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Crius state of play

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CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#201 - 2014-09-10 11:10:06 UTC
Matthew wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:

It seems like I didn't apply the station tax here. Although that would make it 2106.115. Is there some kind of rounding taking place which is giving me the 2110.00 final figure

The job fee and the tax need to be calculated as two separate figures, individually rounded, then added together to get the total shown for the job. This is because the job fee and the tax go out of you wallet as two separate journal entries but the industry window is presenting a single total. They both also appear to be rounded to the nearest isk rather than the nearest 0.01isk.

Believe this to be the case, yes.

1917.65 rounds to 1918, 1918 * 1.1 = 2109.8, which rounds to 2110.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#202 - 2014-09-10 11:53:50 UTC
Crius was a great patch overall and the new UI really helps.

I would like to see a small tweak on the information displayed on that window, as the window becomes messy when you have Personnal and Corporation Jobs, on multiple characters.

Currently, you need to select a type of jobs to see the current number of jobs running and the maximum number of jobs of that type you can run for that character.

Step 1: displaying both types of industry jobs numbers, all the time
- as soon as the window is opened, the Production and Science job numbers should be displayed
- it increases readability without having to click in several places to see the same information
- whenever a job is added or delivered, those numbers should change accordingly, of course

Step 2: displaying the number of jobs ready to be delivered
- Adding a third information on the previous numbers would provide the number of personal jobs ready to be delivered
- a proposed display of "XX [YY] / ZZ" with XX = number of jobs used, YY= ready to be delivered, ZZ= max
- that display would be visible for both types of jobs (Production and Science), all the time

When you manage a lot of characters, doing both Personnal and Corporation jobs, you end up clicking away in that new UI at many locations to get that information. Such a minor cosmetic change would make a lot of differences for big time industrialists, without having to rely on out-of-game tools to provide the display (on a delayed refresh).

Thanks for the good work
Medalyn Isis
#203 - 2014-09-10 14:03:05 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Matthew wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:

It seems like I didn't apply the station tax here. Although that would make it 2106.115. Is there some kind of rounding taking place which is giving me the 2110.00 final figure

The job fee and the tax need to be calculated as two separate figures, individually rounded, then added together to get the total shown for the job. This is because the job fee and the tax go out of you wallet as two separate journal entries but the industry window is presenting a single total. They both also appear to be rounded to the nearest isk rather than the nearest 0.01isk.

Believe this to be the case, yes.

1917.65 rounds to 1918, 1918 * 1.1 = 2109.8, which rounds to 2110.

Great, ok my numbers add up now. Thanks very much for the help on that one.

Also I second it would be nice to get a breakdown of which factors are attributing to the system cost. Ie would be nice to know the job activity in system without having to back calculate all the maths. It isn't very intuitive how it is displayed on the map, as it isn't actually a proper indicator of system activity if it is taking station facilities into account.
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#204 - 2014-09-10 14:11:32 UTC
I realise this idea wasn't in the Crius release but would it be possible to have base reprocessing rate for ore & ice listed or tabbed in the description for each NPC station Question Currently the only way to find out this data, other than a guesstimate based on the stations name, is to actually attempt to reprocess at each NPC station.

This would be easier and logical and would not I believe fall under the 'dumbing down' category of ideas or proposals.

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#205 - 2014-09-10 14:38:32 UTC
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Also I second it would be nice to get a breakdown of which factors are attributing to the system cost. Ie would be nice to know the job activity in system without having to back calculate all the maths. It isn't very intuitive how it is displayed on the map, as it isn't actually a proper indicator of system activity if it is taking station facilities into account.

*inserting size 11 boot Big smile*

Probably best to think of it as 'contention for workforce, allowing them to negotiate better wages'

Lots of stations = more workers.

Amarr Outpost = slave workers. (so you pay them less)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#206 - 2014-09-10 17:02:34 UTC
Is there a way to see the total job hours for game or your system?

Goonswarm Federation
#207 - 2014-09-10 17:10:41 UTC
One small issue; Crius has been out for well over a month now and the reprocessing efficiency percentage in the reprocessing window is still BROKEN.

This chart says max reprocessing percentage with perfect skill and implant is 72,4%.

The in-game pop-up that lists the different bonuses adds up to 72,4% like it should.

So why on earth is the indicator in the reprocessing window still broken after it has been brought up god knows how many times?

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Medalyn Isis
#208 - 2014-09-11 11:09:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Medalyn Isis
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Medalyn Isis wrote:
Also I second it would be nice to get a breakdown of which factors are attributing to the system cost. Ie would be nice to know the job activity in system without having to back calculate all the maths. It isn't very intuitive how it is displayed on the map, as it isn't actually a proper indicator of system activity if it is taking station facilities into account.

*inserting size 11 boot Big smile*

Probably best to think of it as 'contention for workforce, allowing them to negotiate better wages'

Lots of stations = more workers.

Amarr Outpost = slave workers. (so you pay them less)

I think you misunderstood my point Steve. I want the system cost index not to include station facilities, and then a separate tool tip which would be to indicate the station facilities. So I'm not saying get rid of station facility bonuses, actually the opposite, I want them to be more of a consideration, as right now you simply look at the SCI and don't even consider the facilities.

Either way, you can search job hours and what not on the map, I guess I haven't played around with it enough. But I think the system facilities should go into the decision more, so for a start a tooltip indicating what they are would help.
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#209 - 2014-09-11 12:03:00 UTC
I like the changes but there is one thing bugging me, if you right click the outcome in copying and choose view in industry the ME and TE are always 0 and the runs remaining -1.

And if you do this with a BPO off the market it acts like a BPO, the copy, ME and TE tabs are available but not the invention, this means i cannot check any invention numbers on a BP i dont own!
#210 - 2014-09-11 18:25:53 UTC
Kenneth Feld wrote:
Is there a way to see the total job hours for game or your system?

You should propably change to this thread.

Rgds Qinby
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#211 - 2014-09-11 18:44:25 UTC
Qinby wrote:
Kenneth Feld wrote:
Is there a way to see the total job hours for game or your system?

You should propably change to this thread.

Rgds Qinby

If you notice, I replied there early on, which is what made me ask it here. Everything there is speculation, there is no endpoint in crest to use to get the exact hours for your system or total

If so we could graph and it and watch the change over 28 days and see when a spike is going to drop off and maybe wait a day or 2 to put on a big job, but right now it is a shot int he dark.
Sales Alt negrodamus
Sanctuary of Shadows
#212 - 2014-09-12 05:37:02 UTC
Greyscale could you comment specifically on getting more stuff published into the market?

Elite drone AI is an essential component of certain drone bpcs, but we can't get the items except out of contracts.

Same thing with other stuff like reinforced metal scraps and any other number of items that exist only in the contracts market.

This is a really small thing but it'd be a nice quality of life improvement.
Sheeana Harb
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#213 - 2014-09-12 11:24:14 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hi everyone,

How are the Crius industry changes working out for you?

Personally I'm very happy with the industry changes Crius has brought. Reduced number of clicks to start a job stands out most. I wanted to thank everyone who participated in the rework - Crius reignited my interest in manufacturing / inventions.

Regarding the new industry UI feedback:

- It lags a little with larger number of blueprints (200+), whenever I select a blueprint, start a job or change an activity, the UI freezes for about a second. While not game-breaking, it can get on my nerves from time to time.
- Sometimes when I install a remote (manufacturing) job, it doesn't offer me any valid teams, even if they are present in the system. This often happens when installing from a different region.
- When the UI calculates 'Total estimated price' of materials required to start an invention job, it treats Data Interfaces as if they were consumed by the job (even though it shouldn't). I understand this won't be an issue with the Invention update coming soon, but it's still noteworthy.

And I can't wait for the invention changes coming after Oceanus :).
Khara Taredi
Parallel Production
Goonswarm Federation
#214 - 2014-09-15 01:33:15 UTC
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but 1 thing I would love to see is that the BPC run amount is checked on the start job button instead of the text box.

For example, assume I have 10 1run BPCs and would like to see the total amount of materials that go into that.
I select one of the BPCs and change the number to 10.
Currently the UI will jump to 1 cause it's a 1run copy.
The "start job" button goes red whenever material quantities or amount of isk in the wallet aren't sufficient to start the job.
Would it be possible to make it also do this when the requested amount of runs exceeds the available amount instead of changing the number in the text box?

Electrified Circuits
Predator Ewoks
#215 - 2014-09-15 01:44:03 UTC
What would be really cool if you had a filter in the UI that set any tech 2 bpc to run max copies too. I've countless times had to run 1,2,3 run copies of t2 bpcs because i accidently didnt set the max amount first time