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Crius Feedback

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Angie Chatter
#561 - 2014-08-11 19:18:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Angie Chatter
@CCP + Crius Team

I just realized how "stupid" the decision was to base the cost index on a per system activity. The cost index game mechanic itself is nice and adds extra game-play via competition, but the math on how the index is based per system is terrible.

Before Crius we only had distance to trade-hubs, which already resulted in a "lock-down" of systems close to trade hubs, but it did not affect production cost's and how competitive u are.

Now we have distance + cost index, which means now u have a much greater incentive to "lock-down" entire systems, by anchoring inactive towers, so u have 100% control of the system cost index. Worst even, u have incentives to lock-down multiple systems to spread the cost index even more. U even have incentives to leave systems locked and place as much towers as u can, since u may move operation every few months. So there is no reason not to leave your inactive towers anchored, just in case the system index gets low again. U could even rotate your "owned" locked systems.

So giving such huge incentives the lock-down multiple systems, just so u can have a single component/ship/equip assembly array working per system is terrible game design.

So my feedback would be to either remove the ability to lock-down systems, by anchoring inactive towers all over the place or base the cost index on average region activity and distance over x jumps. So if u stay away from high production hotspots or at the edge of a region, u still get a lower index, but not if u where "first" in a system with low moons and locked it for your corp.

So keep the incentive to spread and trade cost vs jump distance to trade-hubs, but PLZ remove the incentive to anchor gazillion inactive towers per system.

PS: I base this on the fact that from 8 low cost index systems i checked, all used this "feature", since those where new 0.8+ systems and a single corp anchored inactive towers on all moons, just so they can have 1 actual working pos.
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#562 - 2014-08-11 20:14:26 UTC
Angie Chatter wrote:
@CCP + Crius Team

I just realized how "stupid" the decision was to base the cost index on a per system activity. The cost index game mechanic itself is nice and adds extra game-play via competition, but the math on how the index is based per system is terrible.

Before Crius we only had distance to trade-hubs, which already resulted in a "lock-down" of systems close to trade hubs, but it did not affect production cost's and how completive u are.

Now we have distance + cost index, which means now u have a much greater incentive to "lock-down" entire systems, by anchoring inactive towers, so u have 100% control of the system cost index. Worst even, u have incentives to lock-down multiple systems to spread the cost index even more. U even have incentives to leave systems locked and place as much towers as u can, since u may move operation every few months. So there is no reason not to leave your inactive towers anchored, just in case the system index gets low again. U could even rotate your "owned" locked systems.

So giving such huge incentives the lock-down multiple systems, just so u can have a single component/ship/equip assembly array working per system is terrible game design.

So my feedback would be to either remove the ability to lock-down systems, by anchoring inactive towers all over the place or base the cost index on average region activity and distance over x jumps. So if u stay away from high production hotspots or at the edge of a region, u still get a lower index, but not if u where "first" in a system with low moons and locked it for your corp.

So keep the incentive to spread and trade cost vs jump distance to trade-hubs, but PLZ remove the incentive to anchor gazillion inactive towers per system.

PS: I base this on the fact that from 8 low cost index systems i checked, all used this "feature", since those where new 0.8+ systems and a single corp anchored inactive towers on all moons, just so they can have 1 actual working pos.

Most systems have a shitload of moons. "Locking down" those systems would be involving sometimes setting down 50+ towers per system. That's a bit stupid for trying to hold the cost index down, don't you think? Especially since rotating locked systems would involve literally moving all those towers around, which would make them vulnerable against simple ganking.

The few systems with something like 5 moons get maybe locked down this way, but even then there are a lot of caveats: The system must have low moon count, the system shouldn't have NPC-facilities of any kind (or someone could try to raise the system index artificially to fight back) and so on.

So no, I don't think we should fear a sudden wave of mass-locking.
Skalle Pande
Teknisk Forlag
#563 - 2014-08-11 23:07:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Skalle Pande
TigerXtrm wrote:
After having done some fun experiments with reprocessing Veldspar I have come to an interesting conclusion, at least I think so.

It would appear that station reprocessing rounds up, where POS reprocessing arrays round down.

Confirming this. If you reprocess one unit of Ice in a station, you get one unit of Strontium Clathrates, while if you reprocess one unit of Ice in a POS Reprocessing Array, you get no Strontium Clathrates, even though the efficiency by definition is better, as shown by the amounts of the other three outputs.

Edit: And my, it is annoying that you cannot see the projected output from the POS refining, no confirmation dialogue. Silly.
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#564 - 2014-08-12 01:27:57 UTC
Skalle Pande wrote:
TigerXtrm wrote:
After having done some fun experiments with reprocessing Veldspar I have come to an interesting conclusion, at least I think so.

It would appear that station reprocessing rounds up, where POS reprocessing arrays round down.

Confirming this. If you reprocess one unit of Ice in a station, you get one unit of Strontium Clathrates, while if you reprocess one unit of Ice in a POS Reprocessing Array, you get no Strontium Clathrates, even though the efficiency by definition is better, as shown by the amounts of the other three outputs.

Edit: And my, it is annoying that you cannot see the projected output from the POS refining, no confirmation dialogue. Silly.

I also noticed that my rounding formula in the spreadsheet was acting weird. I thought I was going crazy.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Angie Chatter
#565 - 2014-08-12 08:45:50 UTC
Owen Levanth wrote:

Most systems have a shitload of moons. "Locking down" those systems would be involving sometimes setting down 50+ towers per system. That's a bit stupid for trying to hold the cost index down, don't you think?

Thats right, mostly systems with low moon counts are "locked" atm, but keep in mind thats a simple math question. If u need 50 small towers for a "huge" system at 65m per tower, thats a 3.25b investment. Depending on your volume going from a 3-5% index, down to a 0.5-1% index might be worth the trouble. U are also not effected by potentially others, moving in.

I simply think that inactive towers should still have a reasonable cost associated, that results in towers mainly be anchored if u really need them, not to lock-down moons/systems.

Rapscallion Jones
Omnibus Solutions
#566 - 2014-08-13 00:08:21 UTC
Technically this a blueprint issue, but now more than ever we need a BPC counter on the blueprint copy icon. Yes, you can right click, show info; but that is a tedious process. If you have a large volume of prints it's painfully brutal. I know its been suggested before, but now is the time CCP! Give it to CCP Punkturis and her team, we know they can get it done.

Sample BPC counter
Deadspace Zombie Factory
#567 - 2014-08-13 22:21:52 UTC
So I swear I used to be able to just right click a blueprint to do research.......and why would i ever need the research and manuf UIs at the same time? Surely not enough to justify it all being on the same page with different little icons in the middle that you would never be able to find if you havent used the system.(you should have at least used tabs labled in english. I know icons are all the rage with touchscreen devices but ffs.) At least make it pop up on the research window when the bp is in a lab ffs. I am not sure how but i think you guys actually made the indy UI worse. I mean hell forcing me into 5+ clicks when i used to just have to right click and put a number in seems pretty stupid.....It looks better sure, but i kinda would like it to be functional.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#568 - 2014-08-14 03:27:56 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Industry Interface sux.

It's not new player friendly.

Definitely need to get rid of the Price Index.

Industry Window is restrictive and big with too much flash, not enough info.

Decided to manufacture an item from BPC, took me almost an hour just to figure out how to work the damn Interface. No option to select different Regions or System Security level (High, Low, Null). Had 'All Facilities' selected and the list showed 94 different NPC stations in the Region I was currently in, that was it. Can't check prices in other Regions.

Price in the high sec systems was at least a couple Hundred Thousand up to half a Bill just for 1 run of the BPC. Of course the Low Sec systems was a couple Grand up to a Hundred Thousand or so. Obviously this release was meant to get players to go into Low Sec but what it's actually gonna do is drive players away.

I feel sorry for the brand new players, they definitely won't have the ISK to do any manufacturing jobs in the starter systems. I have 6 years playing this game with a nice wallet built up and after checking prices, I highly doubt I'll be doing any more Industry in it's current state.

If I didn't have so much time invested in Eve, I'd definitely leave. This game should be fun to play, not be a job where I have to work my brain doing math just to see how many minerals are needed to produce all the items required to build an Orca, let alone waste hours searching for the best manufacturing price..

CCP Devs seriously need to play this game for a week straight before working on any more halfass updates.

Royal Order of Security Specialists Support
#569 - 2014-08-15 06:53:35 UTC
I apologize if this has been covered before, i didn't want to read a Sh!tload of pages (unlike others, i have about an hour to play/post on EVE); but i wanted to express my humble (paying players) opinion.
While i apprecaite your (ccp) trying to streamline the game, as far as industry stuff, you should have done it in 'baby steps'. IMHO you went for the whole taco, and really messed it up. taking your time, would have allowed easy tranistion for all parties.
My biggest beef is the issue of Previously researched BPO's. - Both ME/PE.
I LOVE the Classic ccp line of: 'this IS the way it is' = AKA shut the fnck up and take it - BUT, many paying players, like myself, have INVESTED TIME & Resources into Researching our bpo's Beyond 10 me/pe, even to 200+.. where's our return on investment? - oh-, STFU and take it - you get 10. be happy.
While i like the fact your trying to improve the game, you (ccp) have thrown us all into one group, and screwed those of us that have made signifigant investments in our BPO's. seriously, an ME of 250, is now after the update, a 10% plus wow, thank you.
I/myself have spent Months of Real Time researching my bpo's to really high levels,m with this patch, we have ALL been lowered to the same level, 10=-250+.. what a waste of my time. how about working on that one?
If it were You......... Nevermind...
whats the point, i have vented.. enjoy your night.
Wendy Holl
Jita Investing Compagny
#570 - 2014-08-15 14:20:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Wendy Holl
I realize none of you devs have any experience with industry/research/invention hence this mess of a expansion.
thats ok because you mask by saying eve is a pvp game.... mja havent been for me the 10 years ive played.

That said i have still high hopes that you this year(2014) maybe even in the beginning of 2015 fixes the fubar system where
i can only make 10-run copies of my t2 drone bpo's
Time Cube Syndicate
Rainbow Knights
#571 - 2014-08-15 15:00:49 UTC
I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned or noticed this, and I made it through the first 10 pages of this thread and dozens of other threads in the S+I threads without seeing it, but many capital BPOs did not change correctly. Even after a recent patch which fixed some issues, there are still several remaining.

Specifically speaking the Archon BPO now requires an additional Capital Armor Plate at the current “fixed” level. According to ; “The guiding goal with this translation is "no blueprint gets functionally worse" i.e. the materials needed for a single run should be the same or less after the transition.”

I had originally petitioned this, and without stating exactly what was said, they mentioned that the first run would use 11 runs but each subsequent run would come back to 10 due to some maths. Well, it is not possible to make multiple run capital BPCs. Furthermore, the dev-blog clearly states SINGLE run, not “more for the first but then reduces…..” I was informed to make my case here to bring it to the Dev’s attention as they are the only ones who can fix this.

Functionally speaking, I have spent years “perfecting” my capital BPOs and to get them back to that point will now take upwards of 200-300 days and 800m-1B+ isk.
Flay Nardieu
#572 - 2014-08-15 18:04:12 UTC
The bulk of this expansion needs to go the way of spew loot... That was a brainfart idea that got zero traction and ultimately was removed, it took forever for them (CCP) to take the hint unfortunately.

I've found other posts explaining how anchoring offline towers as a method of price index fixing informative. It shows this expansion is NOT to the benefit of the small or starter corps as was suggested with the removal of faction standing requirements. The vast majority of the 'bragging rights' about Crius have proven to be innately flawed.

There are no viable reasons for removal of remote from office, shuffling BPs among the Labs & Arrays in a POS to research and manufacturer items, or paying a workforce in an owend facility that operates solely on the skill of the pilot so is readily envisioned as completely automated.

My method of playing from the start has been to mine to build, build for self-sufficiency of myself and those I associate. Hence my current stance and idle accounts, if a game becomes too much like work I refuse to pay to play. CCP's statements of focusing on player retention are not going to be served with releases such as Crius. Until this account lapses I will be keeping up to date on things, hoping that CCP corrects their folly.

If there is one person vocal about their hardline stance (me) there has to be many more that just got feed up and quit or sit quietly waiting to leave if things don't correct themselves.
Wendy Holl
Jita Investing Compagny
#573 - 2014-08-15 20:21:55 UTC
Mja whats the use, the devs stopped reading this thread weeks ago.
The only interess you see from them is if some of their Goon- or PL-friends raises an issue

Please prove me wrong CCP
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#574 - 2014-08-16 10:41:37 UTC
So many themepark carebears crying like baby. Good.

The Tears Must Flow

Vardaugas Family
#575 - 2014-08-17 11:29:45 UTC
I just noticed that they have massively improved the performance of loading heat maps in PI. Thank you so much!
#576 - 2014-08-19 19:11:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Voxinian
I just bought`an Orthrus and the color of the ship is putting me off a bit. Please make it more the Caldari grey colors cos the almost baby blue shine doesn't look really nice (imo) (and it stands off to the hangar colors when docked in a Caldari station), not even flying in space it looks nice with the shine/reflection. The design is cool (+ it's a bad ass missile boat), but the color/shine is really mweh.
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#577 - 2014-08-19 19:19:32 UTC
Voxinian wrote:
I just bought`an Orthrus and the color of the ship is putting me off a bit. Please make it more the Caldari grey colors cos the almost baby blue shine doesn't look really nice (imo) (and it stands off to the hangar colors when docked in a Caldari station), not even flying in space it looks nice with the shine/reflection. The design is cool (+ it's a bad ass missile boat), but the color/shine is really mweh.

The Mordus ships aren't Caldari, so it's kind of obvious they shouldn't have the same colors.

Besides, I like the colors.
#578 - 2014-08-19 19:33:35 UTC
As I said, in my opinion (of course).
I hope they at least will add some skins for it t get rid of the shiny blue. I want a more Caldari millitary look. I know It's not a Caldari ship type, but it's basically a Caldari missile boat with a different look and story behind it.
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#579 - 2014-08-19 22:33:37 UTC
This is yet another plea to get rid of showing us all the dozens of greyed-out blueprints in the industry screen. It makes it rather annoying to scroll past all of them (in that tiny $@% window), to get to the blueprints we can do anything with.

Yes i know you did it so we could always know what blueprints we have...or we could just do it the way we used to find a blueprint we had going to the 'jobs' tab....*gasp!!!!* Or, i don't know...using a 3rd party tool that can look into every single cargo-able space in the entire game...(why can't the ingame search do this yet?)
Angie Chatter
#580 - 2014-08-20 08:46:37 UTC
asteroidjas wrote:
This is yet another plea to get rid of showing us all the dozens of greyed-out blueprints in the industry screen. It makes it rather annoying to scroll past all of them (in that tiny $@% window), to get to the blueprints we can do anything with.

A simple filter/settings option is all we would need, but since the Crius team seemed to have moved on to there next Update, i don't think we will get any more improvements on the Industry UI. Its a real shame, since its such a little change that would result in a real usability improvement like the "group tab" addition.