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The Yong ruse of ROTE KAPELLE

Amro One
#1 - 2014-08-21 08:15:51 UTC
After a long day of sitting in my Hero Procurer, soaking in the sun rays that glisten off the glacier ice Belt in Warouh.

I was scouting out a 0.3 low sec system suitable to rat for clone tags needed to get below -5.0 sec status. I jumped into Yong and noticed a MTU, a Nomad & a mammoth on scan. MTUs are part of my hobby of cleaning up EVE space lanes of Junk. Out goes my trusty Sister combat probs from my Stratios. Turns out the MTU is bait at a POS and the Nomad has not docked yet so I scanned it down and warped to it. When I came out of warp I landed on a POS with un-achored modules.

Damn space junk, seems that Nomad is taking down his safety. Nothing like free ISK. I inform my lovely Wife Layos to reship in a fast locking cloaker to tackle a stabbed hauler well I go get a crane and ask some other friends from the ice belt to help. She arrives in system to find out my hunch was right and the tower is being un-anchored with 25 mins to go. As I get 2 friends in frigates to come help the spoils. Layos informs me that the tower is worth 3.5b, a Domination Large tower yet it belongs to ROTE KAPELLE. Way back, in my time in Syndicate, are paths crossed.

Time to settle the EVE tradition of revenge well making ISK. Amro sits 1 jump out well Layos watches the timer of the POS and my canon fodder waits in the near by HS system. The plan is, with 6 mins to go Layos will warp to the gate well the 2 friends jump in and take fleet warp to the bookmarked tower and start orbiting it at 2500 m for decloak of the mammoth hauler that should be cloaked waiting off it.

A bit of miss calculation, we land on the tower with 2 mins to go instead of 1 min. Aside from that the orbit goes well and the hauler de-cloaks, but is able to warp off. Knowing ROTE KAPELLE, this was bad news but hopefully we'd get lucky. I start to D-scan madly as I wait for the timer to count down and I inform my friends to get ready for incoming.

Turns out Crow Online was the haulers reship and he landed with 30 secs to go on the timer and point my Crane. That feeling when you think, yo, I got this, no worries, to find out you reshipped to the wrong crane and the depot with warp stabs is not in cargo. Hopefully Layos in a Prospector and my friends in a Merlin and thrasher can manually fly in the orbit, the crow is making of the crane to point him. NOPE

The tower un-achors and I scoop it and start aligning to the station hoping I get lucky. Sadly the chance I am give is missed when he tries to kill Layos Prospector. But she was already in warp and he missed his point on her but made it back on me before hitting the warp button. By this time my fate is set. A Scyth fleet Issue is on D-scan and shortly lands on grid. With death on me I remember its a tower I scooped and can just anchor it to grief ROTE KAPELLE more. No one is getting the 3.5b.

When I asked my friends who could help me, one of them is part of the Arton Crew from Arton. Knowing that his alliance members who are friends with PL, NC. and ROTE KAPELLE, would kill me and steal my spoils.

So I loses my Crane

So after I loses my Crane I find out they offered me help, until the owner of the POS who was a freind of them came into their comms.

To my surprise, my Inbox does not flash, You would think 3.5b was worthy of a threat, insult or bargain. But nothing.
So I start to go through the kill board records of the guys that killed me and ROTE KAPELLEs. To find out what would be the best time to try and un-anchor the Faction POS. Well doing this, my friend PMs me saying I need to hand the POS over or have it killed and be war dec'd.

Plus a special note from Jssix, the leader of the Arton Crew, that he would make the rest of my EVE career a living hell.

I'm shaking in my boots . . . . . . . . . . laughing my ass off at how much I'm trololololol these Super Pilots. I'm a Covert Ops Pilot and have been living under Covert Cloak for the majority of my career in EVE. So the jokes on them. Finally my Inbox blinks to the mail of a War Dec, I'm winning the ISK war. With that I then decide to play with them more.

I offer to give them the tower after Downtime, but only after they retract the war dec or bargain a deal. They inform me that I should give the tower back now and pay back 50m for the war dec before the tower get destroyed. Destroy the POS, wow, they are doing all the work for me and this night keeps getting better.

I rather miss out on 3.5b ISK to watch the owners of the POS destroy it him self then spend time metaing a plan to un-anchor the POS. I'm to busy laughing my ass off that Layos grabs a SB to get on the tower KM to make the RUSE complete.

Destruction of the Domination

Turns out, I was right about the Arton guys. Elitist carebears who only blob in low sec and afraid of 0.0 cause of their slave implants. Just to get screwed over by a small entity.
This is what makes EVE amazing. I'm not afraid of the war dec because that would mean they are spending more ISK to lower their sec status to get into empire to try and kill me.

So back I got to Ice mining in Warouh.
Rabe Raptor
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#2 - 2014-08-21 08:25:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Rabe Raptor
Great story.. I loved it! Though I just couldn't help but notice you have no mining permit and I was just a bit curious about that.

Together we can make Highsec a better place!

Read it, share it, learn it, quote it, memorize it,  live it, breathe it!

Sol epoch
#3 - 2014-08-21 10:27:30 UTC
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Great story.. I loved it! Though I just couldn't help but notice you have no mining permit and I was just a bit curious about that.

And your alliance has no credibility after hiding from the alliance tourny.
Rabe Raptor
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#4 - 2014-08-21 10:38:58 UTC
Sol epoch wrote:
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Great story.. I loved it! Though I just couldn't help but notice you have no mining permit and I was just a bit curious about that.

And your alliance has no credibility after hiding from the alliance tourny.

Haha, our decision to not fight in the AT impacts our credibility to gank people in highsec and sell permits?

Your corp has no credibility for recruiting such an illogical bigmouth :)

Together we can make Highsec a better place!

Read it, share it, learn it, quote it, memorize it,  live it, breathe it!

New Miner's Union
#5 - 2014-08-21 10:45:09 UTC
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Sol epoch wrote:
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Great story.. I loved it! Though I just couldn't help but notice you have no mining permit and I was just a bit curious about that.

And your alliance has no credibility after hiding from the alliance tourny.

Haha, our decision to not fight in the AT impacts our credibility to gank people in highsec and sell permits?

Your corp has no credibility for recruiting such an illogical bigmouth :)

Bo0om headshot !! Lol
Solecist Project
#6 - 2014-08-21 11:34:33 UTC
Please ...

ABOVE -5.0 !
You want to increase your sec, not decrease it!

When you increase a number it gets HIGHER,
which includes all decimals from -4.9999999999...999999999 through 0.00000 up to +Infinity.

Below -5.0 is every decimal from -5.00000000...00000001 through -10 up to -Infinity.


That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#7 - 2014-08-21 11:35:00 UTC
Please ...

ABOVE -5.0 !
You want to increase your sec, not decrease it!

When you increase a number it gets HIGHER,
which includes all decimals from -4.9999999999...999999999 through 0.00000 up to +Infinity.

Below -5.0 is every decimal from -5.00000000...00000001 through -10 up to -Infinity.


That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Sol epoch
#8 - 2014-08-21 12:39:40 UTC
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Sol epoch wrote:
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Great story.. I loved it! Though I just couldn't help but notice you have no mining permit and I was just a bit curious about that.

And your alliance has no credibility after hiding from the alliance tourny.

Haha, our decision to not fight in the AT impacts our credibility to gank people in highsec and sell permits?

Your corp has no credibility for recruiting such an illogical bigmouth :)

Credibility needs to be earned! Yours just got headshot as the other nobody quoted, If it had any in the first place.

Recruited! ROFL.
Amro One
#9 - 2014-08-21 18:12:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Amro One
Well waking up to find that I fell asleep mining ice again in Warouh
I see ROTE KAPELLE member that owned the POS was actually "mad bro"

As my inbox blink with yet another 50m War Dec'd paid towards me. Layos pointed out after quickly doing a Kill board check. That these are more alts to the group of low-sec carebears. So we both figure that they will not leave low-sec unless they pay to lower their sec status which just adds to are greifing of them. We start to make a tally of how much we are costing them and we figure we have, about, costed them 3.8 billion ISK to are 160m lose, talk about efficiency. Plus we rused them into destroying their asset. That's a somer advert right their.

We brought such elite pvp ships like a crane and prospector to negate them of a tower and they up-ship us like good old "Goons" fashion and bring dreads and supers with 1 to 5 odds to flex their e-peen.They call them selves Veterans. pfff.

So Layos and I raise are ice belt chilled wine to each other for a greif well done and think of all the stuff we would have bought if I fitted stabs to that crane.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#10 - 2014-08-21 18:36:26 UTC
This is why I love EvE. That was a great story on it's own merits, but your telling of it made it fantastic.

Also, confirming that the OP has amazing fricking hair.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Snuffed Out
#11 - 2014-08-21 18:43:41 UTC  |  Edited by: JSSix

first of all Goodjob on the Heist of the POS, no doubt the Rote guy was an idiot for loosing his POS. so props to you..

I got a word of the incident... and knowing you, i had no issues with u... so I asked nicely on my first and second try.. but hey. u gotta be a tiny **** right? thats fine cuz i can too.

Im no mad or anything :) im more annoyed I asked nicely and yet u didnt even give a proper response to it.

as for winning ISK war? idk about that... wardec fee was just 50mil.... thats nothing really... i just kill a ship somewhere or do 1 L5 mission it would cover it... its chump change... i can keep it running for as long as i want (not the point tho).

as for ur comment about U were right about arton crew? fyi u know nothing about arton crew. scared of 0.0? cuz of slaves lol?
again u just proven that u only smack and jump to ur own conclusion. but hey i dont need to explain my self to u.
Arton Crew just wanted to help a friend :) and thus they tried. it wasnt our POS so.... in the end ppl just wanted a free KM, and the tower was it. wardec is just a wardec, maybe we catch u... or u catch us :p goodluck

im just posting here to congratulate u on ur steal of the POS. in the end u gave me a 3.5bil Kill on my killboard which i only cared for :p
Not my POS too... but i really hoped it would have gone down on a friendly manner. but hey ur the one whos gonna act childish after me asking u nicely through ur coat friend.

well written C&P Story

and wahahah leader of arton crew, me? im flattered, thnx mate :D

anyway glad u enjoyed the show and metagaming
Rabe Raptor
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#12 - 2014-08-21 22:55:36 UTC
Sol epoch wrote:
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Sol epoch wrote:
Rabe Raptor wrote:
Great story.. I loved it! Though I just couldn't help but notice you have no mining permit and I was just a bit curious about that.

And your alliance has no credibility after hiding from the alliance tourny.

Haha, our decision to not fight in the AT impacts our credibility to gank people in highsec and sell permits?

Your corp has no credibility for recruiting such an illogical bigmouth :)

Credibility needs to be earned! Yours just got headshot as the other nobody quoted, If it had any in the first place.

Recruited! ROFL.

I've earned plenty of credibility, as evident by the droves of kissasses and frightened miners that greet me in local or warn local wherever I go. Oh wait I forgot, I "lose more than I kill". Explain that again please? :D 60:1 is a bad ratio

Together we can make Highsec a better place!

Read it, share it, learn it, quote it, memorize it,  live it, breathe it!

Amro One
#13 - 2014-08-22 03:51:23 UTC
I actually do have a mining permit, but not one that you consider valid or orthodox.
It's called the RUSE permit. Layos reminds me one of are most notable uses of this permit in the Ice Belt.

You can read it following the link.

I'm not sorry for the GM removing the kill board links because it added to the greifing of the OPs post and the GMs.
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#14 - 2014-08-22 12:15:51 UTC
This story.

It was beautiful.


Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Jack Morrison
Team Liquid crp.
#15 - 2014-08-22 13:30:37 UTC
Beautiful, even some successful trolling that made JSSix post and gratulate.
Well done !

Looking for a group to pew with ? Have a chat with me.

Rabe Raptor
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#16 - 2014-08-22 15:48:24 UTC
Amro One wrote:
I actually do have a mining permit, but not one that you consider valid or orthodox.
It's called the RUSE permit. Layos reminds me one of are most notable uses of this permit in the Ice Belt.

You can read it following the link.

I'm not sorry for the GM removing the kill board links because it added to the greifing of the OPs post and the GMs.

A lovely story but still against The Law all the same.

Together we can make Highsec a better place!

Read it, share it, learn it, quote it, memorize it,  live it, breathe it!

Ohm's Law's
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2014-08-23 04:44:52 UTC
Lol nice story man, a true eve tale.

As for CODE, lol

I've earned plenty of credibility, as evident by the droves of kissasses and frightened miners that greet me in local or warn local wherever I go. Oh wait I forgot, I "lose more than I kill". Explain that again please? :D 60:1 is a bad ratio

This quote is why ppl don't take u seriously and just laugh at you. Add in ur AT tournament cowardice and we laugh even more. Backing up ur Leet pvp claims with hi sec gank stats and actually being serious is pretty pathetic
Rabe Raptor
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#18 - 2014-08-23 07:00:45 UTC
Ohm's Law's wrote:
Lol nice story man, a true eve tale.

As for CODE, lol

I've earned plenty of credibility, as evident by the droves of kissasses and frightened miners that greet me in local or warn local wherever I go. Oh wait I forgot, I "lose more than I kill". Explain that again please? :D 60:1 is a bad ratio

This quote is why ppl don't take u seriously and just laugh at you. Add in ur AT tournament cowardice and we laugh even more. Backing up ur Leet pvp claims with hi sec gank stats and actually being serious is pretty pathetic

Since our killboards are also stocked full of **** we slaughtered in low on gatecamps and roams we will just assume you're one of those short bus kids.

Together we can make Highsec a better place!

Read it, share it, learn it, quote it, memorize it,  live it, breathe it!

Rabe Raptor
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#19 - 2014-08-23 07:01:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Rabe Raptor
double post

Together we can make Highsec a better place!

Read it, share it, learn it, quote it, memorize it,  live it, breathe it!

Ohm's Law's
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-08-23 07:23:33 UTC
lol, ok then CODE. Ive seen in multiple posts now how u have refferred to your low sec prowess. If u think u are truly in the same ball park as the rest of us tht actually live and breath low sec, why dont u come visit us in Avenod and we can get it on? I knw u wont turn up but hey, either put up or shut up. Ganking in hi sec is the lowest form of pvp there is, deep down u knw this, the rest of eve knows this, keep talking up how great u guys are cuz the rest of us laugh it up, oh and also, if hi sec ganking truly is on the same plane as "real" pvp, why so quick to point out the fact the u have a handful of kills in low sec, i think its because you knw wat u do is **** and implying u go to low sec to kill **** makes u more legit.
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