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Low Sec FW Meetings

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Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#81 - 2014-08-21 15:38:50 UTC
why exactly should you be able to capture plexes without holding the field. all of these mechanics were designed to make fights happen, and reward people who win fights with dosh and control. you guys are bad.
lord xavier
Rubbed Out
#82 - 2014-08-21 16:11:07 UTC
Moglarr wrote:
I think the timer roll backs would be a bad idea because it would make any time you had to leave a plex unattended suck. And I already feel like oplexing sucks now, if I wanted to kill waves of useless rats that do literally nothing for me but waste my ammo I'd run l1 missions in high sec. What if neutrals show up and push you out? They aren't a part of the FW mechanics but now they are preventingmy ability to contest the system, and are in fact defending it by virtue of keeping in me out of the plex I was in. What if I go help a buddy in another plex, on a gate, dock up for reps or literally anything that takes me away from the capture point? Realistically if you want the timer to roll back you should have a pilot there to run it down. It doesn't matter what you think the motivation of the pilot your dscan tells you is in a plex is. All that matter is what your goal is and how you achieve it. You want a warzone where control is determined by occupying a system? Then undock and occupy that system. If you're not willing to chase away or hunt down any fool who tries to plex a system you claim as yours then you will lose that system (Or you do that and the entire Gallente militia come along anyway to push you out anyway :P). These "rabbits" as you call them don't determine warzone control. At best they slow one side down a little bit and offer the other side a little more buffer time to figure out what is going on.

What if Neutrals show up: Welcome to a "Warzone" and Lowsec.
Preventing you from taking the plex and keeping you[/u] out of the plex. Fly with friends and militia mates?
Helping a buddy in a plex; the concept of teamwork is really hard...

Tell me why [b]one
individual pilot should be able to control an entire system? And yes, occupying a point would mean you should control it. You should not control something that has no one in it and hasn't had anyone in it for days. If you cannot defend a system or point while you are trying to caputre it, you should lose your progress if you get beaten or have to leave.

Have to warp off to a station to repair? If you would get rid of those warp core stabs, maybe you could fit an armor repairer and self-rep yourself. If you can't self-rep the incoming damage from a single rat, you are doing it wrong.

And seriously, plex rats need to lose that magic MWD that makes them skate across the plex faster than anything else on grid. I'd also like to repeat that attacking fellow milita pilots should flag you as a suspect, as shoudl warping into a FW plex if you're a neutral. I also feel like the oplex rat spawns need some tweaking, but if their speed is adjusted that might make killing them more bearable

Obviously, something is being done wrong since my frigates and cruisers can kill those rats pretty easy.. and guess what else. I dont have to warp to station to repair my armor/shields! The glorious thing about armor repairs and shield boosters.

Warping into a plex as a non-FW militia member should flag you as a suspect? What on earth would that change aside from your laziness to not watch DScan.
Plus 10 NV
#83 - 2014-08-21 19:22:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:
I will say that defensive plexing is not very good at padding your wallet because you only get a fraction of the lp. That is really why I would agree that that the d-plexers are not really "farmers." They are not in it for the isk they are doing this for the warzone control.
My deplexing alt is at 1.3 million LP over the past two weeks because we're at Tier 4 and it goes to highly contested, unpopulated systems. So, yeah, it's great for padding the wallet.

Key isn't plexing mechanics, it's rewards at higher Tier levels. Farmers/rabbits come out when the rewards are high. Tier rewards also provide incentive for players to push the warzone. Pushing the warzone has proven to be the best conflict driver in the game this summer. So it's a Yin/Yang issue.

I am fine with nerfing defensive plexing. But it might be worthwhile to examine some of the pay issues just generally.

But rather than just talking about your particular case which might be exceptional lets look at d-plexing in general. Of the 96 or so number of systems that gallente control only 6 of them are over 30% contested. The other 90 systems are all under 30% contested and 56 of the 90 are under 10%. So really if you are in a system with 25% contested you are doing allot better than average. Also if a system is highly contested you are more likely to run into resistance.

The formula used to be the LP from offensive plexing * %contested * 75%. (I think it still is this system)

Now the best way to deplex a system from an occupancy perspective is to do the novice plexes. They gain 20 vp ( for readers who don't know, vp deals with occupancy and is different than lp) per plex and only take 10 minutes. You can get some more lp if you run larger plexes but you will not be as effective at deplexing the system because even for large plexes you still only get 20 vp.

Now you get 25,000lp for an offensive novice plex at tier 4. So if you are well above average contested levels and run a novice plex you would get 25k *.25 * .75 or 4688 lp per plex. So 1.3mill/4688 = 277 plexes. Even if we unrealistically assume you are constantly running plexes and never get chased out and never have to travel to a new plex that would mean you spent 2770 minutes to get your 1.3 million lp. Thats a bit over46 hours of plexing. Thats allot of time to spend over that 2 weeks.

Now that is well above the average contested level of the systems by over 2xs so on average in a system you are looking at about 2xs that number of hours. But even so you can probably get that many lp in 3 hours doing missions level 4 and level 3 FW missions at tier 4. That means even at the high end defensive plexing pays 15xs less than running missions. And that assumes you never get chased out and it really assumes a contested level that is well above 2xs the average.

I see allot of systems getting plexed all the way down to stable. That means the defensive plexing alt is make less than 1% what an offensive plexer makes.

Now the gallente lp is more valuable than other factions in part because thier missions are harder. Amarr hits tier 2 and I see people in militia chat asking how to fit out a hound for missions. What does that mean? It means our lp values will plummet and people plexing will get very little value for their time. Amarr has had its share of irrational rpers who didn't realize that running fw missions for the opposing side actually helps our efforts in the occupancy war. Running missions for your own faction can hurt your own militia's occupancy efforts.

If we compare it to offensive plexing amarr at tier 2 gets 10k lp per novice plex. It takes slightly longer to kill the rats but its not that big of a deal. Plus generally if you stay at tier 4 long enough you will find your lp is not worth as much isk. Minmatar lp is like dirt.

But anyway IMO ideally plexing would be a pvp mechanic and fw missions would remain a pve mechanic. Players who are not ready to pvp could run missions but they should not pay as well as plexing. Then once a player is ready to pvp they should be able to make more than people who can only do pve. 2 things need to change to make that happen. 1) plexing needs to become a pvp mechanic and 2) mission pay needs to be slashed pretty dramatically.

Anyway I may have missed something in these calculations. I don't know if ccp changed the calculations after the 10/22/12 change.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#84 - 2014-08-21 19:35:26 UTC
Cearain wrote:

But anyway IMO ideally plexing would be a pvp mechanic and fw missions would remain a pve mechanic.

Plexing is a PVP mechanic, or haven't you seen the killboards lately?
Top corporations on Zkillboard RIGHT NOW.
Brave Newbies Inc. 2,210 - Huge corporation
Justified Chaos 1,713 FACTION WARFARE
Red Federation 1,586 - Huge corporation
Black Fox Marauders 1,582 FACTION WARFARE
Blue Republic 1,462 - Huge corporation
GoonWaffe 1,358 - Huge corporation
EVE Corporation 987654321-POP 1,189 - High Sec Gankers
The Great Harmon Institute ... 1,062 FACTION WARFARE
Love Squad 1,017 - Reasonably sized corporation

Most of the kills in FW are due to Gallente attacking home systems and Caldari defending.

Is it a 100% of the time pvp Mechanic? No it is not. The nature of this game is that both sides need to decide to fight and if one backs out then it's PvE.

This "PvE plexing mechanic" is generating more pvp than any other mechanic in this game right now.

Plus 10 NV
#85 - 2014-08-21 19:47:01 UTC
Theroine wrote:

Using a tounge-in-cheek forum reply to shore up your argument is dubious at best. The main point I was trying to convey is that we should not be making sweeping generalizations on what interaction, play style, goals, etc. are. Considering that this thread is supposed to be geared to ideas on the low sec fw meeting, I should have gone for a more useful reply than a humorous one. I think that goes for all our replies.

I appreciate your response. I did sense some tongue in cheek in your response but I still did pick up on your overall message. And I agree its a good message! In fact it might be the most important one.

We need to first find out what we are trying to do with faction war before we start proposing solutions. My goal has always been that the occupancy war should be more pvp focused. That is my overarching goal so all of my proposals are geared toward that end. Others have wanted it to continue to be a pve game. So yes, of course, if we have opposite goals then we will disagree on the proposals. But I think it is extremely helpful to tease out whether we disagree because our overarching goals are different, or if we disagree whether a certain proposal move us closer to a shared goal.

Just because I want plexing and the occupancy war to be a pvp mechanic that does not mean everyone must agree with me. The fw community used to be one where most people did agree with that. We elected Hans who specifically ran to help make it more of a pvp mechanic. But now since ccp added lots and lots of isk without doing very much to make it a pvp mechanic the current players who are in fw now might have other ends. Even before the lp there were certain fw players - one was even elected to csm - who were very outspoken in their anti-pvp views.

So the first question and a legitimate one is should FW occupancy be more of a pvp game or should occupancy still be best kept through rabbit plexing. Here is my argument why I think fw occupancy should be a pvp mechanic:

Eve should try to offer something for many different play styles and there are already lots and lots of pve options. FW missions, low sec missions, null sec anoms, missions, cosmos missions epic arc, burner missions sleeper sites incursions in every sector of known space all support pve. But at this time there is no mechanic that brings frequent quality pvp. So to the extent they want to draw a wider group of players there is no reason to make fw occupancy yet another form of rabbit versus hunter pve.

Now still people might still want it to be pve. But if so lets have that debate first. Only after we figure out what goal we want for fw as a low sec community - or even eve community can we know what proposals are good or bad. For me every proposal I see for fw I ask: will this make the occupancy war more of a pvp game? If yes I generally support it. If it won't change it then it is probably a waste of time or harmful.

Theroine wrote:

I am on the fence when it comes to timer rollbacks. I think that the strengthened plex rat and increased spawn have done a lot to greatly reduce the offensive farming of plexes by afk alts. And, if you are serious in your stance on fw occupancy being largely decided by deplexing alts, I really don't see how you come to that conclusion. Does it give the defender an advantage? Yes, but how do you change the mechanic, other than rollbacks, to address the situation? If you implement rollbacks, how do you address your rabbit deplexing problem without the fix adding to the problem of limiting play styles.

Timer rollbacks doesn't fix the issue of play styles. It basically says if you want to play hide and seek and run from all pvp plexing might not be for you. You can do fw missions, or burner missions in low sec or exploration in low sec or incursions in low sec or in null or sleeper sites etc etc. etc. There are so many options for those who want to do this hide and seek type of pve there is absolutely no reason fw plexing can't be spared for people who want some quality frequent pvp.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

JAF Anders
Adenosine Inhibition
#86 - 2014-08-21 19:48:11 UTC
Let's not confuse generation with facilitation. You said yourself that the militia is a content driver. You're looking for fights. You're getting those fights because of sovereignty-occupancy. Docking rights are enabled by system control. System control is enabled through plexing.

It'd be very hard to justify the chaos created in a single plex as worth the reward for its completion anywhere outside the context of flipping the system. For the individual pilot, the desirability of running plexes is lower than at any point since Inferno.

The pursuit of excellence and stabbed plexing alts.

Plus 10 NV
#87 - 2014-08-21 19:49:17 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:

But anyway IMO ideally plexing would be a pvp mechanic and fw missions would remain a pve mechanic.

Plexing is a PVP mechanic, or haven't you seen the killboards lately?
Top corporations on Zkillboard RIGHT NOW.
Brave Newbies Inc. 2,210 - Huge corporation
Justified Chaos 1,713 FACTION WARFARE
Red Federation 1,586 - Huge corporation
Black Fox Marauders 1,582 FACTION WARFARE
Blue Republic 1,462 - Huge corporation
GoonWaffe 1,358 - Huge corporation
EVE Corporation 987654321-POP 1,189 - High Sec Gankers
The Great Harmon Institute ... 1,062 FACTION WARFARE
Love Squad 1,017 - Reasonably sized corporation

Most of the kills in FW are due to Gallente attacking home systems and Caldari defending.

Is it a 100% of the time pvp Mechanic? No it is not. The nature of this game is that both sides need to decide to fight and if one backs out then it's PvE.

This "PvE plexing mechanic" is generating more pvp than any other mechanic in this game right now.

How many plexes did your alt capture in the last 2 weeks?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#88 - 2014-08-21 20:13:32 UTC
Cearain wrote:
How many plexes did your alt capture in the last 2 weeks?
1 million LP worth, so probably about 100. 8ish per day.

Do you concede that the plexing has provided more pvp than any other mechanic in the game this summer?

Plus 10 NV
#89 - 2014-08-22 00:24:34 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:
How many plexes did your alt capture in the last 2 weeks?
1 million LP worth, so probably about 100. 8ish per day.

Do you concede that the plexing has provided more pvp than any other mechanic in the game this summer?

I have always been a huge fan of plex pvp. I am not sure why we would care whether some other mechanics provide less pvp. Am I supposed to care if null sec or wormholes are even worse? If eve were all null sec and wormholes I wouldn't be subbed at all.

Nor do I know how to quantify and answer what you are asking. Are gates a game mechanic? Are astroid belts a mechanic? Were there more kills in astroid belts and at gates than in plexes? Are you counting every faction war kill as if it were a "plexing" kill? Even if we could decide what you mean I don't know the numbers. Nor do I really care.

I think tweaking fw is eves best chance at being a truly awesome fun game to play, but that doesn't mean as long as fw is better than some other part of eve it's fine with me.

The problem I have with current occupancy mechanics is that vp is most efficiently won by multiboxing alts and avoiding pvp. IMO that sucks. This is the same problem fw had since it started. Several players have recommended solutions but ccp has never implemented them. I think it's time they did.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#90 - 2014-08-22 18:46:20 UTC
Avoiding PVP is the heartblood of EVE. Look at all the ridiculously ISK rich carebears in hisec, and look around the forums for their idiotic rants about wanting to make hisec safer.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#91 - 2014-08-22 21:25:42 UTC
Cearain wrote:
I have always been a huge fan of plex pvp.
A simple "yes" would have done.

CCP must have done something terribly wrong when they created a PvE mechanic that got this much PvP. Roll
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#92 - 2014-08-22 22:57:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:
I have always been a huge fan of plex pvp.
A simple "yes" would have done.

CCP must have done something terribly wrong when they created a PvE mechanic that got this much PvP. Roll

if you see plexing as pve you can also see reinforcements timers as pve.

It is a mechanic to force people to be in space at certain timespans and certain locations. Thats purely pvp to me. The fact that waiting in space in a plex rewards LP and waiting for a timer on a poco does not is only a side effect. It is the same mechanic.

FW missions are pve. Plexing is a conflict driver. Its king of the hill, other games have that too.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

#93 - 2014-08-23 19:45:11 UTC
A meeting is to no avail as long the four milita have that great imbalance in their space and their respective plex and missions.

No cosmetic change will fix those imbalances.

We need a total FW reset - not elegant speeches about rules.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#94 - 2014-08-23 19:54:04 UTC
Rahelis wrote:

We need a total FW reset - not elegant speeches about rules.

How does a reset fix anything?
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#95 - 2014-08-23 19:55:14 UTC
Timer rollbacks would be okay if there was a delay before the rollback started. It would take 5 mins for the timer on a novice to start to roll back, 10 for a small, 15 for a medium, etc.
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#96 - 2014-08-23 21:02:50 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Timer rollbacks would be okay if there was a delay before the rollback started. It would take 5 mins for the timer on a novice to start to roll back, 10 for a small, 15 for a medium, etc.

lol, 5 minutes. the point of this is so that if you concede and run your alt away, the pvper is wasting more of your time than you are theirs.
Samwise Everquest
Plus 10 NV
#97 - 2014-08-24 03:13:50 UTC
FW topic and 90% of the posts are about plexes.

Loyalty Point Warfare where you can perma wardec anyone stupid enough to enlist on the losing side.

Pras Phil.

Irya Boone
The Scope
#98 - 2014-08-24 04:02:18 UTC
losing side in FW ? ... hummmmm IdeaArrowStraightUgh

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#99 - 2014-08-24 05:27:26 UTC
Not a whole lot needs changed with FW. Some tweaks to the missions maybe (i'd like to see no ewar and npcs not turning on people who go inside a mission to hunt a missioner). The whole power projection thing is more of a null-side issue unrelated to FW (lack of conflict in null, player behavior blueing everyone, etc), so changing FW mechanics just so people don't get hotdropped is kind of silly, especially since small scale cap fights are fun for those in FW. Big fish will always hunt little fish, whether it be in lowsec, sov null or npc null.

Rollback timers are fine if, as suggested earlier, there is a significant delay before the timer rolls back (5 min with no players inside plex on a novice before the timer starts running back towards neutral, 10 min on small, 15 on medium, etc)

As far as the pendulum, it is natural human behavior to choose the path of least resistance and join the "winning side". I don't think CCP needs to drastically change plex mechanics, maybe reduce the buffer on the rats slightly so that if the dps check is there and the player is obviously in a pvp ship and passes that said check, they don't have to spend an obscene amount of time shooting npcs. Lowering the DPS tank on smalls and novices would be nice for newer players and for those who wish to kite in something other than a droneboat. There will always be non-interactive stabbed farmers, as this point just learn to accept it if you really dislike the farmers existence or its your home system then take their plex.
#100 - 2014-08-24 06:28:41 UTC
Plexes where you orbit buttons are no content.

Missions - like crozy posted - should be the only way to get contestion. And missions should have nothing to do with the missions we see today.

Maybe the new burner mission are the way to go. Frig size, destroyer size, cruiser and BC size.

And all four militas need to same level of missions - the current imbalance is simply favouring one side over the other.

Titan bridges belong to null sec.

They are not possible in high sec and wh space - so why in low sec?