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War Decs as a griefing tool

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#281 - 2014-08-29 14:43:32 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
It can't because the things you need to do to cater to one group would alienate the other.
I don't for a second believe that to be true. I think it is quite possible to work with both sides of it, just not if either side think that they must be the only ones that should have the right to play.

Jenn aSide wrote:
And no, "more players" is not necessarily a good thing. More players could mean more people putting financial pressure on CCP to dumb the game down to cater to their whims. EVERY game I've played that tried to cater to both casuals and hardcore players failed. A game must have a focus if it's to be a good game.
More players means more income to spend on improving the game. And while yes, games that cater to both have died, games that catered to one or the other have also died. Most MMOs in fact have died. The market they appealed to isn't really the deciding factor there.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#282 - 2014-08-29 14:45:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Snidely Whiplash twirling the mustachios kind of evil that you see elsewhere.
That'd make a great avatar.

WTB proper pose-able avatars and twirl-able mustachios.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#283 - 2014-08-29 14:46:32 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
While mechanically it was tougher, the playerbase was different back then. You rarely had to worry about being ganked and didn't have to worry about multiple groups wardeccing every corp they saw, and code didn't even exist.

You think its bad now?

Back then it was even easier to gank stuff and the code is nothing compared to the likes of M0o.

Lucas Kell wrote:

One mechanic which is often used by gankers and the like now was much tougher back in the day though is scanning. It was an absolute mission back then, and now it's drag-drop.

Back then you had much less EHP, we had fully insurable battleships, Concord response time was much lower, crimewatch didn't exist, concord could be tanked and I belive gate and station guns did less damage.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#284 - 2014-08-29 14:48:04 UTC
More players = good?

Eve population dropping?


High sec is PACKED compared to how it used to be, and with all kinds of awful, selfish, silent, anti-social creatures.

If anything has changed around here, its the level of rudeness in Highsec

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#285 - 2014-08-29 14:52:54 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
While mechanically it was tougher, the playerbase was different back then. You rarely had to worry about being ganked and didn't have to worry about multiple groups wardeccing every corp they saw, and code didn't even exist.

This is mostly not true. I started in 2007 and the FIRST thing the corp i joined (a mission running and mining corp called Dark Harvest) gave me was a link to a website on how to not get ganked. You can google any year in EVE and find plenty of evidence of awareness of ganking and can flipping.

There is no evidence that ganking is worse now than in the past, and even if more is happening, there are also more active accounts.

Kurosaki Rukia
The House of Flying Stabbers
#286 - 2014-08-29 14:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kurosaki Rukia
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Working as intended then. It's can't be said enough, EVE is a game for self starters and social people (ie people who recognize the value of other people's experience). It's not like other MMOS (thank God and/or Icleandic pagan God for that) that are basicalyl single player experiences in a multiplayer backdrop.
Why can't it cater to both? Surely more players is a good thing.

I love this game because anyone at any time can interact with me. If I get the urge to mine, a rare thing but it does occasionally happen, my experience of mining is enriched by the possibility tha someone could try to gank me. In the old days I used to be delighted when a can flipper would come along, providing the possibility of more interesting interactions than veldspar can provide. If I'm hauling goods, then the possibility of being ganked and losing my cargo makes the boring A to B a million times more interesting. It gives me the opportunity to feel a sense of accomplishment, that my care and attention to detail paid off in allowing me to reach my destination safely. If I'm missioning, I love it when ninja salvagers show up.

I don't want to live in a universe where all the corners have been sandpapered round and everything's made of foam and padding. The thing about eve is, either we all take part in the risk and reward game-play it's built upon, or none of us do. The second you give a special group the ability to gain whatever rewards they like at zero risk then eve has sold its soul to the devil. If you want zero risk, there many games that provide that experience. Eve is one of the few that caters to those who enjoy adversity, and the possibility of conflict at all times.

Here's a quote from a dev of a different MMO.

'Being safe from evil is, in my mind, an uneven tradeoff for the fact that you don't get to be heroes anymore, in that you can just opt out of fighting evil. It may be nobody wants to be heroes except when it doesn't count, when it isn't challenging, that people would rather fight "pretend evil" than the real thing, but I don't personally believe that. I still think people are better than that.'

Even if I'm in a retriever, I am not helpless. Others might think a retriever isn't a PVP ship so there's no chance, and give up. That attitude is self defeatist. Some may cry helplessly that a mining barge is no match for a PVP ship. But I'm not trying to PVP in my barge, as fun as bait procurers are, usually the conflict is resolved in a greater game of cat and mouse with those who might try to blow up my humble barge in the first place. Eve is a game where risk avoidance will make you sad, angry, upset and bitter. Risk management is the way to go. Calculated risks. What's so bad about finding fun in adversity?

I think the issue here is the divide between those who are helpless, and those who help themselves. And no, it can't cater to both.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#287 - 2014-08-29 14:57:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Omar Alharazaad
Kurosaki Rukia wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Working as intended then. It's can't be said enough, EVE is a game for self starters and social people (ie people who recognize the value of other people's experience). It's not like other MMOS (thank God and/or Icleandic pagan God for that) that are basicalyl single player experiences in a multiplayer backdrop.
Why can't it cater to both? Surely more players is a good thing.

I love this game because anyone at any time can interact with me. If I get the urge to mine, a rare thing but it does occasionally happen, my experience of mining is enriched by the possibility tha someone could try to gank me. In the old days I used to be delighted when a can flipper would come along, providing the possibility of more interesting interactions than veldspar can provide. If I'm hauling goods, then the possibility of being ganked and losing my cargo makes the boring A to B a million times more interesting. It gives me the opportunity to feel a sense of accomplishment, that my care and attention to detail paid off in allowing me to reach my destination safely. If I'm missioning, I love it when ninja salvagers show up.

I don't want to live in a universe where all the corners have been sandpapered round and everything's made of foam and padding. The thing about eve is, either we all take part in the risk and reward game-play it' built upon, or none of us do. The second you give a special group the ability to gain whatever rewards they like at zero risk then eve has sold its soul to the devil. If you want zero risk, there many games that provide that experience. Eve is one of the few that caters to those who enjoy adversity, and the possibility of conflict at all times.

Here's a quote from a dev of a different MMO.

'Being safe from evil is, in my mind, an uneven tradeoff for the fact that you don't get to be heroes anymore, in that you can just opt out of fighting evil. It may be nobody wants to be heroes except when it doesn't count, when it isn't challenging, that people would rather fight "pretend evil" than the real thing, but I don't personally believe that. I still think people are better than that.'

Even if I'm in a retriever, I am not helpless. Others might think a retriever isn't a PVP ship so there's no chance, and give up. That attitude is self defeatist. Some may cry helplessly that a mining barge is no match for a PVP ship. But I'm not trying to PVP in my barge, as fun as bait procurers are, usually the conflict is resolved in a greater game of cat and mouse with those who might try to blow up my humble barge in the first place. Eve is a game where risk avoidance will make you sad, angry, upset and bitter. Risk management is the way to go. Calculated risks. What's so bad about finding fun in adversity?

I think the issue here is the divide between those who are helpless, and those who help themselves. And no, it can't cater to both.

I like you. Wanna breed?

Edit: For those of you who missed the Ice Pirates reference... shame on you.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#288 - 2014-08-29 14:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Xuixien
Lucas Kell wrote:
war decs are terrible and need to be looked at. They should generate combat, not one sided ganks, but the question is and always has been, how can it be changed to do just that?

It's up to the players. The only reason it's "one sided ganks" is because the war targets allow it to be that way. And it doesn't have to be that way. I've had corps I'd decced team up with eachother and form joint intel-channels to fight me. It was wonderful fun and I decided not to ransom them into oblivion because of it.

What's your excuse?

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#289 - 2014-08-29 15:01:36 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
But advising you with target research tools is a bit silly as your wardecced so the tagets will come to you and as a new player you dont have the skills or knowledge to compete with them, move to null or join faction warfare, learn to pvp and let the useless wardeccers play their little game as they wont go to nullsec

Stay away from trade hubs find a nice little system about 8-10. Jumps from any hub and your less likely to find war targets

When I was doing my HiSec wardecs, my favorite places to go where the little nooks and crannies. Best targets there, and they were always AFK cuz they felt safe.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Destination SkillQueue
#290 - 2014-08-29 15:04:57 UTC
Steppa Musana wrote:

Why must you group ganking, AWOXing, and scamming together? It's a common theme I see amongst the defenders of the status quo. It likely lends itself as the main reason you guys fail to see the point here.

Ganking does not circumvent usual high-sec mechanics. Scamming does not circumvent usual high-sec mechanics. AWOXing does. Wardecs do too.

People group them together because they're all activities allowed by the rules set by CCP. They're all equally ok activities. None of them circumvent highsec mechanics. AWOXing is an equall threat in all areas of space and is working as intended, as in everything works mechanically as it should and is designed to. Wardecs exist pretty much exclusively for empire space, so it's a part of the intended highsec experience. Just because some people dissapprove of some of them doesn't make them any less intended and normal parts of highsec corp life.

Steppa Musana wrote:

There needs to be a way to group with players without putting yourself at risk for AWOX or wardec. Without it the most logical choice as a non-PVPing high-sec player is to be in an NPC corp.

I somewhat agree here in the sense, that highsec only preference combined with wanting to be a part of a large social group means NPC corps are extremely attractive. I don't think the solution to that should be a corporation based one though as it wasn't even in your own example. Having people in NPC corps isn't the problem. Difficulty of forming and maintaining those social connections without being in a corp is. I also think trying to shove all social interaction to corps will just make the corporation system even more of a nightmare then it already is.

What the game needs is to get away from the corporation based division of social interaction. If a player wants to experience a certain activity with a social group, they should be just able to easily join an existing community or fleet to temporarily perform that activity without any connection to any corporation. This way people who can't handle hostile interaction with others can still enjoy their NPC corp protections, while socializing and interacting with other players in mostly co-operative endeavours. It's those social connections which are the important part. Such a system would also help players in player corps, where the corp can't always provide support for every member in all their chosen activities or to people who want to dip their toes in a new activity.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#291 - 2014-08-29 15:05:07 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
More players who just hide by themselves in NPC corps not wanting to interact with other players because they might be scary and want to steal or blow up their ship.. no thanks.
Why? What does it matter to you if they want to sit in a corner and be left alone?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#292 - 2014-08-29 15:07:46 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Is your imagination so limited?
No, I'm just realistic when considering how people would react to the change. It's great to think that people would run freighter runs will full guard (much like we used to in null and it was awesome), but it simply wouldn't happen. People are too effective at destroying them and the people being destroyed would want to avoid the loss, not to mention that the whole lot for a 10m isk payout is laughable.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#293 - 2014-08-29 15:14:24 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
More players who just hide by themselves in NPC corps not wanting to interact with other players because they might be scary and want to steal or blow up their ship.. no thanks.
Why? What does it matter to you if they want to sit in a corner and be left alone?

The question is the same for you: what does it matter to you if more people play the game?

You have no guarantee that CCP would use any extra revenue on anything you'd ever experience, they (more specifically, the shareholders) could simply pocket the money or use it to develop some game you have no interest in.

I like new players, the RIGHT new players. Responsible, creative, ambitious new players who add to the community and game. I dislike leeches and parasites who come into a game, decide they don't like it and thus decide it needs to be changed when all they person has to do to affect meaningful personal change is uninstall.

EVE is one of the few good games in existence for actual good gamers, I'd personally rather not see it crapped up by a casual mentality that would leave us nothing worth playing except Dwarf Fortress.
Kurosaki Rukia
The House of Flying Stabbers
#294 - 2014-08-29 15:18:03 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
More players who just hide by themselves in NPC corps not wanting to interact with other players because they might be scary and want to steal or blow up their ship.. no thanks.
Why? What does it matter to you if they want to sit in a corner and be left alone?

In Eve as it is currently, sitting in the corner trying to do your own thing puts you more at risk than those who have gone to the effort of learning the game mechanics; because you don't understand threats you are unable to defend against them all. This is risk-reward.

What you seem to want is blanket invulnerability that lets them opt out of risk-reward altogether. You want them to be safe without having earned it? How does that fit in with the eve universe without being game breaking?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#295 - 2014-08-29 15:32:16 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
You think its bad now?

Back then it was even easier to gank stuff and the code is nothing compared to the likes of M0o.
I did play back then, I even played in highsec back then, and never evn considered gankers. I even flew expensive stuff around in untanked haulers on autopilot, and never got ganked. Now I'd probably not make it more than a few jumps on autopilot with 100m (not that that should change, but you get the point, it seemed a lot safer).

baltec1 wrote:
Back then you had much less EHP, we had fully insurable battleships, Concord response time was much lower, crimewatch didn't exist, concord could be tanked and I belive gate and station guns did less damage.
And yet random ganking still seems to be more of a thing now.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#296 - 2014-08-29 15:38:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Lucas Kell wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
You think its bad now?

Back then it was even easier to gank stuff and the code is nothing compared to the likes of M0o.
I did play back then, I even played in highsec back then, and never evn considered gankers. I even flew expensive stuff around in untanked haulers on autopilot, and never got ganked. Now I'd probably not make it more than a few jumps on autopilot with 100m (not that that should change, but you get the point, it seemed a lot safer).

baltec1 wrote:
Back then you had much less EHP, we had fully insurable battleships, Concord response time was much lower, crimewatch didn't exist, concord could be tanked and I belive gate and station guns did less damage.
And yet random ganking still seems to be more of a thing now.

Highlighted the problem words.

I survived an attempted gank of my tanked industrial ship in 2008. I had an officer mod in it, but it was one of the cheap ones and I guess the ganker was in a hurry lol. We had a funny conversation in local about it where he realized the thing he was going for wasn't that expensive.

I haven't had anything like that happen since then, so if i were to rely on anecdotal evidence like you seem to be doing, I'd be able to state the the past was in fact more dangerous. But the truth is, there is no empirical evidence.

Still i think your perception is wrong like it is with many in real life. I recently had a conversation with a crime victim (i was doing a follow up report) in which he said "crime is worse than ever". As the guy who helps compile crime stats for my area, i know that is only not true, but the opposite of the truth (thought I didn't say it to him lol).

But for the victim, the combination of being victimized and the way we over-saturate ourselves with news and media in ways we didn't even just a few short years ago, it SEEMS worse than it is.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#297 - 2014-08-29 15:43:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Xuixien wrote:
It's up to the players. The only reason it's "one sided ganks" is because the war targets allow it to be that way. And it doesn't have to be that way. I've had corps I'd decced team up with eachother and form joint intel-channels to fight me. It was wonderful fun and I decided not to ransom them into oblivion because of it.

What's your excuse?
Lol, stop saying it's the fault of the target. If the target was capable of fighting back, they wouldn't be picked as a target and the next corp who can't fight back would be picked. The problem is that the vast majority of people who wardec are so obsessed with fapping over their killboard efficiency that they have become more risk averse than the risk averse carebears they complain about.

And I don't need an excuse. I live in null sec. Wardeccers don't come out this way.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#298 - 2014-08-29 15:43:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Omar Alharazaad
I think it's more that certain places have become more gank-prone. Popular choke points that almost everyone who's not bothering to look at what's going on will go through. Gankers have noticed this and changed how they operate accordingly. It's not their fault all the salmon keep swimming upstream right into their eager clutches. In short they've adapted to where their prey will most likely be and have set up in those places. The fact that the only thing the prey seems to be doing in response to this is scream their bloody heads off on the forums does kind of say something...

Edit: I seem to have gotten my threads crossed. Why are we talking about ganking in the wardec thread again? This doesn't even make sense.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#299 - 2014-08-29 15:44:15 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
You think its bad now?

Back then it was even easier to gank stuff and the code is nothing compared to the likes of M0o.
I did play back then, I even played in highsec back then, and never evn considered gankers. I even flew expensive stuff around in untanked haulers on autopilot, and never got ganked. Now I'd probably not make it more than a few jumps on autopilot with 100m (not that that should change, but you get the point, it seemed a lot safer).

baltec1 wrote:
Back then you had much less EHP, we had fully insurable battleships, Concord response time was much lower, crimewatch didn't exist, concord could be tanked and I belive gate and station guns did less damage.
And yet random ganking still seems to be more of a thing now.

Its more whined about. Back then you the likes of M0o killing thousands in highsec gatecamps and gankers effectivly using free battleships to gank much softer targets. The facts are that ganking is at an all time low today, you have never been safer.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#300 - 2014-08-29 15:46:29 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Prince Kobol wrote:
More players who just hide by themselves in NPC corps not wanting to interact with other players because they might be scary and want to steal or blow up their ship.. no thanks.
Why? What does it matter to you if they want to sit in a corner and be left alone?

Because it's bad for the game.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist