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Advertise on EVE TV during Alliance Tournament XII

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CCP ArnarV
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2014-07-08 15:17:56 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Gargant
Hey there,

I have not spoken much on the forums so a brief intro is in order.

My dev name is CCP ArnarV and I am responsible for the technical side of our live broadcasts. I have been with CCP for 8 years and for most of that time I have been a video producer for our live-action material such as the In development videos. The greatest joy though I get is creating the weird & quirky stuff like the Permaband's HTFU & Killing song & video, The Chess boxing, Skyward sphere, Yule lads etc.

That done. On to the subject,

EVE TV is offering advertising space during its coverage of Alliance Tournament XII due to be broadcast live in August/September. Your advert will be played before matches on the live stream of the tournament. Put your corporation, your web site, your capital ship trade business or any EVE related advert on the biggest ad space available.

As always there is no charge to run a player advert on EVE TV for the Alliance Tournament.

General Rules

  • All video material must be Eve related!

  • The item/service being advertised must be Eve related.

  • Advert can not include copyrighted music or visuals.

  • The advert must be suitable for all ages.

  • Content must be respectable (no attack ads) and suitable for broadcast.

  • Adverts must be in English.

  • The quality of the advert must reflect positively on EVE itself, we will give comments and advice on improving the quality of the video until we can accept it.

  • The deadline for each weekend of the tournament is midnight on the Wednesday of that week. That’s August 13th, 20th 27th and September 3rd. If accepted your advert will be shown on all the subsequent weekends of the tournament. Please keep in mind if you want to be sure your advert will be included please submit it at least a couple days earlier.

    Technical Rules

  • 1920x1080 resolution with a 1:1 pixel aspect ratio, failing this you can submit as 1280x720, adverts will not be accepted in any other resolutions. Video should not contain black bars either horizontal or vertical.

  • Either 30 or 29,970 frames per second, adverts will not be accepted at any other frame rate.

  • Time length should be exactly 15 Seconds long.

  • If you are using Royalty Free / Creative Commons Music then credit the author somewhere in the end plate of your video. An end plate is where you typically put your Logo, Url and such

  • Video codec should be Mp4 or MOV file with H.264 as a compressor at 15 to 20Mbps.

  • Label your video file appropriately. Example: AllianceName_AdTitle_AT12.mp4

  • Each corp/alliance/website are allocated one ad slot in each cycle. You can submit multiple adverts but they will rotate with each cycle of all the tournament ads.

  • Royalty Free music

    We don't want to take any chances of getting into trouble for using copyrighted material so I suggest you consider using Royalty free. There is wast amount of Royalty Free music online so it should be easy finding a suitable track to back up those pretty visuals.

    If you are not sure on how Creative Commons works this image explains it nicely.
    Creative Commons Simplified

    Here are a few suggestions for music communities.
    Creative Commons Music Communities

    This YouTube channel by AudioPad has over 250 tracks. To use the music, simply read the licence in the description of each video.
    AudioPad - Royalty Free YouTube channel

    Please contact us at to submit your video and to ask any questions.

    Any service being advertised must be free to players or accessed using in game currency. If you are interested in advertising a paid service or items not directly related to EVE please contact us at

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    Hendrick Tallardar
    #2 - 2014-07-08 17:58:56 UTC
    Thank you for keeping us in the loop.

    I'm curious though why CCP are suddenly being sticklers over the Royalty Free Music as opposed to tournaments past. Many of the AT/NEO ads were ran without using Royalty Free Music with no issue as CCP wasn't charging for the viewing of the tournament.
    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #3 - 2014-07-08 22:43:19 UTC
    Very valid question there Hendrick,

    Copyright rules are very clear. If copyrighted material is used permission or license is needed from the artist or label. It does not matter if we are charging for the stream or not. In the past it seems like we have chosen to turn a blind eye to this but we don't want to take unnecessary gambles for future broadcasts.

    I did look into getting a broad license that covers international broadcasts which would cover everything like tv and radio stations use but it is very expensive and we would need to report every artist/song played on air.

    I understand if people are annoyed by this but if we brake the rules we can get into trouble. Blink

    The Creative Commons community is massive and I am positive that there is something that fits whatever theme people are going for. On that note, I forgot this music resource link in my previous post - CCP SoundcloudBlink

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    #4 - 2014-07-09 22:30:33 UTC
    How do I confirm that my video has been both received and accepted for use?
    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #5 - 2014-07-10 09:18:52 UTC
    Xenuria wrote:
    How do I confirm that my video has been both received and accepted for use?

    You will get an email once we review the video sent to (You should have one now)

    There was a delay in responses from evetv@ for a few weeks but it should not take as long now.

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    Archon Industries
    #6 - 2014-07-10 15:44:28 UTC
    I'm not making a video advert, so I have no vested interest in the answer. But I do have a friend who is a musician and music publisher. If one were to use copyrighted music in an advert, what documentation would CCP need from the video producer to demonstrate that the music is used with permission?

    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #7 - 2014-07-10 20:26:34 UTC
    MailDeadDrop wrote:
    I'm not making a video advert, so I have no vested interest in the answer. But I do have a friend who is a musician and music publisher. If one were to use copyrighted music in an advert, what documentation would CCP need from the video producer to demonstrate that the music is used with permission?

    The common practice is to use a Copyright release form. Here is an example release form

    "A release form is used by a copyright holder, as an alterative to a creative commons licence, to specify the terms whereby an identified person or organisation may license a work free from some or all of the usual restrictions. Typically a release form is used to grant the use of a work for educational or non-commercial use."

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    Midori Tsu
    Northern Coalition.
    #8 - 2014-07-11 23:44:37 UTC
    What if we make the audio ourselves? any guidelines we need to follow for that?
    Lucas Quaan
    Goryn Clade
    #9 - 2014-07-12 07:20:36 UTC
    Midori Tsu wrote:
    What if we make the audio ourselves? any guidelines we need to follow for that?

    Yes. No dubstep.
    Hendrick Tallardar
    #10 - 2014-07-13 16:23:30 UTC
    Lucas Quaan wrote:
    Midori Tsu wrote:
    What if we make the audio ourselves? any guidelines we need to follow for that?

    Yes. No dubstep.

    That really should be a rule. The same ****** dubstep song over and over for each no-name alliance doesn't help make your group standout any more.
    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #11 - 2014-07-14 09:20:32 UTC
    Midori Tsu wrote:
    What if we make the audio ourselves? any guidelines we need to follow for that?

    No, if you make your own original audio you don't have to do anything.

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    Nu shtiu
    #12 - 2014-07-20 16:09:40 UTC
    He dares
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #13 - 2014-07-20 20:18:47 UTC
    How are yous planning to make the rotation in previous years we have seen certain adverts featured alot more than others due to them being more entertaining etc is this till the case? Im looking at you waffles.
    Test Alliance Please Ignore
    #14 - 2014-07-21 15:50:59 UTC
    He dares wrote:
    How are yous planning to make the rotation in previous years we have seen certain adverts featured alot more than others due to them being more entertaining etc is this till the case? Im looking at you waffles.

    The rule is "The more that user He dares likes the ad, the less it will be shown. We will judge his responses based on eye motion, computer volume, and what windows are selected. **** that guy". It's in the 2nd page of the devblog on the tournament.
    Alekseyev Karrde
    Shadow Cartel
    #15 - 2014-07-23 05:13:13 UTC
    any update on when these are going to be reviewed?

    Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #16 - 2014-08-08 11:37:30 UTC
    He dares: All ads will get equal amount of air time. Waffles submit more than one so I guess it feels like they are getting more air time. If you do submit more than one your second one will go into the next rotation.

    Alekseyev Karrde: Sorry for the delay. Vacations are ending here at the office and July is the worst ;)

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    Glasgow Dunlop
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #17 - 2014-08-08 13:36:48 UTC
    Quick question about submittion, is threr a cut off time to have ads submitted?

    @glasgowdunlop #tweetfleet

    TDSIN Director : Join 'TDSIN pub' for more info, Join today!

    Glasgow EVE Meets Organiser

    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #18 - 2014-08-08 13:42:13 UTC
    Glasgow Dunlop wrote:
    Quick question about submittion, is threr a cut off time to have ads submitted?

    "The deadline for each weekend of the tournament is midnight on the Wednesday of that week. That’s August 13th, 20th 27th and September 3rd. If accepted your advert will be shown on all the subsequent weekends of the tournament. Please keep in mind if you want to be sure your advert will be included please submit it at least a couple days earlier."

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

    SIrera Artrald
    Titans Rising
    #19 - 2014-08-12 18:32:51 UTC  |  Edited by: SIrera Artrald
    Can we link to a Dropbox file or use Google Drive for file sizes that are too large for email?

    Life is a bitch but she's totally doable. She may be a beauty but life, life is a bitch.

    CCP ArnarV
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #20 - 2014-08-13 09:14:00 UTC
    Yes no problem. Wetransfer is also used and works well.

    SIrera Artrald wrote:
    Can we link to a Dropbox file or use Google Drive for file sizes that are too large for email?

    Senior Video Producer & Director of EVE TV

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