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Skill Discussions

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Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-08-17 14:55:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Legedric Striker - Plan your training for EVE Online using your favourite device - PC, tablet or smartphone!

My name is Legedric Striker (well at least in EVE that is) and I always wondered why noone built a web based Skillplanner for EVE Online yet.
As I am much better at building web applications than flying space ships I just started to develop as a new project from scratch on my own.

Of course some of you may want to say: "But why? There is EVEMon!" and that's correct, EVEMon is a great software which I am still using, too.
But there are places where you cannot install or use EVEMon at all and most of the mobile apps out there lack at least some sort of features in general and there is just no solution to be used on any device, no matter where you are.

I wanted to built a tool that's completely platform independent.
No matter if you want to plan your skill training on an Apple device, Unix machine or any other device being capable of displaying this website: You can do it!

In addition, you can switch back and forth between your devices and you will always have your personal skill plans at hand, no matter where you are. No need to backup or import/export your stuff for every switch you want to make from your PC to your tablet or smartphone.
And you may still use other tools if you want to! There is even an import and export functionality for example for EVEMon built into - feel free to use it anytime.

All you've got to do is simply create a new account for free and start adding API keys to the platform and go from there!

If you have any suggestions about this platform in general or features I should add, just send an EVE Mail to
Legedric Striker or post in this thread right here.

Idea Free!
Idea Responsive design - easy access from computer, tablet and smartphone
Idea Export plans to your EVE in game skill queue
Idea Simulate implants for your skill plans
Idea Share your skill plans with friends and corp mates
Idea Manage as many skill plans as you like for each character
Idea EVE Ingame Browser support - View info and market details for all skills in your skill plan
Idea Detailed ship overview by faction (out of game ISIS) - inlcuding mastery system
Idea Get optional email notifications when your skill queue is about to run out

Complete Feature List
Arrow Manage several API keys for any amount of characters
Arrow Lightweight API access mask - we only look at what we really need
Arrow Training overview for all characters
Arrow Information about current training, clone limits and trained skills for each character
Arrow Plan skills for any period of time
Arrow Drag and drop sortation feature in all skill plans
Arrow Import/Export EVEMon skill plans (XML)
Arrow Import required skills from fitting codes (like EFT)
Arrow Detailed skill browser to add skills including all prerequisites to a plan
Arrow Add remapping points and optimize remaps to your skill plan needs

Visit for more info, screenshots and to start your new training plan experience for our all time favourite spaceship game Blink

Best regards,

Legedric Striker - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#2 - 2014-08-17 21:25:58 UTC
I just took this for a spin.

The page is quick and I had imported my plans from EVEMon in no time.

A few suggestions though to make this my daily driver:

Let us select which characters we want to import from each API Key. I'm lazy and got all alts included on each key, however I don't want to see them all in the character screen.

Please give us more columns in the skill planner, SP/h as well as primary/secondary attribute each skill is using and the total SP at the end of the skill (same feature as in EVEMon really) It is hard to use attribute remaps when you have no idea what speed each skill is trained at.

In the ship progression page, I would love to see masteries added there isncluding the little golden icons once the ships are at mastery 5.

Oh and a little bug, you can't move the skill currently training up or down in the skill plan, you can move the ones above to end up below it but you can't move the skill itself.
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2014-08-18 02:32:19 UTC
I've given it a try. I like the bouncy / shiny look, and it seems responsive. I had some trouble using it as a skill planner, though. I imported a skill plan and wanted to move a group of skills, but could only shift one at a time--that would take quite a while. I would also find it useful for skill planning if skills could be sorted by attribute.
Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-08-18 09:02:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Legedric Striker
First of all thank you for your feedback!

I just deployed an update to the site including the following updates:
ArrowOption to hide characters from the overview list (Character->Settings)
ArrowReworked the whole skill plan area to get more space in terms of width for the actual skill plan
ArrowAdded icons for primary and secondary attribute of each skill to the skill plan list
ArrowAdded Total SP to the list of skills
ArrowAdded a warning sign to display insufficient clone sizes within the skill plan

Some remarks on your feedback:
- I am not quite sure about adding SP/hour to the list as from my experience it's not something many people care about to waste "space" on
- Sorting multiple items at once is somewhat difficult using web scripts as the system already has to check many things as soon as you "drop" a skill somewhere like if all prerequisites are met until then etc. So it already is on the ToDo list but no ETA
- Sorting by attribute will be looked into but same as above: No ETA

Thanks again for your feedback, it is much appreciated! - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#5 - 2014-08-18 12:55:58 UTC
Good improvements. However would it be possible to let us pick and chose the columns we want to see in the planner view (like EVEMon)?

I'm probably getting old and blind but int/mem/per/will/cha is a lot easier to see than the small icons while not taking up much more space.

Also any comment on possibility of adding Masteries to the ISIS view?

Another feature I would like to see is to add something like google circles where you can share your skillplan with friends/corp mates as well as skill templates to quickly see who has the pre-req skills for a specific ship/fit.
Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-08-18 13:14:40 UTC
Thanks again!

Well, making all the columns configurable is somewhat tricky but of course not impossible, so I will look into it. Perhaps I will just create a seperate section for this within the character settings where you can switch on/off several columns. For the time being I will switch the Icons to just PER/INT/CHA/WIL/MEM tomorrow ;)

I just forgot to comment on your mastery request.
In fact that's a features which is on my list from the very beginning of this project so I am already working on it. But as you can imagine, there are tons of things to take care of for implementing this into the ISIS system of - I am hoping to have a first draft at hand until the end of this month.

Sharing complete plans like for other games like "Hey can you send me a plan for a basic Nyx sitter?" is also a feauture I am already working on but no ETA on when this will be available for the public.
An integration of Google+, Facebook etc. won't happen but of course you may share links just like you are used to it with other website links you want to share on social media. - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#7 - 2014-08-19 08:02:15 UTC
Legedric Striker wrote:
Thanks again!

Well, making all the columns configurable is somewhat tricky but of course not impossible, so I will look into it. Perhaps I will just create a seperate section for this within the character settings where you can switch on/off several columns. For the time being I will switch the Icons to just PER/INT/CHA/WIL/MEM tomorrow ;)

Sounds good, just have all the columns available and let us turn them on and off would be perfect.

Legedric Striker wrote:
I just forgot to comment on your mastery request.
In fact that's a features which is on my list from the very beginning of this project so I am already working on it. But as you can imagine, there are tons of things to take care of for implementing this into the ISIS system of - I am hoping to have a first draft at hand until the end of this month.

Yeah I expect it is a lot of work to untangle all the requirements.

Legedric Striker wrote:
An integration of Google+, Facebook etc. won't happen but of course you may share links just like you are used to it with other website links you want to share on social media.

I was thinking more that you could share your characters within in a similar way as google circles works, not part of google circles. That way all the people in a corp can share their characters/plans to the leadership and they can then have say a "capital plan" that they can filter all the characters against to quickly see who will qualify for free ship replacement for example.

Legedric Striker wrote:
Sharing complete plans like for other games like "Hey can you send me a plan for a basic Nyx sitter?" is also a feauture I am already working on but no ETA on when this will be available for the public.

And as above, not share it publicly and have it act as a filter so you can see what skills are missing for various ship doctrines and what not.
Rose of Shadow
Deep Lovin
#8 - 2014-08-19 18:34:13 UTC
Just something I found today: The minmatar t1 faction frigate is the Republic Fleet Firetail. Not the Dramiel Smile (we wish Lol)
Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-08-20 04:11:41 UTC
Rose of Shadow wrote:
Just something I found today: The minmatar t1 faction frigate is the Republic Fleet Firetail. Not the Dramiel Smile (we wish Lol)

lol I obviously flipped the numbers - fixed now ;) - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2014-08-20 11:13:03 UTC
Just a small update for today:
ArrowFixed a glitch for T3 tooltips for the Ship Progress
ArrowAdded settings to specify which columns you want to display in your skill plans
(click on your name at the top of the page to get to the settings page) - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#11 - 2014-08-24 22:36:03 UTC
Legedric Striker wrote:
Just a small update for today:
ArrowAdded settings to specify which columns you want to display in your skill plans
(click on your name at the top of the page to get to the settings page)

Thanks, excellent.
Rose of Shadow
Deep Lovin
#12 - 2014-08-25 13:35:17 UTC
Request: (and maybe it's already in effect but I'm at work atm using IE 8 which doesn't work well with your website).

Is it possible to create "on mouseover" things for the skills in the main skill overview of a character?
Since that list gives a good overview of what your character knows already and at what level that skill is.
But for some skills I simple cannot remember what they do in game and why I skilled it so high or low.

So, just an idea :)
Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-08-25 14:35:13 UTC
Yep, it's on the list but not implemented yet Blink - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-08-27 07:05:37 UTC
After Hyperion got released and I got hands on mastery icons, I am very happy to announce that we just added the mastery system to the "Ship Progress" area!

Stay tuned for more updates coming this week Blink - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#15 - 2014-08-27 14:49:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Mashie Saldana
Legedric Striker wrote:
After Hyperion got released and I got hands on mastery icons, I am very happy to announce that we just added the mastery system to the "Ship Progress" area!

Stay tuned for more updates coming this week Blink

Something is broken with the masteries as all that I have at V are showing as IV and the missing skills bubbles are empty.

This while using Firefox for Android. Not tested on Windows.
Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-08-27 14:52:42 UTC
Thank, I will take a look at it later today. I didn't notice it as I don't have anything higher than 3 What? - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2014-08-27 16:32:25 UTC
Mashie Saldana wrote:
Legedric Striker wrote:
After Hyperion got released and I got hands on mastery icons, I am very happy to announce that we just added the mastery system to the "Ship Progress" area!

Stay tuned for more updates coming this week Blink

Something is broken with the masteries as all that I have at V are showing as IV and the missing skills bubbles are empty.

This while using Firefox for Android. Not tested on Windows.

Should be fixed now, thanks for reporting this issue! - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Mashie Saldana
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#18 - 2014-08-27 21:42:10 UTC
Legedric Striker wrote:
Should be fixed now, thanks for reporting this issue!

It is working now.

Any chance to get a setting to switch the mastery screens between private and public?

Oh and I'm sure you will get a few masteries to V in the near future.
Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-08-28 04:02:46 UTC
It is already planned to make a whole character (or parts of the profile) visible for the public. - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

Legedric Striker
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-08-29 05:52:45 UTC
Another update just hit the server:

Arrow Added a function to add further skill levels of an already planned skill to your plan
Arrow Added a function to add missing skills for the next mastery level to a skill plan of your choice
Arrow Fixed a bug with special characters in corp titles blocking API updates
Arrow Updated the static EVE database to Hyperion
Arrow Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version - Plan your pilot skill training online on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone!

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