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Crime & Punishment

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Why does no one take CODE. seriously?

Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#41 - 2014-09-05 17:54:46 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Tinu, it's obvious you have no idea what you are talking about and are sad your BR got blapped on the Jita undock. Please educate yourself before you continue on making yourself look foolish.

in fact, what it means is that CODE is completely irrelevant

Paranoid Loyd
#42 - 2014-09-05 17:59:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Tinu Moorhsum wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Tinu, it's obvious you have no idea what you are talking about and are sad your BR got blapped on the Jita undock. Please educate yourself before you continue on making yourself look foolish.

in fact, what it means is that CODE is completely irrelevant


The fact that you can easily educate yourself to the point that you would realize how ignorant your comments are, in fact, means they are relevant to many people.

Relevance is a matter of perception and is therefore completely subjective.

Everyone in this game is irrelevant until they are not. Relevance is brought by interaction. If they would have been the ones that blapped your BR, your posts would be completely different.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#43 - 2014-09-05 18:03:24 UTC
Tinu Moorhsum wrote:

Oh look... a CODE.

So.... If I understand what you're saying

a) you can't survive where faction police can cluster
b) you want to be a global phenomenon but you are unable to make a name for yourself.


Let me give you a tip. : if you can't tank the faction police, then you have no right to be doing whatever little thing you think you are doing.


Um... wat?

What does the faction police have to do with anything? Security tags can rep sec status cheaply, and the actual gank ships are going to die anyhow.... soo..... please explain?

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Bing Bangboom
DAMAG Safety Commission
#44 - 2014-09-05 22:52:06 UTC
Ever since we appeared on the Eve scene, the question of taking the New Order of Highsec seriously has consumed thousands of miles of forum script. First, a little vocabulary...

The New Order of Highsec is properly the name of our organization. THE Code is the New Halaima Code of Conduct and is the document by which we rightfully rule highsec. And finally CODE. (with a dot at the end) is an alliance that contains a large number of the Knights of the New Order as well as some non ganking Agents. All of them are the creation of James 315, the Father of New Order and the Savior of Highsec.

I myself am an Agent of the New Order but not a member of CODE. . Therefore, I am either 1) to be taken seriously as I am not Code or 2) am not to be taken seriously because, again, I am not Code.

So, the original question is somewhat garbled. Lets break it down:

A. Should the New Order of Highsec be taken seriously?

It probably is a good time to point out that this is a game and although we can be very committed, engrossed and even over-enthusiastic its hard to use the word "serious" in its normal context to refer to computer spaceships. However, that being said, people are very committed to their pixels and experience real emotions when other people *@($ with them. Since day one any attempt to either ignore, interfere or petition our actions has met with utter and humiliating failure by our chosen opponents. An actual decision to either comply or resist with all the follow on consequences has meant that each carebear has had to accept that something he doesn't like is happening to him. He sees us, hears us, feels us. We are a true force in his world and he ignores his responsibilities to us at his peril. I would call that a need to take us seriously.

B. Should the New Halaima Code of Conduct be taken seriously?

The Code is such a well written document that it has never needed revisions. It is, as has been proven over and over, not only the law of highsec but the best synopsis of how a highsec player should approach the game of Eve. Looking at each requirment placed upon the miner the experienced Eve player will see the lessons he learned, sometimes the hard way. James 315 gives the miners this guidance for free. That many of them don't take this wisdom to heart means they continue to flail around, losing ships, wasting time and frankly, destroying any hope they have of loving this game. So, again, yes, the Code is very serious as it is the best way for a miner to change the path he has been deceived into following, and getting right with the rest of New Eden. Which leads us to:

C. Should CODE. be taken seriously?

With all the caveats discussed above, if you mine, haul, mission, autopilot, form highsec mining corportations to rip off newbie miners, create blogs and websites devoid of both good writing and soft core porn pictures, or in ANY way try to prevent us from enforcing the Code, you have every reason to take CODE. seriously. The Zkillboard page for CODE. resembles a slot machine with the rapidly changing names of the most recent kill. Tens of thousands of highsec dwellers have lost trillions of ISK to CODE. enforcers. Frankly, not taking that kind of destructive power seriously is just insane. If you aren't Code compliant CODE. is in your future. Remember, if you see CODE., CODE. sees you. If you don't see CODE., you have seconds to live....

In each of our examples I have shown that you should take whichever definition of the word "Code" seriously. After years of doing this I am very familiar with the "principles" and "honor" of the highsec miner so I know there are always those who claim otherwise from the safety of anonymity, their station, or from inside their Procurer. BTW, do you know that if you are currently mining in a Procurer or Skiff you are, in fact, taking us seriously? In 2013 the ice fields were full of Rets and Macks. Now only an insane person brings one there.

So yeah, seriously....

Highsec is worth fighting for.

Bing Bangboom
Agent of the New Order of Highsec
Belligerent Undesirable

Highsec is worth fighting for.

By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.

Jake Entar
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2014-09-06 01:40:32 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Great spelling in your post OP.

I agree with you!
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#46 - 2014-09-06 05:12:04 UTC


As the one who wrote that alliance description - I am here to be humble and throw myself on my knees in front of the entire EVE online community. I made a awful mistake.

I spelled "Figured" wrong and somehow made the awful mistake of typing "figeured."

Rest assured, every single agent of the CODE. alliance is on the way to Jita 4-4 right now to biomass and quit the game. That, or I will simply fix the error. :)

OP missed the later part of the description, which I think he should have paid more attention to :)

"You reveled in our plagiarism
Joined into the onanism
Your pompousness and indecorum
Spewed on every online forum"


There, I helped you ;-)
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#47 - 2014-09-06 11:41:48 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Ima, its not the faction police that you can't tank, its the corporate police. Faction police are can easily tanked corporate police cannot.

Thanks for the correction, I probably always mix that up
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#48 - 2014-09-06 18:14:56 UTC
OP needs to brush up on his set theory, at which point he'll realise that even he can't realistically grant his own premise. Also, it's "no-one", not "no one".

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Charles Muffins
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-09-06 22:57:55 UTC
lol I got CODE so mad about the tournament they banned me from their channel XD.
Paranoid Loyd
#50 - 2014-09-06 23:00:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Charles Muffins wrote:
lol I got CODE so mad about the tournament they banned me from their channel XD.

Wow, what an accomplishment. Congrats. Roll

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Lady Areola Fappington
#51 - 2014-09-06 23:13:27 UTC
The secret is, CODE doesn't take itself seriously.

That's how they always win. They're just playing a video game, and treating said videogame with the exact amount of seriousness and gravity a First World luxury time-wasting service should be given.

Along with that, they've thrown out the metrics most people use when determining "win" in EVE, and substituted their own. The only metric they care about is suicide ganks, so throwing anything else at them (OMG too skurred to go to null!) doesn't have an impact.

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2014-09-06 23:42:42 UTC
Bing Bangboom wrote:
A. Should the New Order of Highsec be taken seriously?

It probably is a good time to point out that this is a game and although we can be very committed, engrossed and even over-enthusiastic its hard to use the word "serious" in its normal context to refer to computer spaceships.

I have to admit, I laughed my ass off at this line. Totally agree.

Bing Bangboom wrote:

B. Should the New Halaima Code of Conduct be taken seriously?

The Code is such a well written document that it has never needed revisions.

Uh, actually that's not entirely correct. It is a well written document, but CCP did officially request a revision earlier this year. I don't foresee further changes to the document unless CCP deems it necessary though.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#53 - 2014-09-07 03:59:22 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

Aww, look at dat cute fukken cat.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#54 - 2014-09-07 11:04:36 UTC
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
The secret is, CODE doesn't take itself seriously.

That's how they always win. They're just playing a video game, and treating said videogame with the exact amount of seriousness and gravity a First World luxury time-wasting service should be given.

This. EvE is supposed to be fun, and i highly doubt that anyone can deny that CODE. is having fun playing EvE.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

State War Academy
Caldari State
#55 - 2014-09-08 06:51:07 UTC
boring post by a butthurt carebear posting on alt because he is too scared to post on his main

inb4 lock. nothing to see here Roll

Solecist Project
#56 - 2014-09-08 07:19:46 UTC
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
I am here to be humble and throw myself on my knees in front of

*I put the top of my boot onto your forehead, claiming dominance and ownership*


Just kidding ...
... it's actually the other way round. ^_^

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#57 - 2014-09-08 15:11:09 UTC
Oh and to post on topic...

If people weren't taking **** way too seriously ...
... then there wouldn't be so many stupid threads about them. ^_^


No threads, no raging, no drivel ... nothing!

Haters and their selective awareness. ^_^

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2014-09-08 15:28:32 UTC
How Very Embarrassing wrote:
Because when you can't spell words properly that your average 4th grader can, you aren't to be taken seriously.

Let's see if they can figuere out what I'm talking about. Lol

That is dumb as hell.. you realize a lot of people do not have english as their mother language, in fact some have english as their 3rd of 4th language?

Spelling capabilities means NOTHING in an internet forum. If you are writing an article you should review what you are writing, but on a less serious environment only grammar Nazis care of how you write as long your message can be understood.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Solecist Project
#59 - 2014-09-08 16:15:10 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
How Very Embarrassing wrote:
Because when you can't spell words properly that your average 4th grader can, you aren't to be taken seriously.

Let's see if they can figuere out what I'm talking about. Lol

That is dumb as hell.. you realize a lot of people do not have english as their mother language, in fact some have english as their 3rd of 4th language?

Spelling capabilities means NOTHING in an internet forum. If you are writing an article you should review what you are writing, but on a less serious environment only grammar ***** care of how you write as long your message can be understood.

Your point isn't completely accurate,
but the actual reason for my post is ...

"... care about how ..."

.... %)

Don't eat the bait! Twisted

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2014-09-08 16:26:01 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

That is dumb as hell.. you realize a lot of people do not have english as their mother language, in fact some have english as their 3rd of 4th language?

This part is true. Being from the US, and having traveled to literally every continent in the world, it is amazing how ignorant Americans are -- in the fact that most people in other countries speak English well enough to communicate, yet we make almost zero attempt to familiarize ourselves with other languages. X

Kagura Nikon wrote:

Spelling capabilities means NOTHING in an internet forum. If you are writing an article you should review what you are writing, but on a less serious environment only grammar ***** care of how you write as long your message can be understood.

Going to have to disagree on this one, however. (Not that you probably care)

The majority of the long-term player base in EvE is generally accepted as an intelligent bunch, as the game itself takes quite a bit of brain power to get familiar with. Being able to communicate your ideas clearly and correctly DOES in fact go a long way toward making your point. The best counter-point in the world is useless if nobody can decipher it, and most people tend to glean more out of a well articulated response that utilizes punctuation and paragraphs (please, paragraphs, for the love of god).

Big smile

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment