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Time to do something about locust swarms?

Jinrai Tremaine
Cheese It Inc
#221 - 2014-08-18 14:13:54 UTC
Faeana wrote:
How are you calculating the EHP? You using the true EHP or just a program that gives the average EHP? It doesn't take a genius to work out that if you have 88% vs kinetic and thermal and have 14k shield HP, then you know you have 116k EHP vs kinetic and thermal in shields alone, not counting hull and armor. 90% kinetic 86% thermal is possible with boosts, so i can average that to 88 to each.

You still seem to be missing the point that of course you're going to find it hard to kill a ship if you're attacking it with the exact types of damage it's set up to tank. That doesn't mean the ship is broken, it means you need to switch to a ship that can exploit the gaping EM hole they left behind, or whatever other gaps they left in their resistances.

That said, to answer your question: I'm being lazy and letting EFT do the maths for me - I have damage profiles set up for things like CN Antimatter, Void, RF EMP etc, specifically to figure out how well potential mining ship fits will do against the common gank ships.

You can probably get higher numbers than I have doing things like having an actual command ship providing boosts, instead of just a shield link running on an Orca, or setting up a Skiff with nothing but kin/therm resist modules, but I'm giving you the stats of the fleet I fly every day, not a hypothetical one.
Alavaria Fera
#222 - 2014-08-18 14:23:39 UTC
Grobalobobob Bob wrote:
Faeana wrote:
Locust swarms, are the players who multibox ice anomalies in hi-sec with 10-20 accounts or more. Usually they contain a large number of Procurers or Skiffs, a Freighter, and an Orca. These players can make billions daily for just a few hours of play in hi-sec and they do it virtually risk free. That's because Procurers and Skiffs are too strong against gankers, they don't have to worry about losing ships. Even if they did occasionally lose one, it's nothing to the amount of isk they are earning. It also can't be much fun for the other players when many anomalies has one or two of these greedy players around..

Just wondering what the problem is here..

I mean, if I had 20 accounts, i'd need approx 16bn isk a month to break even with the costs of PLEX.

It's 4bn isk a week.. really? I mean, why bother? what's the point in managing 20 accounts, just to chuck 16bn isk a month at plexes? It's way too much work, i think about it and my brain bleeds at the prospect of 'can i be assed' to imagine waiting about for an ice field to appear then locust it..

if one procurer or whatever isn't able to fetch 800m isk a month, it's just not worth the hassle or bother. I certainly cannot be assed at all to try to get 800m isk worth of ice these days a month with a procurer. I'd quit EVE utterly in a few days burned out and stressed to hell with all the ice changes anyway.

If people want to spend their time with 20 accounts being forced to mine for 4bn isk a week before they break even, it's up to them, these people have way more staying power than i ever will.

You know, now that you mention it...

Hmm, the isk per hour, time to do some calculations

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#223 - 2014-08-18 14:24:40 UTC
Xpaulusx wrote:
Faeana wrote:
Locust swarms, are the players who multibox ice anomalies in hi-sec with 10-20 accounts or more. Usually they contain a large number of Procurers or Skiffs, a Freighter, and an Orca. These players can make billions daily for just a few hours of play in hi-sec and they do it virtually risk free. That's because Procurers and Skiffs are too strong against gankers, they don't have to worry about losing ships. Even if they did occasionally lose one, it's nothing to the amount of isk they are earning. It also can't be much fun for the other players when many anomalies has one or two of these greedy players around.

Does anyone have a solution to this? I only have two suggestions, one would be to let the gankers sort it out. The ice fields are full of procurers and skiffs, I don't know what percentage they are but I would guess there is 85% procurers/skiffs, 10% rets/macks and 5% hulks/covetors across the ice fields in hi-sec on average. If that's the case, the solution would be to nerf the Skiff and Procurer a bit. It's far too strong, if determined gankers could target this type of player that could be the answer.

The other idea would be to stop isboxer, but I think that alone may not solve this problem. I like the first idea better.

Simple get rid of NPC corps, NPC's should be for new players only which after 2 months they are ejected as well. Nobody should be immune to war decs.

ejected and forced into a player corporation? or you want to be able to declare wars on single players? nobody should be immune to CONCORD.
Jinrai Tremaine
Cheese It Inc
#224 - 2014-08-18 14:27:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jinrai Tremaine
Faeana wrote:
Yet the belts are full of these types, you're lucky if one doesn't come to gobble up the belt at 2 or 3 times the rate it would have normally gone down. There's loads of guys with 10 miners about, less of the guys with 20, but they are around. Let's imagine there is for example 8 or 10 miners in a belt, this guy with 20 miners turns up, now there is 30 miners and this one guy is taking the majority of the belt for himself, making a ton of isk, at the expense of normal players, and doing it all risk free.

First off, there's no difference between the risk taken by a solo miner and the risk taken by a locust using the same ship/fit, so don't suggest that somehow multiboxing makes a player safer. If anything it's the opposite - because they've got so many accounts open they necessarily have to pay less attention to each one, making them slower to react to things like bumpers or gankers. It's also not "risk free" - just because you can't gank a skiff doesn't mean skiffs never get ganked, as numerous people have pointed out already.

Second, what exactly is wrong with that situation? I mean sure, I bet that the 10 solo miners aren't happy that they're getting less ice, but so what? There are only two claims to ownership of ice in hisec - either by force of arms ("This is my ice because I can and will remove anyone else who tries to take it") or by consumption ("This is my ice because I've mined it"). Complaining ("This is my ice because I don't like how you're mining it") doesn't really do much.

To put it another way, let's say that instead of one player with 20 miners turning up, one corp of 20 individual miners turns up (plus boosts and haulage, of course). Is your scenario in any way different? The belt has still gone from 10 to 30 miners, one group is still taking the majority of the belt and making a ton of isk and they're still doing it at the expense of the solo miners. The solo miners would be just as upset and angry about the whole situation and just as unwilling to stop it.
Gor Yo
Taxes Shmuckses
#225 - 2014-08-18 14:32:29 UTC
OP sounds like a poor person. angry about one person using 20 accounts and mining all your precious ice before you can get your hands on it? get your own 20 accounts and train them all for catalysts. I am not big on ganking, but could that be enough to gank an orca even? certainly can take out a a couple of max tanked skiffs. BEEF UP SKIFF TANKS!!! 1 PERSON CAN GANK A FEW IN ONE ATTACK!!!
#226 - 2014-08-18 14:32:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Faeana
Jinrai Tremaine wrote:
Faeana wrote:
Yet the belts are full of these types, you're lucky if one doesn't come to gobble up the belt at 2 or 3 times the rate it would have normally gone down. There's loads of guys with 10 miners about, less of the guys with 20, but they are around. Let's imagine there is for example 8 or 10 miners in a belt, this guy with 20 miners turns up, now there is 30 miners and this one guy is taking the majority of the belt for himself, making a ton of isk, at the expense of normal players, and doing it all risk free.

First off, there's no difference between the risk taken by a solo miner and the risk taken by a locust using the same ship/fit, so don't suggest that somehow multiboxing makes a player safer. If anything it's the opposite - because they've got so many accounts open they necessarily have to pay less attention to each one, making them slower to react to things like bumpers or gankers. It's also not "risk free" - just because you can't gank a skiff doesn't mean skiffs never get ganked, as numerous people have pointed out already.

Second, what exactly is wrong with that situation? I mean sure, I bet that the 10 solo miners aren't happy that they're getting less ice, but so what? There are only two claims to ownership of ice in hisec - either by force of arms ("This is my ice because I can and will remove anyone else who tries to take it") or by consumption ("This is my ice because I've mined it"). Complaining ("This is my ice because I don't like how you're mining it") doesn't really do much.

To put it another way, let's say that instead of one player with 20 miners turning up, one corp of 20 individual miners turns up (plus boosts and haulage, of course). Is your scenario in any way different? The belt has still gone from 10 to 30 miners, one group is still taking the majority of the belt and making a ton of isk and they're still doing it at the expense of the solo miners. The solo miners would be just as upset and angry about the whole situation and just as unwilling to stop it.

It is risk free. They will have to be very unlucky to ever lose a skiff. If such a day comes that they actually do lose a skiff, it's peanuts for them to replace it with all the isk they are earning from their skiff swarm.

This isn't about corps mining hi-sec belts with 20 people, If they exist, i've never seen one. But I see plenty of obvious isboxed fleets being controlled by a single player.
Alavaria Fera
#227 - 2014-08-18 14:33:42 UTC
Jinrai Tremaine wrote:
Faeana wrote:
Yet the belts are full of these types, you're lucky if one doesn't come to gobble up the belt at 2 or 3 times the rate it would have normally gone down. There's loads of guys with 10 miners about, less of the guys with 20, but they are around. Let's imagine there is for example 8 or 10 miners in a belt, this guy with 20 miners turns up, now there is 30 miners and this one guy is taking the majority of the belt for himself, making a ton of isk, at the expense of normal players, and doing it all risk free.

First off, there's no difference between the risk taken by a solo miner and the risk taken by a locust using the same ship/fit, so don't suggest that somehow multiboxing makes a player safer. If anything it's the opposite - because they've got so many accounts open they necessarily have to pay less attention to each one, making them slower to react to things like bumpers or gankers. It's also not "risk free" - just because you can't gank a skiff doesn't mean skiffs never get ganked, as numerous people have pointed out already.

Second, what exactly is wrong with that situation? I mean sure, I bet that the 10 solo miners aren't happy that they're getting less ice, but so what? There are only two claims to ownership of ice in hisec - either by force of arms ("This is my ice because I can and will remove anyone else who tries to take it") or by consumption ("This is my ice because I've mined it"). Complaining ("This is my ice because I don't like how you're mining it") doesn't really do much.

To put it another way, let's say that instead of one player with 20 miners turning up, one corp of 20 individual miners turns up (plus boosts and haulage, of course). Is your scenario in any way different? The belt has still gone from 10 to 30 miners, one group is still taking the majority of the belt and making a ton of isk and they're still doing it at the expense of the solo miners. The solo miners would be just as upset and angry about the whole situation and just as unwilling to stop it.

So basically, it's about blobbers, be it a one-person blob or a blob of blobbers

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

#228 - 2014-08-18 14:34:45 UTC
Gor Yo wrote:
OP sounds like a poor person. angry about one person using 20 accounts and mining all your precious ice before you can get your hands on it? get your own 20 accounts and train them all for catalysts. I am not big on ganking, but could that be enough to gank an orca even? certainly can take out a a couple of max tanked skiffs. BEEF UP SKIFF TANKS!!! 1 PERSON CAN GANK A FEW IN ONE ATTACK!!!

One person ganking skiffs all over EVE with his 20 accounts is not reality. One person using 10 or 20 accounts to mine large amounts of isk in complete safety is reality, and happens everywhere in hi-sec.
Grobalobobob Bob
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#229 - 2014-08-18 14:38:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Grobalobobob Bob
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Hmm, the isk per hour, time to do some calculations

I'm not even sure isk / hour even comes into it.. it's too much down time, and waiting for spawns, especially if you have no idea when another ice field is due...

Then you cant even guarantee that you'll have the field all to yourself. you might log your 20 accounts in, jump to the field, and someone else with 15 accounts / fleet might also do it, you'll just end up where the belt is gone and your isk / hour just fell through the floor.

It's too volatile. You need to do this stuff in NULL, high sec ice mining is so knife edge, you'll seldom be able to get what you need to pay for PLEX reliably. It's too much pain to even try as a solo 'mine when you need to', god forbid making a profession from it.. Personally i'd rather just buy a PLEX, and buy the helium etc needed to run the pos / jump drive... Ice mining is REALLY stressful, and getting caught up in it is hellish enough to actually make me not want to bother.. I simply dont bother because I know I'll rage and stop playing through stress.

Ice mining is for others I think... I just dont understand the ISBOXer thought process when it comes to ice. UNLESS it's NULL, and your alliance is funding your personal fleet / providing support / backup etc - then I understand the locust philosophy.
Yarda Black
The Black Redemption
#230 - 2014-08-18 14:39:13 UTC
Faeana wrote:
One person ganking skiffs all over EVE with his 20 accounts is not reality. One person using 10 or 20 accounts to mine large amounts of isk in complete safety is reality, and happens everywhere in hi-sec.

So you're pissed that people prefer to use their 20 accounts to mine instead of to gank...
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#231 - 2014-08-18 14:41:44 UTC
Faeana wrote:
It is risk free.

Only risk free thing I can see here is NPC forum alt whining. Nobody ever said ganking has to be profitable, get yourself fleet of 10 artynados and gank skiff swarms to your heart content.

Oh right, that would require ISK you don't have and :effort:

Invalid signature format

Alavaria Fera
#232 - 2014-08-18 14:42:55 UTC
Grobalobobob Bob wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Hmm, the isk per hour, time to do some calculations

I'm not even sure isk / hour even comes into it.. it's too much down time, and waiting for spawns, especially if you have no idea when another ice field is due...

Then you cant even guarantee that you'll have the field all to yourself. you might log your 20 accounts in, jump to the field, and someone else with 15 accounts / fleet might also do it, you'll just end up where the belt is gone and your isk / hour just fell through the floor.

It's too volatile. You need to do this stuff in NULL, high sec ice mining is so knife edge, you'll seldom be able to get what you need to pay for PLEX reliably. It's too much pain to even try as a solo 'mine when you need to', god forbid making a profession from it.. Personally i'd rather just buy a PLEX, and buy the helium etc needed to run the pos / jump drive... Ice mining is REALLY stressful, and getting caught up in it is hellish enough to actually make me not want to bother.. I simply dont bother because I know I'll rage and stop playing through stress.

Ice mining is for others I think... I just dont understand the ISBOXer thought process when it comes to ice. UNLESS it's NULL, and your alliance is funding your personal fleet / providing support / backup etc - then I understand the locust philosophy.

Even in null, actually this thing occurs.

A friend I know who uses 20 miners quite strongly prefers to mine ore due to the "scaleability". Due to the way ore works in nullsec sov systems with ihubs (ie: basically a set anomaly that respawns endlessly). However, smaller scale miners like me do ice.

Oh yeah, any highsec miners, if you like the idea of endless ore to mine, even a fairly cheap system in our rental program, the Greater Western Co-Prosperity sphere can get you this. Though with better sec does come better ores, it's certainly also cheap to hop into a system and get started, even on a smaller scale. You also get to use Rorqural boosts, which let me tell you are pretty great!

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Grobalobobob Bob
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#233 - 2014-08-18 15:02:04 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Grobalobobob Bob wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Hmm, the isk per hour, time to do some calculations

I'm not even sure isk / hour even comes into it.. it's too much down time, and waiting for spawns, especially if you have no idea when another ice field is due...

Then you cant even guarantee that you'll have the field all to yourself. you might log your 20 accounts in, jump to the field, and someone else with 15 accounts / fleet might also do it, you'll just end up where the belt is gone and your isk / hour just fell through the floor.

It's too volatile. You need to do this stuff in NULL, high sec ice mining is so knife edge, you'll seldom be able to get what you need to pay for PLEX reliably. It's too much pain to even try as a solo 'mine when you need to', god forbid making a profession from it.. Personally i'd rather just buy a PLEX, and buy the helium etc needed to run the pos / jump drive... Ice mining is REALLY stressful, and getting caught up in it is hellish enough to actually make me not want to bother.. I simply dont bother because I know I'll rage and stop playing through stress.

Ice mining is for others I think... I just dont understand the ISBOXer thought process when it comes to ice. UNLESS it's NULL, and your alliance is funding your personal fleet / providing support / backup etc - then I understand the locust philosophy.

Even in null, actually this thing occurs.

A friend I know who uses 20 miners quite strongly prefers to mine ore due to the "scaleability". Due to the way ore works in nullsec sov systems with ihubs (ie: basically a set anomaly that respawns endlessly). However, smaller scale miners like me do ice.

Oh yeah, any highsec miners, if you like the idea of endless ore to mine, even a fairly cheap system in our rental program, the Greater Western Co-Prosperity sphere can get you this. Though with better sec does come better ores, it's certainly also cheap to hop into a system and get started, even on a smaller scale. You also get to use Rorqural boosts, which let me tell you are pretty great!

+1 with you all the way. TBH if i even had ISBOX or 20 accounts (which i can't begin to imagine) - i'd go the same way as your friend and stick to ores - thought of ice mining makes me cringe! As per the OP it's stressful, and vacuum cleaners (locust) swarms just amplify the stress of it - even if i simply cant fathom how ice scrums can be anywhere near fun.

So may be, out of necessity CCP had to change ice mechanics from bad to bad. I can't see if it is any worse than before (too much of it anywhere / everywhere), to what it is now (black art, and controversy). One extreme to the other, yet bad to bad.

TLDR; I sympathize with the OP entirely, whilst being of the mind set that locust swarms for Ice, is next to pointless as a profit making activity. maybe this was CCP's intention... Question

#234 - 2014-08-18 15:32:31 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Faeana wrote:
It is risk free.

Only risk free thing I can see here is NPC forum alt whining. Nobody ever said ganking has to be profitable, get yourself fleet of 10 artynados and gank skiff swarms to your heart content.

Oh right, that would require ISK you don't have and :effort:

Actually it would require stupidity, since you would be spending one billion a gank to take out a 200 mill ship. You lose out 5 times more than the skiff pilot. It's like self ganking, pure stupidity.
#235 - 2014-08-18 15:37:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Faeana
Grobalobobob Bob wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Grobalobobob Bob wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Hmm, the isk per hour, time to do some calculations

I'm not even sure isk / hour even comes into it.. it's too much down time, and waiting for spawns, especially if you have no idea when another ice field is due...

Then you cant even guarantee that you'll have the field all to yourself. you might log your 20 accounts in, jump to the field, and someone else with 15 accounts / fleet might also do it, you'll just end up where the belt is gone and your isk / hour just fell through the floor.

It's too volatile. You need to do this stuff in NULL, high sec ice mining is so knife edge, you'll seldom be able to get what you need to pay for PLEX reliably. It's too much pain to even try as a solo 'mine when you need to', god forbid making a profession from it.. Personally i'd rather just buy a PLEX, and buy the helium etc needed to run the pos / jump drive... Ice mining is REALLY stressful, and getting caught up in it is hellish enough to actually make me not want to bother.. I simply dont bother because I know I'll rage and stop playing through stress.

Ice mining is for others I think... I just dont understand the ISBOXer thought process when it comes to ice. UNLESS it's NULL, and your alliance is funding your personal fleet / providing support / backup etc - then I understand the locust philosophy.

Even in null, actually this thing occurs.

A friend I know who uses 20 miners quite strongly prefers to mine ore due to the "scaleability". Due to the way ore works in nullsec sov systems with ihubs (ie: basically a set anomaly that respawns endlessly). However, smaller scale miners like me do ice.

Oh yeah, any highsec miners, if you like the idea of endless ore to mine, even a fairly cheap system in our rental program, the Greater Western Co-Prosperity sphere can get you this. Though with better sec does come better ores, it's certainly also cheap to hop into a system and get started, even on a smaller scale. You also get to use Rorqural boosts, which let me tell you are pretty great!

+1 with you all the way. TBH if i even had ISBOX or 20 accounts (which i can't begin to imagine) - i'd go the same way as your friend and stick to ores - thought of ice mining makes me cringe! As per the OP it's stressful, and vacuum cleaners (locust) swarms just amplify the stress of it - even if i simply cant fathom how ice scrums can be anywhere near fun.

So may be, out of necessity CCP had to change ice mechanics from bad to bad. I can't see if it is any worse than before (too much of it anywhere / everywhere), to what it is now (black art, and controversy). One extreme to the other, yet bad to bad.

TLDR; I sympathize with the OP entirely, whilst being of the mind set that locust swarms for Ice, is next to pointless as a profit making activity. maybe this was CCP's intention... Question

CCP didn't intend this, it was the result of ice changes, and barge changes, and there being a lot of sad people to take advantage of the situation. You know I checked an ice field in gallente space about 8 months ago, igne or something, the 0.5 system with two ice anomalies. There was a freighter, orca and about 15-20 skiffs hoovering up the double ice field system in no time at all. He was there every single day. I haven't been there since, but I took a look back there a week ago, and he is still there, still doing it. There is also one who does it every single day in angymonne, a 0.6 system with 3 ice anomalies, and this guy must have at least 20 skiffs. He has been there every day for about a year or something. I question what they do with all that isk and why they are always there, all of his characters have weird names and have been in an npc corp for 5 years.
Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#236 - 2014-08-18 15:44:27 UTC
Faeana wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Faeana wrote:
It is risk free.

Only risk free thing I can see here is NPC forum alt whining. Nobody ever said ganking has to be profitable, get yourself fleet of 10 artynados and gank skiff swarms to your heart content.

Oh right, that would require ISK you don't have and :effort:

Actually it would require stupidity, since you would be spending one billion a gank to take out a 200 mill ship. You lose out 5 times more than the skiff pilot. It's like self ganking, pure stupidity.

It's called an investment - you sacrifice your ISK to destroy their "fun" and gain market dominance. There's plenty of bored players around to make sure that a ship that can be ganked at cost is a ship not worth using - which is what we see happening with the Mack/Hulk. So, I restate my proposition, buff Mack/Hulk/Retriever/Covetor tank to remove Skiff/Procurer dominance.

As for your locust problem - by the time mining barges have become so fragile that you can deal with your friendly neighborhood multi boxer, various ... interest groups... would have already annihilated high sec mining in general. Especially since even the proposition of using a bumping ship seems to be to much of an effort.
Jinrai Tremaine
Cheese It Inc
#237 - 2014-08-18 15:49:59 UTC
Faeana wrote:
It is risk free. They will have to be very unlucky to ever lose a skiff. If such a day comes that they actually do lose a skiff, it's peanuts for them to replace it with all the isk they are earning from their skiff swarm.

This isn't about corps mining hi-sec belts with 20 people, If they exist, i've never seen one. But I see plenty of obvious isboxed fleets being controlled by a single player.

If there is a risk of losing a ship - even if doing so is very unlucky - then by definition it isn't risk free. Sure, mining in skiffs is low-risk; that's the point. You trade off the massive ore hold on the Mack and the yield bonus on the Hulk for significantly lower risk of losing your ship.

The thing is, a lot of the reason so few skiffs get ganked is exactly because they're tougher than Macks or Hulks. Not because gankers are looking at skiffs, then turning around and going home but because they're looking at skiffs, then spending a couple minutes more to find a Mack or Hulk. CODE. alliance's killboards are full of proof that there are plenty of miners not using skiffs regardless of your claims to the contrary. Making the Skiff less tough isn't going to change that, so long as it's still tougher than the other barges - gankers will still go for the low-hanging fruit, skiff fleets will still only rarely lose a ship compared to Mackinaws or Hulks and you'll still be complaining about it.

Again, what is wrong with people multiboxing fleets? Yes, they get more ore than someone who brings less miners, but why is that a bad thing? Why does that only apply to multiboxers, instead of another group the same size and organisation that isn't multiboxing?
#238 - 2014-08-18 15:57:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Faeana
Jinrai Tremaine wrote:
Faeana wrote:
It is risk free. They will have to be very unlucky to ever lose a skiff. If such a day comes that they actually do lose a skiff, it's peanuts for them to replace it with all the isk they are earning from their skiff swarm.

This isn't about corps mining hi-sec belts with 20 people, If they exist, i've never seen one. But I see plenty of obvious isboxed fleets being controlled by a single player.

If there is a risk of losing a ship - even if doing so is very unlucky - then by definition it isn't risk free. Sure, mining in skiffs is low-risk; that's the point. You trade off the massive ore hold on the Mack and the yield bonus on the Hulk for significantly lower risk of losing your ship.

The thing is, a lot of the reason so few skiffs get ganked is exactly because they're tougher than Macks or Hulks. Not because gankers are looking at skiffs, then turning around and going home but because they're looking at skiffs, then spending a couple minutes more to find a Mack or Hulk. CODE. alliance's killboards are full of proof that there are plenty of miners not using skiffs regardless of your claims to the contrary. Making the Skiff less tough isn't going to change that, so long as it's still tougher than the other barges - gankers will still go for the low-hanging fruit, skiff fleets will still only rarely lose a ship compared to Mackinaws or Hulks and you'll still be complaining about it.

Again, what is wrong with people multiboxing fleets? Yes, they get more ore than someone who brings less miners, but why is that a bad thing? Why does that only apply to multiboxers, instead of another group the same size and organisation that isn't multiboxing?

Having a smaller ore hold than the mack isn't really a tradeoff. For people with orca support, or hauling, which I would estimate is at least 50% or probably more like 75% or more of all mining ships in the belts, it's not a trade off at all. For those with no hauler, who dock every full load, the drop in efficiency from having to dock more often equates to just 10% less ice mined in practice than a mackinkaw, I know because I've tested it. That's why the skiff is so heavily used now, it's better in every way than the mackinkaw. Gone are the days when people would get a mack with its massive ore hold and sit afk in the ice field. Competition is fierce enough they won't get much ice if they don't pay attention.

This is why the belts are made up off 90% skiffs and procurers. It's the best mining ship all round. It's fast, it's stupid strong, it has masses of cpu and grid and so is very easy to fit, the ore hold while not the largest, is sufficiently big enough. It's only real downside is less yield than a max yield hulk, but who the hell would use a max yield hulk in hi-sec? Max yield hulks may have the best yield, but you have to be on the ball else you will be ganked.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#239 - 2014-08-18 16:19:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Faeana wrote:
Having a smaller ore hold than the mack isn't really a tradeoff. For people with orca support, or hauling, which I would estimate is at least 50% or probably more like 75% or more of all mining ships in the belts, it's not a trade off at all.
I beg to differ, most of the miners I encounter are working solo.

For those with no hauler, who dock every full load, the drop in efficiency from having to dock more often equates to just 10% less ice mined in practice than a mackinkaw, I know because I've tested it. That's why the skiff is so heavily used now, it's better in every way than the mackinkaw.
It's only better than the Mackinaw if you have Orca and hauler support, solo it's worse. So no it's not better than the Mackinaw in every respect.

Gone are the days when people would get a mack with its massive ore hold and sit afk in the ice field. Competition is fierce enough they won't get much ice if they don't pay attention.
Working as intended tbh, that was the whole point of making Ice a depletable resource, to stop people afking it 23.5/7.

This is why the belts are made up off 90% skiffs and procurers. It's the best mining ship all round. It's fast, it's stupid strong, it has masses of cpu and grid and so is very easy to fit, the ore hold while not the largest, is sufficiently big enough.
It's only better than the Mackinaw when it has Orca and hauler support, otherwise the Mackinaw is more efficient at the cost of survivability

It's only real downside is less yield than a max yield hulk, but who the hell would use a max yield hulk in hi-sec? Max yield hulks may have the best yield, but you have to be on the ball else you will be ganked.
Plenty of people still fly hulks in highsec, , max yield or otherwise, they still lose them too.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jinrai Tremaine
Cheese It Inc
#240 - 2014-08-18 16:43:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jinrai Tremaine
Faeana wrote:
CCP didn't intend this, it was the result of ice changes, and barge changes, and there being a lot of sad people to take advantage of the situation.

First off, people were multibox mining ice before the Odyssey changes took place. Hell, I had 8 miners myself over a year before Odyssey, plus the boosts and hauler, and I'm sure that my fleet wasn't the largest in the static icebelt I mined at the time. Ice is a lot more valuable now, which is a draw, but the lack of practically infinite volume belts makes it less available and more annoying to mine, which makes it less attractive. So it sort of balances out, except that solo miners don't have to deal with ice prices being depressed by locust fleets flooding the market any more, so now they can get a cut of the profits.

Second, you really think this was unintended, or at least unforseen? ISBoxer has been allowed for a lot longer than the Odyssey ice changes came about - I have no idea when it first came up and was declared OK by CCP, but people have been using it for a long time to run lots of EVE accounts, in particular running them for mining. Then there've always been a few oddballs like me who do the same thing without the software. We're not a new thing, is what I'm trying to get across here. It's pretty unlikely that CCP didn't consider how we'd react to any changes to mining - if I were them I'd certainly give some thought to how a large chunk of my players would respond.

Faeana wrote:
Having a smaller ore hold than the mack isn't really a tradeoff. For people with orca support, or hauling, which I would estimate is at least 50% or probably more like 75% or more of all mining ships in the belts, it's not a trade off at all.

As I've said before, all you're saying is that there is no downside to not using the ship intended for mining solo when you're not mining solo. This isn't the revelation you seem to think it is.

Faeana wrote:
For those with no hauler, who dock every full load, the drop in efficiency from having to dock more often equates to just 10% less ice mined in practice than a mackinkaw, I know because I've tested it. That's why the skiff is so heavily used now, it's better in every way than the mackinkaw.

Considering that the difference will depend heavily on distance from ice anomaly to station, there's no way you can say "It's always exactly 10%", but even if it was then that's a noticeable difference. All else being equal, I'd switch ships for 10% more yield. The problem is that all else isn't equal, of course.

Faeana wrote:
Gone are the days when people would get a mack with its massive ore hold and sit afk in the ice field. Competition is fierce enough they won't get much ice if they don't pay attention.

Yes, it's all due to the competition from skiffs, absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with all the gankers who pick off Hulks and Mackinaws and who target AFK players in particular. Why on earth would they have any influence on people's ship choices when mining?

Faeana wrote:
It's only real downside is less yield than a max yield hulk, but who the hell would use a max yield hulk in hi-sec? Max yield hulks may have the best yield, but you have to be on the ball else you will be ganked.

The Mackinaw suffers from the exact same problem as the hulk - in terms of the number of Catalysts needed to get a kill, there's basically no difference in Hulk or Mack tank (you can just barely push either of them to survive 2 T1-fit catas, but 2 high-skill T2 fit ships will kill them). That's the reason that even players who would benefit from the ore hold still choose Skiffs, because if you don't you're painting a giant target on yourself. It's not specifically that Skiffs are arbitrarily "too hard" to gank - as if there's some sort of limit that gankers look at and turn away from, and the Skiff is on the wrong side of that limit. It's that Skiffs are harder to kill than Mackinaws or Hulks and gankers want easy kills. Why put in the effort to get 5+ players when you can gank a Mack with 2? As long as the Skiff is tougher than the Mack that trend will continue - why put in the effort to get 4 players, or even 3 players, when you can still gank a Mack with 2?

When you get down to it, the reason why the belts are full of Skiffs is because you've driven the Hulks and Macks extinct.