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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Overview Feature

#1 - 2011-12-10 21:31:01 UTC
ONe thing that would make FRAPs so much batter and would improve the stream of alliance tournament is adding Pic to the player ship type.
see pic...

  • In settings you could chose that if there are more than XX # ships deactivate the feature,
  • The images would be fetched from local drive, not to add additional load on server
  • should e easy to implement since the typeID is already send by server

  • Pros
  • Immersion
  • Better Fraps videos
  • Better Alliance Tournament experience
  • Would not feel like spread-sheets as much
  • Less random squares and keys on the screen
  • You would know who tell at to get back in formation if there is only one type of that ship
  • Also first 4 letters of char name could be added just to make easier to tell ppl to get back
  • new players would see that there other players around them

  • Cons
  • Heavier load on user side
  • Makes the game easier (to some it is a con)
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    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #2 - 2011-12-10 21:36:31 UTC
    simukz wrote:

  • Much, much, MUCH Heavier load on user side
  • Makes the game easier (to some it is a con)

  • Local spiking to 2-300 and loading all those portraits are bad enough. Now you want to load ship pictures too? And how would you make them big enough to be seen without blowing up each line in the overview so much you'd only have 6-8 ships at a time on your screen?

    I like the thought, but the load would just be insane in even moderate fleets, say 20-40. You start talking about sov fights that get in the 600-1000+ range, and forget it.
    #3 - 2011-12-10 22:17:33 UTC
    I knew i should have explained more...

    The game could auto shut off the feature.
    It is not intended to be used in more then 40 ship area... for one lag on user side, and just clutter would make it impossible to understand what is going on.

    and in first bulletin
    simukz wrote:

  • In settings you could chose that if there are more than XX # ships deactivate the feature,

  • user would have control over how many ships and if enabled or disabled...

    it is a quick and dirty attempt to make UI a little more immersive....

    Feligast wrote:

    Local spiking to 2-300 and loading all those portraits are bad enough. Now you want to load ship pictures too? And how would you make them big enough to be seen without blowing up each line in the overview so much you'd only have 6-8 ships at a time on your screen?

    the character portraits as far as i know are pulled for the server and if dont have the image of the dude then it goes to server and downloads to your PC it takes time. However:
    Ship images would be stored on your computer since the ship img dont change, so the time it would take it would depend on the speed of your PC and the quality of the code written.

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