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What's with the obsession with highsec'ers!!

Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2011-12-09 21:12:37 UTC
Senshi Hawk wrote:
Comparing null to highsec is like comparing the autobahn to an American freeway. On the autobahn you can drive as fast as you want, but you cannot let yourself get complacent because others will drive just as fast. If you make a mistake you will likely pay for it. On a freeway there is a preset, regulatory speed limit. Most drivers, which we will call "carebears", will adhere to this law. That does not mean it isn't possible to drive faster.

In fact, those who do drive faster without getting caught by police will have a relatively easy trip as they work their way around the slower cars. This defines two different methods of "playing it smart" - the autobahn driver or nullsec dweller, who only has to worry about those around him and his own capabilities - and the Freeway driver or carebear, who has to assess the risk and push himself appropriately.

The point of this reply is that both people, the null players and the highsec players, have to pick their battles. No battle is more justified than the other. It depends on your preference in gameplay and you have to take what you can get.

There's also the question of environment. Don't attempt autobahn speeds on an American freeway. They (the freeways) are pooly built and barely maintained.
Handsome Hussein
#42 - 2011-12-09 21:15:26 UTC
Pavel Bidermann wrote:
Senshi Hawk wrote:
Comparing null to highsec is like comparing the autobahn to an American freeway. On the autobahn you can drive as fast as you want, but you cannot let yourself get complacent because others will drive just as fast. If you make a mistake you will likely pay for it. On a freeway there is a preset, regulatory speed limit. Most drivers, which we will call "carebears", will adhere to this law. That does not mean it isn't possible to drive faster.

In fact, those who do drive faster without getting caught by police will have a relatively easy trip as they work their way around the slower cars. This defines two different methods of "playing it smart" - the autobahn driver or nullsec dweller, who only has to worry about those around him and his own capabilities - and the Freeway driver or carebear, who has to assess the risk and push himself appropriately.

The point of this reply is that both people, the null players and the highsec players, have to pick their battles. No battle is more justified than the other. It depends on your preference in gameplay and you have to take what you can get.

There's also the question of environment. Don't attempt autobahn speeds on an American freeway. They (the freeways) are pooly built and barely maintained.

It's true that the freeways here suck. But I tell you what, driving fast in a straight line is for pussies, and we have some of the best back-country roads on the planet.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2011-12-09 21:23:02 UTC
proxwar wrote:
Also, I approve of removing all moongoo and shaking it up so all the big alliances dont monopolise the whole thing and just get ever richer, randomise it weekly as to where the r64 and r32 moons switch Lol

This idea makes about as much sense as having all planets change type once a week would.

If anything, moongoo should be turned into a PI-like process, so the moongoo is extracted by everyone, but the POCOs flying around moons would take their cut in taxes to help fund the alliance.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

M5 Tuttle
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2011-12-09 21:50:06 UTC
proxwar wrote:
Pavel Bidermann wrote:
High sec ganking has been there all along. Its just advertised right now. Null has gotten so boring that they have nothing else to do..

This ^

But, its their own god damn fault for being gigantic pussies and blueballing every alliance within 50 jumps. Trouble is, the nullbears chest beat about their awesomeness and their sov blah blah when in fact, they are just as **** scared of real fights hence the blueballing. If they were not a bunch nullbears they'd be millions of wrecks daily, but no, all talk..

Also, I approve of removing all moongoo and shaking it up so all the big alliances dont monopolise the whole thing and just get ever richer, randomise it weekly as to where the r64 and r32 moons switch Lol

yeah when i first started playing this game i was pretty excited about eventually making it out to null and doing some big fleet battles. but after hearing about how they tend to just mass wealth and blue other alliances it seems like a snoozefest to me.
Surge Roth
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2011-12-09 22:18:04 UTC
Pavel Bidermann wrote:
Oh, and you need bots. Lots and lots of bots.

Don't flatter yourself. They're simply better than you ever will be.
Until you start taking an active role to stop whatever they're doing that's making you mad, they will continue to be better than you. The tools are already in the game to take a piece of that pie, but you're bitching and moaning like a little school girl instead.

Give me your stuff when you decide to quit.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#46 - 2011-12-10 01:03:27 UTC
Surge Roth wrote:
[Cliche'd, generic null-lemming crap]

Post with your main.


#47 - 2011-12-10 01:58:17 UTC

Null sec sucks. 1 jump into null sec and it's GATE CAMPS GALORE!!!!.......
Eve Cluster Explorations
#48 - 2011-12-10 02:09:08 UTC
Selinate wrote:

Null sec sucks. 1 jump into null sec and it's GATE CAMPS GALORE!!!!.......
2 jumps in it's empty.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

The Lone Wolves.
#49 - 2011-12-10 02:12:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Adelphie
The recent focus hasn't been on high-seccers per-se, more the highsec/lowsen/ull dynamic within the game.

I started playing this game more than a few years ago and when I did there was a desire by the majority of players to move to the uncharted waters of nullsec - where fame and fortune awaited. The risk vs. reward made people want to go to the less safe areas of the game. Of course there were still people who resided solely in empire. There always was and there always will be. The proportion of players, however, staying in empire is increasing over time.

This has several impacts on the game - firstly nullsec becomes stagnant, empty and somewhat boring - this is not helped by the sov game mechanics but there are plenty of posts on thsi.

It also has a detrimental impact on highsec dwellers - because null/lowsec suffer from a lack of pvp there is more of a tendancy to go for highsec conflicts, suicide ganking etc etc which makes highsec more dangerous.

I would love the next expansion to focus on getting newer players to feel that they can get out to null and take ownership which would reduce some of the problems outlined in this thread.

Also - for those saying it is the fault of the large alliances for getting big - in the words of my soulmate Ice T - "don't hate the playa, hate the game"
#50 - 2011-12-10 02:14:21 UTC
average lifespan of nullbear RMT alliances needs to be 6 months. What message should people take from EVE when it requires supers to get sov, but you can't have supers if you don't already have sov?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

#51 - 2011-12-10 02:30:05 UTC
Blue nullbears are bored.

Need freshmeat to kill.

Surprised when meat doesn't want to be killed.
Titania Hrothgar
Nemesis Retribution
#52 - 2011-12-10 05:01:01 UTC
There are plenty of people for them to kill. They can attack gate camps, head into 0.0 and take on corps, etc... I go into 0.4 space and see 20 people in one system. No one to kill? That's a lie. They come into high sec because they don't want the challenge of starting wars or big huge fights or clearing gate camps, etc. They just want to gank miners which has no risk. Truth is, they just aren't strong enough for the challenges of being in 0.0.

All the world's a stage and all the men and women are the players.

Surge Roth
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2011-12-10 05:23:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Surge Roth
Lyrrashae wrote:
Surge Roth wrote:
[Cliche'd, generic null-lemming crap]

[butthurt over the truth being spoken for once]

Remember, when you assume things it makes an ass out of you and me.
So, stop it.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#54 - 2011-12-10 11:18:35 UTC
Surge Roth wrote:
Lyrrashae wrote:
Surge Roth wrote:
[Cliche'd, generic null-lemming crap]

[butthurt over the truth being spoken for once]

Remember, when you assume things it makes an ass out of you and me.
So, stop it.

Bigger/richer =/= better, lemming. Now who's assuming?


Random Majere
Rogue Fleet
#55 - 2011-12-10 13:57:38 UTC
Psychophantic wrote:
Blue nullbears are bored.

Need freshmeat to kill.

Surprised when meat doesn't want to be killed.

That is my feeling to.

This sort of problem will go away when CCP changes the sov rules in null. Null sec currently feels like a Risk board saturated by three factions. Two major blocks friends to each other and just chilling. And the third (smaller one) trying to survive.
Goonswarm Federation
#56 - 2011-12-10 15:19:31 UTC
Psychophantic wrote:
Blue nullbears are bored.

Need freshmeat to kill.

Surprised when meat doesn't want to be killed.

it would be sort of boring if they didn't want to be killed i don't quite get why you think we're surprised by that

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Atomic Core Industries and Science
#57 - 2011-12-10 15:28:59 UTC
The greater problem is CCP is totally unaware of the damage this trend will bring and moreover continues to boost 0.0 peoples income and ego.

I will tell you this: You cant keep 0.0 and low as a PvP focused environment and force people with a carebear set of mind into joining in. I am a highsec player and I dont want to be in a PvP environment 24/7 and be reliant on other players, a corp or alliance politics to do my stuff in this game, I want to be free and choose for myself and NOT join PvP stuff. There is nothing in the world that will change that, but a hell lot of stuff that could make me quit this game if CCP tries to force me to play this game in a manner I dont want.

Wake up, CCP! There is no gain in scaring away paying customers.

P.S. If you want more carebears in 0.0 and low bring back unscannable ships, at least they felt kinda safe. (when of course they were not)
Weiland Taur
The Icarus Expedition
Solyaris Chtonium
#58 - 2011-12-10 15:34:02 UTC
People need to stop whinning about null sec rampages which will happen for any number of reasons and start complaining about the stagnant nature of industry in Eve. Instead of giving us paperweights for PI extraction how about some new mining ships? Maybe a Hulk that can tank. Or a Mackinaw that is not a flimsy icetray. Make it so that gangs have to team up to pop an industrial. These are supposed to be ships used for deep space ore extraction so one would assume they would be able to take a punch. If industrial types complained (advocated) to CCP as much as the null sec crowd they might get the tools to defend themselves and then it's fun for all. Maybe take all low end ores and low end loot drops out of null sec so that hisec mining is not the paupers parade that it seems to be right now. The Goons did make ice mining a real industry (I can afford to pay my crews now) and then CCP gave them ships to make popping easier.

If CCP is going to pretend that their is something like an arms race in Eve then get the miners at the table.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2011-12-10 15:36:23 UTC
Why would CCP want to scare carebears into 0.0?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Embrace My Hate
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2011-12-10 16:14:45 UTC
Zevina wrote:
I am a highsec player and I dont want to be in a PvP environment 24/7 and be reliant on other players, a corp or alliance politics to do my stuff in this game, I want to be free and choose for myself and NOT join PvP stuff.

I can already tell you you're in the wrong game. PvP is everywhere whether you like it or not. Concord provides consequences not protection.