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How High Sec Should Be, An Opinion Forum

Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#21 - 2014-08-09 05:38:33 UTC
Alaekessa wrote:
I also think it would be worth looking at having CONCORD assign bounties to people who behave like criminals when in high-sec, players who engage them (in any sec) would get LP payouts similar to how FW players get LP payouts for killing enemy Militia.

Mass LP farming anyone?

OP: Make CONCORD have a response time of 0.0 seconds in noob systems to keep day old players from dying, bout all I can think of ATM.

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#22 - 2014-08-09 05:45:48 UTC
Netan MalDoran wrote:
Alaekessa wrote:
I also think it would be worth looking at having CONCORD assign bounties to people who behave like criminals when in high-sec, players who engage them (in any sec) would get LP payouts similar to how FW players get LP payouts for killing enemy Militia.

Mass LP farming anyone?

OP: Make CONCORD have a response time of 0.0 seconds in noob systems to keep day old players from dying, bout all I can think of ATM.

Alpha strikes would make sure noobs die.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Renegade Heart
#23 - 2014-08-09 08:33:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Renegade Heart
Remove the ability for an NPC corp player to run a level 3 or 4 mission. Remove concord from level 3 and 4 missions.

High sec is fixed!


I forgot about incursions, so make them concord-free zones too :)
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#24 - 2014-08-09 09:21:25 UTC
Put a max SP cap on pilots being eligible for membership in npc corps. After that is exceeded they either get a big boy job or become 'unemployed' and fair game for anyone. Beyond that... more strippers and booze.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Valkin Mordirc
#25 - 2014-08-09 09:39:44 UTC
Incursions should be removed from highsec, I can completely agree with that. The risk/reward is tilted too much on the reward factor.

Missioning I think lvl 4 missions are fine, I'm biased though this part as lvl 4 locates tend to be very important in my highsec life. I could live with the Lvl 4 mission somehow being nerfed as the isk part of isn't important to me, but I would personally very much like it if they stay in highsec. The idea is lower the Isk reward and raise the LP reward seems like a decent idea, that would create an influx of faction mods in the markets.

As for the trade hubs, Dod, Jita, Amarr and Rens, tend to a few jumps away from low as is and Low is right next door to Hek. They create a flow of export just fine and I don't think anymore trade hubs need to be made, I wouldn't even know how EVE would go about 'making' a trade hub anyways. EVE has been around for awhile and convincing someone to go to a different place to buy, would be rather difficult.

NPC corps need more restrictions, high tax rates, denial to higher lvl mission, so on and so forth is a great idea. You can be really mean and have the denial of CONCORD assistance to all NPC players, having a buffed Faction Police now being the responder rather than CONCORD. That would force basically every hauler into a corp. Twisted

Renegade Heart
#26 - 2014-08-09 10:04:44 UTC
Maybe also you could add concord-free special "corporation level missions" so player corps get better rewards, like double bounties and double loot, to help balance the increased risk, and replace incursions as the high end form of high sec pve.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#27 - 2014-08-09 10:50:14 UTC
Here's an idea: If you're in a Gallente NPC corp, you can only run Gallente missions and Minmatar missions up to level 2 or 3 - y'know, the Empires being at WAR and everything.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc.
#28 - 2014-08-09 11:43:07 UTC
Netan MalDoran wrote:
Alaekessa wrote:
I also think it would be worth looking at having CONCORD assign bounties to people who behave like criminals when in high-sec, players who engage them (in any sec) would get LP payouts similar to how FW players get LP payouts for killing enemy Militia.

Mass LP farming anyone?

OP: Make CONCORD have a response time of 0.0 seconds in noob systems to keep day old players from dying, bout all I can think of ATM.

As if that doesn't already happen in FW? I mean, yeah, it probably would get gamed but can you really expect anything else from this community which games everything they can and is ridiculously dedicated to finding the loopholes in even proposed rules? I would imagine that people with CONCORD bounties couldn't collect on the CONCORD bounties either.

Maybe make NPC Corp members valid targets for FW players, since they are members of their Faction directly? They're not "soldiers" so the rewards should be a fraction of what they are for engaging enemy Militia members and they wouldn't be eligible for the LP payouts (or maybe again, a fraction of the normal payout). I would imagine they would have the same travel restrictions as Militia members too.
Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2014-08-09 21:27:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Jur Tissant
High-sec isn't a training ground or a nursery for soon-to-be null players. You can play an active role in the game while remaining entirely in high-sec. Some of the richest players in the game make their money through industry and playing the economy.

I think it's reasonable to reduce the absurd profitability of Incursions, but they are the only real form of group PVE in high-sec so they should remain an option. In low-sec, Incursions should be geared to ensure that gankers will have a hard time just warping on site and blowing up battleships (if it isn't already so - I have no experience there).

There are only a few low-sec areas where a local trade hub would be worth the hassle vs. flying to the nearest high-sec hub. If more players start spending their time in low-sec then hubs should emerge naturally.

Netan MalDoran wrote:

OP: Make CONCORD have a response time of 0.0 seconds in noob systems to keep day old players from dying, bout all I can think of ATM.

I would just as well advocate for removing PVP entirely from starter systems, except for duels and flagged players.
StopBullying Hydrogen Isotopes
#30 - 2014-08-09 23:23:58 UTC  |  Edited by: StopBullying Hydrogen Isotopes
Changed I'd make:

- Once you are wardecced, you are stuck in a limited engagement with the enemy for 1 week even if you drop corp.
- NPC corp tax increases to ~35%
- NPC corp places limiters on mining barges while in empire space; ~20% decrease in cycle time
- Incursion profits cut by ~50%
- Criminals may be attacked on spot but are not harassed by NPCs
- Remove belts and non-starter agents from all starter systems and make it impossible to go GCC.

This would be in conjuction with some lowsec changes:
- Mission rewards - payout, LP, and loot - are all increased by ~50%
- Incursions are dumbed down to allow effective use of T2 fitted T1 battleships
- Best ore and ice distribution in the game, since lowsec mining is the most dangerous.
Jimmy O'Shanty
The Westies
#31 - 2014-08-10 03:32:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jimmy O'Shanty
Separate each of the four empire factions by a considerable stretch of low sec systems. And spread out entry points into low or routes between them to alleviate choke points.

High sec should be more isolated than low sec.
Grim Hood
Kingsparrow Wormhole Division
Birds of Prey.
#32 - 2014-08-11 11:20:36 UTC
Highsec should remain the same. I think the starting system for new players should be 100% safe, and when they leave the system a message should pop up saying "WARNING: You are not 100% safe in high security space. blahblahblah"
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2014-08-11 19:37:00 UTC
Personally I don't think high sec needs to change much. Corporations and their mechanics desperately need to be reworked. Preferably in a manner similar to Industry ( from the ground up and completely overhauled ). High sec is so active right now because Null is so inactive. I mean really, what's happening in null? Nothing. Nothing major anyways. Sovereignty and the surrounding null sec mechanics are in an even worse spot that corporation mechanics. The best way to get people out of high sec would be to make the other areas of space more exciting and enticing. Wormholes are cool, and with the pending changes, I would expect they'll see a new surge of activity. Low sec is starting to look more and more attractive to industrialists due to all the advantages that exist there now, with no change to the risks.

If Null sec gets a major boost that produces a surge in activity, then people will flock out of high sec to participate (myself included). In the meantime I got bored with Null and came to highsec to seek entertainment (and found it).

tl;dr : Don't fix HS, it's not broken, fix everywhere else.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-08-11 20:03:40 UTC
I think incursions should be removed from hisec. Although if they were, I doubt we would see anyone running them apart from PL or the like.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Milan Nantucket
#35 - 2014-08-11 23:13:34 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
I think incursions should be removed from hisec. Although if they were, I doubt we would see anyone running them apart from PL or the like.

Incursions should be left alone. How else do I provide ships for my PvPing if I aint making isk. I dont like any of the ideas... maybe leave it alone for a change and stop begging for nerfs.

Think about what your asking with making noob systems pvp free zones. Guess who will be the majority in the system. Wont be the new people rather those that asked for a pvp free area, a safe place to avoid war decs and CODE or whoever is hunting them.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#36 - 2014-08-12 00:04:52 UTC
Milan Nantucket wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
I think incursions should be removed from hisec. Although if they were, I doubt we would see anyone running them apart from PL or the like.

Incursions should be left alone. How else do I provide ships for my PvPing if I aint making isk. I dont like any of the ideas... maybe leave it alone for a change and stop begging for nerfs.

Think about what your asking with making noob systems pvp free zones. Guess who will be the majority in the system. Wont be the new people rather those that asked for a pvp free area, a safe place to avoid war decs and CODE or whoever is hunting them.

I never said PvP free areas!

But incursions are way too risk free. IMHO.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#37 - 2014-08-12 00:15:52 UTC
I think the npc corps should perpetually be at war with eachother
Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#38 - 2014-08-12 07:28:10 UTC
I think empire should remain as is, and the new ajustment with ore and ice have already move more people to low sec.

A trade hub in low sec would already be there if there were a need for it. Rember Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Hek, Rens are not made by CCP, but grown by the people. I can see several areas in low sec, which could be turned into tradehubs by the players, if the willingness are there, the people in those areas are deffenently there, ex. Dal / Sisiede, Old Man Star ect. I belive the only reson for this not really happening, is the ammount of gatecamps preventing more unskilled people to move stuff to this market.

Incursions in empire should stay as is, if you do an incursion in low sec you can still make alot more isk than in empire. Empire is not only a learning area, but also an relaxing area, where if you one night just wana relax your brain and not be to concerned about whats going on, can do a little of everything, and still enjoy the game.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#39 - 2014-08-12 19:56:16 UTC
Ynot Eyob wrote:
I think empire should remain as is, and the new ajustment with ore and ice have already move more people to low sec.

A trade hub in low sec would already be there if there were a need for it. Rember Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Hek, Rens are not made by CCP, but grown by the people. I can see several areas in low sec, which could be turned into tradehubs by the players, if the willingness are there, the people in those areas are deffenently there, ex. Dal / Sisiede, Old Man Star ect. I belive the only reson for this not really happening, is the ammount of gatecamps preventing more unskilled people to move stuff to this market.

Incursions in empire should stay as is, if you do an incursion in low sec you can still make alot more isk than in empire. Empire is not only a learning area, but also an relaxing area, where if you one night just wana relax your brain and not be to concerned about whats going on, can do a little of everything, and still enjoy the game.

Any trade hubs in lowsec would require the system owning entity to allow trade ships to pass. Nobody is running past a gate camp in anything other than a blockade runner, and even those are eaten regularly in systems like Old Man Star.

As for highsec, I am going to have to disagree. Nowhere in EVE is "safe" or relaxing. If you are truly relaxing while in hisec, your doing it wrong, and eventually youll get bitten doing it. Empire also shouldnt be considered a learning area.... no more than the rest. Its merely a different set of game mechanics, and youll learn FAR more about the game in other security zones.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2014-08-12 23:33:39 UTC
I like many of the posts I've seen So far. I would personally would like to See a mechanic that I can best describe as a variable security in random systems much like how incursions happen. Just because balle is .5 today does not mean it should be .5 forever. Make the security status dependant on the activity within the system. If a lot of ratting/traffic/trading/mining with little ganking or other shady activities, the higher the security level and the lower the value of the system overtime. On the otherhand, the systems that are on the the other end of the spectrum lose security and become more valuble. This would add a whole new level of meta, not to mention churn the pool and would work as a deterrent for the bot aspirant players. That's basically my idea in its simplist

Drops Mic