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Caldari wiped out of FW?

First post
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#81 - 2014-08-27 00:10:45 UTC
Deen Wispa wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

Deen Wispa wrote:

While I agree with your first points about why I joined the warzone/FW/Eve ( I really hate 20+ fights) and probably one of the main reasons I haven't been playing much at all (other than PvE'ing) since the Huola campaign, I disagree with putting blame on ourselves.

Exactly. That is what many pilots gravitate towards. That's what we hunger for.

It's not about putting blame on us per se. But I think that we have to see ourselves as keepers of the flame...err the game. I guess there is a certain naivete in my statement. Afterall, we are conditioned to want to win at all cost and the idealogy of sportsmanship and going easy on your opponent makes me sound crazy and foolish in such a cutthroat game. But I know this game and FW is flawed and will never be perfect. Which is why I think it's important to see how our contributions impact the game as well rather than simply putting the burden on the enemy.

I have this great MinutemanKirk story that I'd like to share some other time about how we purposely downsized our fleet to fight a Bolsterbomb gang back in the day. It's a great lesson on restraint. One of the first lessons I learned when trying to FC.

Maybe this will be CalMils forge.

We've heard this one for many years. Caldari has always been like this. In fact, as time passes by, I'm more inclined to believe it's not even how bad Caldari is, but how much we overachieve as a group. You could replace Blue Steel with the Golden Army or Trust In Rust, and I think the Green Machine would still win out. We are THAT organized.

I've heard talks over the year about certain FCs or leaders wanting to switch over to Caldari for the sake of GFs and reclaiming that exhilaration of the game and of fighting outnumbered. But everyone talks themself out of it because

A) They know it's more work than they want to put into it.
B) And that one person's contributions will have no impact on CalMil.
C) They're likely to get primaried right off the bat in any fight for being a turncoat

PS- I don't get the obsession with people getting angry about how QCATS dedicate their time to this game or lack thereof. Or what other games they play and the bitter passive aggressive vitriol people have had towards them for years. They are good people.

I came in when they were at their peak and started to slow down. It's like some big insecurity some of you have with them...that their casual playstyle and idealogies is so different from yours that people choose to ostracize them or those who share similar views. Not everyone is unemployed or has time to play 30 hours a week.

They were the pillar of GalMil for years. Their FC lineup was stellar. The ecosystem that Gallente has today is partly because of what they built. God forbid that I mention I play some other game or make an opinion contrary to the Gallente mainstream, and get ostracized for it in public or private.

I think that the most amusing thing in regards to ecosystems and what each side desires in terms of fight sizes go is the fact that if you swapped the core Minmatar groups with the Caldari groups that come and go, both warzones would be pretty content. I still think that the biggest defining change that Inferno brought was station lockout and part of me wonders how FW would be different in terms of groups that stay longterm would be if that was not a feature.

The second most amusing thing is when people bring up numbers like they're meaningful or brag about coordination like its some super impressive feat. Raw militia numbers don't really matter and have never mattered without knowing the absolute breakdown of their loyalties, activity, and reasons for being in the militia. In reality in terms of focused efforts, you can generally narrow things down to the top 5 groups. As far as coordination goes, winning or achieving strategic objectives isn't really an accurate measurement since you're really only as strong as your greatest opponent. That's not to say that the Gallente aren't, it's just an observation.

Anyways, congratulations on taking the entire warzone again. With the Gallente groups that move on to try new things due to a lacking Caldari opponent, part of me is sad to see the slow decay of FW.
Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#82 - 2014-08-27 01:19:18 UTC
I don't care if the Caldari are destroyed forever! Onto Jita & New Caldari! To new enemies!
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#83 - 2014-08-27 10:25:42 UTC
Cromwell Savage wrote:
we have plans to go in a different direction to attempt to resurrect our interest in this game

So you, nexx and chat are applying right? Big smile

Benefits include:

Teemo hate
Dota 2 lessons
Irya Boone
The Scope
#84 - 2014-08-27 10:40:12 UTC
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Edit - If the squids rebound...we still have the option to return for some good old squid bashing.

Seems like TesT is coming back with Brave if so would you stay ? ^^

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Nameira Vanis-Tor
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2014-08-27 14:04:59 UTC
Irya Boone wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Edit - If the squids rebound...we still have the option to return for some good old squid bashing.

Seems like TesT is coming back with Brave if so would you stay ? ^^

Link please? That would be interesting!
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#86 - 2014-08-28 03:13:52 UTC
Irya Boone wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Edit - If the squids rebound...we still have the option to return for some good old squid bashing.

Seems like TesT is coming back with Brave if so would you stay ? ^^

I thought brave already had a 100+ member corp in gal mil
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#87 - 2014-08-28 04:21:54 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Irya Boone wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Edit - If the squids rebound...we still have the option to return for some good old squid bashing.

Seems like TesT is coming back with Brave if so would you stay ? ^^

I thought brave already had a 100+ member corp in gal mil

In my experience, that equates to 2 people i have ever met.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#88 - 2014-08-28 04:21:56 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Irya Boone wrote:
Cromwell Savage wrote:

Edit - If the squids rebound...we still have the option to return for some good old squid bashing.

Seems like TesT is coming back with Brave if so would you stay ? ^^

I thought brave already had a 100+ member corp in gal mil

I think they meant that they are both joining Gallente for the LP.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#89 - 2014-08-28 04:23:21 UTC
I for one welcome the new gallente TEST NEWBIE overlords!
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#90 - 2014-08-29 14:14:03 UTC
Quentin Marshall wrote:
I don't understand how Caldari didn't take at least a couple systems back to prevent 100% warzone dominance. They can easily plex back systems far beyond the reach of where Gallente base out of. This would've been a good troll.

no profit on that, better to grind highsec level 4 missions than farm fw plexes with tier 1.

CCP nerfed fw farming once again to point where it is not profitable enough, and same happened than last time, someone took all systems because farmers who were supposed to keep thing moving are gone.

why it was gallente who took systems was clear, caldari vetarans quit long time ago when CCP did same nerf and i bet they are not coming back to take systems, so gallente was once again kicking ball to empty goal after game was over.

CCP sure can not learn from their previous mistakes.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#91 - 2014-08-29 14:18:50 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
no profit on that, better to grind highsec level 4 missions than farm fw plexes with tier 1.

CCP nerfed fw farming once again to point where it is not profitable enough, and same happened than last time, someone took all systems because farmers who were supposed to keep thing moving are gone.

why it was gallente who took systems was clear, caldari vetarans quit long time ago when CCP did same nerf and i bet they are not coming back to take systems, so gallente was once again kicking ball to empty goal after game was over.

CCP sure can not learn from their previous mistakes.

We got fights everywhere apart from your home ground. You speak for a militia that either thinks your group are ignorant at best or for the most part have no idea you exist.

The goal was open because you have no team.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#92 - 2014-08-30 19:22:22 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
no profit on that, better to grind highsec level 4 missions than farm fw plexes with tier 1.

CCP nerfed fw farming once again to point where it is not profitable enough, and same happened than last time, someone took all systems because farmers who were supposed to keep thing moving are gone.

why it was gallente who took systems was clear, caldari vetarans quit long time ago when CCP did same nerf and i bet they are not coming back to take systems, so gallente was once again kicking ball to empty goal after game was over.

CCP sure can not learn from their previous mistakes.

We got fights everywhere apart from your home ground. You speak for a militia that either thinks your group are ignorant at best or for the most part have no idea you exist.

The goal was open because you have no team.

it is not about fights, it is about game mechanics
Makrov Putin
Last Rites.
#93 - 2014-08-30 20:24:59 UTC
If the Caldari had as good a damage control in actual Pew Pew as they did with forum QQ this whole topic would have never even happened.
Arla Sarain
#94 - 2014-08-30 20:29:00 UTC
Makrov Putin wrote:
Iforum QQ t

> post
> "QQ QQ QQ"

Get over yourself.
Makrov Putin
Last Rites.
#95 - 2014-08-30 20:31:21 UTC
Arla Sarain wrote:
Makrov Putin wrote:
Iforum QQ t

> post
> "QQ QQ QQ"

Get over yourself.

If you guys were half as good at strategy and flying internet spaceships as you are at posturing on a forum that would help also. :)
Arla Sarain
#96 - 2014-08-30 20:40:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Arla Sarain
Makrov Putin wrote:

If you guys were half as good at [insert stuff] as you are at [insert more stuff] that would help also. :)

And you wouldn't need to deploy 3 Guardians and a random assortment of T3s and HACs to fight a Nighthawk and a bunch of frigs.

But tryharding is the trend, all the cool kids are doing it.
Makrov Putin
Last Rites.
#97 - 2014-08-30 20:43:38 UTC
I heard all races of Eve players can fly all the ships. Confirm or deny?
Makrov Putin
Last Rites.
#98 - 2014-08-30 20:48:25 UTC
That being said you are either too lazy as a group to train for them or option B too risk averse to fly them. Neither of which is a Gal Mil problem.
Arla Sarain
#99 - 2014-08-30 21:44:12 UTC
Makrov Putin wrote:
risk averse

How does risk aversion precede an escalation reaction?

We are in frigs.
You react with T2/T3 cruisers.
Who the hell is risk averse?

But then "Calmil we just want you to get a group and fight us pretty please we really want to fight".

Le Dumb.
Makrov Putin
Last Rites.
#100 - 2014-08-30 21:58:57 UTC
This may come as a shock but, no one in this game is obligated to give you a "good fight". Improvise, adapt and overcome, or get crushed beneath a mighty boot.