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Petitions on SIngulairty: Bugged Proteus

Kehro Urgus
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-12-09 09:28:53 UTC
Just wondering if anyone answers petitions on SIsi. I have problems with a Proteus and made a petition that is unanswered after a few days.

The problem with the ship itself is that if I load a fit 3 of the subsystems drop out and the turret hardpoints etc. disappear. This problem goes back about a year now and remains unresolved. I've given up on using this ship many months ago but decided to give it one last chance to smarten up by testing it out on Sisi. I've cleared the cache and it still wont work. I could make a new fit but knowing from experience it too will screw up soon and if I load the modules manually the ship will not work properly. I've lost at least 3 this way and were quickly returned without any explanation.

I'd assume several reimbursement requests made within the span of a week would get the issue passed on to quality control or whomever but after a year it appears no one cares. No one I know has had this problem so I fear my toon itself may be bugged and if there are anymore t3 type ships introduced I wont be able to use them also.Straight
