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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#1301 - 2014-08-16 23:37:11 UTC
It's going to take time to get through all this. Forgive me if i'm repeating anything. I'll edit later, if necessary.

It seems the real problem here is the projection of military force and response times, and a solution that can help this without hindering industry/logistics.

Can't we try to limit the amount of JB a single alliance can have, say three. Force a titan to commit to jumping also with any fleet cyno it lights in transmitting subcaps with little risk to the Titan.

This way, it would not hurt haulers and make a small dent in subcap hot drops while respecting the amount of time players have invested in being able to commit a fleet of capitals to any given fight.

+maybe increase the fitting requirements of a cyno field generator to cruiser sized pg.

It's not as drastic as this proposed change, but it would be a small change with great effect until a long term solution is found.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1302 - 2014-08-17 04:00:39 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:

Nerfing jump range or jump range mechanic is ONE of MANY items that needs to be changed.

It really isn't.

One way or another, we will deploy our forces wherever we need to. You can force us to deploy only by using gates and force capitals to need to cyno system by system and we would still be able to do it. Nerfs to power projection will not fix anything in null and cause a number of issues with things such as supply lines for smaller powers who have to get through enemy space to get to their space. You will infact only make it easier for the CFC and N3/PL to defend our space.
Anthar Thebess
#1303 - 2014-08-17 07:41:51 UTC
But those changes are not about killing cfc or n3.
They are not about killing blobs or gigantic fights.
Nor about making smaller alliances untouchable in their space.

Read previous posts.
- have more fun ( every one states that nullsec is booring now , and ony ting you can get is a tidi fight)
- more small scale conflicts (without constant - 50 motherships on grid - more conflicts will be possible )
- no more empty space , just small independent groups moving there (space that you dont use will be easily conquerable by any one )
- more dedication to your deployments and space you take ( taking space will be easier after changes people suggest - the real issue is to hold it , as you need to live in this space. When you deploy, no jump/ deathclone jumps to your home space , alts will be a must )
- less hotdrops and (super)capital dependency (20 mothership hotdrop on t1 cruiser in lowsec , CCP ... Roll)
- and more
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1304 - 2014-08-17 07:56:13 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
But those changes are not about killing cfc or n3.
They are not about killing blobs or gigantic fights.
Nor about making smaller alliances untouchable in their space.

Read previous posts.
- have more fun ( every one states that nullsec is booring now , and ony ting you can get is a tidi fight)
- more small scale conflicts (without constant - 50 motherships on grid - more conflicts will be possible )
- no more empty space , just small independent groups moving there (space that you dont use will be easily conquerable by any one )
- more dedication to your deployments and space you take ( taking space will be easier after changes people suggest - the real issue is to hold it , as you need to live in this space. When you deploy, no jump/ deathclone jumps to your home space , alts will be a must )
- less hotdrops and (super)capital dependency (20 mothership hotdrop on t1 cruiser in lowsec , CCP ... Roll)
- and more

And nerfing jump bridges and jump drives will get you none of those things.
Anthar Thebess
#1305 - 2014-08-17 11:03:35 UTC
Sorry but it will do it.

For example 2 titans allow to relocate 2-3 full fleets across 3 regions in a matter of minutes.

So we are talking about 700+ players crossing 2-3 regions ( let say 60 jumps ) in 5 minutes, doing 2 jumps.

Without this ability they will have to do those 60 jumps, and moving 700 people across 2-3 regions by gates is around 1 hour at least , and we are talking about going one way.

Tell me, how often people will want to spend 2 hours just to move and return , after attending some timer?
What is also important , without possibility to relocate fast across the map, creating few timers forces defender to choose the one really important.

Something that is not working now properly, are titan bridges, and jump bridges that allow one fleet to attend all timers at the same time.
You only send handful of ships to each timer capable of pumping some structure and provide base tackle , while core of your fleet just sit on titan waiting where someone could escalate.
If someone will escalate, cyno chain, midpoint titans, and whole fleet (s) will be on place before enemy could inflict any serious damage or clear the tackle.

So like you see , limiting jump bridges , titan bridges , jump range , will have extreme impact on eve battlefield , and sov map.
You will not be able to defend a region sitting 2-3 regions away, even defending a constellation in a region could be an issue, when you are not in this constellation.
While going by gates , someone can bomb you, catch stranglers , slow you down, prepare traps or just wait on your fleet 1 jump before the timer guarding the gate.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1306 - 2014-08-17 11:23:02 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Sorry but it will do it.

For example 2 titans allow to relocate 2-3 full fleets across 3 regions in a matter of minutes.

So we are talking about 700+ players crossing 2-3 regions ( let say 60 jumps ) in 5 minutes, doing 2 jumps.

Without this ability they will have to do those 60 jumps, and moving 700 people across 2-3 regions by gates is around 1 hour at least , and we are talking about going one way.

Tell me, how often people will want to spend 2 hours just to move and return , after attending some timer?
What is also important , without possibility to relocate fast across the map, creating few timers forces defender to choose the one really important.

Something that is not working now properly, are titan bridges, and jump bridges that allow one fleet to attend all timers at the same time.
You only send handful of ships to each timer capable of pumping some structure and provide base tackle , while core of your fleet just sit on titan waiting where someone could escalate.
If someone will escalate, cyno chain, midpoint titans, and whole fleet (s) will be on place before enemy could inflict any serious damage or clear the tackle.

So like you see , limiting jump bridges , titan bridges , jump range , will have extreme impact on eve battlefield , and sov map.
You will not be able to defend a region sitting 2-3 regions away, even defending a constellation in a region could be an issue, when you are not in this constellation.
While going by gates , someone can bomb you, catch stranglers , slow you down, prepare traps or just wait on your fleet 1 jump before the timer guarding the gate.

We get around the lack of jump bridges by setting off a bit earlier. You forget that we used to do this before we had these toys and if you make caps harder to move then they will simply be moved closer to the target before the fight.
Anthar Thebess
#1307 - 2014-08-17 12:03:26 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

We get around the lack of jump bridges by setting off a bit earlier. You forget that we used to do this before we had these toys and if you make caps harder to move then they will simply be moved closer to the target before the fight.

... and thats the whole point.
You will have to be closer , to places you want to hold.
Holding half of galaxy will no longer be possible on current base assumption: " We can move our forces to one timer from half of the galaxy. Fleets will go 1 hour before the op. "

On the same assumption all r64 are held by big blocks.
You can save any tower while sitting any where in universe, the only thing what you need is cyno chain and 15min before the timer.

Like i stated the goal is not to kill goons, or NCPL , but bring more variety to nullsec , and bring some ease to lowsec.
Something that EVE really needs now.

There is nothing wrong about big blocks, there is nothing wrong about hot drops, dropping as third on two other fighting groups , taking other people space, as long as this is bringing some content, as now it is killing it , and blocks ability to create new one.

If war between CFC and N3 will ever happen , what it will bring ?
Fights : Yes
Fun : yes
Reason to login?: for a while

How many times you can fight in the same setup, the same gang, in TIDI 10% ( real 0.5%) for 7 hours.

I think EVE is not about ~THIS~ kind of commitment , and big bloob fights are grate until they are not something common.
Especially that most of those 10% TIDI fights , are simple stand off and blue balls , that discourage more and more players from logging in.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1308 - 2014-08-17 14:16:01 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:

How many times you can fight in the same setup, the same gang, in TIDI 10% ( real 0.5%) for 7 hours.

Been doing this for the last 4 years. 8 if you include pre tidi.

Face it, you cant fix anything by trying to nerf power projection. We will always get our forces to where we need it, even if it means warping gates from one side of EVE to the other.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1309 - 2014-08-17 14:23:36 UTC
It would make it a hell of a lot hard to fight on two (or more) fronts though.
Anthar Thebess
#1310 - 2014-08-17 14:42:55 UTC
afkalt wrote:
It would make it a hell of a lot hard to fight on two (or more) fronts though.

3 or 4 even.
That's why now 2 powers hold whole eve.
Tidi created possibility to be every where on time.
Good staging point means that you can bridge or jump across 4 or 5 regions sometimes in the matter of minutes.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1311 - 2014-08-17 14:43:33 UTC
afkalt wrote:
It would make it a hell of a lot hard to fight on two (or more) fronts though.

Nah, we have the manpower to fight on 3 fronts and still have enough people left over to interdict empire space, raise all kinds of hell on hostile POS networks and run home defence ops.

You have to remember that our enemies would be in the same situation as us in regards to being slowed down by any nerfs to power projection so nothing would change, just the speed at which it happens.
Anthar Thebess
#1312 - 2014-08-17 15:38:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
But im not arguing about this.
Only about what will you defend after this kind of changes.

Will you fly 50 jumps to save an r64 tower in lowsec, ech of those r64 or even r32 towers?
Will you fly 90 jumps to save an -0.1 system that someone will put in reinforce timers day after you head home as nothing was going on when you where sitting in this constellation for 2 weeks?

The point is how much you , and NCPL will be willing to travel to save some timers.
Now you just use 1-2 titans or boot fleet, after changes people are requesting you will have to be on the timer, without knowing if attacker will show up or no.
Question is how much this empty space will be worth to you when you actually will have to put work, and what is most important time , a lot of time, of a lot of people.

I think that you will find many of those moons, systems - not worth the effort.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1313 - 2014-08-17 16:02:35 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:

Will you fly 50 jumps to save an r64 tower in lowsec, ech of those r64 or even r32 towers?

Yes, we did this the other day.
Anthar Thebess wrote:

Will you fly 90 jumps to save an -0.1 system that someone will put in reinforce timers day after you head home as nothing was going on when you where sitting in this constellation for 2 weeks?

We have sigs stationed much closer and we also have these things called jump clones. We don't have to.
Anthar Thebess wrote:

The point is how much you , and NCPL will be willing to travel to save some timers.
Now you just use 1-2 titans or boot fleet, after changes people are requesting you will have to be on the timer, without knowing if attacker will show up or no.
Question is how much this empty space will be worth to you when you actually will have to put work, and what is most important time , a lot of time, of a lot of people.

I think that you will find many of those moons, systems - not worth the effort.

Nothing in what you put would stop us from continuing to own what we currently own.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1314 - 2014-08-17 16:08:41 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
...and big bloob fights ...

Now I can't help wondering exactly what these would entail...
Felix Judge
Regnum Ludorum
#1315 - 2014-08-17 16:24:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Felix Judge
I agree that Power Projection and speediness thereof is not what created two large blocs.

What created that was the sov mechanic that in order to gain or defend sov, you need to be in a certain system with as much power as possible at three, maybe four very distinct points of time, which are known ahead of time about two days earlier.

This means that a larger group will always prevail against a smaller group if it wishes. A smaller group will almost never ever challenge a larger group because it has next to no chance of winning even a single system.

And this means that any group will chew up as much space over time as is available (not: as they need or want) UNTIL it meets a foe of equal or greater power. Against a foe of greater power, it falls back and loses its systems to them. Only against a foe of equal size will it prevail.

So we were destined to have only one or two superpowers.

The only nerf to power projection that would change this would be one that prevented a group from travelling to a contested system within four days' time (shield and armor timer cycles of the relevant structures). You would even have to restrict gate travel in some way, or make the universe in fact A LOT bigger.

Therefore, to allow smaller groups a part in sov, you need to find a mechanic in which absolute size is not the only decisive element.

One would be to allow almost instant sov changes so that small groups could execute surprise takeovers - not good because sov would be like a ping pong match between three or more teams, at a speed as if all all of them were Chinese.

Another would be to require the sov holder to not only be there for the one, two or three decisive battles, but practically for the majority of the time. Occupancy based. Then, a large group could only spread out as long as their relative size compared to number of systems is larger than their neighbours'. Unused areas of space would quickly be occupied by people who actually want to live there and who actually WILL live there.

And that, my friends, is the gist of the matter.
Anthar Thebess
#1316 - 2014-08-17 18:07:03 UTC
Felix Judge wrote:

One would be to allow almost instant sov changes so that small groups could execute surprise takeovers - not good because sov would be like a ping pong match between three or more teams, at a speed as if all all of them were Chinese.

Well what people are suggesting , is not surprise takeovers of space you are living - this kind of fast sov warfare will be only in systems where owning alliance don't have activity.

For example.
In constellation A alliance members for last week killed 500 rats in total ( escalations ) nothing was mined, no PL activity ... index of this system fallen to 0, what this means:
- that all structures have their resist dropped by 25% , shield hit points is reduced to 50%
- there is no timers on any structure ( you don't have to put ANY SBU, kill Ihub, reinforce the station TCU is vulnerable and can be killed instantly.

In constellation B alliance members kill 500 rats per hour, people are mining, producing, making PL almost on each planet .... index of this system is at 10 , what this means:
- all structures gain 50% to their base resistances
- no one from alliance is allowed to anchor pos in this constellation
- enemy needs to anchor SBU in order to start reinforce cycles , sbu on lining cycle is increased by 50%
- in this constellation there is a system designated as alliance capitol , this grants you additional defensive upgrades.

This is only my view, based on current methodology just to point how some stuff should work.
There will be no fast take overs in the systems that you are using.

All passive activities should be also not counted for the activity index.
Because - you can do this kind of stuff in order to keep those indexes healthy:
- you can put up a poses that will mine stuff at some loss , or even mine while coupling array is full
- put laboratories, where unskilled characters will put cheep, long science jobs
- attacker ( people who want to live in this space ) could keep your indexes high.
Ninteen Seventy-Nine
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1317 - 2014-08-17 18:17:47 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:

How many times you can fight in the same setup, the same gang, in TIDI 10% ( real 0.5%) for 7 hours.

Been doing this for the last 4 years. 8 if you include pre tidi.

Face it, you cant fix anything by trying to nerf power projection. We will always get our forces to where we need it, even if it means warping gates from one side of EVE to the other.

But if the goal is to decrease response times and further regionalizing/localizing 0.0 activity... that absolutely would be fixed with a nerf to power projection.

In conjunction with other changes, it may not be possible to cross all of eve with a blob to stop whatever you don't want happening. More than one event occurring would require choosing or splitting forces, not killing two birds with one fleet.

You're right it would make it easier to defend wherever that fleet is, but I don't think he suggested it wouldn't be. Conversely, it would make it easier for anyone else to defend (to a degree).

I don't think you've thought this through very well,
or you're just convinced there's only one way to view the discussion (you're right, everyone else is wrong)

"The unending paradox is that we do learn through pain."

Ninteen Seventy-Nine
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1318 - 2014-08-17 18:21:01 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

We have sigs stationed much closer and we also have these things called jump clones. We don't have to.

those "things called jump clones" (hurrrr) are a one trick every X hour pony.

Of course you can start podding yourself after each goal is accomplished I suppose. But that comes with it's own costs as well.

You just don't want to admit that maybe blinking fleets everywhere on demand is an issue.

No worries, you don't have to agree. But you will have to settle with being biased and incorrect. Lol

"The unending paradox is that we do learn through pain."

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1319 - 2014-08-17 18:37:19 UTC
Ninteen Seventy-Nine wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

We have sigs stationed much closer and we also have these things called jump clones. We don't have to.

those "things called jump clones" (hurrrr) are a one trick every X hour pony.

Of course you can start podding yourself after each goal is accomplished I suppose. But that comes with it's own costs as well.

You just don't want to admit that maybe blinking fleets everywhere on demand is an issue.

No worries, you don't have to agree. But you will have to settle with being biased and incorrect. Lol

Jumpclone every 24 hours. Timers last around 2 days.

We have the time.

Anthar Thebess
#1320 - 2014-08-17 18:38:59 UTC
Well CFC is big, it have many players.
I don't see any thing wrong in this or that they will occasionally burn some region - just for fun, or for profit.
As long as they can put someone that will live in the systems they took, then that is ok .
This is EVE universe should burn.

Something that needs to change is instant ability to be almost any where.
Currently the time needed for 2-3 cycles of dreads is long enough to move well organized group from the other side of eve , and usually from 3-4 mids away.
This is something that needs to be changed.
Carriers , motherships and titans needs to be like dreads.

Why people are not complaining about those ships being OP, or broken?

Without the siege cycle:
- they have DPS like battleship ... or isthar Roll
- they have baaaad tracking
- they have capital level EHP

In siege:
- their DPS is multiplied
- their tracking is much worst
- they cannot receive remote assistance
- they cannot move, jump, or do any thing until l siege cycle ends

In both situations without support they are very easy targets for any gang that have more DPS than local repairs.

This is the reason why most of the big blocks are not using , or trying to not use dreads.

Carriers - yes they have DPS like a battleship, but they jump to target, and jump out if needed, they can fit cloak, smartbombs, or deploy drones to clear the tackle, they can remote repair them self.

Motherships - better than carriers for every thing than shooting a pos. Bigger EHP , harder to tackle.

Titans - dreads without siege, hard to tackle, hard to kill , so much time to get help.

Probably the reason why some groups drop dozen of titans to reinforce some tower:
- the same cost in terms of fuel ( i know moving dread / carrier / mothership / titan use the same amount of fuel, why CCP , who made this error...)
- harder to tackle, and kill
- you don't have siege ... so you can jump out when something is going wrong