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jEveAssets 4.1.2 (2017-06-07)

First post
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#81 - 2011-11-23 14:02:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Golden Gnu
@Scrapyard Bob
Just update your accounts once and set the corp again. And it should work forever...
It's due to all corp accounts having the id of the char it was created with...

If it worked before, it was luck AKA because the corp was in the list before the char that created the account...

It's not the list you see in the GUI (As that is sorted alphabetically before it's shown)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

R3D Gaterau
#82 - 2011-11-30 16:56:38 UTC

first I love your tool, but with the update it's not starting up anymore. :( It stucks at "Loading DATA".

I got win7 64-bit and the newest java installed.

Would be great if u could help me.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#83 - 2011-12-01 11:08:29 UTC
@R3D Gaterau
Please check the readme.txt for information about how to submit a bug report.

I'll be releasing a new version very soon with the static data updated to Crucible and some new features.
It might fix or it might not - It's impossible to say without the log file...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#84 - 2011-12-01 15:36:36 UTC
jEveAssets 1.9.2 (Crucible 1.0.0)

New Features:
-Stockpile: Use table menu to edit items
-Stockpile: Remember collapsed/expanded state when updating
-Stockpile: Now sort by group before name
-Stockpile: Assets focus (Optional)
-Stockpile: Color coding (Optional)
-Stockpile: Performance optimization

Bug Fixes:
-Stockpile: Items can be added twice

-Static data updated to Crucible 1.0.0

Mac version will be released when it's done...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

R3D Gaterau
#85 - 2011-12-01 15:58:30 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:
@R3D Gaterau
Please check the readme.txt for information about how to submit a bug report.

I'll be releasing a new version very soon with the static data updated to Crucible and some new features.
It might fix or it might not - It's impossible to say without the log file...

Sry about that. Next time I'll check the readme first. :)

The update fixed the problem so thanks alot.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#86 - 2011-12-01 16:31:34 UTC
@R3D Gaterau
Doing it wrong is much better then not doing it at all...
Anyway, now it's fixed. so, no worries, I guess :)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#87 - 2011-12-01 17:19:52 UTC
So much awesome in this release with regards to stockpiles. Thank you once again.

(does happy Snoopy dance)
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#88 - 2011-12-01 18:19:02 UTC
@Scrapyard Bob
Well it's all your suggestions, so all credit to you really...

I would love to hear if it's still slow?

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Radon Blue
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#89 - 2011-12-04 06:32:33 UTC
I've dl'd the latest version, updated java and I get stuck at the loading GUI screen. I'm running win 7. Any help to get this program up and running would be greatly appreciated.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#90 - 2011-12-04 11:16:09 UTC
@Radon Blue
jEveAssets output all errors to a log file.
Without it, it's impossible to say what is wrong.
You can find all the information about how to find the log file and sending to me in the readme.txt.
I really hope you take the time to submit the log file, so I can fix the bug ASAP.

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#91 - 2011-12-04 11:36:49 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:
@Scrapyard Bob
Well it's all your suggestions, so all credit to you really...

I would love to hear if it's still slow?

Performance is very good at the moment, definitely a lot faster then before on the Stockpile page.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#92 - 2011-12-04 11:49:00 UTC
@Scrapyard Bob
That is good :)

Thank you for pointing out it was slow... :)
It was very easy to find the problem with the netbeans profiler :)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#93 - 2011-12-10 03:05:26 UTC
Is it possible, in the assets/stock list that if an item is inside a container within a particular station tab, that the item record's "Flag" field still reports "CorpSAG#" or "Hangar" instead of "None"?
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#94 - 2011-12-10 11:02:31 UTC
@Scrapyard Bob
I hope I understand you correct, I had a hard time understanding the question...

If an item is in a "station container" the flag will always be: "Unlocked" or "Locked" AFAIK.
It's the only containers I own, so it's the only one I can comment on...

If you want everything inside an office use:

[Container] [Contains] "Office #"

[Owner] "All"
[Flag] "All"
[Container] "Office #"

If you want a specific container in an office:

[Container] [Equals] "Office # > Station Container #"

[Owner] "All"
[Flag] "All"
[Container] "Office # > Station Container #"

Stockpile always use "contains" for containers. So it will always include sub containers...

If my reply did not answer your question, please ask again...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#95 - 2011-12-10 13:34:40 UTC
Sorry, I'll try to explain that a bit more. The issue arises because I have a corporate office, with multiple containers inside, which contain things that I want to track as a group, but I only want to see those within a specific corporate hangar tab. I don't want to count things in a different corporate tab.

Corporate Hangar
- Tab #1
-- Container A
-- Container B
-- Container C
Tab #2
-- Container D
-- Container E

If the items were lying on the floor of tab #1, they would get tagged with a flag field of "Hangar". But as soon as they get put inside container A, their flag changes to "None". Same thing happens to items in the 2nd corporate tab; they would normally have a flag of "CorpSAG2" but as soon as they enter the container those item rows end up with a flag of "None".

If I want to create a stockpile that tracks Tab #2 contents, I'm kind of stuck because I can either look for items on the floor of that tab (CorpSAG2) or I have to create one stockpile per container. I can't have a stockpile that looks at both the items in Tab #2 and also looks inside all the containers within Tab #2. And I'm stuck using multiple containers, because you can't put more then 1000 items into a single container (and I have > 1000 singletons).

So I'm not sure whether you can adjust the flag field on-the-fly to inherit from the container's parent.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#96 - 2011-12-11 09:43:00 UTC
@Scrapyard Bob
Yes, that is a problem. I don't know how to fix it properly.

I see 4 solutions:
1) Replace the flag (I'm not to keen on this, as the "None" flag is still valid)
2) Add corporation hangars to the container field: Office # > CorpSAG2 > Container #
3) Automatically accept child items of items with flag selected. (More or less the same as 2)
4) Make the stockpile use saved assets filters (Not a direct solution)

I think 2 or 3 is the best solution. What do you think?

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#97 - 2011-12-11 15:02:31 UTC
I see #3 being the better choice. It makes sense that if an item's owner is within a particular corporate tab, that the contents of that container should also show up in the stockpile.

It would allow me to setup a stockpile which looks at a particular corporate tab's contents, without being blinded to stuff that has been sorted into containers for more organization / auditing.

Would this fix also affect the asset list tab? As in I could now create an asset search that shows me everything within a particular corporate tab, even if the stuff is inside a container?
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#98 - 2011-12-12 09:23:02 UTC
@Scrapyard Bob
#2 would work on the asset tab as well:
[Container] [Contains] "Office # > CorpSAG2"

#3 Would only work for the stockpile tab

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Midge Mo'yb
State War Academy
Caldari State
#99 - 2011-12-12 11:36:17 UTC
just an fyi, this works perfect on osx lion :)
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#100 - 2011-12-12 11:48:50 UTC
@Midge Mo'yb
Thank you :)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"