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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Anthar Thebess
#1561 - 2014-09-02 13:17:47 UTC
Attention Sov / (super)Capital / Jump drive changes needed ! Attention
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1562 - 2014-09-02 17:27:47 UTC
I'll inject another two cents into the topic. Besides I think it needs a bump again.

Dockable Supers/Titans

Im guessing that the sides are split pretty evenly on this, but here's my rationale. By letting supers/titans dock, you free up a character to do something else. That characters activity increases, which creates more non-supercapital content for other players.

Here's how it could work:

Has to be a system that does not currently have a station. (could petition CCP to remove stations if you've built them everywhere?)

Make a station like normal, except this station type has only the following services: fitting and medical

The station can house 2-4 Titans and 4-12 SC's at most (with upgrades). Cannot house market activities, cannot house contract activities, cannot house build/refine/research activities. These stations would have a visual animation of the supercapital literally docked on the outside of the station. The type(s) of supercapitals docked there would be freely viewable by anyone that can get to the station system.
Finally there is a dock timer. It would take say 20-30 minutes for the capsule to get itself out of the Super/Titan (perhaps because of all of the systems that have to offline safely... / insert lore /)

Another feature to go along with this, and applicable to all capitals: undock timers. (Lore says its a big@ss ship, Scotty must be having trouble getting it out)

Takes 1 minute to undock carrier, 2 for a dread, 3, for rorqual, 6 for supers, 10 for Titans (supers/titans would only undock from their special docking station)

The take home messages:
This creates a simple way to slow down capital fights
If the docking station is put into effect with other residency based Sov changes, it will affect who builds what Supers and where they are held.
Potentially adds a bit of espionage?
Serves as a good setup to include Super/Titan maintenance fees



Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1563 - 2014-09-02 19:54:49 UTC
Here is an idea.

SOV Deathmatch

Make program a random event where moons are frozen in a region battle royal style.
Totally Abstract
#1564 - 2014-09-02 19:59:07 UTC
No need to fix Null, in a few more patches WH's will pretty much be an annex of Null Big smile
Anthar Thebess
#1565 - 2014-09-03 06:15:34 UTC
scorchlikeshiswhiskey wrote:
No need to fix Null, in a few more patches WH's will pretty much be an annex of Null Big smile

Good idea ! WH will have equal status to todays lowsec.

We don't forget CCP.

Supers/ capitals cyno mechanic and bridges - titan and pos ones can be first.
Grognard Commissar
Goonswarm Federation
#1566 - 2014-09-04 14:35:25 UTC
well, from what i've heard form bittervets, the problem started with Dominion. sov structures and ihubs have wayyy too much EHP, and it's too easy to simply take a capital system.
what needs to be done is the bring back the tiers, and cut the EHP of the ihubs by at least 2/3. bring back the levels of sov, and you'll see actual battle lines popping up.
power projection should probably be split into a separate release, giving time to research the effects on the entirety of eve
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1567 - 2014-09-04 14:52:35 UTC
We can break it down into sections which, oddly enough, fits in well with CCPs new development plan.

We start off with addressing the need for empire sprawl. Right now there is a cap on how many players can actively rat in a single system, this currently stands at ten per system. This means groups like ours require vast areas of space to support our members.

"But most of your space is empty!" I hear you cry.

Yes this is true but that is down to another problem which is truesec. You see, the primary form of pve in null sec for your average pilot is anoms and they are tied to truesec. Most systems in null offer worse isk generation than blitzing level 3 missions in highsec with a mach. The best systems in null are on par to slightly worse than can be earned in high sec level 4 mission blitzing.

So we have a double whammy of poor isk income from most of null and the low player cap of 10 per system. This needs to change if we are to shrink the current two blocks from half of EVE each to a single region each and it must happen before any changes to sov.

Simply adding more anoms won't work, not only would a player cap still exist but you would also flood too much isk into the system. Inflation is also why you cannot just add more isk reward to anoms. Anoms must be replaced as the primary pve content and isk generator of nullsec. By far the easiest way to fix this issue is to add mission agents to player outposts. They allow for an unlimited population and null missions provide greater reward than highsec but importantly they will inject far less isk into the system than anoms and will be far easier to implement for CCP than a whole new system.

We then have to deal with capitals. Right now you either have a capital force that can match the two big powers or you are an irrelevant sideshow. Capital issues are all over the place and need several big changes. Firstly, carriers are going to have to lose access to sentries and move to a fighter based platform. Secondly, supers are going to have to lose their E-war immunity however they also need something big in return. Supers and titans must be allowed to dock in outposts. We have to end the bleeding of high SP subs because they are trapped in a space coffin that doesn't see much use. Lastly we must deal with their invulnerability to subcaps, this is covered in the next and most controversial fix.


People rightly hate the blob, but why do they hate fighting outnumbered?

Well, its because they cannot hurt it. Right now fleet meat revolves around one simple fact, you must be able to alpha past the logistics of the enemy fleet. If you cannot do this then engaging is pointless. Logistics are going to have to be nerfed if smaller alliances are to stand any chance in null. Equally, it is logistics that makes capital fleets impossible to kill with a subcap fleet. It is going to be painful, it will mean much bloodier fights and chances are I will be among the first to fall in any fleet engagement but if we want to fix null it must happen.

"But you will just farm smaller fleets!" I hear you cry.

This is already happening. We are effectivly untouchable to smaller fleets as they cannot harm us. With a logi nerf in place new tactics such as cheap in your face DPS fleets can dive into the heart of a baltec fleet and inflict a large amount of damage. Sure, we might hold the grid in the end but we could very easily lose the isk war and that is exactly the sort of thing smaller alliances need to boost moral. "Yea we lost that tower but we killed three times more isk worth of stuff".


Another need for big balls of ships is the way sov fights are handled. At the moment you fight a handful of timed fights over huge amounts of EHP. This system needs to go. Not only does it mean you need lots of ships to grind down the structures but it also means you need equally or bigger fleets to defend. Remove the ehp and you remove the need for the massive fleets.

The current sov system also lets us dominate huge areas of empty space so long as we can pay the bills. So to end this sov needs to move to residency based. At a stroke you would make at least 80% of the current sov claims drop as all of the unoccupied systems drop. This is by far the most complicated part of the null overhaul and should rightly come last.
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#1568 - 2014-09-04 17:13:46 UTC
Well Said Baltec, and extremely well written.
Anthar Thebess
#1569 - 2014-09-05 07:48:13 UTC
Exactly nice summary.
What i am missing is the instant relocation by jump /titan bridges and jump drives that also have to be changed.
Creating few restrictions for this mechanic can help very much to the overall player experience.

Jump bridges :
- no connections between regions
- no connections to system not linked to alliance capitol , or allow only jump bridges to be linked only 1-2 jumps away from alliance capitol ( so one of the JB endpoints have to be near the alliance capitol)

Titan bridges:
- no bridges between regions

Jump drives :
- no jumps between regions.
- spool up timer BEFORE the jump? Even on the pos , the longer you want to jump the longer jump drive have to charge.

Can someone from CCP at least say if they are considering implementation of stuff we are talking here?
Some information about what can we expect could be good.
CSM members are passing informations to their alliance leaders - why all players cannot get this informations?

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1570 - 2014-09-05 08:37:32 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:

What i am missing is the instant relocation by jump /titan bridges and jump drives that also have to be changed.

Its not in there because it simply isn't needed. You deal with power projection by removing the need to send fleets half way across the galaxy to defend you assets.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#1571 - 2014-09-05 09:52:17 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
post 1567

Great summary of good ideas from whole thread. I like especially the part with L4's in null. This would be an opportuninty to pull PvEers from hisec, risk vs reward and potential recruits base.
baltec1 wrote:
Its not in there because it simply isn't needed. You deal with power projection by removing the need to send fleets half way across the galaxy to defend you assets.

So you don't defend them then? If i have ability to move forces fast, i will use it, no matter the size. If i have ability i will bring as many as i can. If you attack with small group (because you don't need huge ball to destroy structure) you would face non-proportional response, because i can. Strenght in numbers.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Anthar Thebess
#1572 - 2014-09-05 10:01:30 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
post 1567

Great summary of good ideas from whole thread. I like especially the part with L4's in null. This would be an opportuninty to pull PvEers from hisec, risk vs reward and potential recruits base.
baltec1 wrote:
Its not in there because it simply isn't needed. You deal with power projection by removing the need to send fleets half way across the galaxy to defend you assets.

So you don't defend them then? If i have ability to move forces fast, i will use it, no matter the size. If i have ability i will bring as many as i can. If you attack with small group (because you don't need huge ball to destroy structure) you would face non-proportional response, because i can. Strenght in numbers.

Exactly, fast relocation IS the issue.
Not only about sov , but about all potential income sources.
I'm guessing that CCP will not change moon mechanic.
So we sill have to moon mine r64/32/etc.

Without reducing speed you can teleport fleets across the map lowsec moons will be still in hands of blobs, you will still have mothership and carrier fleets hotdroping laser based mealstorms in lowsec.

Sorry this also have to go.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1573 - 2014-09-05 11:13:46 UTC
The only way you can stop us from projecting our power anywhere in EVE is to turn off warpgates entirely.
Anthar Thebess
#1574 - 2014-09-05 11:29:03 UTC
baltec , this is not about power projection.

This is about game if we are talking about fixing broken stuff, let not do it partially.

Most of the people, even number of people that actually play this game ( skill quene online excluded ) states that game is in very bad condition.

One of the reasons is that a lowsec guy cannot have a moon in the system he lives for last years , as bloob took it.
He and his 40 friends cannot do any thing, as each time they trying to take this spot , bloob or cyno arrives and 2 regions away fleet awaits if they dare to move.

Sorry i know that easy isk is good , but this easy isk is killing game.
People don't undock , not engage , don't fight - eve become boring ...

If CFC want to deploy and reset few regions - i don't see reason why not - as THIS IS FUN , FOR ALL SIDES , as fights will be happening , ships will die , people will be logging in.
If you cannot get instant teleportation of few more fleets sitting few regions away then people will fight the ones that actually cared and came.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#1575 - 2014-09-05 11:42:42 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
The only way you can stop us from projecting our power anywhere in EVE is to turn off warpgates entirely.

Why entirely? Goons have sovs in Deklein and Period Basis. How much time would it take to travel BSs fleet beetwen these two regions by gates and how much trough cyno (no clone jump; hypotetical, you can just travel in ceptors)? The summary you've made would be great if we reset null and start everything from day 1. You have right nobody can't stop you from power projecting because your fleets are already there, build, waiting and have ability to be everywhere. I don't think there are any hisec corp or alliances to compete with such power.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Anthar Thebess
#1576 - 2014-09-05 11:57:02 UTC
Usually is not about a fleet you can fight , but about all people you will hotdrop to a fight minute after your FC decides to take this fight.
This very big issue, and TIDI enables many people to get fast from across the eve to the battle.

Something that people described "if something big is going one, for sure i will be able to be part of this" ended "Eve is boring there is nothing going on".
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1577 - 2014-09-05 17:02:43 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
The only way you can stop us from projecting our power anywhere in EVE is to turn off warpgates entirely.

Why entirely? Goons have sovs in Deklein and Period Basis. How much time would it take to travel BSs fleet beetwen these two regions by gates and how much trough cyno (no clone jump; hypotetical, you can just travel in ceptors)? The summary you've made would be great if we reset null and start everything from day 1. You have right nobody can't stop you from power projecting because your fleets are already there, build, waiting and have ability to be everywhere. I don't think there are any hisec corp or alliances to compete with such power.

About 90 minutes to get anywhere we need to via gates from YA0.

The plan I put forth would infact result in around 80% of the current sov dropping and would make holding those towers harder to defend as we wouldn't have the JB network spanning half of EVE.

Moon goo is a bit of irony in itself. Many think holding a good moon tower means you rake in the isk but in reality they generate about as much as a null ice miner a month (infact, the ice miner could beat it in terms of income). They are not nearly as important as many think and long before titans came around or the balls of capitals of today the null powers were able to hold them and defend them.
Thorin Sourdrin
Drone Orphanage
#1578 - 2014-09-06 06:43:23 UTC
My corp mates and I have mulled the prospect of tweaking the current SOV prices to scale with the number of systems controlled. The idea being that as the number of systems an alliance controls goes up, so too does the cost of ALL those held systems. The belief being that this will put pressure on groups to limit their holdings, while simultaneously driving them to compete for "juicier" systems the maximize their cost/income.

This would serve to both 'break up' Null, as there might likely be instances where alliances find themselves holding so much territory that the cost is prohibitive, and so relinquish their claims. It would also likely INCREASE pvp, as everyone would be after the few systems with the best moons/PI/belts/etc in order to get the most out of their holdings. Alliances aren't necessarily stopped from claiming SOV on half of Nullsec, but those groups would find themselves essentially earning less per system in exchange for having the sort of reach that baltec1 mentioned.
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1579 - 2014-09-07 18:38:09 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
We can break it down into sections which, oddly enough, fits in well with CCPs new development plan.

We start off with addressing the need for empire sprawl. Right now there is a cap on how many players can actively rat in a single system, this currently stands at ten per system. This means groups like ours require vast areas of space to support our members.

"But most of your space is empty!" I hear you cry.

Yes this is true but that is down to another problem which is truesec. You see, the primary form of pve in null sec for your average pilot is anoms and they are tied to truesec. Most systems in null offer worse isk generation than blitzing level 3 missions in highsec with a mach. The best systems in null are on par to slightly worse than can be earned in high sec level 4 mission blitzing.

So we have a double whammy of poor isk income from most of null and the low player cap of 10 per system. This needs to change if we are to shrink the current two blocks from half of EVE each to a single region each and it must happen before any changes to sov.

Simply adding more anoms won't work, not only would a player cap still exist but you would also flood too much isk into the system. Inflation is also why you cannot just add more isk reward to anoms. Anoms must be replaced as the primary pve content and isk generator of nullsec. By far the easiest way to fix this issue is to add mission agents to player outposts. They allow for an unlimited population and null missions provide greater reward than highsec but importantly they will inject far less isk into the system than anoms and will be far easier to implement for CCP than a whole new system.

Capital talk - removed -

N+1: - removed -

Sov: stuff - removed -

I can get behind removing anomalies and replacing it with some type of agent generated PvE system. I don't think Missions is the right way to do it.

Firstly high sec PvE is there so that players can play solo. I don't need to be in communication with ANYONE if I don't want to. I can talk to my agent, do my thing, make my ISK, buy my bling and keep on trucking without saying/typing a word.

Low-Sec PvE (fleet warfare) is very much team/cooperation driven (and it is a great facilitator for PvP).

I think PvE in Null sec needs to be as much team/cooperation driven as possible. Agents should not be housed in a station, they should be hosted in a separate facility in the sovereign system. The agent requests (I don't want to use the word "mission") needs to be extremely difficult/impossible for solo players, but very doable and rewarding for small fleets. Somewhere in between burner missions and incursions. Difficult AI, that requires teamwork and cooperation. The requests should be varied enough that a single "PvE-fit" on a single "PvE ship" is not enough to complete the variety of requests.

The agent should be installed at the corporate level (rather than the allied level), however once initiated, any number of players from different corporations can complete the request. The request difficulty should be based off of total corp members and a ratio of online to total players.

The agent housing needs to be vulnerable to attack, and it needs to be possible to lose your agent, in this way you generate PvP opportunities in the form of truly harassing the ISK source of the significant portion of the system population. As there would be multiple corporations in an alliance, there will be multiple Housing structures in the system, which will generate multiple locations to stimulate PvP.

Thanks for the read!


Anthar Thebess
#1580 - 2014-09-08 06:19:26 UTC
Dr Cedric wrote:

Thats why i suggest :
- agent site in system, not on a station
- destroyable structure on this site that can be target for small gangs ( something that you need to put there back)

Lets put Communication Tower.
15 minutes online.
Once attacked it sends alliance wide warning.

You will form up or you will need to put there new one ( costs ) and wait ## minutes for the new one to be online ( time ).