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Higher PLEX = death of certain gaming styles?

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Altirius Saldiaro
#21 - 2014-09-16 17:37:47 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
A year ago PLEX was "only" 500-600M. Today it's about 800m. However, isk/hr from most activities remain the same. I thought about re-subbing my dormant alt account, but if PLEX rises 30%+ each year, I don't see much point.

Multi-boxing and alt accounts will become prohibitively expensive later on. I'm wondering if higher PLEX prices are forcing people out of the game, and perhaps might explain why Eve's online population is back at 2008 levels?

Yes it is. When plex was around 400m, I ran with 8 accounts. I made enough from missions alone to plex 2-3 accounts and still have plenty of game time in the month for pvp and other activities. However, now I only have 2 accounts and dont bother doing any pve to earn plex. I just pay ccp to add time to my accounts. If I have to earn enough isk in game to plex now, it's just not worth playing because PVE in EVE is so damn boring that it's no longer playing. Rather its just working to plex an account to do it all over again next month.

If I need isk, I just buy a plex from ccp, sell it in game, and proceed to enjoy the game.
Jax Kazen
#22 - 2014-09-16 17:49:13 UTC
Interestingly, if you think about who this impacts the most, it actually would benefit the same people.

So if we are saying that Plex prices will affect people with alt accounts, who traditionally has the most alt accounts? Miners. So as miners have less alts, mineral supply starts to choke. As mineral supply chokes, the cost per unit increases. As cost per unit increases, miners profit more per unit (though overall probably stay about the same total income as they are supplying less units to market).

The people who will be pinched will be non-miners as price per unit increases but resources required to build remain constant. Losses will start to matter more as cost per loss will increase. People ganking miners will actually be hurting themselves as it will further constrain the market driving prices up.

So long and short, if Plex prices are truly reducing alts, it's probably a good time to speculate in minerals. Especially the high risk ones.
Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#23 - 2014-09-16 18:03:28 UTC
I pay rl cash for 1 account and usually plex 4 others. I let acct #4 sit out this month because I had just sold the last toon on it and already have a couple more "in the hopper" on other accts and TBH I cba to fool with yet another one right now. Maybe next month.

There are means of making ISK that are largely protected from / immune to inflation. The method I use is a lot simpler with 2 accounts but can certainly be done with 1. If you think about a list of the relatively more common ways people make money in Eve, it's probably on that list. Not trying to sound cryptic but I'd like to help without flat out instantly turning you into a competitor Cool

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#24 - 2014-09-16 18:17:32 UTC
PLEX were even higher last month.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#25 - 2014-09-16 18:24:14 UTC
Everytime a PLEX thread opens a kitten is fed into that Iceland volcano with a really long name to appease the angry forum gods.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#26 - 2014-09-16 18:32:30 UTC
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
A year ago PLEX was "only" 500-600M. Today it's about 800m. However, isk/hr from most activities remain the same. I thought about re-subbing my dormant alt account, but if PLEX rises 30%+ each year, I don't see much point.

Multi-boxing and alt accounts will become prohibitively expensive later on. I'm wondering if higher PLEX prices are forcing people out of the game, and perhaps might explain why Eve's online population is back at 2008 levels?

Yes it is. When plex was around 400m, I ran with 8 accounts. I made enough from missions alone to plex 2-3 accounts and still have plenty of game time in the month for pvp and other activities. However, now I only have 2 accounts and dont bother doing any pve to earn plex. I just pay ccp to add time to my accounts. If I have to earn enough isk in game to plex now, it's just not worth playing because PVE in EVE is so damn boring that it's no longer playing. Rather its just working to plex an account to do it all over again next month.

If I need isk, I just buy a plex from ccp, sell it in game, and proceed to enjoy the game.

Nothing wrong with any of that but if you use pve to earn isk for plex and the price of plex "catches up" to the point where it turns into a grind, then it's time to modify how you make isk (that is if you want to keep plexing).

Back when plex was 450 mil or so, I kept my 4 accounts up but ratting with a Vindicator and 2 FoF heavy missile Tengus on Alts. it was a nasty slaughter, back then Forsaken Hubs didn't have frigates. All together I think my highest take was 250 mil isk per hour sustained not counting Faction Commander spawns and escalations.

And CCP saw-eth this, and said it was bad, and they did then nerf-ith they hell out of Forsaken Hubs, heavy missiles and tracking enhancers. Plex kept going up and my ability to easily rake in isk for plexes went down. Even today still doable but mech, can't be arsed.

Nowadays i use the same characters to roflstomp faction warfare missions in a small personal stealth bomber swarm, I have 2 of those same characters in a wormhole corp that does those monstrous cap escalations, and I keep a number of carriers in lvl 5 mission hubs (so I don't have to cyno around) to do lvl 5 missions. If the pve doesn't pay at least 350 mil an hour (ie 1 plex in less than 3 hours), I don't do it lol.

When plex hit's 2 bil then i'll freaking sub, not before hashtag LineInTheSand.
Net 7
#27 - 2014-09-16 18:49:07 UTC
*bangs head into wall*

why did you not search? there are 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000 threads whining about plex, the answer is the same:

Plex prices are set by players NOT ccp

No ccp should not do anything

If you want plexs to fall buy a boat load and sell for cheapers then whats on the market. OR buy that's all on the market and resell for a loss.

Don't want to do that? then oh well too bad for you.

I can make the isk for a plex in 3 hours of gameplay if I focus. Yes.. 3 hours. No I am not shuddering, yes THREE HOURS. if it takes you longer you are doing it wrong

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Net 7
#28 - 2014-09-16 18:56:08 UTC
but to answer, yes I am sure some game play was effected. People who wanted cheap alts no longer have cheap alts. I have a 4th account i'm prolly not gonna renew cause I can't be assed to fork out the isk. And I decided that what I was gonna use it for is not gonna work the way I wanted. So i'll spend iskies on ships to lose instead of a plex. But getting isk for plex with a little focus is easy, you can do that in a c4 in about 3 hours, will cost you about 3b isk to start though.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#29 - 2014-09-16 19:05:23 UTC
Even if you cant do it in a day or two, if you break it down, a plex takes appx 26M isk per day, give or take. That's still CHEAP, man. Yeah when I started playing a whle back they were like 550, but what most people (and probably you) experience is more akin to "sticker shock" than it is you actually breaking down how much and how easy you can make that money.

26M isk per day, you can do it man, I believe! I believe!!!!

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#30 - 2014-09-16 19:28:09 UTC
Eve is dying.


You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#31 - 2014-09-16 19:50:17 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
8 hours of level 4 missions in highsec.....

I would rather pierce my own testicle with a rusty framing nail and an undersized hammer.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#32 - 2014-09-16 19:51:28 UTC
Simple - just unsub all your alt accounts. Run single account like I do and it's a joke to make your monthly Plex.
Malkav Rengrave
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2014-09-16 20:12:05 UTC
leich wrote:
If you want plex prices to go down.

Spend all of your hard on cash on plex.

Sell on the market.

if you invest enough real life isk the plex price will go down.

problem solved.

OMG space whores are planning to make PLEX prices plummet!

Get a job, pay a sub, sell PLEX on occasion for ISK, have fun... did I miss anything?
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-09-16 20:14:46 UTC
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Even if you cant do it in a day or two, if you break it down, a plex takes appx 26M isk per day, give or take. That's still CHEAP, man. Yeah when I started playing a whle back they were like 550, but what most people (and probably you) experience is more akin to "sticker shock" than it is you actually breaking down how much and how easy you can make that money.

26M isk per day, you can do it man, I believe! I believe!!!!

The real "issue" is people wait for the last ~3 days and then realise they have to grind a PLEX NOW! .It's stupid to do so but I'm pretty sure it's the reason why people ***** so much about it.
Net 7
#35 - 2014-09-16 20:15:21 UTC  |  Edited by: DaReaper

3 alts in tengu's (initial investment for ships around 1.5-2b give or take)

Each month find a c3.

3 RR tengu's can run any site in a c3 in 10 min. You make around 36m per site in blue loot, more if you get nano ribbons.

800m/36m = 22 sites. 22 sites X 10 min a site = 220 min. 220min/60min = 3.6 hours.

will be way less with nano ribbons. So in 3 nd 1.2 hours you have your plex. Repeat for a week and you can fund 7 accounts with money left over.

total for the 3 accounts is ~12 hours

split 12hours up over 30 days and you can run 30min a day and be fine.

That's just one method, there are others.

Also in the same wh, with 3 alts at max pi you can next around 2b a month doing high tech manufacturing. that pays for 3 accounts and fuel for a small tower for the entire month. and you just spend about 30 min a day moving crap around.

honestly people, its NOT that hard

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2014-09-16 20:41:07 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
A year ago PLEX was "only" 500-600M. Today it's about 800m. However, isk/hr from most activities remain the same. I thought about re-subbing my dormant alt account, but if PLEX rises 30%+ each year, I don't see much point.

Multi-boxing and alt accounts will become prohibitively expensive later on. I'm wondering if higher PLEX prices are forcing people out of the game, and perhaps might explain why Eve's online population is back at 2008 levels?

The point is moot. As long as the price is going up, it means the activities people aprticipate in still supply a surplus of income. Once it reaches a point where PLEX isnt moving fast enough due to not enough people wanting to pay the price, their price will fall, its supply/demand equilibrium, PLEX wont just keep going up forever, it WILL find a spot where the players actively involved in both sides of the equation find it at the edge of their acceptable limit.
#37 - 2014-09-16 20:52:11 UTC
That's because eve is not a free to play game, and people should stop saying silly things like "you can play for free!!".
Miyammato Musashi
Freeport Exploration
Loosely Affiliated Pirates Alliance
#38 - 2014-09-16 21:00:59 UTC
If I were CCP I would buy up all the PLEX on the market with confiscated ISK and keep the prices high to drive sales. ...than of course reprocess the PLEX.

Big smile

I am a meat popsicle. 

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2014-09-16 21:05:03 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
A year ago PLEX was "only" 500-600M. Today it's about 800m. However, isk/hr from most activities remain the same. I thought about re-subbing my dormant alt account, but if PLEX rises 30%+ each year, I don't see much point.

Multi-boxing and alt accounts will become prohibitively expensive later on. I'm wondering if higher PLEX prices are forcing people out of the game, and perhaps might explain why Eve's online population is back at 2008 levels?
What does your dormant alt account do in-game?

In other words, should other players care, content-wise, if you re-sub him or not?

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Goonswarm Federation
#40 - 2014-09-16 21:07:05 UTC
Kaivar Lancer wrote:
Multi-boxing and alt accounts will become prohibitively expensive later on.

One can only hope so, maybe that will put an end to the lunacy of having 50 Exhumers controlled by one person.

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