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TVP Propaganda Machine Hoodwinks Incursion Runners in Recent Drama?

First post
#21 - 2014-09-29 11:08:26 UTC
As an aside, I flew with Summer. Can't remember if it was their FC or a group before Summer, but one of the FC's was very good. Wish i could remember his name, too long ago :-(
ImaBaus Sukarala
Daytripper Dynamic Enterprises Inc.
#22 - 2014-09-29 13:16:24 UTC
God I wish we could just round up a bunch of corps, start a high sec conglomerate, and pay someone like NOIR to make the TvP's life miserable. I'm not saying they don't have a reason to be miffed, but taking it out on the community en masse is messed up. Keep in mind I am a new player (I've been playing for two months now). I literally just finished training and fitting out my incursion alt just in time for this drama to start. I just want to make some ISK, can't we all just get along????
Seraphiel Angelica
Advanced Engineering and Research Division
#23 - 2014-09-29 14:14:31 UTC
TVP do not play well with others.
Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#24 - 2014-09-29 14:35:18 UTC
I left ISN when all the mom popping started the very first time a few years ago.

Here's the situation:

1. TVP gets contested and loses.

2. ISN follows them to every site they go to and beat them basically every time.

3. TVP gets p!ssed and pops the mom.

4. ISN assumes their going to do it again so they contest the mom or pop it themselves.

5. TVP rage pops moms so ISN is shut down entirely.

The exact same situation has repeated itself about 3 or 4 times throughout the years.

The TLDR from a set of uncaring, unbiased eyes:

TVP takes new players and is less efficient. ISN trolls them. TVP gets mad. Everyone suffers.

On a more personal note, I laughed my ass off while we were rofl stomping TVP in HQ sites. I also felt TVP was justified for rage popping the moms, I'd be p!ssed too.

Both parties are at fault, both are acting like kids playing a video game, its all legit in EVE, let the drama continue.

Not today spaghetti.

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#25 - 2014-09-29 15:26:19 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
PopplerRo wrote:

DeMichael Crimson wrote:

What I find interesting now is the fact that during the DDoS attacks, ISN didn't get disconnected and used the attacks to steal a bunch of loot from destroyed player ships, then when everyone came back on line, gloated and bragged about it in local chat.

ISN did lose ships, substantially more valuable than tvp's. And yes ISN must be devs how else could they log in if no one else could.
T20 mk2

You do realize how a DDoS attack works right? Just because one group of players got DC'd doesn't mean all players get DC'd. It all depends on how the DDoS attack was orchestrated and what it targeted on the network. I've seen players DC during these while I was fine, and then have the situation reverse during the next event. Put the tinfoil hattery away.

All ISN did was take advantage of a bad situation. Was it right? Maybe, maybe not. Who cares? It is just spaceship pixels. Once you start taking this game too seriously, then maybe it is time to step away from it for awhile.
First of all, if the situation was reversed both of you would obviously care and probably be demanding restitution.

Secondly, how do you know ISN suffered a lot more loss than TVP did from the DDoS attacks? The statements seem to indicate differently. Please link your proof.

Anyway it doesn't really matter. Obviously the server wasn't operating correctly so consequently that should negate any loss or gains acquired during that time for everyone game wide. Yes I agree this is a game. Games have rules and this one has rules against exploitation. Plain and simple, ISN exploited the situation when the server was under DDoS attack.

Personally I don't give a rats arse what either of you say. There's been way too many shady backroom deals done in this game to ignore so don't tell me to put the tinfoil hattery away. Now if you believe otherwise, then you're really naive. Seems to me you're the ones who need to step back from the game for a while.


I never said ISN suffered any loss. Someone else said that. I said ISN took advantage of the situation. If I was in that situation where I could go in and complete the site and take the loot that was left, then I would. There is nothing in the game mechanics that prevent you from looting other people's wrecks, except for the risk of going suspect. If a person is willing to take that risk, then so be it.

BTW, my first paragraph is illustrating a generalized situation I have seen while flying in a non-incursion fleet.

I don't do Incursions anymore. I find them more boring than mining.

Kamii OhnoKazii
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#26 - 2014-09-29 19:59:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kamii OhnoKazii
If you are tried, or just bored, The Vanguard Project is out on the Goins Island, their VG fleet is a ripe target for anyone wishing to vent some frustration... and no loot will be returned.

The incursion fits are easy to find on their website, and even modifications of such (extra tank for the paranoid, or stupid [logi w/o a brain] are easy to figure out also... so EFT the fits for optimal damage and all is almost as easy as a barge kill, e.g. not hard.

Ships often used are Talos and Tornado, but getting inventive can be exciting and fun also, and that should always factor into such situations, because if your not having fun and someone else is, you have it backwards.

Also as a nice plus three is loot, and some of it can be green, blue and if even some purple at times. A good hit on a VG should give you some nice swag.

You have a good amount of time on grid to target and strike so don't worry about the rats, they are just "Santa's little loot making helpers" when you hit grid, use them to full advantage... your will want to tackle the logi use a MWD and a bunch of webs, they fit ABs so no worries about scram, once stopped they are very dead... once they are off, the BS can either jump grid or try to work it, but they will jump off, then just try to get at least a couple to go down to the rats... you really don't have to do much here but try you best to keep them on grid until they are locked up... chaos should be enjoyable, then scoop loot.

IF they should try to come and get it - take out any OGB (another good target) and any orca you see - much loot there... and many a raging will follow.

Ventures are often used to run ore... the ore is worth 1M per stack of 255... so if you have a cat around, you can always take that also.
#27 - 2014-09-29 21:54:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarpedo
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm). From the look of things ISN now isn't any more of incursion community than TEST for example - TEST also makes 0 ISK/month from incursions.

If incursions (and income from them) were actual points of ISN's existence then they'd reform and start to farm weeks ago but instead they prove on daily basis money isn't their goal, they look like dedicated griefing company rather than a business - and as long as they'll continue to provoke TVP I'll support TVP's sanctions (anyway I can make ISK in TVP fleets out of ISN's prime time hehe)

p.s. dear devs, how about 6-12 hours incursion respawn time instead of 12-36 hours?
Kamii OhnoKazii
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#28 - 2014-09-29 23:36:33 UTC
Tarpedo wrote:
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm). From the look of things ISN now isn't any more of incursion community than TEST for example - TEST also makes 0 ISK/month from incursions.

If incursions (and income from them) were actual points of ISN's existence then they'd reform and start to farm weeks ago but instead they prove on daily basis money isn't their goal, they look like dedicated griefing company rather than a business - and as long as they'll continue to provoke TVP I'll support TVP's sanctions (anyway I can make ISK in TVP fleets out of ISN's prime time hehe)

p.s. dear devs, how about 6-12 hours incursion respawn time instead of 12-36 hours?

I wouldn't count them out. The inside joke about this drama is "TVP: The Vacation Project" - ISN is still very much alive, and people are just relaxing if they don't need the ISK, and the few that might need it or want to fly are flying with every other community and adding to their ISK per hour with shiney fits... say what you will about ISN if you are a hater, they run good fleets and the pilots know their ****... I have seen that ISN pilots get a immediate pick-up in fleets wanting to make ISK in an evening... before, as they say "the TVPricks pop the mom again".

ISN is a band of people who run fleets and then there is a secondary that are in and out, but the primary... very, very much alive and relaxing it out.... sorry Juli, but fail again... hehe.
Vahalla La
Rainbow Knights
#29 - 2014-09-30 07:46:43 UTC
Kamii OhnoKazii wrote:
Tarpedo wrote:
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm). From the look of things ISN now isn't any more of incursion community than TEST for example - TEST also makes 0 ISK/month from incursions.

If incursions (and income from them) were actual points of ISN's existence then they'd reform and start to farm weeks ago but instead they prove on daily basis money isn't their goal, they look like dedicated griefing company rather than a business - and as long as they'll continue to provoke TVP I'll support TVP's sanctions (anyway I can make ISK in TVP fleets out of ISN's prime time hehe)

p.s. dear devs, how about 6-12 hours incursion respawn time instead of 12-36 hours?

I wouldn't count them out. The inside joke about this drama is "TVP: The Vacation Project" - ISN is still very much alive, and people are just relaxing if they don't need the ISK, and the few that might need it or want to fly are flying with every other community and adding to their ISK per hour with shiney fits... say what you will about ISN if you are a hater, they run good fleets and the pilots know their ****... I have seen that ISN pilots get a immediate pick-up in fleets wanting to make ISK in an evening... before, as they say "the TVPricks pop the mom again".

ISN is a band of people who run fleets and then there is a secondary that are in and out, but the primary... very, very much alive and relaxing it out.... sorry Juli, but fail again... hehe.

As a fellow primary member I agree 100% relaxing is for sure the term I would use, ISN fleets are easier than ever before to get into.
De ZuuuberrMan
Wasted and Still Mining
#30 - 2014-09-30 13:00:11 UTC  |  Edited by: De ZuuuberrMan
Cipher Jones wrote:
Summer community was actually dead before ISN began doing HQ sites

They were quite alive when ISN started contesting every site and popping moms.

summer died well before the original incursion nerf Isn wernt doing hqs (really), unless you mean specific members and not a community, Both however had the same mentality of winning at all costs.

It would be nice tho if we could just kill them all as they spawn instead of waiting until the same tz everyday for them to die, it'd give everyone a chance to say moms gonna mom

Polaris Fleet Neva 4gt
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2014-09-30 16:12:00 UTC
Tarpedo wrote:
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm).

This just in: Vanguards and Assaults exist in Incursions, and can be done easier than HQ sites!

So, I guess it's [i/]not[/i] "~0 ISK/month income rate", as you say. There's other things that they can do, and they may have been doing just that.

Look, TVP clearly has some issues going on. While TVP is trying to play as the saviors of the Incursion community, fighting against the big bad dragon that is ISN, they have gone off the deep end at this point, and it's more out of narcissism than anything else. I mean, I'm not even sure they believe their own propaganda at this point.

Tell me, who supports TVP's actions publicly? What community as a whole has come out and said, "We support TVP's attempts to raise awareness of their collective autism!"? Every community leader I have talked to has publicly stated that they don't support this TVP-ISN drama, much as no one has supported the TVP-DIN drama before, or the ISN-DIN drama, or whatever-the-hell-drama the past few years.

Helix doesn't support it. WTM doesn't support it. DIN doesn't support it. I mean, I'm just listing off the three that come to mind, but even when I do I'm sure there are a lot more who haven't supported it, at all. And no, TVP: making claims of "this group supports us in private" doesn't count, because they don't have the balls to put themselves in front of a wardec for their convictions.

So what does that leave us with? It leaves us, quite simply, with a bunch of petulant children who have been given the smallest inkling of power, and they are looking to capitalize on it. But in all honesty, I'm alright with it, for a little bit. After all, Helix Incursions has been running some great sites the past few months, and while the community-at-large has been impacted, Helix has not been, and there have been a number of players who have joined us, swelling our numbers so we can run HQs ourselves! So, thanks TVP! You helped out our community in a manner I'm sure was unintended.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#32 - 2014-10-01 03:36:51 UTC
Also, for the point of losses, ISN lost a couple ships, which is why noble was in the site scooping loot at all. He scooped said loot medium close to the deadline for recovery as well.

Now, if you are a known face in incursions, or have talk to one frequently, ask them to go ask about the mails from the incident that kicked it off in TVP. Just make sure you are willing to take a ban for it, as I know several pilots who were banned for asking for the mails. Then ask in ISN. ISN's losses, while not a matter of fairly public record like WTM with their publicly accessible SRP mailing list, have been documented on this incident, and I will vouch that timestamps match up with the time of the DCs.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#33 - 2014-10-01 03:43:09 UTC
Anya Klibor wrote:
Tarpedo wrote:
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm).

Helix doesn't support it. WTM doesn't support it. DIN doesn't support it. I mean, I'm just listing off the three that come to mind, but even when I do I'm sure there are a lot more who haven't supported it, at all.

Unfortunately, at least one person named charadrass has posted publicly that DIN does support it.

Helix is officially neutral, with FCs and pilots allowed to speak their conscience, per Aeon. And while I don't speak entirely for helix, I do know you do NOT.

This all said, I'm pretty bummed about it personally, as traveling cuts into my BSing and drinking time.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Seraphiel Angelica
Advanced Engineering and Research Division
#34 - 2014-10-01 14:05:17 UTC
James Baboli wrote:
Anya Klibor wrote:
Tarpedo wrote:
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm).

Helix doesn't support it. WTM doesn't support it. DIN doesn't support it. I mean, I'm just listing off the three that come to mind, but even when I do I'm sure there are a lot more who haven't supported it, at all.

Unfortunately, at least one person named charadrass has posted publicly that DIN does support it.

Helix is officially neutral, with FCs and pilots allowed to speak their conscience, per Aeon. And while I don't speak entirely for helix, I do know you do NOT.

This all said, I'm pretty bummed about it personally, as traveling cuts into my BSing and drinking time.

Everyone knows that Charadrass is a bit weird and got this hard on for ISN ever since he was asked to leave/kicked out of the community. So everything against ISN, Carandrass approves, good thing too that he isn't speaking for the entire DIN community.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#35 - 2014-10-01 18:30:54 UTC
Seraphiel Angelica wrote:
James Baboli wrote:
Anya Klibor wrote:
Tarpedo wrote:
For me it's amazing how TVP is still consider ISN an entity and "incursion community" despite ISN's newest ~0 ISK/month (!) income rate (more than a month passed since their last effective HQ farm).

Helix doesn't support it. WTM doesn't support it. DIN doesn't support it. I mean, I'm just listing off the three that come to mind, but even when I do I'm sure there are a lot more who haven't supported it, at all.

Unfortunately, at least one person named charadrass has posted publicly that DIN does support it.

Helix is officially neutral, with FCs and pilots allowed to speak their conscience, per Aeon. And while I don't speak entirely for helix, I do know you do NOT.

This all said, I'm pretty bummed about it personally, as traveling cuts into my BSing and drinking time.

Everyone knows that Charadrass is a bit weird and got this hard on for ISN ever since he was asked to leave/kicked out of the community. So everything against ISN, Carandrass approves, good thing too that he isn't speaking for the entire DIN community.

While he may or may not have the authority, it is still a well known DIN FC posting in such a manner as to try and put the full weight of the community behind it. Until or unless someone else from DIN either posts to forums or makes it plain, the best that can be said from DIN supporting it/not supporting it is that many of their pilots and such don't like it, but the only official post I have seen is Chara.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#36 - 2014-10-02 16:05:58 UTC
I was definitely flying with Summer in their chan When ISN started contesting, then popping moms. *After* ISN started popping moms then TVP started following suit.

TBPFH you can dig up the old threads about it if you want.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Menero Orti
OnixMedia Ltd.
#37 - 2014-10-02 21:54:28 UTC
Do you really think people will let TVP dictate there gameplay?
Angry Angels Constructions
Goonswarm Federation
#38 - 2014-10-02 22:11:15 UTC
Here we see the classical Incursion drama in its typical environment.

If you don't move and hide right here, we might see a small and fluffy ISN running over there!
Oh look! Aiesenus Propagandus, a very common species here! And what a beautiful one!

The Aiesenus Propagandus is mostly found around the mating area of the bigger Noblus Rangi, a big and hairy species which immigrated from the southern (now India) parts of the world to the north during evolution, you could compare them with a Bison probably.

Also look carefully out for the rare Popplerus Popplero Popplus, a mostly night-active moth, which uses the excrements of Aiesenus Propagandus to lay its eggs.

Nature is a beautiful thing, but let us no longer disturb the Family of Incursiona retarda. Out of the thick forest, in the higher grass we can find the Revenantus Carrius Importus, always looking for new areas with fresh grass, it'll stay about 3-6 days in the same place before moving on.
So having this one already here, the Valhallus Walrussus Tivipius can't be far looking for its natural prey.

It didn't even take long! But what is that? A hurt Noblus Rangi is feeding off the corpse another Valhallus left behind. Very interesting, I didn't think of them as scavengers! New science results... We should end our Safari here.
Angry Germans
#39 - 2014-10-02 22:26:50 UTC
We support the Incursion closing till ISN stops forming HQ.
We even support TVP in numbers for mom fleets if we're in the same focus.

so yes. there is drama, but we dont care.
noble ranger is currently paying pilots to join the HQfleet to get pilots together to force TVP to close it.
ISN FCs currently prefer flying vanguards or assaults to make money, Noble Ranger is the only FC trying to get an HQ up to cut his own pilots off the income.

dear isn pilots, if you like making isk with incursions, stay in vanguards / assaults or join another fleet.
everytime ISN HQ undocks, the incursion will die.
Menero Orti
OnixMedia Ltd.
#40 - 2014-10-02 23:23:35 UTC
Charadrass wrote:
We support the Incursion closing till ISN stops forming HQ.
We even support TVP in numbers for mom fleets if we're in the same focus.

so yes. there is drama, but we dont care.
noble ranger is currently paying pilots to join the HQfleet to get pilots together to force TVP to close it.
ISN FCs currently prefer flying vanguards or assaults to make money, Noble Ranger is the only FC trying to get an HQ up to cut his own pilots off the income.

dear isn pilots, if you like making isk with incursions, stay in vanguards / assaults or join another fleet.
everytime ISN HQ undocks, the incursion will die.

Please go back to you're cave. Nobody wants you here with you're ideas that Noble is "paying" ISN pilots to come do HQ sites. And frankly this can be dragged for a VERY VERY long time and this isn't even the beginning on what can actually happen ... so relax go outside and enjoy the outdoors cos we don't play Incursions Online