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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1141 - 2014-08-10 10:57:32 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Just adding more space will result in exactly what we have now, only CFC and N3/PL will hold even more space.

then it were not enough systems. I am not joking around when i say make it 100.000ly and a 1mil systems.
This would be 12000 jumps for a titan to cross and it would take 10days and need insane amounts of fuel.

If you want to bring the big coalitions into trouble you have to think big

Thats not possible with current server technology and you STILL have not fixed the problems with null.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1142 - 2014-08-10 11:06:35 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
and you STILL have not fixed the problems with null.

The problem with null is not a game mechanic problem it is a meta gaming problem.
Yes there are some null mechanics that are not cool or fun but no game mechanic can solve the problem that the bigger amount of players with the better means of working together will be the one who owns the space.

And systems that are not loaded because nobody is there is not a server performance problem.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1143 - 2014-08-10 11:18:30 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
and you STILL have not fixed the problems with null.

The problem with null is not a game mechanic problem it is a meta gaming problem.
Yes there are some null mechanics that are not cool or fun but no game mechanic can solve the problem that the bigger amount of players with the better means of working together will be the one who owns the space.

And systems that are not loaded because nobody is there is not a server performance problem.

Most of null is already empty and it is very much game mechanic issues at the heart of nulls problems.

Empire sprawl is the result of each system only being able to support at most 10 ratters at a time. Sov mechanics dictate that we need huge fleets to fight a handful of battles to grind down billions in EHP. The way carriers work means we can dump massive boot/wreckingball fleets into a cynojammed system and be invincible. Supers and titans are a pain for everyone including the people flying them as they are now trapped in a space coffin. Logistics means that smaller fleet dock up because they simply cannot kill anything.

These are the problems with null not a lack of space.
Sara Tosa
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1144 - 2014-08-10 11:50:07 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
The problem with the use space to get sov idea is that it does not change a thing.
The same coalition will control the system, they just do not have sov it would be like NPC null sec.

logistical attrition.
if you study history you'll see that keeping empire togeter is all about how fast you can move supplies, armies and order from their center to their borders - mainly orders.
if you lower the ability to rapidly move forces and increase the local micromanaging required to keep sov you'll see the "empire" break up in small kingdoms and city states as the local groups need their ships to defend themselves and not on the other side of the galaxy where the main central control would want them.

The reason why the big coalitions hold the space is that they have enough players and ships todo so.
-and- they can use those ships as a single force when needed, without requiring to distribute them over all their borders to cover every possible invasion route, requiring then not only ships and cannon-fodder people but exponentially more capable FC.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1145 - 2014-08-10 12:31:45 UTC
Most of these are player made problems.

@Sara Torsa
That is exactly what would happen if more space is added people whould be spread thin.

If you study military history you will see that splitting forces is the last thing you want.
You will keep a delay army on one battlearea and then use your main forces to win the other battlearea.

Just because there is no one willing to find or able to make a countersetup work does not mean the game is broken.

Sara Tosa
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1146 - 2014-08-10 13:37:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Sara Tosa
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Most of these are player made problems.

@Sara Torsa
That is exactly what would happen if more space is added people whould be spread thin.

with today ability to keep sov without any effort an move troops around not even a galaxy ten time what its now would suffice.
and then with people spreaded too thin the game would be a lot less fun to play.

If you study military history you will see that splitting forces is the last thing you want.
You will keep a delay army on one battlearea and then use your main forces to win the other battlearea.

only if your main army can travel fast enough to intercept any invading army from your center.
if you cant, you'll need a standing army in every province big enough to be a deterrent to any potential invader.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1147 - 2014-08-10 14:40:27 UTC
Sara Tosa wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Most of these are player made problems.

@Sara Torsa
That is exactly what would happen if more space is added people whould be spread thin.

with today ability to keep sov without any effort an move troops around not even a galaxy ten time what its now would suffice.
and then with people spreaded too thin the game would be a lot less fun to play.

If you study military history you will see that splitting forces is the last thing you want.
You will keep a delay army on one battlearea and then use your main forces to win the other battlearea.

only if your main army can travel fast enough to intercept any invading army from your center.
if you cant, you'll need a standing army in every province big enough to be a deterrent to any potential invader.

As far as I can tell from these discussions (those who are in nullsec please feel free to set me straight/clarify) it is the instant power projection that is the problem (if you believe there is one). Standing armies are irrelevant for controlling an area if you can just drop a fleet of titans/supercaps/etc on any given area in a very shprt time. A mechanism that would require the defender of any given space to maintain a presence would make for more dynamic space and give better chances to smaller entities to carve out a chunk of space for themselves.

Maybe a change to the jump mechanism whereby it has a limit on distance as a function of mass. You want to bridge a massive fleet? Then you can only jump it 1 ly. You want to bridge a fleet 5 ly? Then the mass you can jump comes right down (a frigate fleet for instance). People would now have to balance fleet size/composition against range. Large fleets could still be bridged but it would place more assets at risk and at higher cost. Dropping larger fleets of smaller ships would become a more valid proposition. You want to take a huge fleet in to an area you'd better start taking and holding nerby staging areas.

At the very least it might bring a bit more thought to fleet composition and attacks, splitting them over multple systems with a bit of luck.
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1148 - 2014-08-10 15:27:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Falin Whalen
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
As far as I can tell from these discussions (those who are in nullsec please feel free to set me straight/clarify) it is the instant power projection that is the problem (if you believe there is one). Standing armies are irrelevant for controlling an area if you can just drop a fleet of titans/supercaps/etc on any given area in a very shprt time. A mechanism that would require the defender of any given space to maintain a presence would make for more dynamic space and give better chances to smaller entities to carve out a chunk of space for themselves.

Maybe a change to the jump mechanism whereby it has a limit on distance as a function of mass. You want to bridge a massive fleet? Then you can only jump it 1 ly. You want to bridge a fleet 5 ly? Then the mass you can jump comes right down (a frigate fleet for instance). People would now have to balance fleet size/composition against range. Large fleets could still be bridged but it would place more assets at risk and at higher cost. Dropping larger fleets of smaller ships would become a more valid proposition. You want to take a huge fleet in to an area you'd better start taking and holding nerby staging areas.

At the very least it might bring a bit more thought to fleet composition and attacks, splitting them over multple systems with a bit of luck.

You are only scratching the surface of the problem with Null.

One of the problems is the amount of EHP you have to grind through in order to be able to plant your flag. This necessitates a large capital fleet, at least, in order to knock down the EHP quickly enough to not be a ungodly, boring, slog. Since a large capital fleet is vulnerable to massed supers, you have to at least have supremacy of those supercaps in order to field your caps, which leads to coalitions being formed to achieve supercap supremacy. You could, at least in the past, field lots of subcaps to deal with capital ships, but this ceaced to be viable as Boot/Wreckingbal doctrines totaly negated subcap DPS as adding a few EWAR immune supercarriers ment you could never damp or jam out the remote reps to capitals, wich necessitaes having a larger supercap blob to basically doomsday the carriers off the field, wich leads to bigger coalitions to get supercap dominance and what we are left with now, a bipolar Eve.

That is the TL;DR version of the problems with null, and even this doesn't cover a fraction of the problems.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1149 - 2014-08-10 15:52:50 UTC
Power projection is not realy the issue.

EVE is full and I will try to explain.
We started with an empty null , then we learned to live in it and to controll it.
In the beginning we had multiple alliances who took space. Over time they collided and coalitions were formed(Something that was never intended by a game mechanic).
At the end 2 Powerblocks and a few minor blocks where left.
Now self preservation kicks in, none of the minor blocks can turn the edge and both sides do not want to lose what they gained.
We reached the point were there is nothing left to conquer and the space there is has been distributed.

EVE is full

EHP, jumprange, tactics, everything around ships and how they are not balanced is all jumping around the issue of EVE is full.

Yes there should be more distance between the systems or less jumprange (which is basicly the same).
Yes EHP is a problem if you want to attack SOV with a small group but the 1000players stoping you in search of good fights will be a bigger issue.
Yes ewar immue ships are like a hardcap which should never exist but they still die.

EVE is about promise, opportunity and the option to build your empire and all this in a multiplayer enviroment which encourages community.
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1150 - 2014-08-10 16:26:44 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
EVE is full.

Bullcrap! The good space in Null may be full I'll grant you that, but when an alliance has sov in a system where the only good thing to do in that system is plop down a moon harvesting array on the only money making moon in that system, since it is not worth upgrading because the truesec is shite, so it won't spawn the right kind of anomally, or enough of them, and even miners avoid the system because it won't spawn the right kind of ISK/Hour minerals, or enough belts to even start to upgrade it. That is ONE of the problems with null. Not that it is "full" which is patently false.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1151 - 2014-08-10 17:00:19 UTC
Falin Whalen wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:
EVE is full.

Bullcrap! The good space in Null may be full I'll grant you that, but when an alliance has sov in a system where the only good thing to do in that system is plop down a moon harvesting array on the only money making moon in that system, since it is not worth upgrading because the truesec is shite, so it won't spawn the right kind of anomally, or enough of them, and even miners avoid the system because it won't spawn the right kind of ISK/Hour minerals, or enough belts to even start to upgrade it. That is ONE of the problems with null. Not that it is "full" which is patently false.

So you say the good space is full and the other space is not worth it.
There will be always bad and good space you can not change that and most of the time this is the buffer between the coalitions.
So you realy say EVE is full Big smile

What you might want is more PVP and hope to accomplish that by adding more people into null.
The problem is most people do not want to PVP all the time so adding more people to null will not help.
It also will not increase the fighting over limited ressources because we already done that .

Yes null is not as full as it could be in terms of player numbers but it is definitely in terms of systems and ressources.
You proved my point, thank you for that.
Sara Tosa
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1152 - 2014-08-10 17:08:06 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Power projection is not realy the issue.

EVE is full and I will try to explain.

open your map and look at stats - null is 80% empty, nobody rats, nobody fights, nobody do anything there - so how can eve be full?
without instant teleport abilities your 1000 man fleet would be on the other side of the map if you plan well.
and if you chek map history null has become _EMPTIER_ as the blue donut consolidated, not fuller.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1153 - 2014-08-10 17:17:30 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:

Just because there is no one willing to find or able to make a countersetup work does not mean the game is broken.

Its not about willingness its a hard fact. It is impossible for a new power to break us. It is also impossible for either of the two powerblocks to beat the other. In order to break a boot fleet you need more subcaps than the server can handle and even if the servers could handle it neither of us have the manpower to do it. And we still have all of those other issues to deal with.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1154 - 2014-08-10 17:23:37 UTC
Sara Tosa wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:
Power projection is not realy the issue.

EVE is full and I will try to explain.

open your map and look at stats - null is 80% empty, nobody rats, nobody fights, nobody do anything there - so how can eve be full?
without instant teleport abilities your 1000 man fleet would be on the other side of the map if you plan well.
and if you chek map history null has become _EMPTIER_ as the blue donut consolidated, not fuller.

Take away that teleport ability and we will simply slog 2000 guys via the gates. Power projection isn't an issue to be fixed by nerfing jumpbridges and jumpdrives. Infact, it will make holding space even easier.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1155 - 2014-08-10 18:00:42 UTC
@ baltec
So we agree on that there are 2 superpowers left and that they will not kill each other.

The question is if this is a failure in game mechanic or is it natural?
I say it is natural.
To make my point let us take a view on the history of humanity.
In the middle of the 19 century we reached the point where we had all continents fully colonized. At the end of this colonization we had 6 nations USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia and Japan who wanted more.
For the next 50 years they fought some smaller wars and in the end it escalated in the 2 biggest and cruelest wars the world has ever seen. After that 2 coalitions were left one around the USSR the other around USA with a few states left in a block of states with no alignment.
At the end none could fight the other, but the critical threshold was the moment when there was enough personal, ressources and technolgy to colonize the world. The rest was just a change in distribution of the territory they had control over.

The same applies for EVE we had a colonization time, then we had smaller wars and it escalated to a number of bigger wars and in the end 2 coalitions are left.

I could tell the same story with companys but this is simpler to understand.

So I say this is the natural it is not the fault of CCP or the game mechanics they created.
We just hit the threshold and then we had 5 years of amazing battles.

@Sara Tosa
What baltec said is right we would lock down all gates to empire like we did when we had the cynojammer screen in 2006-2009.

So you can change the game mechanics which is the technology in this universe but it will not bring you below the escalation threshold. It will probaly make the universe less believable which would be sad.

EVE is full
Athryn Bellee
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1156 - 2014-08-10 18:10:42 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
@ baltec
So we agree on that there are 2 superpowers left and that they will not kill each other.

The question is if this is a failure in game mechanic or is it natural?
I say it is natural.
To make my point let us take a view on the history of humanity.
In the middle of the 19 century we reached the point where we had all continents fully colonized. At the end of this colonization we had 6 nations USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia and Japan who wanted more.
For the next 50 years they fought some smaller wars and in the end it escalated in the 2 biggest and cruelest wars the world has ever seen. After that 2 coalitions were left one around the USSR the other around USA with a few states left in a block of states with no alignment.
At the end none could fight the other, but the critical threshold was the moment when there was enough personal, ressources and technolgy to colonize the world. The rest was just a change in distribution of the territory they had control over.

The same applies for EVE we had a colonization time, then we had smaller wars and it escalated to a number of bigger wars and in the end 2 coalitions are left.

I could tell the same story with companys but this is simpler to understand.

So I say this is the natural it is not the fault of CCP or the game mechanics they created.
We just hit the threshold and then we had 5 years of amazing battles.

@Sara Tosa
What baltec said is right we would lock down all gates to empire like we did when we had the cynojammer screen in 2006-2009.

So you can change the game mechanics which is the technology in this universe but it will not bring you below the escalation threshold. It will probaly make the universe less believable which would be sad.

EVE is full

The difference is that the leading groups in Eve are risk averse and see that they can make more money renting systems to people unwilling or unable to defend systems themselves. This is a game where players are supposed to shoot other players and blow up their ships. Renting whole regions is counter to this idea. Nullsec anomalies should be updated so that they do not reward staying in the same system farming anomalies. Slower anomaly respawn, more escalations, or even Agent missions in sov space are a way to help with this. Making it harder for any entity to project their force across any number of star regions would help with making renting less of a viable option. Less renting, pilot interaction.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1157 - 2014-08-10 18:27:47 UTC
@Athryn Bellee
Who said that EVE is only about PVP?
EVE is a multiplayer enviroment with lot's of opportunity.
It can be about shooting stuff it can also be about creation and building.
Most people assume EVE is about PVP because this is what brings the most interaction and because it was the biggest thing in the last 5 years.
If EVE is only about shooting why is there production, mining, trading or claiming space.
You do not need that to shoot each other.
You are right the npcs in EVE are pretty themepark style and there are a lot of good ideas how to make EVE more fun.
But all of them can not solve the issue of 2 coalitions keeping them self alive both relying on mediums outside of this game to organize there power.

The leading groups are the same in both examples they are risk averse to keep them self alive and this is natural.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1158 - 2014-08-10 18:53:56 UTC
Lu Ziffer wrote:
@ baltec
So we agree on that there are 2 superpowers left and that they will not kill each other.

The question is if this is a failure in game mechanic or is it natural?
I say it is natural.
To make my point let us take a view on the history of humanity.
In the middle of the 19 century we reached the point where we had all continents fully colonized. At the end of this colonization we had 6 nations USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia and Japan who wanted more.
For the next 50 years they fought some smaller wars and in the end it escalated in the 2 biggest and cruelest wars the world has ever seen. After that 2 coalitions were left one around the USSR the other around USA with a few states left in a block of states with no alignment.
At the end none could fight the other, but the critical threshold was the moment when there was enough personal, ressources and technolgy to colonize the world. The rest was just a change in distribution of the territory they had control over.

The same applies for EVE we had a colonization time, then we had smaller wars and it escalated to a number of bigger wars and in the end 2 coalitions are left.

I could tell the same story with companys but this is simpler to understand.

So I say this is the natural it is not the fault of CCP or the game mechanics they created.
We just hit the threshold and then we had 5 years of amazing battles.

@Sara Tosa
What baltec said is right we would lock down all gates to empire like we did when we had the cynojammer screen in 2006-2009.

So you can change the game mechanics which is the technology in this universe but it will not bring you below the escalation threshold. It will probaly make the universe less believable which would be sad.

EVE is full

No we dont agree. I am saying we CANT kill eachother, the mechanics make it impossible to break the stalemate and also make it impossible for anyone new to take us on.
Athryn Bellee
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1159 - 2014-08-10 18:55:30 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Lu Ziffer wrote:
@ baltec
So we agree on that there are 2 superpowers left and that they will not kill each other.

The question is if this is a failure in game mechanic or is it natural?
I say it is natural.
To make my point let us take a view on the history of humanity.
In the middle of the 19 century we reached the point where we had all continents fully colonized. At the end of this colonization we had 6 nations USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia and Japan who wanted more.
For the next 50 years they fought some smaller wars and in the end it escalated in the 2 biggest and cruelest wars the world has ever seen. After that 2 coalitions were left one around the USSR the other around USA with a few states left in a block of states with no alignment.
At the end none could fight the other, but the critical threshold was the moment when there was enough personal, ressources and technolgy to colonize the world. The rest was just a change in distribution of the territory they had control over.

The same applies for EVE we had a colonization time, then we had smaller wars and it escalated to a number of bigger wars and in the end 2 coalitions are left.

I could tell the same story with companys but this is simpler to understand.

So I say this is the natural it is not the fault of CCP or the game mechanics they created.
We just hit the threshold and then we had 5 years of amazing battles.

@Sara Tosa
What baltec said is right we would lock down all gates to empire like we did when we had the cynojammer screen in 2006-2009.

So you can change the game mechanics which is the technology in this universe but it will not bring you below the escalation threshold. It will probaly make the universe less believable which would be sad.

EVE is full

No we dont agree. I am saying we CANT kill eachother, the mechanics make it impossible to break the stalemate and also make it impossible for anyone new to take us on.

Stop accepting rent income and let the renters fend for themselves. Slightly in jest, but an idea none the less.
Lu Ziffer
Balanced Unity
Goonswarm Federation
#1160 - 2014-08-10 19:03:06 UTC
Yes we can end it we just have disband the coalitions but we are not doing that.