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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Bohneik Itohn
#21 - 2014-06-14 18:11:17 UTC
All of this fuss about interceptors being OP got me curious. since if we follow internet logic any ship that solo kills an interceptor is even more OP than the interceptor.

Looking at the various killboard losses for interceptors it's easy to find ships ranging from T1 frigates, destroyers, cruisers and battlecruisers, to other interceptors, police and pirate frigates, assault frigs, T2 and T3 cruisers... The list goes on...

So clearly we need to either buff inty's or nerf everything below BS's, because that's how Eve works. Roll

Wait, CCP kills kittens now too?!  - Freyya

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Dead New
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-09-12 16:58:40 UTC
Im a null sec player, who is inevitably forced into flying ceptors as they are the final word in catching and killing anything outside of blue balls and gate camps.

I dont like it, they are OP for what they are.

If your going to make other role ships use slots for thier unique abilities then why not the interceptors?

Cov Ops have cloaks, ECM have thier various modules, T3s have thier sub systems.

Why not introduce a similar module for interceptors, reasonably heavy on thier resources that they do not have effective tanks AND dps therefore making them a fleet component (like the ballance of logi in a fleet) and NOT a every man in a ceptor.

While i love getting carrier kills, ratter kills etc.. i still think a whole fleet getting through a bubble at these expensive ships INSTANTLY is unfair to those who have bought the ships.

Balance these ships similar to cov ops or T3 please so you have to fit to warp through bubbles p[lease
Cant tell Ifserious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-09-12 17:08:16 UTC
ceptors are fine as is. They are great for new players since it is low sp and low cost. Not to mention they are really strong.
Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#24 - 2014-09-12 18:05:36 UTC
Theres only 3 ceptors i know of that can put out decent dps. Crusader, taranis and claw. Most AF get more dps than those, unless you count arty jag (which struggles to get decent dps). So i dont think ceptors need a dps nerf. In fact i really dont see any issues with em. If you have an inty gang incoming, sac up and fight against them with corpies. Or better yet, SB BS on their inbound/outbound gate.

Their dps is pathetic, and the ones that do ok, have to be ontop of you to apply it. Seems fair to me.
Vertigo Sunji
#25 - 2014-09-12 18:10:10 UTC
nerf them hard, the bubble immunity buff made this Interceptor Online.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2014-09-12 18:15:56 UTC
Raptor and Crusader need a buff. The others are fine as far as I can tell.
Totally Abstract
#27 - 2014-09-12 18:26:26 UTC
So, break a ship that is actually functioning in it's intended role of being able to go fast, catch something, and do a little DPS while trying it's hardest not to get webbed, nueted, smartbombed, hit by a wave of RLML's/LMs/Rockets/drones/small blasters/small ACs or popped by another ship that it doesn't have as much transversal on? Totally. While we're at it, I think freighters haul too much and move too fast. Roll
If <2k tank is too much for you... Maybe you need to go back to Eve University and retake some 101's.

As long as we're throwing out silly ideas, I think that gate campers should have a timer before Concord shows up and arrests them for loitering with malicious intent.
Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#28 - 2014-09-12 18:28:23 UTC
Raise the Align time by 300-400ms of an Interceptor or introduce T2 Warp disruption Probes which can prevent Intys from warping.

1. A Dictor is useless against an Interceptor while the Destroyerclass always was the hard counter to most Frig hulls.
2. An Interceptor is not pointable right now if fitted correctly. It's not possible, even with a 4500mm scan res Hyena.

Nowaday the pvp in Null comes down to that occasional 10man Fleet which gets stomped by like 50 other dudes and the 6 dozen uncatchable Interceptors which are roaming your Space because of the above stated missbehaviours. Bubble immunity paired with the fast aligntime is ruining smallscale pvp right now.
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-09-12 18:30:03 UTC  |  Edited by: SFM Hobb3s
HTFU. Interceptors working as design. Intercepting.

Also, it was warp speed changes that made this game Interceptors Online, not bubble immunity. Lots of times I took frigates with warp speed rigs out on roams. Bubbles never stopped me.
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2014-09-12 18:32:35 UTC
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


So Much Space

Thalen Draganos
Black Sun Enclave
Blue Echo
#31 - 2014-09-12 18:34:17 UTC
Dead New wrote:
Im a null sec player, who is inevitably forced into flying ceptors as they are the final word in catching and killing anything outside of blue balls and gate camps.

I dont like it, they are OP for what they are.

If your going to make other role ships use slots for thier unique abilities then why not the interceptors?

Cov Ops have cloaks, ECM have thier various modules, T3s have thier sub systems.

Why not introduce a similar module for interceptors, reasonably heavy on thier resources that they do not have effective tanks AND dps therefore making them a fleet component (like the ballance of logi in a fleet) and NOT a every man in a ceptor.

While i love getting carrier kills, ratter kills etc.. i still think a whole fleet getting through a bubble at these expensive ships INSTANTLY is unfair to those who have bought the ships.

Balance these ships similar to cov ops or T3 please so you have to fit to warp through bubbles p[lease

I agree with you on a couple things.
I've been saying the "mod to gain a nullified advantage" thing since ceptors were changed to a nullified ship. Without the mod change to be nullified only if the mod is fitted, they are OP. They are literally impossible to catch unless they aggro you. I've been trying for months to figure it out. Even with Stilleto, with a sebo and being remote boosted, getting to a scan res of 4500 or more, they can still warp away quickly enough that they are in warp in before a lock and mod activation is even possible. The problem is latency. The time it takes for the server to respond to the mod activation. An insta-lock with enough time for your mod to activate is only possible if you are closer to the server than the ceptor pilot. I know that because when I lock in 1 second or less (and yes I'm being honest there) and the mod doesn't activate quickly enough to catch a ceptor, that's a problem.

I do know that above a certain level of scan res, the rest is wasted. However, I had multiple people remote boosting me at one point, and I had a scan res of around 6250 and a range of 168km in that stilleto. I still couldn't catch them. I see a real problem here.
Totally Abstract
#32 - 2014-09-12 18:34:17 UTC  |  Edited by: scorchlikeshiswhiskey
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


I don't see the button for that (better piloting) on EFT, Inty's are broke!!! Too OP!! Interceptors online!! Interceptor fleets are destroying Null sec!! How can we fight such a small, fragile ship?!?!
Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#33 - 2014-09-12 18:39:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


You're assuming that the Inty is long enough on grid to get a lock on it .... your argument is just wrong. I'm not whining about any AFK Kills but you're whining about your cheap-as-shirt-ship which can get you shiny killmails without getting into the danger of loosing it. If you land in a gatecamp, all you have to do is to hit the warp-to button, wave to the gatecamp and spam the local with "Ceeya Nerds".
Oh and writing with capslock does not intensify your argument. It just makes reading your Post harder. JFYI
Thalen Draganos
Black Sun Enclave
Blue Echo
#34 - 2014-09-12 18:48:05 UTC
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


That's only if you surprise them or they aggro you and you are fitted for it. Catching them on a gate or an undock with a good insta, when in a bubble, even with 6250 scan res in another ceptor, is still impossible. Even having mods activated before the lock doesn't help since they deactivate even if you fail to completely lock a few times.
I'm going to start frapsing the attempts and putting them on youtube.

Before you start spouting about how you think I'm a low skill noob with no experience.
Current Skills: 361 (Skill Points: 139,265,270.00)
I've been playing eve non-stop since 2006
I've been in nullsec since 2008
Most of the time spent in frig and cruiser sized ships Tackling and Ganking anywhere there was PvP.
So, I've had a lot of practice.
Totally Abstract
#35 - 2014-09-12 18:52:46 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


You're assuming that the Inty is long enough on grid to get a lock on it .... your argument is just wrong. I'm not whining about any AFK Kills but you're whining about your cheap-as-shirt-ship which can get you shiny killmails without getting into the danger of loosing it. If you land in a gatecamp, all you have to do is to hit the warp-to button, wave to the gatecamp and spam the local with "Ceeya Nerds".
Oh and writing with capslock does not intensify your argument. It just makes reading your Post harder. JFYI

See... funny thing. I did that in a Crow and right when I started to wave was when they popped me. I guess it's different since they were actually putting forth effort...
Later on they ran from our fleet and waited for a few dozen of their closest friends to show up so they could have a fair 2-v-1 fight, but that's a different matter entirely. The point is that, while I was not in a maxed out Crow, if inty's were so horribly broken then how did I get away when my cloak only dropped after I hit Warp To? Or is the effort required to catch one that you object to?
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2014-09-12 18:53:37 UTC
Thalen Draganos wrote:
Faren Shalni wrote:
If you are com plaining about inties always being the ships that get the tackle on ratter/targets then well THAT IS WHAT ITS DESIGNED TO DO

There are lots of counters to interceptors:

Warrior II's (hell even Acolyte II's murder them)
Combat Inties
A Scram
Dictors (yes these murder Inties)
t1 frigs
Pirate Frigs
Navy Frigs
And the Big one


That's only if you surprise them or they aggro you and you are fitted for it. Catching them on a gate or an undock with a good insta, when in a bubble, even with 6250 scan res in another ceptor, is still impossible. Even having mods activated before the lock doesn't help since they deactivate even if you fail to completely lock a few times.
I'm going to start frapsing the attempts and putting them on youtube.

Before you start spouting about how you think I'm a low skill noob with no experience.
Current Skills: 361 (Skill Points: 139,265,270.00)
I've been playing eve non-stop since 2006
I've been in nullsec since 2008
Most of the time spent in frig and cruiser sized ships Tackling and Ganking anywhere there was PvP.
So, I've had a lot of practice.

I do agree on the fact you cant catch them on a gate, that's just dumb. but in all other occasions A inty is just as killable as a kiting garmur/dramiel you just need to know how

So Much Space

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#37 - 2014-09-12 18:59:38 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:

You're assuming that the Inty is long enough on grid to get a lock on it .... your argument is just wrong. I'm not whining about any AFK Kills but you're whining about your cheap-as-shirt-ship which can get you shiny killmails without getting into the danger of loosing it. If you land in a gatecamp, all you have to do is to hit the warp-to button, wave to the gatecamp and spam the local with "Ceeya Nerds".
Oh and writing with capslock does not intensify your argument. It just makes reading your Post harder. JFYI

You die in a gatecamp in a properly combat-fitted ceptor if the gate campers aren't completely incapable. You die to Caracals, Talwars, Flycatchers with Light Missiles. You die to drone ships with fast drones. You die to T1 frigs, as numerously demonstrated by Suitonia. In bigger fleets you die to well tracking turret ships with webs. You die to fleets with webbers and logi. You die to fleets with missiles.

You die to Exhumers. You die to Ishtars which are fitted properly. You die to Tengus which are fitted properly. You die to carriers if they are not incapable.

You die a lot if the other players use the tools available to counter your tool. I don't see OP in ceptors.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Stitch Kaneland
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#38 - 2014-09-12 19:02:11 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:

You're assuming that the Inty is long enough on grid to get a lock on it .... your argument is just wrong.

If the inty isnt on grid long enough for you to lock him, then how is it doing any damage/tackle? just warp off.. If youre meaning a gatecamp.. then your camping tears are entertaining. So you cant grab every ship through a gate, intys are OP because of that?
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2014-09-12 19:02:51 UTC
Belen Shields wrote:
1. A Dictor is useless against an Interceptor while the Destroyerclass always was the hard counter to most Frig hulls.

Hardly. An interdictor will shred an interceptor that is dumb enough to stick around. Just because you didn't kill him doesn't mean you didn't counter him.

Belen Shields wrote:
2. An Interceptor is not pointable right now if fitted correctly. It's not possible, even with a 4500mm scan res Hyena.

An interceptor fitted this way is almost useless in combat. It is little more than a shuttle.
Belen Shields
Iskender Kebap Corp
#40 - 2014-09-12 19:03:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Belen Shields
scorchlikeshiswhiskey wrote:

See... funny thing. I did that in a Crow and right when I started to wave was when they popped me. I guess it's different since they were actually putting forth effort...
Later on they ran from our fleet and waited for a few dozen of their closest friends to show up so they could have a fair 2-v-1 fight, but that's a different matter entirely. The point is that, while I was not in a maxed out Crow, if inty's were so horribly broken then how did I get away when my cloak only dropped after I hit Warp To? Or is the effort required to catch one that you object to?

Here's an example of a "waving"fit for a crow :

[Crow, "Ceeya Nerds" Edition]
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Inertia Stabilizers II

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Warp Disruptor II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Light Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Light Missile
Light Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Light Missile
Light Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Fury Light Missile

Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

Antillie Sa'Kan wrote:
Belen Shields wrote:
1. A Dictor is useless against an Interceptor while the Destroyerclass always was the hard counter to most Frig hulls.

Hardly. An interdictor will shred an interceptor that is dumb enough to stick around. Just because you didn't kill him doesn't mean you didn't counter him.

Belen Shields wrote:
2. An Interceptor is not pointable right now if fitted correctly. It's not possible, even with a 4500mm scan res Hyena.

An interceptor fitted this way is almost useless in combat. It is little more than a shuttle.

I've seen pilots multiboxing several Intys so you still have the problem that it can't be catched on a stargate so DPS ist just a matter of how many clients you can run. I am also assuming a scenario of a gatecamp. If the scenario moves from a gate to lets say a Planet and the Inty is out of Webrange, the Inty wins against sabre and an eris easily and might loose to a Heretic or Flycatcher and here comes the if, if he stays on grid without warping off as the Inty point outranges the dictor one's.