versions but adjust the stats, i.e. "Arbalest" = Compact in the description but just keep the name.

4) Interdictor changes are pretty decent.

5) Serious issues with Interceptor changes....particularly the Crow and Malediction. Vastly would have preferred the taking a lighter touch and seeing if further changes were warranted in future updates. The Crow change was over the top - most stark trade-offs in fitting that I've seen in a long time - probably too far.

"Endless money forms the sinews of War" - Cicero

Biomassed - Dust & EVE Podcast

Twitter - @JaysynLarrissen

Shaax MacGruber
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2014-10-01 03:16:45 UTC
This is the exact update that I was afraid about. Let me explain.

CCP stated that they wanted to go to a new dynamic way of delivering content. Each new patch was gonna be something cool and we could look forward to it!

Is this something I got excited for?

My answer is no.

The reason being is that I feel as if CCP is using these new patches as sort of an excuse for underdelivery. They don't want us to see that they can't deliver on material every 6 months so they try and dupe us into thinking they are doing something by releasing minor patches and updates every 6 weeks, in the hopes that these patches will placate us.

EVERYTHING in this patch, should have already been in the game. I don't mind UI updates, but ffs release some sort of content. What is the actual content here, besides the module tieracide?

CCP is going to continue to release these kinds of contentless updates because we accept them.

Here is my take on the update:

1. The most major update imho: The cloak effect. This thing is cool in theory, and I like that they are trying something new with it. But it is way over the top and looks silly. When cloaking a cap, the light is blinding and too blocky looking.

2. Module tieracide. Cool, I'm glad you are doing this. However, It feels rushed and given about 30 minutes of thought between sobriety and a vodka and cigarette infused stupor. Like... when someone was taking a morning-glory dump and thought "hey, we'll call it this!" Then get drunk and remember about half of that thought.

3. UI updates. Cool, this should have already been in. I like them buuuuuut you seriously just utilized an ENTIRE update to launch your proposed UI updates!? Stuff that wasn't really that big of a deal in the first place? Minor QoL improvements that I personally feel as if they should have already been in the game.

4. Notifications. Thanks for delivering these on time...... "will be enabled a few days after the patch."..... lolwut? yeah sarcasm doesn't translate well on internet. my bad

5. Interceptor changes Meh. Since we're on the subject of ship balances. I'd like to see an orca fit strip miners. Or I'd like to see a mothership get bonuses to capital turrets. That'd be dope right?

Basically, I feel jipped and that this is the kind of update that insults the players. All the money that gets put into this game? Get your priorities straight and deliver us some damned content. Freshen this game up, enough of the baby steps, enough with not delivering content. Start addressing the real problems with this game. This update is not acceptable. I'm not quitting, I'm going to continue to play and fund this game because I've seen this company do some fantastic things. I will be more vocal about my thoughts, because I see this game going in the wrong direction.
Arthur Aihaken
#96 - 2014-10-01 03:51:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Constructive feedback. Things I like with the changes to cloaking:
• The new cool-down timer (dotted grey line) is an excellent addition, kudos!
• The phase-in/out aspect of the new cloaking effect looks slick

Things I neither like nor dislike:
• The new cloaking sound

Things I'm not a fan of:
• The cloaking effect when fully engaged. Granted, I'm running an older graphics card - but the cloak basically appears as a fixed grid of "u" shaped squares. It wouldn't be that bad if it actually rotated with the ship, but it appears as a flat texture that's just been applied to a 2D object as opposed to wrapped around a 3D object.

Suggestions for improvement:
• I like the new "shimmering" phased effect, but I think this should go back to the old (original) semi-translucent cloak when engaged. It certainly looked better from my perspective. And I did mess around with every possible graphics setting - but to no avail. That or this needs to go back for a second pass.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

The Night Watchmen
Goonswarm Federation
#97 - 2014-10-01 04:28:36 UTC
Wow, new paint jobs on ishkur / ishtar / sin look like crap!!! Gimme back the Black that was so cool about them...
Juliet DiMarco
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2014-10-01 04:52:38 UTC
I wasn't really excited about anything in this patch, and have posted elsewhere criticizing the direction module changes are taking. I had no idea you guys wasted resources ruining the aesthetics of the ishtar/ishkur until I undocked - major sad face.
Ned Black
#99 - 2014-10-01 05:58:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ned Black
Old topic:

Afterburners use more cap


Appears as if it may have just been a EFT bug.
Shiva Furnace
#100 - 2014-10-01 07:31:13 UTC
Wormholes look great (the holes, nebulas are a bit meh and have issues with recognition)!

D-scan change is great, and EFT import/export is just awesome.