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D-Scan in WH Space

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#41 - 2011-12-09 16:16:49 UTC
Sinooko wrote:
Ingvar Angst wrote:
Xindi Kraid wrote:
We're nor asking for the d-scan to inform us there is a new object or highlight it or anything like that. All we want is that scan button to click itself. It should remain up to us to actually look at the d-scan window and be vigilant for new contacts. If you were away from your computer or didn't. realize a new contact showed up, then it sucks to be you.

Also d-scan is by no means a guarantee of safety. As others have pointed out, Some systems are larger than d-scan range and 5 seconds is enough to pop through a wormhole and cloak. You still don't. always know someone is coming.

I should also mention that I do not agree with making d-scan contacts show up in the overview, however. I also don't need any more info on the d-scan. If someone is clever enough to pick up on a corp tagging their ships and copy it to fly under a false tag, props to them.

You want to lag out the servers for one thing. Auto-click on dscan would send thousands upon thousands more calls to the servers then now. That would not end well.

Seriously, it's not to hard to click and see what's there. A ten second auto-click would suck, it's too slow. A faster auto-click would suck... I may not want to click right away if I see something, and I want that information to stay intact until I do. You really introduce more potential problems than it would be worth.

I'm already sending thousands of scan queries an hour and so are most of the people in my corp.

Also when I say auto-click, I don't really mean I want the client to keep requesting updates. I mean I want the server to just keep sending them. It would mean LESS load on the server if there were a command to start updating the d-scan and another to stop and have it only have to send updates rather than it having to constantly receive requests for updates and then send them out.
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#42 - 2011-12-09 16:42:46 UTC
If you live in WH space, you know you have to use your D-Scan and scan as frequently as you can.

There have been countless instances where someone goes afk to gas mine or otherwise not pay attention and they get jumped.

Some players are good enough to D-Scan you down to the planet you are near, drop probes, lock you, pull them back in, all within 30 seconds.

What will D-Scan automatically do for you? Other than add more stress on the servers?

Not to mention it still won't save you if the baddies happened to scan down your hole, all the sites in it, and then wait for someone to venture out. They warp and you are done.

-1 for this.
Gespenster Kompanie
#43 - 2011-12-09 18:34:47 UTC
Sassums wrote:
If you live in WH space, you know you have to use your D-Scan and scan as frequently as you can.

There have been countless instances where someone goes afk to gas mine or otherwise not pay attention and they get jumped.

Some players are good enough to D-Scan you down to the planet you are near, drop probes, lock you, pull them back in, all within 30 seconds.

What will D-Scan automatically do for you? Other than add more stress on the servers?

Not to mention it still won't save you if the baddies happened to scan down your hole, all the sites in it, and then wait for someone to venture out. They warp and you are done.

-1 for this.

In 30 seconds I would have spotted your probes at least 6 times and your ship possibly once.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#44 - 2011-12-09 18:59:49 UTC
Sinooko wrote:

In 30 seconds I would have spotted your probes at least 6 times and your ship possibly once.

Confirming that if I launch a probe, I will have 2 corpies asking, 'Who's dropping probes?' before the launcher has finished cycling.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2011-12-09 20:12:13 UTC
It is all about game mechanics. We may agree that it is plain stupid to push the button manually once every 5-10 seconds, much like many other repetitive things are plain stupid. The only reason D-Scan requires pilot's attention is that our attention is a valuable resource like the capacitor, hit points or CPU of the ship. The current game mechanics says: people need to pay this price for safety.

The only thing I don't personally agree is that it is not how a game should be designed in the first place. Every enetraining game process includes a constant decision-making as an integral part of a fun game experience. Decision-making is the thing that distinguishes a game from an everyday groove. The game is always an opposition of involved parties. We need to constantly walk on the edge, feel the uncertanity, feel that we can change the situation with our decisions: the fun finishes where the outcome becomes predictable.

With this regard I believe the game shuold be designed in a way that reduces tedious work to minimum. In fact, D-Scan problem isn't a D-Scan problem, but a problem of the overall game design. I believe there should be more intelligent design that constantly puts people in encounters without requiring them to do such repetitive tasks.

P.S. They should at least make us to be able to choose D-Scan settings independently from current overview settings.
DooDoo Gum
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-12-10 07:35:11 UTC
Perhaps a 'sleep' button could be implemented, and when it is pressed it cloaks your ship up and deposits 5 million isk into your wallet every 5 or so minutes, it would make things much safer, and we could all get some much needed sleep
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2011-12-10 08:55:50 UTC
I think D-Scan is competely redundant then, we must get rid of it. No D-Scan, no problems.
Major Kim
Fawkes' Loyal Professionals
#48 - 2011-12-10 16:35:29 UTC
Sassums wrote:
If you live in WH space, you know you have to use your D-Scan and scan as frequently as you can.

There have been countless instances where someone goes afk to gas mine or otherwise not pay attention and they get jumped.

Some players are good enough to D-Scan you down to the planet you are near, drop probes, lock you, pull them back in, all within 30 seconds.

What will D-Scan automatically do for you? Other than add more stress on the servers?

Not to mention it still won't save you if the baddies happened to scan down your hole, all the sites in it, and then wait for someone to venture out. They warp and you are done.

One, buddy's afk gas mining in wh...sorry buddy's afk mining he deserves to get blown to pieces, I personally don't care if he's in 0.0, Low-Sec, or HS. I don't understand how that plays into this whole thing.

Seccondly when i'm out on ops I recieve 30-40 log's stating that "The scanner is recalibrating, please wait a second" every minute that i'm scanning. so that's at least 60 requests a minute, and that's multiplied by X accounts. So how do you figure getting 300-400 requests a minute down to 100/Min Adding stress to the server load. again we're already stressing it with our 300+ scans a minute.

My final point shall be that if they've already scanned down the sites (because there is no local) that's a risk you take, as it is a proper game mechanic, this proposal is to allow pilots to choose between a manditory clicking and the auto repeat that would only function IF you want it to, and WHEN the scanner is therefore open.

Already mentioned, these pod pilots do all kinds of things without thinking, why should they have to make the scanner run again, and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again................................
The Scope
#49 - 2011-12-10 17:07:44 UTC

Why not make it like real life.

If you turn you D-Scan to automated (on all the time), then it will allow anyone in local to see you on their overview as a "Ladar" source (or Radar or Gravitmetric, etc) and allow them to warp to you as you are actively emmiting (just like RL radar).

If you scan manually, then you will not be seen as you are only pulsing the Radar every several secs (the role-play is that these pulses are disguised as intrastellar noise and can't be detected).

That would make a one solution. What would happen is that everyone would setup a sacraficial alt with their scanner on though.

The alternative solution would be to equip a module that would allow automatic scanning (with the same penalties as above). The CPU requirements would be high enough that only *real* ship (not rookie ships or frigates) could equip it. At least then a real risk for ship loss would be the drawback of an automated scanner.

Just some suggestions.

DooDoo Gum
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2011-12-10 19:56:27 UTC
YuuKnow wrote:

Why not make it like real life.

If you turn you D-Scan to automated (on all the time), then it will allow anyone in local to see you on their overview as a "Ladar" source (or Radar or Gravitmetric, etc) and allow them to warp to you as you are actively emmiting (just like RL radar).

If you scan manually, then you will not be seen as you are only pulsing the Radar every several secs (the role-play is that these pulses are disguised as intrastellar noise and can't be detected).

That would make a one solution. What would happen is that everyone would setup a sacraficial alt with their scanner on though.

The alternative solution would be to equip a module that would allow automatic scanning (with the same penalties as above). The CPU requirements would be high enough that only *real* ship (not rookie ships or frigates) could equip it. At least then a real risk for ship loss would be the drawback of an automated scanner.

Just some suggestions.


i do like your way of thinking, but unfortunately it is still lipstick on a pig, both these ideas are too easily abused by the same method as you earlier suggested
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