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[Hyperion] Nestor Tweaks

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Steph Livingston
Neko's Blanket
#381 - 2014-08-20 17:20:59 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey guys, after some more feedback from you guys we have a couple more additions to the changes to announce.

We're going to increase the sensor strength of the Nestor a bit to better reflect its role as a high-tech support vessel.

We're also going to be decreasing the mass of the ship quite a bit, down to 20m kg. This will help keep the Nestor balanced for use in highsec wars as it will be easier to bump away from the safety of stations, and has the added benefit of making the Nestor the first battleship that can jump into C1 wormholes. We'll be decreasing the base speed and inertia modifier at the same time, but the end result is that the Nestor will be a bit more agile and will be a bit faster than before with its prop mod running.

The new changes are:

Mass: 20,000,000 (-36,000,000)
Inertia: 0.5 (+0.32)
Velocity: 65 (-27)
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 30 (+6)

Changes are great and all, but this helps the Nestor do... what exactly? Sure, now it can enter C1 wormholes but why would anyone want to take it there?

These changes may give players more options when using the Nestor, but that's NEVER been the problem. The Nestor is a swiss army knife, basic tools for dozens of jobs, but never good enough to get the job done properly.

You didn't hear players asking for a dedicated repair/scanning/wormhole/refitting/drone battleship before the Nestor, because they choose the proper tool for the job at hand. It's not used to scan or hack because it's too slow compared to frigs and cruisers, it's rarely used as a logistics because it's to slow for small gang roams and outdone by carriers in major engagements, it's rarely used in wormholes because it lacks the stealth to be used in roams...

If they have the option players always choose the ship that excels for the job at hand; They rarely, if ever are concerned with every eventuality. If they want to fight, they'll take a AF/AC to deal and take the damage, if they want to scout wormholes they usually prefer stealth and probe bonuses, if they want to repair they choose logistics. If they want to go from one to another they don't fit for both jobs, they switch ships.

The best thing you could do to the Nestor right now is loose it's ability to do everything, and gain the ability to do a few things exceptionally well.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#382 - 2014-08-20 17:34:14 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey guys, after some more feedback from you guys we have a couple more additions to the changes to announce.

We're going to increase the sensor strength of the Nestor a bit to better reflect its role as a high-tech support vessel.

We're also going to be decreasing the mass of the ship quite a bit, down to 20m kg. This will help keep the Nestor balanced for use in highsec wars as it will be easier to bump away from the safety of stations, and has the added benefit of making the Nestor the first battleship that can jump into C1 wormholes. We'll be decreasing the base speed and inertia modifier at the same time, but the end result is that the Nestor will be a bit more agile and will be a bit faster than before with its prop mod running.

The new changes are:

Mass: 20,000,000 (-36,000,000)
Inertia: 0.5 (+0.32)
Velocity: 65 (-27)
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 30 (+6)

Interesting but I would say allowing it to fit a single frigate in the ship bay would have had more success in selling this ship to small gangs.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#383 - 2014-08-20 17:55:49 UTC
Saisin wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:

I'm not going to say this is a bad change, because I really can't evaluate it, but I think everything that's being done with the Nestor makes it clear that nobody has any idea what to do with it. You're just sort of throwing random bonuses at it that don't really work together in any coherent way. .

Funny how some players seem to display a total lack of imagination and are asking for any ship to fit into their mental patterns, totally ignoring that other players may find a use for it...
It is a good thing for the game to create ships that do not fit into any current patterns, let the community find out a way to use them.

the current approach on the Nestor is a great one... Keep it up CCP.

Edit: I did not notice before it was posted by a goon... How am I not surprised?!

I'd like to hear what you think the nestor can be used for...
Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#384 - 2014-08-20 18:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Divi Filus
Just to illustrate my earlier concerns about prop mod align time, here's a table showing the align times and max. velocities of various [Hyperion] Nestor fits with and without skills. Align time for a double-plated, 100MN MWD Nestor will be somewhere in the 35.38 - 53.72 second range. Replace those plates with nanos and you get down to a low of 23.79s. Obviously, this impacts not only time to warp (since that's easily solved by turning off the MWD, and doesn't factor in terribly much on jump-in), but also maneuverability in combat. Note that even with these changes (and assuming no prop mod), the Nestor's agility is only middle-of-the-road for pirate battleships; the Vindicator, Machariel, and Barghest all align more quickly.

Basically, I'm worried that you get a ship that either tops out slower than an Archon, or turns slower than an Archon.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#385 - 2014-08-20 18:40:06 UTC
Divi Filus wrote:
Just to illustrate my earlier concerns about prop mod align time, here's a table showing the align times and max. velocities of various [Hyperion] Nestor fits with and without skills. Align time for a double-plated, 100MN MWD Nestor will be somewhere in the 35.38 - 53.72 second range. Replace those plates with nanos and you get down to a low of 23.79s. Obviously, this impacts not only time to warp (since that's easily solved by turning off the MWD, and doesn't factor in terribly much on jump-in), but also maneuverability in combat. Note that even with these changes (and assuming no prop mod), the Nestor's agility is only middle-of-the-road for pirate battleships; the Vindicator, Machariel, and Barghest all align more quickly.

Basically, I'm worried that you get a ship that either tops out slower than an Archon, or turns slower than an Archon.

Those tables are missleading.

For example on paper my mengu megathron should align slower than a tengu however in practice it aligns roughly the same or better. Until you can play around with it on sisi you cant really know how well its going to act in game just based upon the paper stats. How you fit, fly and even the pilots mentality and experience all play a part.
Be Nice Inc.
Prismatic Legion
#386 - 2014-08-20 18:48:52 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

We know that some of you will be unsatisfied with the fact that we're not adding covert cloak or jump drive capabilities or some other completely new role to the Nestor with this pass. We won't rule out the possibility of future changes but we are first going to observe the results of these adjustments in Hyperion.

Between the price change, mass change and the fitting service, I feel like the Nestor is starting to look like a ship with a purpose of sorts... but why aren't you letting the ship bay hold a frigate? Is that overpowered somehow?
Can you see the rapier?:,GH6lqDE
Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#387 - 2014-08-20 18:57:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Divi Filus
baltec1 wrote:
Divi Filus wrote:
Just to illustrate my earlier concerns about prop mod align time, here's a table showing the align times and max. velocities of various [Hyperion] Nestor fits with and without skills. Align time for a double-plated, 100MN MWD Nestor will be somewhere in the 35.38 - 53.72 second range. Replace those plates with nanos and you get down to a low of 23.79s. Obviously, this impacts not only time to warp (since that's easily solved by turning off the MWD, and doesn't factor in terribly much on jump-in), but also maneuverability in combat. Note that even with these changes (and assuming no prop mod), the Nestor's agility is only middle-of-the-road for pirate battleships; the Vindicator, Machariel, and Barghest all align more quickly.

Basically, I'm worried that you get a ship that either tops out slower than an Archon, or turns slower than an Archon.

Those tables are missleading.

For example on paper my mengu megathron should align slower than a tengu however in practice it aligns roughly the same or better. Until you can play around with it on sisi you cant really know how well its going to act in game just based upon the paper stats. How you fit, fly and even the pilots mentality and experience all play a part.

If your Megathron should align slower than a Tengu "on paper," but actually aligns faster "in practice," your paper is probably wrong. The tables aren't misleading. It's just math. If you're misled, don't blame the tables.

In any case, we're not talking a margin of error of a fraction of a second, or even a few seconds. We're talking about a Nestor that takes 82.9% longer to align than a Rattlesnake if both are under MWD—or "merely" 32.9% longer, if you give the Nestor the advantage of double nanos. Yes, obviously actual performance is affected by pilot skill and reaction time. But a given pilot will have a much different experience trying to maneuver a microwarping Nestor than they will with any other battleship, and another pilot trying to outmaneuver the Nestor will have a much larger margin of error in their own reaction time because of the Nestor's slow handling.
Drummin Zerglin
Verge of Collapse
#388 - 2014-08-20 19:00:38 UTC
The nestor can rep x2.5 a guardian, the same as 1 cap rep on a triage archon. The issue with this is the cap, but a lot of people seem to be dismissing the ship maintenance bay as plain storage for Cap boosters.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#389 - 2014-08-20 19:12:23 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Divi Filus wrote:

If your Megathron should align slower than a Tengu "on paper," but actually aligns faster "in practice," your paper is probably wrong. The tables aren't misleading. It's just math. If you're misled, don't blame the tables.

Its the same maths you just used. EFT and the like lies which is why I always say just use it for seeing if something will fit and a rough idea of what it will do. In game strange things happen. (seriously, go do the maths on a double nano mega vs a harpy, the maths say I shouldn't be aligning faster than them yet I do.)
Divi Filus wrote:

In any case, we're not talking a margin of error of a fraction of a second, or even a few seconds. We're talking about a Nestor that takes 82.9% longer to align than a Rattlesnake if both are under MWD—or "merely" 32.9% longer, if you give the Nestor the advantage of double nanos. Yes, obviously actual performance is affected by pilot skill and reaction time. But a given pilot will have a much different experience trying to maneuver a microwarping Nestor than they will with any other battleship, and another pilot trying to outmaneuver the Nestor will have a much larger margin of error in their own reaction time because of the Nestor's slow handling.

I need to get my hands on it with these new changes to see what happens before I can say if its any good. It looks capable.
Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#390 - 2014-08-20 19:21:52 UTC
perhaps grant it a 10% role bonus to laser damage or maybe a reduction in fitting
This way it doesnt end up being yet another laser boat, but gets to at least perform more of the mixed rolls plan
The RR capability is very good, one of them is always on the Jita undock for suspectbaiters so that doesnt need much to be touched.

As a prober its equal to all the other ships, perhaps round that up to the nearest 10s place so its different?

As a drone boat, its an inferior armor rattlesnake, more survivable domix without range, better armageddon with odd tank and extra hislot DPS, inferior to Ishtar, better Navy Vexor
So sort of middling not best not worst place. That is good.

As an explorations site runner - why? It has no discernable part to make it worthwhile over a t3 or covops. The sma helps some by acting as bulk storage room. Perhaps capitalize on that and make a wh drop that makes the nestor useful as you dont have to reship? But that would make it more known as the Nestor site than buffing the nestor
Ascendance Rising
#391 - 2014-08-20 20:05:57 UTC
Drummin Zerglin wrote:
The nestor can rep x2.5 a guardian, the same as 1 cap rep on a triage archon. The issue with this is the cap, but a lot of people seem to be dismissing the ship maintenance bay as plain storage for Cap boosters.
You can't put anything except ships in a ship maintenance bay. It isn't a fleet hangar which allows the storage of mods. The only thing the Nestor can put in there is a single shuttle sized ship.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#392 - 2014-08-20 20:22:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Chris Winter
I really think CCP needs to figure out what they want this ship to be, specifically, and then make it that, rather than trying to make it do everything.

Bringing the mass down so it can fit into a C1 is useful-ish for WH gangs, since it would allow them to bring along a Nestor as logi even if they need to pass through a C1. However, this raises the stakes for C1 PvP, particularly POS defense, by quite a bit. While it was certainly possible to haul in the infrastructure and build a BS (or even dread/carrier) before, the ability to just take a nestor in means that C1 WHs are no longer as safe as they used to be for POSes that aren't "up to standards." A small fleet of Nestors can put out quite a bit more DPS than a similarly-sized fleet of anything else that can fit into a C1.

The Nestor also isn't any more useful for C1 PvE than existing ships, since those sites are dominated by frigs and cruisers that the Nestor will have trouble hitting.

Rather than reducing the mass to 20 (which, as already pointed out, causes problems for maneuverability under a MWD), would it be possible for the Nestor to have a role bonus of "can go through any wormhole"? Then you'd have to start worrying about mass limits on C1 holes, so taking a fleet into a C1 to explode a tower wouldn't be nearly as easy. Although, that might cause problems for the new frigate-only wormholes in Hyperion...then again, it might be exactly what people want for those frigate WHs. Frigate blob with nestor support.

Notwithstanding the WH role, the Nestor currently has quite a few roles. It's an armor Rattlesnake (sort of). It's a BS-sized logi with correspondingly larger rep potential. It's a BS-sized exploration boat that nobody wants or needs. It's an Orca that can't carry extra ships.

Personally, I'd like to see the BS-sized logi role moved to another, new class of ships, so they can focus on that role--and don't forget to have a shield one, too. Maybe give each race another BS which is basically an upsized version of the existing logi. Maybe T2, maybe not--advantage of T2 would be that you could just re-use existing models...Caldari could use the Rokh model, Gallente could use the Hyperion model, etc.

Then, make the Nestor into just the armor rattlesnake, with a damage bonus to guns. Maybe move the SMA onto the BS logi ships, or keep it on the Nestor, either way is fine. Give the Nestor a role bonus to range of data/relic analyzers, and the ability to loot data/relic analyzers from much farther away.

That way, the Nestor will fit better into the SoE ship line and actually be useful at data/relic sites.
Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#393 - 2014-08-20 20:35:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakaari Inkuran
Dehval wrote:
Drummin Zerglin wrote:
The nestor can rep x2.5 a guardian, the same as 1 cap rep on a triage archon. The issue with this is the cap, but a lot of people seem to be dismissing the ship maintenance bay as plain storage for Cap boosters.
You can't put anything except ships in a ship maintenance bay. It isn't a fleet hangar which allows the storage of mods. The only thing the Nestor can put in there is a single shuttle sized ship.

Well clearly its there for the refit capability, right? CCP obviously intended you not to put anything in there. Would it be clearer if the size of the bay was 1m3?

edit: you know, just so nobody goes around trying to stuff cap rechargers in the thing.
Divi Filus
New Xenocracy
#394 - 2014-08-20 21:04:27 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
Dehval wrote:
Drummin Zerglin wrote:
The nestor can rep x2.5 a guardian, the same as 1 cap rep on a triage archon. The issue with this is the cap, but a lot of people seem to be dismissing the ship maintenance bay as plain storage for Cap boosters.
You can't put anything except ships in a ship maintenance bay. It isn't a fleet hangar which allows the storage of mods. The only thing the Nestor can put in there is a single shuttle sized ship.

Well clearly its there for the refit capability, right? CCP obviously intended you not to put anything in there. Would it be clearer if the size of the bay was 1m3?

edit: you know, just so nobody goes around trying to stuff cap rechargers in the thing.

It's big enough to fit a shuttle, for what it's worth.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#395 - 2014-08-20 21:17:04 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
Notwithstanding the WH role, the Nestor currently has quite a few roles. It's an armor Rattlesnake (sort of). It's a BS-sized logi with correspondingly larger rep potential. It's a BS-sized exploration boat that nobody wants or needs. It's an Orca that can't carry extra ships.

It would be good to decide what is the role of Nestor. SoE ships line are exploration ships. By lowering Nestor mass it could enter low class Whs. Lets make it valuable wormhole explorer.

Chris Winter wrote:
Give the Nestor a role bonus to range of data/relic analyzers, and the ability to loot data/relic analyzers from much farther away.

It could help with data/relics because BS class are slow and nonagile cows - not really great ships for exploration.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#396 - 2014-08-20 21:34:30 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Divi Filus wrote:

If your Megathron should align slower than a Tengu "on paper," but actually aligns faster "in practice," your paper is probably wrong. The tables aren't misleading. It's just math. If you're misled, don't blame the tables.

Its the same maths you just used. EFT and the like lies which is why I always say just use it for seeing if something will fit and a rough idea of what it will do. In game strange things happen. (seriously, go do the maths on a double nano mega vs a harpy, the maths say I shouldn't be aligning faster than them yet I do.)

Carefull about the pitfall of anecdotal evidence (and simulations), with a prop mod on a harpy we are talking about just a 2s difference with perfect skills, who is more likely to have maneuvering skills high, the bs or the frig pilot, is up for discussion, possibly reducing the margin further...

However it does not need a math degree to expect that if a prop mod more than triples the ships mass its likely to have hilarious consequences. :)
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#397 - 2014-08-20 21:46:00 UTC
So...the new changes are aimed at increasing its possible use in wormholes.
Not sure who in their right minds would use this anywere else. Anyone saying it would be great for small gang roams should remember this is INTY Online, so I'm sure this ship would be surrounded by a nice swarm from the other side of Eve by the time it warps from one side of a system to another.

Drummin Zerglin
Verge of Collapse
#398 - 2014-08-20 22:16:51 UTC
Dehval wrote:
Drummin Zerglin wrote:
The nestor can rep x2.5 a guardian, the same as 1 cap rep on a triage archon. The issue with this is the cap, but a lot of people seem to be dismissing the ship maintenance bay as plain storage for Cap boosters.
You can't put anything except ships in a ship maintenance bay. It isn't a fleet hangar which allows the storage of mods. The only thing the Nestor can put in there is a single shuttle sized ship.

Oops, for a second there I thought the Nestor was going to be semi OP. Buff Nestor.
Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#399 - 2014-08-21 01:27:26 UTC
Conjaq wrote:
Saisin wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:

I'm not going to say this is a bad change, because I really can't evaluate it, but I think everything that's being done with the Nestor makes it clear that nobody has any idea what to do with it. You're just sort of throwing random bonuses at it that don't really work together in any coherent way. .

Funny how some players seem to display a total lack of imagination and are asking for any ship to fit into their mental patterns, totally ignoring that other players may find a use for it...
It is a good thing for the game to create ships that do not fit into any current patterns, let the community find out a way to use them.

the current approach on the Nestor is a great one... Keep it up CCP.

Edit: I did not notice before it was posted by a goon... How am I not surprised?!

I'd like to hear what you think the nestor can be used for...

I am not saying I know yet, but as soon as I get the possibility to get a Nestor, once the price has gone down, I will buy one to find some use for it, even if the min maxers out there will just ignore it...
I do not care much about the min-maxers, and I appreciate the fact that some content can't be put in a neat little box...

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Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#400 - 2014-08-21 05:49:08 UTC
It still needs a cloak bonus of some kind. Even if you have to take some other kind of bonus away or nerf it somehow.

I didn't say access to covops cloaks. Just a useful, powerful cloak bonus of some kind.

It has always needed a cloak bonus of some kind.