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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1221 - 2014-08-11 22:29:38 UTC
Maria Dragoon wrote:
You guys should also see this person's suggestion on sov change! He wrote a damn paper on it.

I honestly think his thread should be merged with this one, it damn good.

Ok the guy put a lot of effort into writing something which favors the coalitions and changes nothing.
He proposes to give points to any activity in a system and give sov based on that.
The possiblities for a big coalition to exploit this are endless.

And again it does not solve the real issue of self preservation which leads to the coalitions.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1222 - 2014-08-12 00:30:40 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Maria Dragoon wrote:
You guys should also see this person's suggestion on sov change! He wrote a damn paper on it.

I honestly think his thread should be merged with this one, it damn good.

Ok the guy put a lot of effort into writing something which favors the coalitions and changes nothing.
He proposes to give points to any activity in a system and give sov based on that.
The possiblities for a big coalition to exploit this are endless.

And again it does not solve the real issue of self preservation which leads to the coalitions.

How do we hold onto space that has zero activity in it?

This is why residency based sov is so much better than what we have now. It would be impossible for us to hold onto more than dek let alone the thousands of systems we currently own.
Maria Dragoon
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1223 - 2014-08-12 04:18:24 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Maria Dragoon wrote:
You guys should also see this person's suggestion on sov change! He wrote a damn paper on it.

I honestly think his thread should be merged with this one, it damn good.

Ok the guy put a lot of effort into writing something which favors the coalitions and changes nothing.
He proposes to give points to any activity in a system and give sov based on that.
The possiblities for a big coalition to exploit this are endless.

And again it does not solve the real issue of self preservation which leads to the coalitions.

I didn't make the thread, however I did post it here as a suggestion to read it, and maybe grab ideas from it.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius

"A man who talks to people who aren't real is crazy. A man who talks to people who aren't real and writes down what they say is an author."

Kira Hizu
Rotten Kimchi Squadron
#1224 - 2014-08-12 06:57:31 UTC
Listen this should be done in a smart way of changes.......

1# Phasing out Passive income for everyone period!

Topic Moon GOOOO
Moon goo changes are needed? Why? Because we live in none passive game and we would like no more AFK empires.

This was phase out no idea why?
This feature should only effect player own space.

2# Phasing out same old bounties and mining type grinds.....

Topic Space? Income types
Lets face it the game is changing why not change how we make our income from different area of space. North or south it's all the same... Why fight for system which gives me the same out put for income???

Solar GOOO!!
Phase #1 All Regions - Drop Chips from NPC which you can clam that special ship... etc ( nexus chip drops in drones regions! )

Phase #2 Here is idea of what could happen .... to these special system bonuses why to fight for them....

Region / Tenal - x2 Bounties on NPC found in belts!
Region / Branch - x2 Loot drop from NPC found from combat sites.
Region / Delve - x2 More DED sites found in systems.

Phase #3 Small Gang Warfare Vs. Larger Fleet Warfare.

Small Gang Ownership Ideas.
-Causes Local fights?
Camping local routes out too player own space.
Moving stuff to empire to sale?
Roams from small gangs...

Larger Fleet Warfare Ideas.
-Causes Fleet fights?
Bashing on your TCU... <--- reduce the timers per x mount of clam systems...
Bashing on your IHUB... <--- reduce hit points by 80% and timer is set on x mount of clam systems...
Bashing on your POS... <--- reduce the hit points by 50% and give it max of 24 hours...
Bashing on your Station ... <--- reduce the hit points by 75% and give it max 24 hours....
Conquering 75% of space allows alliance space allows for concord to bill new alliance

More ideas should be built first for small gang warfare. Then work on larger idea of fleet warfare.

Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1225 - 2014-08-12 08:08:38 UTC
Kira Hizu wrote:
Topic Moon GOOOO
Moon goo changes are needed? Why? Because we live in none passive game and we would like no more AFK empires.

Moon goo changes are live, please log in and find and item called "Small Mobile Siphon Unit".
Anchor it to your nearest R64 moon and purge that passive AFK player from our beloved EVE!
Athryn Bellee
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1226 - 2014-08-12 14:50:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Athryn Bellee
Skia Aumer wrote:
Kira Hizu wrote:
Topic Moon GOOOO
Moon goo changes are needed? Why? Because we live in none passive game and we would like no more AFK empires.

Moon goo changes are live, please log in and find and item called "Small Mobile Siphon Unit".
Anchor it to your nearest R64 moon and purge that passive AFK player from our beloved EVE!

Except you have to return nearly every day to empty the siphon and they are pretty easy for the POS owner to kill whenever they come by to refuel or just to check on the starbase.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1227 - 2014-08-12 14:58:47 UTC
Athryn Bellee wrote:
Skia Aumer wrote:
Kira Hizu wrote:
Topic Moon GOOOO
Moon goo changes are needed? Why? Because we live in none passive game and we would like no more AFK empires.

Moon goo changes are live, please log in and find and item called "Small Mobile Siphon Unit".
Anchor it to your nearest R64 moon and purge that passive AFK player from our beloved EVE!

Except you have to return nearly every day to empty the siphon and they are pretty easy for the POS owner to kill whenever they come by to refuel or just to check on he starbase.

Would be nice if they needed at least some verification to detect. They stand up too much at overview or space right now. Woudl be nice if they would show as a copy of anothe rmodule in the POS, and you would need to right click show info to see what it really was, or get close enough to see the model.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1228 - 2014-08-12 15:16:45 UTC
Athryn Bellee wrote:
Skia Aumer wrote:
Kira Hizu wrote:
Topic Moon GOOOO
Moon goo changes are needed? Why? Because we live in none passive game and we would like no more AFK empires.

Moon goo changes are live, please log in and find and item called "Small Mobile Siphon Unit".
Anchor it to your nearest R64 moon and purge that passive AFK player from our beloved EVE!

Except you have to return nearly every day to empty the siphon and they are pretty easy for the POS owner to kill whenever they come by to refuel or just to check on the starbase.

That was exactly what he wanted. It's neither passive nor AFK gameplay.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1229 - 2014-08-12 15:21:04 UTC
Is this the thread about siphon units ?

@Kira Hizu
I really don't understand how that will end stagnation.

The only differance with activty based sov would be that we would lose some pipe systems.
The interesting constellations with -1.0 -0.6 would still not change hands same goes for systems with r64 or systems needed for cynoroutes and jumpbridges.
It would look like this yes it is a really old map.
Ahe time was based on towers and they were only put up if they were needed.

What would happen is that some players would come into 0.0 with the wrong assumption that if a coalition has no SOV in the system they do not have control over it. And then they would be angry because they get killed by a 200people roaming or a 50supercapital fleet which jumped 30ly just to hotdrop them.

Activity based sov is a good idea but it does not solve the issue that EVE is to small.
We can control everythink within 25stargates or 25ly by jumping there within minutes and activity based sov will not change that at all.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1230 - 2014-08-12 16:21:04 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Is this the thread about siphon units ?

@Kira Hizu
I really don't understand how that will end stagnation.

The only differance with activty based sov would be that we would lose some pipe systems.
The interesting constellations with -1.0 -0.6 would still not change hands same goes for systems with r64 or systems needed for cynoroutes and jumpbridges.
It would look like this yes it is a really old map.
Ahe time was based on towers and they were only put up if they were needed.

What would happen is that some players would come into 0.0 with the wrong assumption that if a coalition has no SOV in the system they do not have control over it. And then they would be angry because they get killed by a 200people roaming or a 50supercapital fleet which jumped 30ly just to hotdrop them.

Activity based sov is a good idea but it does not solve the issue that EVE is to small.
We can control everythink within 25stargates or 25ly by jumping there within minutes and activity based sov will not change that at all.

How many times must you be told that 80% of null is empty?

So what if we dump 1000 megathrons on someones head? There are a few thousands other systems that are not getting dropped on and the one that is won't see the sov change because we had a blob in their system for a few hours unlike now. Your idea doesn't work.
Felix Judge
Regnum Ludorum
#1231 - 2014-08-12 16:37:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Felix Judge
A lot has been written lately about occupancy- and usage-based sov. So far, the ways to implement it have, in my humble view, been overly complex or had mechanics that could be easily gamed. My idea is one of “simply” playing a game of tug-of-war with military spaceships, over the course of at least several days:

The system I am proposing will probably get rid of TiDi as an inevitable circumstance in contested sov change (not entirely, though; BIG battles can and will still occur), it will open possibilities for new groups to enter the sov game, and it will scale by itself relative to subscription numbers and average fleet sizes and powers.

In Tug-of-War two teams pull on the opposing ends of a rope, each trying to pull it over to their side. The stronger team eventually wins, carries the day and wins the prize.

How could the tug of war work for Sov in Eve, how could sovereignty in any given system be granted to the team that pulls strongest on the “rope of sovereignty”? Like this:

The alliance that for the recent time had the most armed and piloted (undocked, un-POSed, un-cloaked!) ships in the system is the one “pulling stronger”. A point counter or sovereignty index is used to determine that: For every alliance or friendly ship in the system, dependent on size and tech, points per time increment (recorded e.g. every five minutes) are awarded to the leading alliance's sovereignty index. Hostile ships, on the other hand, take points away. Ships from an alliance that has the holder blued are treated as friendly, having the holder set to neutral does not interfere with holder's sov, and set to hostile does.

There will always only be one index per system: blue ships increase, red ships decrease it. Once it reaches zero, the alliance with the most points on the next time increment will be new board leader and their index is henceforth calculated with each further time increment.

An alliance that has won the tug of war and has been board leader over a certain period of time is offered sovereignty, and can click-accept. Once the sov-holding alliance's counter should drop to zero points over a certain period of time, e.g. seven days, it loses sov.

Points are still accumulated when you have sov, to make important/much used systems much stronger. An alliance with capitals and supercapitals will be able to pull the rope very far onto their side (and thus make important systems super-strong, or literally “fortresses”). On the other hand, points decay over time (1%/downtime?), so unused/unpatrolled systems are more easily conquerable, and years of holding sov will not make a system unconquerable for years to come.

In this manner, an alliance would have to be the dominant military power in a system over several days to gain sov, and it would have to remain the dominant military power to retain sov. To chal-lenge sov, an attacker would have to maintain a large enough military force to decrease the sov holder’s counter down to zero over several days. The defender can choose to stay and defend, mak-ing the attacker’s task more difficult, or even stop him. In the defender’s main systems, the attacker would have to be a lot stronger or maintain his attack longer to nullify the much stronger sov index.

This system would even make “fights” between different time-zones possible, albeit in a somewhat virtual way: the attacker has his force in system during his times, and decreases the index. The de-fender logs in during his prime time with his “defending” force and egalizes the loss again (or fails at it) by fielding his fleet. The larger force will eventually swing the tide, as would probably be case if the two fleets actually met. And of course, either side can choose to stay up until his opponent’s prime time to actually demolish the opposing force.

This mechanic would still reward having the social skills to organize large forces and being able to gather overwhelming numbers. So the existing large blocs will still have a considerable advantage in holding systems.

On the other hand, even a large coalition cannot be everywhere. And since the sov holders' points decay, simply having 51% of the numbers of the nulsec-dwellers will not suffice to actually hold all systems at once.

Having a huge bloc will still be rewarded with (much) larger and nicer portions of space. Having a huge bloc is however probably not necessary to claim a worthless backwater system and enter into the sovereignty game. Since the huge blocs are not likely to be willing to commit their pilots' pre-cious time to defending worthless systems week after week, one would probably "only" need persis-tence and moderate numbers to wrest control of a less valuable system from a large alliance.

This mechanic would open more possibilities than the status quo, which is incentivized to lead to great powerblocs as has been described many times now. Going on boundless conquest is much harder as this would be disincentivized because you cannot, at the same time, keep up your sover-eignty claim as effectively in the worthwhile systems and in your home region. And thus, smaller coalitions can get their foot in via the backwater systems without having to be part of a bloc that is as large as possible, simply because there will be opportunities to claim sov without being so large.

(continued next post)
Felix Judge
Regnum Ludorum
#1232 - 2014-08-12 16:38:33 UTC
As it is, sov mechanics also need huge blobs. Even the most worthless system needs a valuable TCU, which needs lots of firepower to demolish. The ships that have this firepower attract the large blobs like honey attracts flies – and to top it off, the honey pot will be there at a time which is pre-cisely known well in advance. In effect, the larger group can always hold the field if it so chooses. And a smaller group will be foolish to send in their fleet which will surely be annihilated if the defenders do not want to lose their system. And which alliance would willingly lose a system when it can help it? This is what inevitably leads to the rise of the few large blocs.

If a smaller group can send their fleet and pull on the rope and live, this inevitability is removed.

And the larger groups can still keep the systems they really like, because they are larger. They can pull harder on the other end of the rope wherever they like, if they deem their time and the system worth it.

Additionally, the tug of war mechanic will diminish one of the major drawbacks of the current workings: having to be in a certain system at a very specific point of time with as many pilots as possible. Which leads, as we all know, inevitably to "soul-crushing” TiDi. Not anymore, at least not necessarily: sov-points are gathered and deducted over the course of days and maybe weeks. And if a system is contested and the attacker sends in large numbers and powerful ships, the defender can choose to go into that system - or use the opportunity to send forces into the attacker's systems, tak-ing advantage of his absence there. Or split forces. Or make a feign attack on the attacker's home region, and while he recalls some of the assault forces to defend, turn around and kick the remaining attack fleet from the besieged system. Or ... or ... or...! The same is true for the attacker: instead of going for a single system, he can opt to spread his forces to attack several systems at once, possibly in very different locations, making the defender have to choose and react this way or that. Which in turn affects the way how the attacker continues with his plans. So location of pilots can be much more spread out. And spread out means smoother gameplay.

The whole system of nulsec warfare would become much more reliant on strategic decisions - where to have your forces at any given time - and it would give a lot more choices how and where to at-tack, and how and where to defend, instead of having to pile everything into a single system. It would become much more lively, dynamic, and interesting. And with much less TiDi.

Also, this system scales by itself with the fleet sizes that the EVE community can muster / will be able to muster in years to come: if fleets will be larger in the future (moar titans!), alliances can pro-duce higher sov indices. Relatively speaking, sov holders, sov attackers and obstacles to overcome to conquer a system will always be on the same terms.

Also, the concerns raised about power projection would lose a lot of their gravity: let an alliance project their power to the far reaches of the universe! Having their fleet at the other end of the gal-axy means less sov points and less defense in their home systems. Sending the king’s personal guard abroad now has a higher price than just fuel costs.

In conclusion, here are some details that also came along while thinking about the idea:

1.) Sov holder should always get updates about changes, especially which alliances have deducted points from the indeces, and can set automated notifications when certain absolute and/or relative changes occur. 2.) I am not sure if an attacker should be able to see the status of the sov holder's claim and how much more effort is needed to cancel the current sov. 3.) Station mechanics should stay as they are: difficult to conquer (reinforcement cycles) when belonging to sov holder, easy(ier) when not. 4.) All other sov infrastructure gets transferred to sov holder automatically, and gives bonuses to sov holder's points, but can be destroyed by an attacker to make conquest easier. So an attacker can make a strategic decision to blow that stuff up to take sov quicker, but having to re-place it, or to inherit it after putting more effort into the conquest. 5.) Sov blockade units give bo-nuses to point deduction from holding alliance. 6.) Sov can still be transferred. The transferee gains the sov points from the transferring alliance, and since both are probably blue to each other, the sov count developes the same as if the former alliance still held sov. Renting and joint conquest and subsequent division of spoils are still possible. 7.) Point counter values might spill over to neighbour-ing systems, so that a strong system could influence neighbouring systems' counter positively to-wards the regional hegemon. 8.) Migration from the current system could be done by giving the cur-rent sov holders an insanely high sov index in the systems they hold, so no systems will be lost quickly. But with a 1% decay every downtime, unused systems will become vulnerable relatively quickly. A completely unused system will lose half of its index within 69 days (if I am any good at maths…). Sov holding entities thus will have time to learn to respond to invasions, while at the same time serious attackers could relatively quickly gain undefended systems. Of course, a one- or two-month-stasis period for sov could accompany a change in the sov system, in which indices change, but sov remains until the end of the stasis period, giving all parties time to learn and adapt.

I am certain there are important points I have missed. I am looking forward to reading any sub-comments.
Athryn Bellee
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1233 - 2014-08-12 16:45:34 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Is this the thread about siphon units ?

@Kira Hizu
I really don't understand how that will end stagnation.

The only differance with activty based sov would be that we would lose some pipe systems.
The interesting constellations with -1.0 -0.6 would still not change hands same goes for systems with r64 or systems needed for cynoroutes and jumpbridges.
It would look like this yes it is a really old map.
Ahe time was based on towers and they were only put up if they were needed.

What would happen is that some players would come into 0.0 with the wrong assumption that if a coalition has no SOV in the system they do not have control over it. And then they would be angry because they get killed by a 200people roaming or a 50supercapital fleet which jumped 30ly just to hotdrop them.

Activity based sov is a good idea but it does not solve the issue that EVE is to small.
We can control everythink within 25stargates or 25ly by jumping there within minutes and activity based sov will not change that at all.

Please open the star map in game, go to Statistics under the Stars tab and then click Average Pilots in Space in the Last 30 Minutes. Now zoom out all the way so that you can see the whole cluster. After looking at this for a little bit tell me if you think there need to be more stars still. I know it's not a perfect measurement, but it gives you an idea for how active the regions are.

I know this is a bit off topic, but I wish CCP would release a similar star map for the wormhole regions so that we can see just how empty wormhole space is.

An idea for occupancy based sov that might solve the pipe systems problem (if it is a problem) would be to move sov to constellations instead of individual systems. For example if you have occupancy in 51% (or some other number) of the systems you own the constellation.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1234 - 2014-08-12 17:31:27 UTC
@Athryn Bellee
read this
Jenn aSide wrote:

Most of the people in this thread are getting bogged down in the details (based on personal biases to boot) and are clinging to the fallacy filled thinking that you can engineer certain outcomes via game mechanics.

I'm sorry, you can't.... CCP has learned this time and time again (for example, risk vs rewards, if it worked the way CCP thought they would, few people would be doing high sec incursions and people would be fighting tooth and nail to secure whatever space a null incursion landed in, showing that despite this being a game, people prefer safety and comfort over freedom, chaos, conflict and riches).

Not saying that the SOV system doesn't need a revamp, but the place to start is with the system's assumptions, not with it's mechanics. The SOv system needs some evidence based thinking here.

You are getting bogged down in details.
It does not need 15 players in every system for EVE to be full. It is enough if there is no system that is not controlled by someone.
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1235 - 2014-08-13 00:31:16 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
@Athryn Bellee
read this
Jenn aSide wrote:

Most of the people in this thread are getting bogged down in the details (based on personal biases to boot) and are clinging to the fallacy filled thinking that you can engineer certain outcomes via game mechanics.

I'm sorry, you can't.... CCP has learned this time and time again (for example, risk vs rewards, if it worked the way CCP thought they would, few people would be doing high sec incursions and people would be fighting tooth and nail to secure whatever space a null incursion landed in, showing that despite this being a game, people prefer safety and comfort over freedom, chaos, conflict and riches).

Not saying that the SOV system doesn't need a revamp, but the place to start is with the system's assumptions, not with it's mechanics. The SOv system needs some evidence based thinking here.

You are getting bogged down in details.
It does not need 15 players in every system for EVE to be full. It is enough if there is no system that is not controlled by someone.

You are to enamored of your own idea, that you just don't see that it is bad. Making Eve bigger will not solve anything, it will just make the existing status quo even stronger. It won't break up the coalitions, and instead will further entrench large coalitions, as having more blues will help the PTB keep even more space. Stop being bad, and spreading bad ideas about how to "fix" Eve.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1236 - 2014-08-13 07:15:18 UTC
And you are fixed on the idea of breaking up coalitions with game mechanics.
Reduce every alliance to 10corps and every corp to 10 members. Building a Coalition with 400alliances would be really difficult.

This game wants huge alliance and coalitions and it is in the human nature to make them.
So unless you want to kill the game you can not end the coalitions.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1237 - 2014-08-13 07:31:20 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
And you are fixed on the idea of breaking up coalitions with game mechanics.

Because its the mechanics that are the problem.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#1238 - 2014-08-13 07:37:21 UTC
lol two posts worth of text usually mean that a given proposal is "overly complicated". Big smile

There needs to be two paths to sovereignty - Overwhelming force AND persistent force, not overwhelming force OR persistent force.

Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1239 - 2014-08-13 07:41:06 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Because its the mechanics that are the problem.

Prove that game mechanics are the problem.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1240 - 2014-08-13 07:45:23 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Lu Ziffer wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Because its the mechanics that are the problem.

Prove that game mechanics are the problem.

Max of 10 people can rat per system = empires needing vast areas of space to support their members.

Grinding through hundreds of millions of EHP pushes us to need big capital fleets to both attack and defend.

System sov is taken in a hanfull of fixed fights which means you blob up for just a few hours at a time.

Small fleets do zero damage to larger ones thanks to RR logi.

Subcap fleets can do nothing to boot/wreckingball fleets other than die.

We lose a lot of high skillpoint players because they are trapped in supers/titans.