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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Anthar Thebess
#1501 - 2014-08-26 06:46:33 UTC
Well if you just make RR also being affected by resistances then this is very easy to fix , just by removing resistances.
It will impact all fleets in grate manner without affecting repair of structures.

Lets assume that we can repair 1000 hp per cycle , but ship have 90% maximum against one type of damage then only 100hp will be repaired by cycle.

We will have finally split doctrines - hey we need ALL types of battleships in a fleet !
Silent Scourge
#1502 - 2014-08-26 06:58:26 UTC
cpt Niki wrote:
OH yes bring RR nerf!

3-4 modules active to a station rep fleet! YES! I have one week to rep this ****!

Nerf the RR let the scrubs stay up 2 days to rep their tower from RF!

let the small guy stay up and rep sov structure for ages!

If you are going to nerf RR don't do it only for ships! do it for the fun of this game!

They couldn't possibly balance it such that more modules worked while repping structures now could they?

Also, at the same time going on that whole structures argument we were having earlier in the projection chat. Wouldnt, say 10 carriers maxing out on reppign a station or something, also be the limit that THEY can use? Thats at least a case of some stuff that I could muster the forces to do just as effectively as they could, power projection aside.

Lesse an archon in siege is probably repping ~3600 armor per second (3 reps) or 900 out of triage.
If you triage a single archon it'd take you ~4.5hours (260 minutes) to rep 50mil HP (Yes I know, shields and all, but I just happened to have an archon open on EFT). Split that across 10 archons, thats ~ 26 minutes.
Ofcourse you might not rep in in triage, and well then your gonna take 4x as long, so a little over 100 minutes or an hour and a half.

But hey lets jump to conclusions suddenly. (note that this would be running off of my 1rep per ship, rebalance. YMMV depending on other methods of balancing the reps)
cpt Niki
Caldari State
#1503 - 2014-08-26 07:23:55 UTC
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
cpt Niki wrote:
OH yes bring RR nerf!

3-4 modules active to a station rep fleet! YES! I have one week to rep this ****!

Nerf the RR let the scrubs stay up 2 days to rep their tower from RF!

let the small guy stay up and rep sov structure for ages!

If you are going to nerf RR don't do it only for ships! do it for the fun of this game!

They couldn't possibly balance it such that more modules worked while repping structures now could they?

Also, at the same time going on that whole structures argument we were having earlier in the projection chat. Wouldnt, say 10 carriers maxing out on reppign a station or something, also be the limit that THEY can use? Thats at least a case of some stuff that I could muster the forces to do just as effectively as they could, power projection aside.

Lesse an archon in siege is probably repping ~3600 armor per second (3 reps) or 900 out of triage.
If you triage a single archon it'd take you ~4.5hours (260 minutes) to rep 50mil HP (Yes I know, shields and all, but I just happened to have an archon open on EFT). Split that across 10 archons, thats ~ 26 minutes.
Ofcourse you might not rep in in triage, and well then your gonna take 4x as long, so a little over 100 minutes or an hour and a half.

But hey lets jump to conclusions suddenly. (note that this would be running off of my 1rep per ship, rebalance. YMMV depending on other methods of balancing the reps)

They couldn't possibly balance it such that more modules worked while repping structures now could they?

why? are structures something special that they need to attract the blob and so the small guy can't do any damage to those structures?

So if you have to rep a 10m hp (TCU) you will stay out there for near 2 hours doing it in triage with fleet to support you and get them bored to death because a single triage carrier is not a target to hotdrop.

having it in non triage it will take you 6 hours? with a fleet there waiting.
Yes this game is fun.

Nerf the RR, shutdown the API servers.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1504 - 2014-08-26 10:35:48 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
jiujitsutou wrote:
@ Wayne: Adding more systems in the current system is nonsense they would be taken just as fast , the Point was and is Powerprojection must be hit hard with the nerfhammer.

@ baltec1: So Basicly you want to soft cap rrs while damage still works n+1 ? That does sound stupid to me ignoring the absoulute numbers you suggest. You said it yourself the Problems is your numbers aka the blobb , rigs do play a Part however the umber of available reps didnt actualy change in 2008/9 RR BS were a huge thing it basicly meant that you had 150 reps spread over 150 ships but resulted in the same amount of reps you get nowadays from 25ish logis .Lets just assume you would be rght and the amount of reps did go up significantly , so did the damage on most ships .
A Cap to rrs will help the larger groups more than the small ones as theyll just go the way of the Shotgun as they can afford taking more losses anyways.

BS RR back then had a bunch of issues from quickly capping out to range problems. They were not nearly as good at RR as logi ships today which is why they haven't been see for something like 5 years. The N+1 in regards to damage isn't something you can nerf directly unless you do something like remove the broadcast system. Big fleets will still be a powerful tool but they will at least now be killable.

3-4 modules active to a station rep fleet! YES! I have one week to rep this ****!

Naturally structures would have to have no RR cap on them or have specialist mods or even ships for the job and just that job.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1505 - 2014-08-26 10:38:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Well if you just make RR also being affected by resistances then this is very easy to fix , just by removing resistances.
It will impact all fleets in grate manner without affecting repair of structures.

Lets assume that we can repair 1000 hp per cycle , but ship have 90% maximum against one type of damage then only 100hp will be repaired by cycle.

We will have finally split doctrines - hey we need ALL types of battleships in a fleet !

The downside of that is that it massively nerfs small fleets as well and changes compeltely the balance of ships (makign resistance bonus far far weaker )

I still prefer to simply reduce massively the range of RR. Logistics should need to MOVE to the shipt hey want to repair, not magically touch them 70 km away. Simply REMOVE the PG bonsu to fit large repairers/transfers, Make them work with medium ones and HALVE the range bonus.. in fact make it so that they barely can be used to repair a pos shield and no inch further.

Large repairers and transfers then can be BUFFED, like double the range and a bit less cap usage (now that logis would not be able to use them) That would create variation in possibilities. Also that would add more need of skill on the logi pilots.

With a small bonus is much easier to overhelm logistics. And this will not affect much smaller fleets.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anthar Thebess
#1506 - 2014-08-26 12:34:13 UTC
Range is also issue, but they have to be always able to reach pos.
Well there are to many variables just to remove change RR fast.

For example triage carrier repping T3 cruiser almost instantly - for me every thing in this is wrong.

After some thoughts this have to be solved differently.

Maybe adding some negative effects to remote repairs , effects that will grow in a logarithmic way, so at some point they bring to repaired ship more bad than good.

For example.
Remote energy transfers :
- Signature radius increase.
- Targeting Tange Dampening
3 % small
6 % medium
9 % large
20 % Capital

Remote Shield repair
- Signature radius increase.
3 % small
6 % medium
9 % large
20 % Capital
- Lowering Shield resistances ( to the 0 , so it cannot go negative)
0.5 % small
1 % medium
2.5 % large
4 % Capital

Remote Armor repair
- Signature radius increase.
3 % small
6 % medium
9 % large
20 % Capital
- Lowering Armor resistances ( to the 0 , so it cannot go negative)
0.5 % small
1 % medium
2.5 % large
4 % Capital

Let assume that this system ticks at 3 repairers, active on a targeted ship.
Up to 3 repair systems are free - no negative effect.
4-6 you get 4% reduction to all your armor resistances.
7-9 will get your resistances down by (4+4) * 1.2= 9.6% on all resistances
10-12 will make you (9.6+4)*1.2= 16.32% on all armor resistances down.

Your signature will also be increased.

Those are just suggestions - but they will be heavily affecting all big fleets.
No resistances ? Speed? There are many possibilities.

To the point that there will be no more "bring more logistics" but "logistics in wing A only repair target X, rest wait , DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT help"
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#1507 - 2014-08-26 21:11:03 UTC
Your argument with triage is all wrong so i have to pose the question have you ever flown a carrier and deployed into triage on tranquility before? Or are you talking about something you have only seen / read about?

The entire point of triage is a shift in energy polarity fields used to augment repair systems and logistic capability's so not only do you rep a lot more both for other people and for yourself but you lose the ability to do anything else including use drones which means when you go into triage more than 1000 DPS has just been nuked from the field for 5 minutes or more. In exchange a ship is now much harder to kill because it is receiving 2000+ Armor HP every 3 seconds ( thats 1 rep usually )

Now what most people do is cry "we cant kill the T3 or whatever thats being repped by an archon, CCP Help me" but there are options available to you that for some reason people don't think to exploit. ( i don't mean bannable exploit )

You could swap primary to the carrier itself and burn it down, sure it reps 20,000 Armor per every 12 seconds or so but it costs quite a bit of cap to do that and its easy if you can apply enough DPS to keep that rep cycling and applying cap pressure through nuets to cap the carrier out and make the T3 or whatever vulnerable once more. Also not in triage a carrier CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES recieve remote assistance, if its going down at half triage cycle, its going down before anyone can help it.

You could bump the carrier or the subcap out of repair range, its easier than most people think just nobody thinks to do it for some reason. Conversely with T2 logi ships that rep at 70+ Km's Like theyre supposed to you can damp these ships and bring them into brawling range, 70km reps does you no good with a 30km targeting range. and at 30k your practically in nuet range which opens up doors on its own.

Dreads also exist for a reason, even triage carriers have issues keeping up with an 18K DPS moros or an alpha nag especially since nobody can help them in triage so they have to tank it all by themselves. In pantheon / slowcat setups they can catch reps but you can also drop an alpha dread fleet ( usually if your going against a large pantheon setup you have dreads or supers to help you out )

another good technique is to to JAM the Logistics ships ( not the carriers since triage says no ) even running 2 ECCM they can still be jammed by a good falcon pilot from 70+kms especially if you pile on the racial specific jams needed. no lock means no cap chain or reps which means dead ships. remember mobile depot refit is your friend, use it.

Now that rant aside I do agree with stacking penalty for RR, if you have 400 reps on you they shouldn't all be working at maximum efficiency, perhaps a less steep stacking penalty than the current meta so that repping supers or titans under siege is still viable since you cant just rip the rug out from under supers after the recent balance to them again that brought them back to the realm of reason-ability in the first place. Plus that would mean mass dread blobs would be un-stop-able against supers since now the reps were nerfed into oblivion.

even reducing RR based on sig radius would work so that a proteus wont recieve the full power of a rack of reps from an archon making it a bit more reasonable but again it cant be too steep or you penalize people who spent a FULL YEAR OR MORE training into these ships.

Also for the other one who said T2 logi should get stuck with medium reps, No they need something that makes them unique its like how a talos fits blaster cannons not medium guns like the other 3 BC's. you can still counter them with above mentioned techniques, it happens all the time.

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Silent Scourge
#1508 - 2014-08-26 21:33:19 UTC
To the dude above me. Triage carriers are really REALLY not the problem. Its the carriers that while out of triage with 2-3 reps can rep 600-900dps per second, and can direct the reps from 50 carriers onto a target. Over 30k damage repped per sec before considering resists so its really closer to 100k dps taken off the field. They dont need to triage, because then a single carrier would be killable.
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#1509 - 2014-08-26 21:45:17 UTC
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
To the dude above me. Triage carriers are really REALLY not the problem. Its the carriers that while out of triage with 2-3 reps can rep 600-900dps per second, and can direct the reps from 50 carriers onto a target. Over 30k damage repped per sec before considering resists so its really closer to 100k dps taken off the field. They dont need to triage, because then a single carrier would be killable.

hence why i also said they should either nerf that kind of rep based on sig radius or number of reps on grid, pantheon set ups ( slowcats, wrecking-balls etc ) are very difficult to kill, but 12+ alpha nags can pop them 1 at a time and there are other ways to kill them as well. Especially if you keep them bubbled in station and they cant deploy it effectively.

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Silent Scourge
#1510 - 2014-08-26 22:05:39 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
To the dude above me. Triage carriers are really REALLY not the problem. Its the carriers that while out of triage with 2-3 reps can rep 600-900dps per second, and can direct the reps from 50 carriers onto a target. Over 30k damage repped per sec before considering resists so its really closer to 100k dps taken off the field. They dont need to triage, because then a single carrier would be killable.

hence why i also said they should either nerf that kind of rep based on sig radius or number of reps on grid, pantheon set ups ( slowcats, wrecking-balls etc ) are very difficult to kill, but 12+ alpha nags can pop them 1 at a time and there are other ways to kill them as well. Especially if you keep them bubbled in station and they cant deploy it effectively.

Constantly checking number of reps on grid is counterproductive and would be a heavy strain on the server. Thats why aoe ongrid boosting is still a myth because itd be such a drain.

Bumping ships is doable, but in 10%tidi very unviable. Also it takes a lot of bumps to bump stuff out of rep range. Esp armor ships.

And at the same time, most of your solutions are only for subcap logis not carrier reps, also jams rent highly effective in fleet settings where every ship is getting 50% better sensors than base.

Sigrad based reps would be maybe doable, but wouldnt it be rather unbalanced? I dont know the specific ruleset for the reps, but shield ships are often rather high on sig compared to their armored bretheren. Depending on the balance, you may make shield ships even less desireable to have around. Or they might be vastly better at recieving reps(larger ships get fuller reps from largr rep sources, thing like exprad and sig for missiles) than armor due to their inherentpy higher sigs.
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#1511 - 2014-08-26 22:18:26 UTC
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
To the dude above me. Triage carriers are really REALLY not the problem. Its the carriers that while out of triage with 2-3 reps can rep 600-900dps per second, and can direct the reps from 50 carriers onto a target. Over 30k damage repped per sec before considering resists so its really closer to 100k dps taken off the field. They dont need to triage, because then a single carrier would be killable.

hence why i also said they should either nerf that kind of rep based on sig radius or number of reps on grid, pantheon set ups ( slowcats, wrecking-balls etc ) are very difficult to kill, but 12+ alpha nags can pop them 1 at a time and there are other ways to kill them as well. Especially if you keep them bubbled in station and they cant deploy it effectively.

Constantly checking number of reps on grid is counterproductive and would be a heavy strain on the server. Thats why aoe ongrid boosting is still a myth because itd be such a drain.

Bumping ships is doable, but in 10%tidi very unviable. Also it takes a lot of bumps to bump stuff out of rep range. Esp armor ships.

And at the same time, most of your solutions are only for subcap logis not carrier reps, also jams rent highly effective in fleet settings where every ship is getting 50% better sensors than base.

Sigrad based reps would be maybe doable, but wouldnt it be rather unbalanced? I dont know the specific ruleset for the reps, but shield ships are often rather high on sig compared to their armored bretheren. Depending on the balance, you may make shield ships even less desireable to have around. Or they might be vastly better at recieving reps(larger ships get fuller reps from largr rep sources, thing like exprad and sig for missiles) than armor due to their inherentpy higher sigs.

that end part coupled with the faster cycle time of shield reps could actually mean more shield cap fleets out and about since the rep would be that much better

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Silent Scourge
#1512 - 2014-08-26 22:44:24 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Linkxsc162534 wrote:
To the dude above me. Triage carriers are really REALLY not the problem. Its the carriers that while out of triage with 2-3 reps can rep 600-900dps per second, and can direct the reps from 50 carriers onto a target. Over 30k damage repped per sec before considering resists so its really closer to 100k dps taken off the field. They dont need to triage, because then a single carrier would be killable.

hence why i also said they should either nerf that kind of rep based on sig radius or number of reps on grid, pantheon set ups ( slowcats, wrecking-balls etc ) are very difficult to kill, but 12+ alpha nags can pop them 1 at a time and there are other ways to kill them as well. Especially if you keep them bubbled in station and they cant deploy it effectively.

Constantly checking number of reps on grid is counterproductive and would be a heavy strain on the server. Thats why aoe ongrid boosting is still a myth because itd be such a drain.

Bumping ships is doable, but in 10%tidi very unviable. Also it takes a lot of bumps to bump stuff out of rep range. Esp armor ships.

And at the same time, most of your solutions are only for subcap logis not carrier reps, also jams rent highly effective in fleet settings where every ship is getting 50% better sensors than base.

Sigrad based reps would be maybe doable, but wouldnt it be rather unbalanced? I dont know the specific ruleset for the reps, but shield ships are often rather high on sig compared to their armored bretheren. Depending on the balance, you may make shield ships even less desireable to have around. Or they might be vastly better at recieving reps(larger ships get fuller reps from largr rep sources, thing like exprad and sig for missiles) than armor due to their inherentpy higher sigs.

that end part coupled with the faster cycle time of shield reps could actually mean more shield cap fleets out and about since the rep would be that much better

When someone gets primaried, blast them with tps to boost their sig and make reps land harder... but wait then theyll take more damage.
cpt Niki
Caldari State
#1513 - 2014-08-27 08:27:35 UTC
Linkxsc162534 wrote:

Bumping ships is doable, but in 10%tidi very unviable. Also it takes a lot of bumps to bump stuff out of rep range. Esp armor ships.

you didn't get the memo?

Baltec said that this will make sov easy and no more blobs will be there so you will never be in 10% tidi so let us all rejoice!

Nerf the RR, shutdown the API servers
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1514 - 2014-08-27 09:48:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
cpt Niki wrote:
Linkxsc162534 wrote:

Bumping ships is doable, but in 10%tidi very unviable. Also it takes a lot of bumps to bump stuff out of rep range. Esp armor ships.

you didn't get the memo?

Baltec said that this will make sov easy and no more blobs will be there so you will never be in 10% tidi so let us all rejoice!

Nerf the RR, shutdown the API servers

IF the RR range is reduced a LTO then it WILL be easy to bump outside repair range.

And he is Right, anyoen that has brains enough to analyse the situation can see (or even remember from the past if you prefer) that without logi the fights had way more attrition and smaller gangs were COMMONLY fighting larger gangs and doing a lot of damage.

Resolution based reps could be a nice addition.

Reduce logistic range bonus so that they can barely still repari a pos with large repair/transfers. Now medium repairers will be far superior due to resolution when repairing other cruisers, but they will ahve a much shorter range.

I think we may have found a very viable solution. triage might receive a resolution bonus, so that triage carriers can keep battleships alive, but spider blobs of carriers be not very efficient at doing it.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1515 - 2014-08-27 09:56:55 UTC
Linkxsc162534 wrote:

Constantly checking number of reps on grid is counterproductive and would be a heavy strain on the server. Thats why aoe ongrid boosting is still a myth because itd be such a drain.


Calculation to know if you are on range of the boosting ship. Your ship is A booster ship is B. (Bx-Ax)^2 +(By-Ay)^2 + (Cy-Ay)^2 compare with desired distance ² . A whooping 15 cycles on a cpu... OMG SUCH A MASSIVE LOAD!!!!! Even 10 thousand ships would not represent more than 0.5% of the load of a BAD cpu.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

cpt Niki
Caldari State
#1516 - 2014-08-27 11:27:13 UTC
And he is Right, anyoen that has brains enough to analyse the situation can see (or even remember from the past if you prefer) that without logi the fights had way more attrition and smaller gangs were COMMONLY fighting larger gangs and doing a lot of damage.

Can someone tell me, what year are we talking?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1517 - 2014-08-27 12:02:12 UTC
cpt Niki wrote:
And he is Right, anyoen that has brains enough to analyse the situation can see (or even remember from the past if you prefer) that without logi the fights had way more attrition and smaller gangs were COMMONLY fighting larger gangs and doing a lot of damage.

Can someone tell me, what year are we talking?

2010 and under.
cpt Niki
Caldari State
#1518 - 2014-08-27 12:18:33 UTC  |  Edited by: cpt Niki
Yes! now I remember, those times that you didn't want to get in big fights because of lag, and those damn hamsters dying so fast!

yes the RR was the hint! that was the feature that made us not flying 1.5k vs 1.5k, yes you ppl are right! the RR was the driving force!

ok lets get our **** together, back then when you had more than 500 in system lag was kicking your head till you spit your teeth.

you didn't have the choice to bring those 50 logi's because you needed those DPS! so no logi more DPS ships.

but... go on, tell about history, I like to hear about those glory days of eve and not seeking a solution to the future without those recalls.

Forgot something! Shutdown the API servers let all the work be done ingame! more people involved more drama we have more content we gain!
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1519 - 2014-08-27 12:19:43 UTC
cpt Niki wrote:
Yes! now I remember, those times that you didn't want to get in big fights because of lag, and those damn hamsters dying so fast!

yes the RR was the hint! that was the feature that made us not flying 1.5k vs 1.5k, yes you ppl are right! the RR was the driving force!

ok lets get our **** together, back then when you had more than 500 in system lag was kicking your head till you spit your teeth.

you didn't have the choice to bring those 50 logi's because you needed those DPS! so no logi more DPS ships.

but... go on, tell about history, I like to hear about those glory days of eve and not seeking a solution to the future without those recalls.

This was 2 years before you started playing.
cpt Niki
Caldari State
#1520 - 2014-08-27 12:23:17 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
cpt Niki wrote:
Yes! now I remember, those times that you didn't want to get in big fights because of lag, and those damn hamsters dying so fast!

yes the RR was the hint! that was the feature that made us not flying 1.5k vs 1.5k, yes you ppl are right! the RR was the driving force!

ok lets get our **** together, back then when you had more than 500 in system lag was kicking your head till you spit your teeth.

you didn't have the choice to bring those 50 logi's because you needed those DPS! so no logi more DPS ships.

but... go on, tell about history, I like to hear about those glory days of eve and not seeking a solution to the future without those recalls.

This was 2 years before you started playing.

2007 > 2010?

ehm! man! are you ok? did you get from my drugs?